
In 1992, the Turf Information Goup Inc. began publishing a monthly newsletter named Turfgrass Trends. Its goal was to assist greenkeepers in managing their turf by providing a range of research articles, featuring new products, and interactions with turf experts.

Changing publishing companies throughout the years, it was undertaken by Advanstar Communications Inc. in March 1997 until December 2001. Beginning in 2002, the Questex Media Group LLC published Turfgrass Trends within another magazine, Golfdom. Under North Coast Media LLC, Turfgrass Trends was published as a section within Golfdom until December 2012.

This archive site provides all available issues from their Premier 1992 issue to December 2001 for browsing. In order to browse 2002-2012 Turfgrass Trends issues, click on the link below which provides access to the Golfdom publication. Searching is enabled for all 1992-2012 issues.

Golfdom Archive Site (1927-Present Less 6 Months)

This archive, an ongoing cooperative project of North Coast Media LLC and the Michigan State University Libraries, features public access to Turfgrass Trends from 1992-2001