The Cartobibliography Application

Main Help Page


This cartobibliography application has four main parts, each presented in its own window:



Use of the table of contents window, the text window, and the image windows is pretty much self-explanatory. Use of the Cartobibliography List, too, is mostly fairly obvious.  However this window has a number of features and capabilities that may not be obvious, so, other than the immediately following section, the rest of this user’s guide is a description of the use and features of the Cartobibliography List.


Though the use of the text window is pretty obvious, there are a few capabilities, mostly available from the menus, that should be mentioned:



The Cartobibliography List is the heart of the application.  Read Using the Cartobibliography List to learn about the general features and usage of this window.  For certain of the available features there are added help pages:


                  Sorting the Cartobibliography List

                  Filtering the Cartobibliography List

                  Selecting Fields for the List View

                  Setting User Preferences


For technical support regarding this cartobibliographic software, contact:


MapRecord Publications

60 Shepard St.

Cambridge, MA 02138


Tel: 1-617-661-3718

Fax: 1-617-868-1229
