The Cartobibliography Application


Using the Cartobibliography List


When the Cartobibliography List is initially displayed (by choosing it from the Table of Contents), a window like the following is displayed:



This is the List view.  Each row in the list corresponds to a record in the cartobibliography database.  One row is always shown as the currently selected row. Use your mouse to click any row to make it the selected row. (Or use the Up and Down arrow buttons on your keyboard, or the “Previous” and “Next” buttons shown at the upper right part of the window.)


To look at the full details for any record, switch to the Item Details view. You can do this by clicking on the “Item Details” tab or by double-clicking on any desired row.



Note that there are some hyperlinks (blue and underlined) in the Item Details text.  Clicking on any of these links will bring up additional information in one of a variety of ways:

Note: The additional-information window includes a close button.  The small window will also be closed automatically when you switch to a different record.

The thumbnail images are also hyperlinks of a sort, since clicking on a thumbnail will bring up a separate image viewer window, with a larger, resizable presentation of the map image.


Following is a description of the various functions that can be performed from the Cartobibliography List window, all of which are available from the menus.  Some of these functions are only available with the List view, some only with the Item Details view, and others are available in both views.


File menu

Print – [shortcut: <CTRL>-P] From the Item Details view, the single entry is printed. The order of the fields is identical to the on-screen order. This order can be changed via the Detail Field Order choice of the Options menu.  If the Item Details contains one or more thumbnail images, these will also be printed as images. See the “Thumbnail images” tab of the Preferences dialog (accessible via the Preferences choice on the Options menu), for a choice regarding the method used to produce printed thumbnail images; this is described more fully in the description of the Preferences Dialog.

From the List view the entire list is printed in tabular format. (If the List does not include all of your collection’s fields, only the fields selected for display will be printed. Adjust the set of fields displayed in the List by the Field Selection choice of the Options menu.)  As on-screen, parts of longer texts will often not be visible in the tabular view

Close – [shortcut: <CTRL>-X] Use this choice to close the Cartobibliography List window.  The same operation can be performed by clicking on the ‘X’ close box at the upper-right corner of the window.  Note: Closing the Cartobibliography List window does not terminate the Cartobibliography Application.  The Table of Contents window will still be available.

Exit –This choice will exit the Cartobibliography Application.  All open windows of the application will be closed.


Edit menu

Select All (Item Details view only) – Selects the entire text of the window (typically in preparation for doing a Copy operation).

Copy (Item Details view only) – Copies the selected text to the clipboard (typically for subsequent pasting into some other application).


Search menu

Find – [shortcut: <CTRL>-F] You will be prompted for a text string and a field to search in (with options to search in all fields, or in all fields displayed in the List). You can also specify a case-indpendent or case-dependent search. In List mode, starting from the record after the currently selected record, the program will search for the specified string. The search will wrap back to the top if the last row is reached. You will be told if no match is found.  In Item Details mode the search dialog does not request a field to search in.  Rather, searching is done in all the text in the current record. The search wraps around to the top of the record if the end of the item details text is reached.

Find Again – [shortcut: <CTRL>-A] Repeats the previous search, in List mode continuing on from the next record, and in Item Details mode continuing on from the current cursor position. In List mode, if the end of the list is reached, the search will wrap around automatically, and continue searching from the first record in the list. In Item Details mode, if the end of the text is reached, the search will wrap around to the top of the item details display.  The program remembers the previous search string when you switch between List and Item Details mode. So you can search in List mode to find a record that contains the search term, and then you can switch to Item Details mode (where the first instance of the search term will be automatically selected), and use Find Again to continue searching for the next instance of the search term in the same record.

Go to ID # – This choice will prompt you for an ID # value, and will switch the currently selected record to be the record with the ID # you specified.

Back to Previous Record (Item Details view only) – [shortcut: <CTRL>-B] Use this choice to go back to the previous record, after you have jumped to a new record by clicking on an “ID #” link.  This operates similarly to the “Back” button on a Web browser, returning you to the previous page after you have clicked on a link to jump to a new page.  This choice will be disabled if you have not previously done a jump via an “ID #” link.


Filter menu

Define a Filter   Use this menu choice to limit the Cartobibliography List to just the subset of records that meet a specified condition. For a full description, see Filtering the Cartobibliography List.

Show Full List (no filtering) – Use this menu choice to return the Cartobibliography List to the full set of records in the database. This choice turns off any filtering that had been in effect. For a full description, see Filtering the Cartobibliography List.

Display Filter Definition – This choice will bring up a window in which the record-selection criteria for the active filter are displayed.


Options menu

Sort Order (List view only) – Use this menu choice to modify the sorting order of records in the List. See the description of Sorting the Cartobibliography List.

Field Selection (List view only) – Use this menu choice to modify the set of fields that are displayed in the List view, as well as to modify the order in which the fields are displayed. See the description of Selecting Fields for the List View.

Detail Field Order – Use this choice to change the order in which fields are displayed in the Item Details view. A dialog box will be shown with a list of all the fields, in their current order. Select field names in the list and use the buttons at the right to move the selected fields up or down.

View Cartobibliography List / View Item Details – These choices are the equivalent of clicking on the “List” and “Item Details” tabs, respectively. They also provide shortcuts (<CTRL>-L and <CTRL>-D, respectively) for switching between the two views via the keyboard.

Limit Item Details to Only Fields Shown in List – This is a toggle.  When it is turned on (check-mark visible next to it in the menu), the Item Details display will include only those fields that are currently being displayed in the List view.  In addition, the order of the fields in the Item Details display will match the order of the fields displayed in the List view.

Preferences – Use this choice to set various preferences. See the full description of Setting User Preferences.

Small Font / Medium Font / Large Font – These choices let you change the size of text used. Select whichever size you find most comfortable for viewing data in the collection viewer window.  The font size choice you make here also affects the font sized used in subsequent Text Viewer windows that you bring up from the Table of Contents.


Windows menu

Table of Contents – Use this menu choice to bring to the Table of Contents window to the front.

Text Window – Use this menu choice to bring the Text Viewer window to the front.  If the Text Viewer window is not currently open, this choice will be disabled.

Image Windows – If any image windows are open, you can select one of them from this sub-menu, and the chosen window will be brought to the front.  If no image windows are currently open, this menu choice will be disabled.

Close All Image Windows – Use this menu choice to close all open image windows.  This is a quicker way to clean up all open image windows than switching to each one, one at a time, to close it. If no image windows are currently open, this menu choice will be disabled.


Help menu

User’s Guide – This menu choice brings up the Help Main Page.


Interacting with the List View

The List view of the Cartobibliography List has several additional interaction capabilities:

Note: The size of the thumbnail images displayed in the thumbnail banner is the same as the size of thumbnails displayed on the Item Details view.  This size can be modified using the Preferences Dialog.

Interacting with the Item Details View

In addition to hyperlinks, the Item Details view allows a variety of functions to be invoked through options menus, which are brought up by right-clicking with your mouse.  In most cases the following options menu will be displayed:



This menu gives you access to the same functions that are accessed via the buttons at the upper right corner of the window as well as to some of the functions that can be accessed from the main menu. The “Copy full record to clipboard” choice is equivalent to choosing “Select All” followed by “Copy” from the Edit menu.


If you right-click on either an image link or a jump-to link, the popup menu will have some additional items. If you right-click on an image link (either a thumbnail image or a textual image link), the popup menu will be:




The “Display image in new window” choice is equivalent to simply clicking on the image link (with the left-button of the mouse), as described earlier note in this section. The “Display image in web browser” choice will open a web browser window and display the image there. The “Print Image” choice will send the image to your printer.


If you right-click on a jump-to link, the popup menu will look like this:



The first choice on the popup menu will perform the same action as simply clicking, with the left-mouse button, on the jump-to link: The Item Details display will jump to the indicated record.


If you right-click on a link that is tied to a World Wide Web URL (that can be displayed in a web browser), the popup menu will look like this:



The first choice on the popup menu will perform the same action as simply clicking, with the left-mouse button, on the hyperlink: Your web browser will be opened and the linked-to web page will be displayed.


If you right-click on a link that is tied to the display of some extended information, the popup menu will look like this:



The first choice on the popup menu will perform the same action as simply clicking, with the left-mouse button, on the hyperlink: Additional information will be displayed in an area at the bottom of the Item Details view.

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