Summer 2011 |
Volume #24, No.
2 |
Page| |
Sections/Selected Titles |
1 |
Cover |
1 |
Heavy Rains a Clear Argument for Drainage |
1 |
Table of Contents |
4 |
President's Desk |
4 |
Member Feedback: Grass Clippings |
5 |
Summer is Here: Take the Dangers of Heat Stress Seriously... |
5 |
New & Returning Members |
5 |
Odds & Ends |
7 |
Event Calendar |
9 |
Sports Turf Field Days: We're Out East This July & Back in Ontario as Always in September |
10 |
Improving Soil Health with Compost |
11 |
Turfgrass Water Conservation: Searching for Drought Tolerant Cultivers [Cultivars] |
12 |
Beating the Ban (and Turfgrass Pests) with Research into Environmentally-Friendly Products |
17 |
Biology of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (EPN) |
23 |
Supervising in 2011 Means More than Wearing a Hat and a Pay Raise |
26 |
Industry News |
26 |
-Rubber from Dandelion? |
27 |
-Selectus Seed Brand Officially Launched in Spring by Plant Products |
27 |
-Now Available from G. C. Duke! |
27 |
-Turf Care Appointed Salsco Distributor |
Autumn 2011 |
Volume #24, No.
3 |
Page| |
Sections/Selected Titles |
1 |
Cover |
1 |
Fertilizer Technology: Understanding Slow Release Nitrogen |
1 |
Table of Contents |
4 |
President's Desk |
5 |
Congratulations Guy Mackie, 2011 Scholarship Winner! |
5 |
Speaking of Atlantic Canada |
5 |
New and Returning Members |
5 |
Odds & Ends... |
7 |
Event Calendar |
9 |
STA Atlantic Field Day: More Than 100 Professionals "Met Us in Moncton" July 21! |
10 |
-Atlantic Sports Turf Field Day Summary |
13 |
STA Ontario Field Day: More Than 200 Professionals were "Onsite in Oakville" Sept. 22! |
17 |
-Facility Profile: Glen Abbey Recreation Facility, Oakville, Site of STA Fall Field Day |
19 |
-STA Member Profile: Dwayne McAllister, Supervisor, Sports Fields & IPM, Oakville |
23 |
The Many Challenges of Sports Turf Management in a School Board Environment |
26 |
Industry News |
27 |
-Turfgrass Education Initiative to Help Rural Communities |
28 |
The Benefits of Parks & Open Spaces |
Winter 2011 |
Volume #24, No.
4 |
Page| |
Sections/Selected Titles |
1 |
Cover |
1 |
A University of Guelph Turfgrass Story |
1 |
Table of Contents |
4 |
President's Desk: [The Weather has Made It Challenging to Maintain Athletic Turf] |
5 |
Which Canadian City can Claim to be the Rainiest or Snowiest? |
5 |
November 2011 POSA Workshop |
5 |
New & Returning Members |
5 |
Seasons Greetings from the STA |
5 |
Odds & Ends... |
7 |
Event Calendar |
8 |
Grow Your Knowledge: OTS 2012, February 22 & 23, 2012, Rozanski Hall, University of Guelph |
10 |
Celebrating 25 Years!: The Sports Turf Association & the Guelph Turfgrass Institute Both Turn 25 in 2012 |
13 |
Seed Prices for 2012 & a New Ryegrass |
15 |
POSA Synthetic Turf Workshop: November 10, 2011, Civic Recreation Complex, Oshawa, Ontario |
18 |
Construction Costs & Selection for a Natural Turf Field |
22 |
Tips on Maintaining Infill Synthetic Turf |
26 |
Industry News |
27 |
Robert W. Sheard Scholarship |