Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development (CSNRD) Records

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
Michigan State University.
Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development (CSNRD) records
Date [inclusive]
13.0 Cubic feet

Preferred Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Item title, Collection title, Collection Identifier, Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan."

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In late 1964, the U.S. Agency for International Development contracted with the Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Developnment (Michigan State University, Colorado State University, Kansas State University, Ohio State University, University of Wisconsin, Research Triangle Institute of the University of North Carolina, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Interior) to promote Nigerian agriculture development by establishing agriculture education at the university level; establishing education at the sub-university level and extension work; develop methods of increasing public and private investment in agriculture; organizing agricultural research, and establishing or locating agriculture markets. The project ran through 1969 when civil strife in Nigeria made continuation difficult.

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Scope and Contents note

The records document the efforts of the Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development (Michigan State University, Colorado State University, Kansas State University, Ohio State University, University of Wisconsin, Research Triangle Institute of the University of North Carolina, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Interior,) under contract with the U.S. Agency for International Development to improve agriculture in Nigeria through education, research and investment. The collection documents these efforts with reports, studies, correspondence and bookkeeping records.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections

Conrad Hall
888 Wilson Road, Room 101
East Lansing , MI, 48824

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research. Box 263 contains restricted folders.

Legal Status note

Copyright: Michigan State University. Property Rights: Michigan State University.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

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Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

  • Colorado State University.
  • Kansas State University.
  • Research Triangle Institute.
  • United States. Agency for International Development.
  • United States. Department of Agriculture.
  • United States. Department of the Interior.


  • Contracts
  • Financial records
  • Letters (correspondence)
  • Memorandums
  • Photographs
  • Publications
  • Reports
  • Speeches, addresses, etc.

Geographic Name(s)

  • Nigeria
  • Nigeria -- Agriculture

Personal Name(s)

  • Dike, George K., (George Kimball), 1918-
  • Eicher, Carl K.
  • Johnson, Glenn L.
  • Scoville, Orlin J., (Orlin James), 1911-


  • Agriculture -- International cooperation
  • Agriculture -- Nigeria
  • Education -- Nigeria
  • Education, Higher -- Nigeria

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Collection Inventory

Background 1964-1968 

Box Folder

The Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development 1967, 1968, undated 

259 1

Johnson, Glenn L. "CSNRD Background" August 1965 

259 2

"Consortium for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development- Its Elements and Their Recommended Functions," undated 

259 3


Box Folder

 July- October, 1964 

259 4

 November 1964 

259 5

 December 1964 

259 6

 January 1965 

259 7

 February 1965 

259 8

 March 1965 

259 9

 April- May 1965 

259 10

 June 1965 

259 11
Box Folder

Guidelines on Organization and Operation of CSNRD undated 

259 12

Purpose, Membership, Projects September 28, 1966 

259 13


Box Folder

Correspondence June 1965-October 1968 

259 14

Committee on "Increasing Direct Investment" and "Increasing Private Investment" undated 

259 15

Council Minutes, First Through Fourteenth Meetings. 

Box Folder

1st Meeting December 18-19, 1964 

259 16

2nd Meeting December 18-19, 1964 

259 17

3rd Meeting January 8-9, 1964 

259 18

4th Meeting March 16, 1965 

259 19

5th Meeting May 20, 1965 

259 20

6th Meeting August 14, 1965 

259 21

7th Meeting November 18, 1965 

259 22

8th Meeting March 10, 1966 

259 23

9th Meeting June 30, 1966 

259 24

10th Meeting December 14, 1966 

259 25

11th Meeting May 3, 1967 

259 26

12th Meeting June 29, 1967 

259 27

13th Meeting December 11, 1967 

259 28

14th Meeting September 26, 1968 

259 29
Box Folder

Consortium Council Membership Roster January 28, 1966 

259 30


Box Folder

Work Plan August 1, 1966 

259 31

Proposed Work Plan April 1, 1967 

259 32

Proposed CSNRD Scope of Work and Plan of Operation July 1967 

259 33

Work Plan (Draft Copy) August 1, 1967 

259 34

Draft Expansion of CSNRD General Report Outline October 1966 

259 35

Reorganization of CSNRD Work Plan to Conform to Current Nigerian Situation June 21, 1967 

259 36

Work Plan - Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ife, and USAID Agriculture Division February 1968 

259 37

Recap of CSNRD General Staffing Plan and Staffing by Sub Projects for Period September 1, 1965-August 31, 1968 

259 38

Staffing Plan September1-30, 1966 

259 39

CSNRD Staff Assignments for September, October, and November 1968 

259 40

Duties of the Administrative Officer, CSNRD/Lagos 1966 

259 41

Duties of the Field Project Leader, SCNRD 1966 

259 42

Report of Phase I CSNRD Planning Team 1965 

259 43

Report of Phase I Planning Team June 10, 1965 

259 44

Notes on Meeting on Phase I Team Report of the CSNRD 1965 

259 45

Final Report, Phase I Planning Team September 10, 1965 

259 46-47
Drawer Folder

Nigeria Agriculture/Rural Development: Peace Corps Training Program, June 21-September 24, 1965 

F.D. 1

CONTRACT. 1965-1971 

Box Folder

AID- University Contractor's Guide January 10, 1965 

259 48

AID 1968 Contract Format February 1968 

259 49

Contract between the United States of America and Michigan State University PIO/T 620-755-3-50079 (A- 2) Contract No. AID/afr-264 April 1, 1965 

259 50

Amendments 1-20. 

Box Folder

#1 June 30, 1965 

259 51

#2 September 28, 1965 

259 52

#3 February 4, 1966 

259 53

#4 February 7, 1967 

259 54

#5 June 21, 1967 

259 55

#6 September 7, 1967 

259 56

#7 December 18, 1967 

259 57

#8 March 21, 1968 

259 58

#9 June 25, 1968 

259 59

#10 November 20, 1968 

259 60

#11 November 30, 1968 

259 61

#12 January 15, 1969 

259 62

#13 March 13, 1969 

259 63

#14  April 7, 1969 

259 64

#15 June 6, 1969 

259 65

#16 June 30, 1969 

259 66

#17 September 30, 1969 

259 67

#18 December 10, 1969 

259 68

#19 January 31, 1970 

259 69

#20 March 1971 

259 70

Contract Correspondence 

Box Folder

 January 1965 

259 71

 December 1967- April 1971 

259 72
Box Folder

Exhibit I – Agreement between Colorado State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, Michigan State University, The Regents of the University of Wisconsin March 1965 

259 73

Agreement between Colorado State University, Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, Michigan State University, The Regents of the University of Wisconsin undated 

259 74

Amendments 1, 2, and 3 to Agreement between Colorado State University, Kansas State University of Agriculture and Applied Science, Michigan State University, The Regents of the University of Wisconsin 1968-1969 

259 75

BUDGET. 1965-1969 

Box Folder

Summary of AID Commitment to Contract No. AID/afr-264 1966 

259 76

Comptroller Bulletin Nos. 15 and 16 – Classification of Expenditures undated 

259 77

Recapitulation of Actual and Estimated Expenditures by Major Line Items 1965-1969 

259 78

Budget No. 3 November 10, 1965 

259 79

Budget No. 4 June 20, 1966 

259 80

Budget No. 5 June 20, 1966 

259 81

Budget Worksheets. 1965-1968 

Box Folder

 April 1, 1965- August 31, 1965 

259 82

 April 1, 1965- August 31, 1966 

259 83

 September 1, 1966- August 31, 1967 

259 84

 September 1, 1966- September 30, 1967 

259 85

 September 1, 1966- August 31, 1968 

259 86
Box Folder

Line Item Budget  September 1-30, 1967 

260 1

Budget Worksheets, Sub Projects. 1967-1968 

Box Folder

 March 1, 1967- September 30, 1967 

260 2

 September 1, 1967- August 31, 1968 

260 3
Box Folder

Budget Summaries – Sub Projects 1965-1966 

260 4

Administrative Study No. III 1966 

260 5

Budget Worksheets 1967-1968 

260 6

Estimated Budget – Approximated and Anticipated Expenditures 1967-1968 

260 7

Budget No. 7 Worksheets 1967-1968 

260 8

NISER Budget 

Box Folder

Worksheets 1967-1968 

260 9

Recap of Expenditures. 1967-1968 

Box Folder

 November 1, 1967- April 30, 1968 

260 10

 May 1, 1965- June 30, 1968 

260 11
Box Folder

Correspondence. 1967-1968 

260 12
Box Folder

Reports of Expenditures 1966-1968 

260 13

Schedule I – Summary of Expenditures and Requirements 1967 

260 14

Schedule II – Estimated Expenditures 1966-1967 

260 15

Estimated Expenditures May 1, 1965- June 30, 1968 

260 16

Man-Months 1968-1969 

260 17

Man-Month Worksheet 1965-1968 

260 18

Transfer of Funds (Accounts) 1965-1966 

260 19

Gifts and Grants 1966-1968 

260 20

Budget Correspondence 1966-1968 

260 21

SALARY. 1965-1968 

Box Folder

Graduate Assistants – Direct Payment Vouchers July 1967 

260 22

Regular Staff- Direct Payment Vouchers 1965-1967 

260 23

Local Nationals – Direct Payment Vouchers. 1966-1968 

Box Folder

 May 1966- February 1967 

260 24

 March 1967- September 1968 

260 25

 October 1967- February 1968 

260 26

 March 1968- August 1968 

260 27
Box Folder

Short-Term – Direct Payment Vouchers, Invoice- Vouchers 1967-1969 

260 28

Consultants – Direct Payment Vouchers February 1969 

260 29


Box Folder

Direct Payment Vouchers August-October 1965 

260 30

ALLOWANCES. 1966-1969 

Box Folder

Contract/Phase IIb – Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1967 

260 31

Overseas Differential, Short Term – Direct Payment Vouchers 1967-1968 

260 32

Overseas Differential, Regular Staff 1966-1969 

260 33

Post – Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1968 

260 34

Separate Maintenance – Travel and Direct Payment Vouchers 1967-1968 

260 35

Educational – Direct Payment Vouchers 1967-1968 

260 36

TRAVEL. 1965-1969 

United States – Travel Vouchers. March 1965-May 1969 

Box Folder

 March 1965- December 1965 

260 37

 January 1966- December 1966 

260 38

 January 1967- September 1967 

260 39

 October 1967- September 1968 

260 40

 October 1968- May 1969 

260 41
Box Folder

International – Direct Payment Vouchers 1965-1967 

260 42

International Per Diem – Travel Vouchers April- October 1965 

260 43

International Per Diem, Short Term – Travel Vouchers 1966-1967 

260 44

International, Graduate Assistants – Travel Vouchers 1966 

260 45

Graduate Assistants – Invoice -Vouchers 1966-1967 

260 46

International, Regular Staff – Travel Vouchers, Invoice- Vouchers, Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1969 

260 47

International, Short Term – Direct Payment Vouchers 1965-1967 

260 48

International, Short Term – Travel Vouchers 1967-1968 

260 49

International, Local Nationals – Reimbursement Vouchers, Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1967 

260 50

Cooperative/ 3rd Country, Regular Staff and Graduate Assistants 1967 

260 51

Cooperative Country, Local Nationals – Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1967 

260 52

Support Material for Cooperating Country Travel Claims to USAID/Lagos 1965 

260 53

R and R, Home Leave, Evacuation – Direct Payment Vouchers 1967-1968 

260 54

Movement and Storage of Goods – Invoice- Vouchers 1967-1969 

260 55


Box Folder

CSNRD/East Lansing – Direct Payment Vouchers, Invoice- Vouchers 1965-1967 

260 56

CSNRD/East Lansing – Invoice- Vouchers 1967-1968 

260 57

CSNRD/Lagos – Reimbursement Vouchers, Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1967 

260 58

CSNRD/Lagos – Reimbursement Vouchers, Direct Payment Vouchers 1967-1968 

260 59

Retirement/Social Security, Sub Projects – Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1969 

260 60

Supplies/Communication – Direct Payment Vouchers, Invoice-Vouchers. 1965-1969 

Box Folder

 August 1965- September 1967 

260 61

 October 1967- May 1969 

260 62
Box Folder

Stores and Printing – Monthly Job Summaries 1965-1969 

260 63

Postage – Comptroller Statements 1965-1969 

260 64

Computer Charges. 1967-1968 

Box Folder

 May 1967- February 1968 

260 65

 March 1968- September 1968 

260 66
Box Folder

Telephone Charges 1965-1969 

260 67

Physicals/Passports, Regular Staff and Graduate Assistants 1965-1969 

260 68

DBA/Life Insurance – Direct Payment Vouchers 1967-1968 

260 69

Field Study Team – Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1968 

260 70

Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research (NISER). Agreements – Direct Payment Vouchers 1965 

Box Folder

Overhead – Direct Payment Vouchers 1966-1968 

260 72

AID – Reimbursement Vouchers 1966 

260 73


Box Folder

Reimbursement Vouchers 1966-1968 

260 74

Imprest Fund 1966-1968 

260 75

Reconciliation – Bank of America 1966-1968 

260 76

Office Petty Cash 1966-1968 

260 77
Box Folder

Shipping – NAVPAC Correspondence and Invoices 1966-1967 

260 78

Inventory May 13, 1965 

260 79

General Requisitions 1966-1968 

260 80


Box Folder

USAID Comprehensive Summary of Nigerian Development Programs 1964 

261 1

Administrative Map of Nigeria undated 

261 2

Map of Nigeria – The New States undated 

261 3

Nigeria Post Report undated 

261 4

Forms of USAID Assistance in Agriculture undated 

261 5

Chief-of-Party Handbook March 1964 

261 6

Procedure Guide for AID Personnel Traveling to Nigeria undated 

261 7

General Information and Packing Suggestions July 1965 

261 8

Health Handbook for Nigeria undated 

261 9

Answers to Some Common Questions abou the Position and Working Relationships of US Technical Assistance Personnel of the Agency for International Development 1963 

261 10

Mason, Melvin J.: "Higher Education in Nigeria" July 1964 

261 11

Obi, Sylvester: "What You Should Know About Lagos" undated 

261 12

Wolf, Charles, Jr.: "Some Relations between Economic and Military Assistance" March 9, 1962 

261 13

Telephone Directory, USAID/N Lagos April 7, 1966 

261 14

Orientation Manual – Lagos December 21, 1966 

261 15

Proposed Operational Plan for Phase II of "An Analytical Study of AID University Contract Projects in Agricultural Education and Research" undated 

261 16

Preliminary Strategies and Recommendations for USAID Assistance to Nigerian Rural Development (Supplementary Comments) undated 

261 17

Overseas Data Collection and Geographic Analysis undated 

261 18

Instructions for Shipments of Printed Training Materials of AID-Financed Participants undated 

261 19

Working Paper on USAID/Nigeria and EWA/Nigeria Proposals Regarding USAID/EWA Meetings with Nigeria in January 1966 

261 20

Training Notice August 1, 1967 

261 21

CSNRD General Report Outline 1967 

261 22

Main Points of Understanding between USAID/L and AID/W and CSNRD 1967 

261 23

Memorandum re CSNRD Contract afr-264 

261 24

A Brief Summary of the Agricultural Economy of Nigeria and the USAID/Nigeria Agricultural Program January 1968 

261 25

"CSNRD Recommendations to USAID for a Rural Development Program" July 2, 1968 

261 26

Suggested Staffing Levels for USAID/Nigeria Agricultural Program (Draft) November 1, 1968 

261 27

AID/W Clearance- Correspondence and Memoranda 1967-1968 

261 28

USAID Reorganization December 10, 1968 

261 29

USAID/Lagos – Correspondence and Memoranda. 

Box Folder


261 30

 January 1966- April 1966 

261 31

USAID/Lagos – Correspondence. 

Box Folder

 May 1966 

261 32

 June 1966 

261 33

 July 1966 

261 34

 August 1966 

261 35

 September 1966 

261 36

 October 1966 

261 37

 November 1966 

261 38

 December 1966 

261 39

 January 1967 

261 40

 February 1967 

261 41

 March 1967 

261 42

 April 1967 

261 43

 May 1967 

261 44

  June 1967 

261 45

 46 July 1967 

261 46

 August 1967 

261 47

 September- December 1967 

261 48

 February- April 1968 

261 49

 May- August 1968 

261 50

 September 1968 

261 51

 October- December 1968 

261 52

 February- March 1969 

261 53
Box Folder

Njala University College – University of Illinois/USAID undated 

261 54

Miscellaneous undated 

261 55


Box Folder

"AID Policy on Family Planning and Population Growth" 1968 

260 56

Development Digest April 1968 

260 57

For the Press: AID Information Staff 1967 

260 58

"Nation Building and Peace Building" 1967 

260 59

"Project for Rice Production and Distribution in West Africa" 1968 

260 60

"Questions and Answers about the Foreign Aid Program for Fiscal Year 1966" March 1965 

260 61

Chenery, Hollis B.: "Toward a More Efficient Alliance for Progress"  March 1967 

260 62

War on Hunger Publications Various dates 

260 63

Travel – Official and Unofficial in Nigeria April 13, 1964 

260 64

Record of Travel  November 28, 1966 

260 65

Standardized Regulations for Government Civilians, Foreign Areas 

260 66

Maximum Rates of Per Diem Allowances for Travel in Foreign Areas undated 

260 67

Cost of Living Allowances undated 

260 68

Education Allowances undated 

260 69

Educational Travel Allowances undated 

260 70

Separate Maintenance Allowance undated 

260 71

Post Differential undated 

260 72

Correspondence, Memoranda and Administrative Orders re Standardized Regulations for Government Civilians, Foreign Areas 1965-1968 

260 73

Revisions of Standard Regulations 1966 

260 74-75

Index to Chapters 1000, 1100, 1200, and 1300 1968 

260 76

Local Travel Voucher Guide undated 

260 77

Per Diem Rates – Travel Within Nigeria April 15, 1968 

260 78

Nigerian Visa Regulations undated 

260 79

Leave and Sickness Reports 1966-1968 

260 80

Emergency Evacuation Data undated 

260 81

CSNRD Liability Insurance Policy undated 

260 82


Progress Reports 

Box Folder

 February 28, 1966 

261 83

No. 2 March 1, 1966-August 31, 1966 

261 84

 September 1, 1966-February 28, 1967 

261 85
Box Folder

CSNRD's Research Results to Date, Prospects and Implications for USAID Assistance to Nigerian Agriculture (Draft) 1967 

261 86

CSNRD Research Results to Date, Prospects and Implications for USAID Assistance to Nigerian Agriculture May 29, 1967 

261 87

Draft Expansion of CSNRD General Report Outline 1967 

261 88

Semi Annual Progress Report September 1, 1967-February 29, 1968 

272 16-17

Administrative Reports No. 1 through 7. March 1965-August 1968 

Box Folder

#1 March 26, 1965-August 31, 1965 

262 1

#2 September 1, 1965-February 28, 1965 

262 2

#3 March 1, 1966-August 31, 1966 

262 3

#4 September 1, 1966- February 29, 1967 

262 4

#5 March 1, 1967-August 31, 1967 

262 5

#6 September 1, 1967-February 28, 1968 

262 6

#7 March 1, 1967-August 31, 1968 

262 7
Box Folder

Semi-Annual Progress and Administrative Report September 1, 1968-February 28, 1969 

262 8

Administrative Report No. 8, Section II September 1, 1967- February 29, 1968 

262 9

PERSONNEL. 1963-1970 Restricted 

Box Folder

Personal Data Sheets, Salary and Allowance Records. Various dates. 

262 10

Roster of CSNRD Personnel in Nigeria. 1967 

262 11-12

Personnel on Duty (AID). April 1, 1966-May 1, 1967 

Box Folder

 April 1, 1966 

262 13

 May 1, 1966 

262 14

 June 1, 1966 

262 15

 August 1, 1966 

262 16

 April 1967 

262 17

 May 1, 1967 

262 18

Personnel on Rolls (AID). February 1, 1968-July 1, 1968 

Box Folder

 February 1, 1968 

262 19

 April 1, 1968 

262 20

 July 1, 1968 

262 21

Personnel Roster undated 

262 22

Mailing Addresses of CSNRD Personnel 1968 

262 23


Box Folder

Information 1966-1968 

262 24

American Economic Association 1965-1966 

262 25

National Registry for Economists 1966-1967 

262 26
Box Folder

Memorandum No. 1 to Prospective Personnel – Requirements for Travel to Nigeria, Information on Nigeria undated 

262 27

Memorandum No. 2 – EDI/Ford Guest House and Flats undated 

262 28

Memorandum No. 3 – Driver's Licenses for Motor Vehicles in Nigeria undated 

262 29

Memorandum No. 4 – Summary of Instructions for US Government Employees undated 

262 30

Memorandum No. 5 – Local Travel Voucher Guide undated 

262 31

Information on Nigeria 1963-1964 

262 32

Travel Regulations – MSU July 1, 1964 

262 33

Axinn, George H. 1966 

262 34

Bartlett, Connie 1968 

262 35

Bauman, Harold D. 1965-1967 

262 36

Beck, Glenn H 1965-1968 

262 37

Boger, L.L. 1965-1967 

262 38

Bohannon, Robert A. 1966-1967 

262 39

Boutwell, Carlton T. 1967-1969 

262 40

Bretz, Sue 1965 

262 41

Brinkman, George L. 1967-1968 

262 42

Brooks, Bruce L. 1967 

262 43

Brown, Norman A. 1966 

262 44

Butler, Robert O. 1966-1968 

262 45

Carter, Ann 1966-1967 

262 46

Cedarquist, Dena 1966 

262 47

Coleman, Betty Jane Snow 1966 

262 48

Connolly, Chancy C., Jr. 1965-1967 

262 49

Cownie, John B. 1967-1968 

262 50

Darling, Harry 1967 

262 51

Dickhaut, Barbara M 1966 

262 52

Dike, George K. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1965-1968 

262 53

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1965-1967 

262 54

Travel. 1965-1969 

Box Folder

 March- July 1965 

262 55

 August-October 1965 

262 56

 November 1965-January 1966 

262 57

 February 1966-July 1967 

262 58

 August 1967-May 1969 

262 59

Correspondence. 1964-1969 

Box Folder

60 1964-1965 1964-1965 

262 60

 January 1966 

262 61

 February 1966 

262 62

 April-September 1966 

262 63

 January-June 1967 

262 64

 July-December 1967 

262 65


262 66


262 67

Notes and Memoranda. 1964-1966 

Box Folder


262 68

 May-June 1965 

262 69

 June -August 1965 

262 70

 August 1965 

262 71

 September-October 1965 

262 72

 February-March 1966 

262 73
Box Folder

Divelbiss, Richard E. 1966 

262 74

Dunlap, Betty 1967 

262 75

Eckert, Jerry 1967 

262 76

Eckert, Phil S. 1966-1967 

262 77

Eggleston, Joyce 1965 

262 78

Eicher, Carl K. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1967-1968 

262 79

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1967-1968 

262 80

Travel 1966-1969 

262 81

Correspondence 1965-1968 

262 82
Box Folder

Ekpere, Johnson 1966-1967 

262 83

Ewing, Barbara J. 1966 

262 84

Finkner, Alva L. 1968 

262 85

Frost, Susan. 1968 

262 86

Gaffield, Barbara Jean. 1968 

262 87

Gale, John 1968 

262 88

Gans, Altha R. 1966 

262 89

Gardenour, Marilyn 1968 

262 90

Gilmore, Karen 1965 

262 91

Gray, Robert E. 1966-1969 

262 92

Grof, Jean 1968 

262 93

Hall, Nick 1969 

262 94

Hassler, Dolores M. 1967-1968 

262 95

Heizer, Edwin E. 1965-1968 

262 96

Hendry, James B. 1965 

262 97

Hermann, Omer W. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1967 

262 98

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1965-1967 

262 99

Travel 1966-1968 

262 100

Correspondence 1966-1969 

262 101

Hodgdon, Linwood L. 

Box Folder

Travel 1965-1967 

262 102

Correspondence 1965-1968 

262 103
Box Folder

Holtorf, John 1967-1968 

262 104

Hoover, Robert G. 1966 

262 105

Idusogie, Ephraim O. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions, AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966 

262 106

Travel 1966-1967 

263 1

Correspondence 1966-1968 

263 2
Box Folder

Johns, Carol 1968 

263 3

Johnson, Elton undated 

263 4

Johnson, Glenn L. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1967 

263 5

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1965-1969 

263 6

Travel. 1965-1969 

Box Folder

 March 1965-June 1965 

263 7

 July 1965-November 1965 

263 8

 December 1965-April 1966 

263 9

 May 1966-December 1966 

263 10

 January 1967-August 1967 

263 11

 September 1967-January 1968 

263 12

 February 1968-February 1969 

263 13

Correspondence. 1966-1969 

Box Folder

 March-April 1966 

263 14

 May-September 1966 

263 15

 January-July 1967 

263 16

 August-November 1967 

263 17


263 18
Box Folder

Department of Agricultural Economics 1965-1966 

263 19
Box Folder

Jones, Ronald 1966 

263 20

Jones, Ted Lee 1965-1968 

263 21

Kidd, David W. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1967 

263 22

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1968 

263 23

Travel 1966-1968 

263 24

Correspondence 1966-1968 

263 25

Kincaid, James M. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1967 

263 26

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1967 

263 27

Travel 1967-1968 

263 28

Correspondence. 1966-1968 

Box Folder


263 29


263 30


263 31
Box Folder

Kolp, Paul 1967 

263 32

Kreitlow, Burton W 1967 

263 33

Krider, Jake L. 1966 

263 34

Kreisel, Herbert 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1967-1968 

263 35

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1965-1968 

263 36

Travel 1967-1968 

263 37

Correspondence. 1966-1969 

Box Folder

 January 1966-March 1967 

263 38

 April-September 1967 

263 39

 October 1967-January 1969 

263 40
Box Folder

Lakish, Victoria 1968 

263 41

Laurent, Charles K. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1967-1968 

263 42

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1968 

263 43

Travel 1967 

263 44

Correspondence. 1967-1969 

Box Folder

 January-May 1967 

263 45

 June-December 1967 

263 46

 January-May 1968 

263 47

 June 1968-March 1969 

263 48
Box Folder

Lawton, Kirkpatrick 1966-1967 

263 49

Long, James S. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1967 

263 50

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1968 

263 51

Travel 1966-1968 

263 52

Correspondence 1966-1968 

263 53
Box Folder

Manetsch, Thomas 1967 

263 54

McCoy, John H. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions, AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966 

263 55

Travel 1966-1967 

263 56

Correspondence 1966-1967 

263 57
Box Folder

McGrain, Thomas W. 1965-1967 

263 58

Milne, Kathleen 1967-1968 

263 59

Moore, Frank 1967 

263 60

Nordin, John 1965-1966 

263 61

Okurume, Godwin. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1967-1968 

263 62

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1967-1969 

263 63

Travel 1967-1968 

263 64

Correspondence. 1967-1968 

Box Folder

 March-December 1967 

263 65

 January-July 1968 

263 66

Olatunbosun, Dupe. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1969 

263 67

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1967 

263 68

Travel 1967 

263 69

Correspondence. 1966-1968 

Box Folder

 July-December 1966 

263 70

 January 1967-January 1968 

263 71
Box Folder

Olson, R.V. 1967 

263 72

Papyanakis, Anne 1968 

263 73

Parsons, Donna E. 1968 

263 74

Peterson, Everett E. 1965-1966 

263 75

Pine, Wilfred H. 1966-1967 

263 76

Pomikal, Betty Lou 1966 

263 77

Ponder, Henry 1966 

263 78

Pound, Glenn S. 

Box Folder

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1967 

263 79

Travel 1965-1968 

263 80

Correspondence 1966-1968 

263 81

Pulaski, Bert. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1969 

263 82

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1967 

263 83

Travel 1966-1968 

263 84

Correspondence. 1966-1969 

Box Folder


263 85


263 86


263 87


263 88
Box Folder

Pulaski, Violet 1966 

263 89

Purvis, Malcolm J. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1967 

263 90

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1967 

263 91

Travel 1966-1967 

264 1

Correspondence 1965-1970 

264 2-7
Box Folder

Riley, Harold M. 1968 

264 8

Riley, Patricia 1967 

264 9

Rollof, John August 1966 

264 10

Rotsas, Annetta 1967 

264 11

Saylor, Ralph G. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1967 

264 12

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1967-1968 

264 13

Travel 1967-1968 

264 14

Correspondence 1967-1969 

264 15
Box Folder

Schmid, Alfred A. 1966-1967 

264 16

Scoville, Orlin J. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966 

264 17

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1968 

264 18

Travel 1966-1967 

264 19

Correspondence. 1965-1969 

Box Folder

 November-December 1965 

264 20

 January-May 1966 

264 21

 June-November 1966 

264 22

 February-December 1967 

264 23

 June-December 1968 

264 24

 January-April 1969 

264 25
Box Folder

Shaffer, James D. 1968 

264 26

Singer, Ronald F. 1966-1967 

264 273

Smith, Mervin G. 1965-1967 

264 28

Smith, Victor E. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1968 

264 29

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1967 

264 30

Travel 1966-1968 

264 31

Correspondence. 1966-1968 

Box Folder

 August 1966-July 1967 

264 32

  August 1967-August 1968 

264 33
Box Folder

Solomon, Kathleen 1968 

264 34

Stout, Billy Alvin 1966 

264 35

Sweetland, Elizabeth 1967-1968 

264 36

Tichenor, Gerald E. 1966 1966 

264 37

Thompson, Louis I. 1967-1968 

264 38

Veliquette, Norman R. 1965-1967 

264 39

Vincent, Warren H. 1966-1967 

264 40

Watts, Lowell H. 

Box Folder

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1967 

264 41

Travel 1965-1968 

264 42

Correspondence. 1966-1968 

Box Folder


264 43


264 44

Whitney, John P. 

Box Folder

University Appointment Actions 1966-1968 

264 45

AID/W and Medical Clearance 1966-1967 

264 46

Travel 1965-1968 

264 47

Correspondence. 1966-1968 

Box Folder

 July-December 1966 

264 48

 January-June 1967 

264 49

 July-December 1967 

264 50

 January-July 1968 

264 51
Box Folder

Wolk, Helene A. 1966-1967 

264 52

Applicants. Various Dates. 

Box Folder

A 1966-1968, undated 

264 53

B 1965-1967, undated 

264 54

C 1965-1967, undated 

264 55

D 1965-1967, undated 

264 56

E 1963-1967, undated 

264 57

F 1966, undated 

264 58

G 1965-1966, undated  

264 59

H 1965-1966, undated 

264 60

I 1965, undated 

264 61

J 1965-1966, undated 

264 62

K 1965-1966, undated 

264 63

L 1965-1967, undated 

264 64

M 1965-1967, undated 

264 65

N 1965-1967, undated 

264 66

O undated 

264 67

P 1965-1966, undated 

264 68

Q 1966-1967, undated 

264 69

R 1965-1967, undated 

264 70

S 1965-1967, undated 

264 71

T 1966-1967, undated 

264 72

U 1966 

264 73

V undated 

264 74

W 1965-1966, undated 

264 75


Administrative Study No. 2 – Impacts of AID/Contracts on Land Grant Universities 

Box Folder

Notes for Remarks and Discussion Questions for Panel on "Scope, Function, Purpose and Legitimacy of International Program Activities: Projects" undated 

264 76

Congressional Record – Senate February 19, 1965 

264 77

Statement by John A. Hannah April 22, 1966 

264 78

Some Considerations of the Role of International Programs in the University April 27, 1966 

264 79

MSU Academic Council Minutes May 19, 1966 

264 80

Michigan State University's Contractual Relations with Overseas Institutions – Report of the Ad Hoc Committee to the Academic Council May 10, 1966 

264 81

Memo on the International Education Act. May 11, 1966 

264 82

US House of Representatives Report to Accompany H.R. 14643 – International Education Act of 1966. May 18, 1966 

264 83

Memo: Information Coming Out of the Meeting of the EWA Committee on International Programs May 23, 1966. 

264 84

Research Development Memos  May 1966 

264 85

Analysis of the Impact of AID/University Contracts on the Internal Organization of Universities Participating in CSNRD undated 

264 86

Memorandum of Appeal to the Armed Services Board of Appeals by Michigan State University February 23, 1967 

264 87

Administrative Study No. 3 – Forms of USAID Assistance 

Box Folder

Forms of USAID Assistance in Agriculture undated 

264 88

Adaptation from a letter from Mr. C.W. Townsend of the Soil Conservation Service, US Department of Agriculture, concerning work with farmers in Nigeria November 1964 

264 89

Nelson, Joan M. and Gustav Ranis: "Measures to Ensure the Effective Use of AID" September 1966 

264 90


Box Folder

Memo to Subproject Leaders: Revision of CSNRD Work Plan 1967 

264 91

Subproject 1 – University Level Education in Agriculture 

Box Folder

Project Statement January 10, 1966 

264 92

Background 1966 

264 93

Contract 1966-1968 

264 94

Budget 1966-1967 

264 95

General Information various dates 

264 96

Outline undated 

264 97

University's Role in Agricultural Education undated 

264 98

Status of Sub Project Staffing CSNRD – Sub-project One, University Education September 24, 1966 

264 99

Progress Reports December 1966-April 1968 

264 100

Long, James: "Proposed Outline of Report of CSNRD Sub- project 1 – University Education in Agriculture" January 1968 

264 101

Correspondence January 1965-May 1967 

264 102

Sub Project 2 – Sub-University and Extension Training in Agriculture 

Box Folder

Project Statement  January 10, 1966 

264 103

Contract 1966-1968 

264 104

Budget 1965-1967 

264 105

General Information undated 

264 106

"Summary of Preliminary Suggestions on Subjects to be discussed at the May 1966 Consortium Meeting" May 1967 

264 107

Progress Reports July 1966-April 1968 

264 108

Butler, R.O.: "A Study of Selected Non-Degree Agricultural Training Institutions in the Western State of Nigeria" 1968 

265 1-2

Correspondence October 1965-October 1966 

265 3

Sub Project 3 – Direct Public Investment in Agriculture 

Box Folder

Project Statement January 10, 1966 

265 4

Budget 1966 

265 5

General Information 1966-1967 

265 6

Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER) Information Bulletin April 1965 

265 7

Memorandum of Agreement between MSU and NISER 1968 

265 8

NISER Firm Budget January 1, 1967-August 31, 1968 

265 9

Correspondence re Memorandum of Agreement 1967-1968 

265 10

Memorandum between Michigan State University and the University of Ife 1966 

265 11

Revised Memorandum of Agreement between Michigan State University, Contractor, and the University of Ife undated 

265 12

Memorandum of Agreement between CSNRD and Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources Midwestern Region 1968 

265 13

"Ways of Expanding USAID's Investments to Decrease Directly Nigeria's Agricultural Production and the Income of Nigerian Farmers" undated 

265 14

Committee on "Increasing Direct Investment" 

265 15

"Increasing Private Investment" undated 

Box Folder

Progress Reports – Dupe Olatunbosun 1966-1967 

265 16

Progress Reports September 1966-November 1967 

265 17

Trip Reports – O.J. Scoville 1966 

265 18

Correspondence November 1965-February 1967 

265 19

Sub Project 3A – Human Nutrition and Resource Use 

Box Folder

Progress Reports September 1966-April 1967 

265 20

Trip Report – Victor E. Smith 1966 

265 21

Correspondence May-October 1966 

265 22

Sub Projects 3 and 4 

Box Folder

Purvis, Malcolm J.: Implications and Suggestions for an Accelerated Plan of Work" undated 

265 23

Some Notes on Issues Connected to Sub Projects 3 and 4 April 1967 

265 24

Workplan for Selected Objectives – Sub Projects 3 and 4 1967 

265 25

Notes on Conference with T.W. Schultz and Forest Hill 1966 

265 26

Progress Reports January 1967-April 1968 

265 27

Dike, George and Carl Eicher: A Progress Report undated 

265 28

Progress Report – Carl K. Eicher April 8, 1967 

265 29

A Partial Bibliography of Publications Relating to Direct Public and Private Investment in Agriculture with Particular Reference to Nigeria July 1967 

265 30

Final Report of Sub Projects 3 and 4 August 1967 

265 31

Final Report of Sub Projects 3 and 4 November 1968 

265 32

Sub Project 4 – Direct Investment in Agriculture 

Box Folder

Project Statements January 10 and July 21, 1966 

265 33-34

General Information various dates 

265 35

Budget and Contract 1966 

265 36

Research Proposal November 1, 1966 

265 37

Progress Reports January 1966-July 1967 

265 38

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "Agricultural Investment by Small Holders in Eastern Nigeria: An Analysis of FAID Loan Applications" 1967 

265 39

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "Private Investment in Nigerian Agriculture – A View from the East" January 10, 1967 

265 40

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "Progress Report and a Survey of Small- holder Investment in Oil Palms" April 1967 

265 41

Scovill, O.J.: "Notes on the Agricultural Activities of the Commonwealth Development Corporation in Africa" 1967 

265 42

Correspondence November 1965-July 1966 

265 43

Sub Project 5 – Modernizing the Northern Beef Industry 

Box Folder

Work Plan undated 

265 44

Budget 1966 

265 45

General Information various 

265 46

Progress Reports October 1966-April 1968 

265 47

Correspondence June 1965-July 1966 

265 48

Sub Project 6 – Agricultural Research 

Box Folder

Project Statement January 10, 1966 

265 49

Contract 1966-1968 

265 50

Budget 1966-1967 

265 51

General information various dates 

265 52

Progress Reports March 1967-April 1968 

265 53

Proposals and Reports undated 

265 54

Recommendations August 2, 1966 

265 55

Input-Output Data Handbook undated 

265 56

Panel Meeting Agenda undated 

265 57

Trip Reports 1966-1967 

265 58

Report of Preliminary Study April 20, 1966-May 11, 1966 

265 59

"Inventory of Agricultural Research" (Draft) September 1966 

265 60

Hermann, Omer W.: "Livestock Research Center for West Africa" (Research Proposal) December 1968 

265 61

Hermann, Omer W.: "Nigerian Agricultural Research: Review and Recommendations" November 1968 

265 62-63

Hermann, Omer W.: "Soil Fertility in the Tropics: A Research Proposal" July 1968 

265 64

Correspondence July 1965-1968 

265 65-67

Sub Projects 1, 2, and 6 

Box Folder

CSNRD Orientation Conference on Sub Projects 1, 2, and 6 1966 

265 68

Minutes of Meeting of Field Study Team for Sub Projects 1, 2, and 6 May 5, 1966 

265 69

Recommendations from CSNRD Leaders of Sub Projects 1, 2, and 6 1966 

265 70

Sub Projects 1, 2, and 6 Recommendations to USAID Missions in Nigeria November 30, 1966 

266 1

Sub Project 7 – Agricultural Credit 

Box Folder

Project Statements 1966 

266 2-3

Contract 1965-1966 

266 4

Budget 1966 

266 5

General Information various dates 

266 6

Comments on the Credit Report 1966 

266 7

Correspondence 1965-1966 

266 8-9

Sub Project 8 – Cultural Restrictions on Development 

Box Folder

Budget 1966 

266 10

Levin, Michael D.: "The Structure of a Peasant Economy, Ogoja Province, Nigeria" Dissertation Outline November 10, 1966 

266 11

Comments by Stephen C. Smith undated 

266 12

Correspondence November 1965-August 1966 

266 13

Sub Project 9 – Agricultural Marketing in Nigeria: An Investigation of USAID Investment 

Box Folder

Budget 1966 

266 14

General Information various dates 

266 15

Correspondence January 1965-August 1966 

266 16

Project Work Plan – Livestock Development, Western Nigeria undated 

266 17

Study of the Poultry Section on the Oghe BNDC Estate 1966 

266 18

Plans and Projected Programs of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) undated 

266 19


Box Folder

Correspondence 1965-1968 

266 20-55

Correspondence 1968-1969 

267 1-14

Cables and Telephone Messages 1965 

267 15

Telephone Messages 1966, undated 

267 16

Telegrams and Cables – Incoming and Outgoing 1966-1969 

267 17-23


Box Folder

Education and World Affairs (EWA) Conference March 12, 1965 

267 24

Meeting between Personnel of CSNRD, EWA, AID Agriculture and AID Education 1965 

267 25

Seminar on Planning Agricultural Development – National- Regional-Local May 20-22, 1965 

267 26

Education and World Affairs Conference June 7, 1965 

267 27

Meeting of Phase I Team Report of CSNRD June 16, 1965 

267 28

Colorado Seminar August 11-14, 1965 

267 29

Colorado Seminar Correspondence March-September 1965 

267 30-32

Education and World Affairs Conference August 8-10, 1965 

267 33

EWA Conferences – Correspondence and Memoranda 1965-1967 

267 34

Joint Workshop on Consortium Project for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development October 5, 1965 

267 35

Report of the Joint Workshop on Consortium Project for the Study of Nigerian Rural Development 1965 

267 36

"Nigerian Workshop" Costs and Correspondence 1965-1966 

267 37

Phase IIb Planning Workshop, Ibadan 1965 

267 38

Conference to Discuss the Role of CSNRD in the Investigation of Agricultural Credit in Nigeria October 21, 1965 

267 39

Credit Conference Correspondence September-October 1965 

267 40

CSNRD Workshop on a Simulation Model for Nigerian Agriculture October 15, 1965 

267 41

Workshop on Possible Use of Simulation Model for Nigerian Agriculture October 15, 1965 

267 42

CSNRD Orientation Conference on Sub Projects 1, 2, and 6 1966 

267 43

CSNRD Workshop March 29-30, 1966 

267 44

Seminar on Planning Agricultural Development June 2-4, 1966 

267 45

Workshop on Agricultural Development Strategy for Nigeria 1966 

267 46

"Bloomington Conference" – African Studies Administration 1966 

267 47

Fourth Forward Planning Seminar 1967 

267 48

CSNRD Conference, MSU. 

Box Folder

Tentative Agenda May 1-2, 1967 

267 49

Reports 1967 

267 50

Kincaid, James M., Jr.: "A Report of Preliminary Impressions and Findings from CSNRD Sub Project 2 Research" 1967 

Box Folder

Minutes of CSNRD Meeting on Construction of General Projections Useful in Interrelating CSNRD projects, including Task Assignments 1967 

267 52

CSNRD Work Section 1967 

267 53
Box Folder

Soil Fertility Conference, 1968. Correspondence 1967-1968 

267 54-56

Seminar – "Economics in Nigeria" March 12, 1968 

267 57

Conference on the Preliminary CSNRD Report June 1968 

267 58

Seminar – "Opportunities of Agricultural Extension to Contribute to Nigerian Rural Development" 1968 

267 59

CSNRD Credit Conference – Talk Presented by Gerald Helleiner 1968 

267 60

Seminar on CSNRD Draft Report: Public Finance Implications 1968 

267 61

Conference on National Reconstruction and Development in Nigeria March 24-29, 1969 

267 62-63

Conference on National Reconstruction and Development in Nigeria March 24-29, 1969 

268 1-5

A Conference on Livestock Development in the Dry and Intermediate Savannah Zones of West Africa June 16-18, 1969 

268 6


Box Folder

Distribution Lists 1967-1968 

268 7

Progress of Reports July 1968 

268 8

Correspondence 1966-1969 

268 9

Abaelu, J.N.: "A Quarterly Economic Analysis of the Post- War United States Import Demand for Green Coffees with Special Reference to Robustas" undated 

268 10

Aluko, S.A.: "How Many Nigerians? An Analysis of Nigeria's Census Problems, 1901-1963" 1965 

268 11

Andrew, Chris O.: "An Investigation of Market Barriers to Improved Performance of the Production-Distribution System for a Selected Food Commodity in Colombia" Ph.D. Thesis Proposal 1967 

268 12

Anschel, Kurt R.: "Problems and Prospects of the Nigerian Rubber Industry" 1965 

268 13

Babb, E.M. and M.D. Van Slyke: "Factors Associated with Successful Management of Country Elevators" August 1965 

268 14

Bigelow, Karl W. and Arthur J. Lewis: "A Proposal for a Study of the Demand for a Supply of Teachers at the Secondary School Level in Selected African Countries" 1967 

268 15

Bonnen, James T.: "The Crisis of the Agricultural Establishment" 1965 

268 16

Bowles, Samuel: "A Planning Model for the Efficient Allocation of Resources in Education" December 30, 1965 

268 17

Brinkman, George L.: "An Economic Reconciliation of Agricultural Investment and Education Plans in Nigeria, 1966-1985" undated 

268 18

Brinkman, George L.: Economic Data undated 

268 19

Brinkman, George L.: "An Economic Reconciliation of Projected Investments in Direct Agricultural Production and Agricultural Education in Nigeria from 1966 to 1985" undated 

268 20

Caves, Richard E.: "'Vent for Surplus' Models of Trade and Growth" undated 

268 21

Clement, S.L. and W.C. Scott: "Survey of Fertilizer Use in Nigeria: An Evaluation of Potential Demand and Methods of Supply" June 1965 

268 22

Consortium Staff: "The Agricultural Sector – Characteristics, Growth and Problems" undated 

268 23

Cownie, John: "CSNRD Strategies and Recommendations" undated 

268 24

Cownie, John: "Nigerian National Income Accounts: Historical Summary and Projections to 1985" July 1967, August 1968 

268 25-27

Croope, Thomas E.: "Suggestions for Educational and Training Programs for Rural Development Specialists for Foreign Service at Michigan State University" March 11, 1965 

268 28

Dike, George: "New Nations Look to America" 1967 

268 29

Doyle, Dr. Louis A.: "Continuing Education – Nsukka" undated 

268 30

Eicher, Carl K.: African Agricultural Economics: Literature and Research Trends undated 

268 31

Eicher, Carl K.: "Economic Research for African Agricultural Development" 1969 

268 32

Eicher, Carl K.: "Policies and Priorities for Nigerian Agricultural Development in the 1970's" October 1968 

268 33

Eicher, Carl K.: "Reflections on Capital Intensive Moshav Farm Settlements in Southern Nigeria" April 1967 

268 34

Eicher, Carl K.: "Strategy and Tactics for Nigerian Rural Development" May 1, 1968 

268 35

Eicher, Carl K. and Glenn L. Johnson: "Recent Studies, Nigerian Second Plan Guidelines, and the USAID Programme: Implications for CSNRD Research" May 1-2, 1967 

268 36

Essang, S.M.: "The Lessons of the Cocoa Crisis" July 1967 

268 37

Gulick, Clarence and Joan M. Nelson: "Promoting Effective Development Policies: AID Experience in the Developing Countries" September 1965 

268 38

Gusten, Rolf: "Studies in the Staple Food Economy of Western Nigeria" August 1967 

268 39

40-41 Harbison, Frederick H.: "Critical Manpower Problems in Nigerian Agricultural and Rural Development." 1967 

268 40-41

Hardin, Lowell S.: "Our State in Economic Development" 1967 

268 42

Hasbargen, Paul Rudolph: "The Competitive Position of Cattle Feeding in the Northern Corn Belt" abstract of Ph.D. thesis 1967 

268 43

Helleiner, G.K.: "Research Priorities for African Agricultural Economics" undated 

268 44

Hill, F.F.: "Agriculture in the Developing Countries" 1966 

268 45

Hill, F.F.: "Some Viewpoints Concerning Agricultural Development" 1965 

268 46

Hill, F.F.: Statement before House Committee on Agriculture on World Food and Population Problems 1966 

268 47

Hodgdon, Linwood L.: "Institutional and Social Conditions that Limit Progress in Agriculture" undated 

268 48

Hopkins, Nicholas S.: "Anthropology and Rural Economic Development" undated 

268 49

Householder, William, William Gleason, and Orion Ulrey: "A Proposal to Establish Experimental Rural Training and Development Centers in Central American Countries" 1964 

268 50

Huie, John M.: "Number, Size and Location of Beef Slaughter Plants in Michigan" Ph.D. Thesis Proposal February 1968 

268 51

Johnson, Glenn L.: "CSNRD Research in Support of Agricultural Development Planning in Nigeria" May 19, 1966 

268 52

Johnson, Glenn L.: Critiques of Papers by Carl K. Eicher, G.K. Helleiner, Nicholas S. Hopkins, Marvin P. Miracle 1968 

268 53

Johnson, Glenn L.: "Evaluation and Development of Analytical Models for Rural Development" 1966-1967 

268 54-56

Johnson, Glenn L.: "Facto Markets and the Problem of Economic Development" undated 

268 57-58

Johnson, Glenn L.: "Implications of CSNRD Research Results and Other Studies for USAID's Strategy in Support of Nigerian Rural Development" Draft 1967 

268 59

Johnson, Glenn L.: "Long Term Research in Depth on the Nigerian Agricultural Economy with Emphasis on Possible USAID Assistance, 1965-1978." April 1965 

268 60

Johnson, Glenn L.: "Quantitative Problems in the Simulation of the Nigerian Agricultural Economy." October 26, 1966 

268 61

Johnson, Glenn L., "A Simulation Model of the Nigerian Agricultural Economy: Phase I – The Northern Nigerian Beef Industry." April 26, 1968 

268 62

Johnson, Glenn L.: "A Strategy for Rural Development in Nigeria." 1966 

268 63

Johnson, Glenn L. and Carl K. Eicher: "Recent Studies, Nigerian Second Plan Guidelines, and the USAID Programme: Implications for CSNRD Research." May 1967 

268 64

Johnson, Glenn L. and Louis Zerby: "Values and Beliefs in American Agriculture." December 1968 

268 65

Karp, Mark: "Empty Boxes in Economic Research on Africa." undated 

268 66

Kidd, David W.: "Factors Affecting Farmers' Responses to Extension in Western Nigeria." November 1968 

269 1-2

Kidd, David W.: "The Organization of, and Farmers' Response to, Extension in Four Divisions of Western Nigeria." November 1968 

269 3-4

Kincaid, James M., Jr.: "A Report of Preliminary Impressions and Findings from CSNRD/Subproject 2 Research: Subuniversity and Extension Training in Agriculture." 1966-1967 

268 5

Kincaid, James M., Jr.: "Strategies for the Improvement of Agricultural Extension Work and Subuniversity Agricultural Training in Nigeria." First Draft. May 1968 

268 6

Kincaid, James: "Strategies for the Improvement of Agricultural Extension Work and Nondegree Agricultural Training in Nigeria." September 1968 

268 7

Koger, M.: "Breeding Beef Cattle for Tropical and Subtropical Climates." 

268 8

Kriesel, H.C.: "An Evaluation of Statutory Marketing in Nigeria." August 1968 

268 9

Kriesel, H.C.: "Cocoa Marketing in Nigeria." July 1968 

268 10

Kriesel, H.C.: "Cotton Marketing in Nigeria." July 1968 

268 11-12

Kubo, Hoshiharu, and Earl I. Fuller: "A Skeleton of a Dairy Industry Simulator." undated 

268 13

Larson, Donald W.: "An Analysis of Product and Factor Market Coordination in the Bean Industry of Northeast Brazil." 1968 

268 14

Laurent, C.K.: "Agro-Industries in Nigeria." August 1968 

268 15

Laurent, C.K.: "Fertilizer Purchases by Farmers in Three Villages in Sokoto Province in 1968: Intentions and Actualities." 1968 

268 16

Laurent, C.K.: "Investment in Nigerian Tree Crops – Small- Holder Production." June 1968 

268 17

Laurent, C.K.: "Plantations and Ranches in Nigeria." 1968 

268 18

Laurent, C.K.: "Private Investment in Fertilizer in Northern Nigeria." June 1968 

268 19-20

Laurent, C.K.: "Problems Facing the Fertilizer Distribution Program in Six Northern States." 1968 

268 21

Laurent, C.K.: "The Use of Bullocks as Animal Power in Northern Nigeria." June 1968 

268 22

Laurent, C.K., and D.C. Russell: Cashew Production, Processing, and Marketing in Nigeria." June, November 1968 

268 23-24

Lewis, W. Arthur: "Aspects of Economic Growth." December 1966 

268 25

Loerbroks, I.R.: "Special Report – Agricultural Development in Nigeria, 1964-1980." September 1965 

268 26

Long, James S.: "Analysis of the Needs and Resources for University Education in Agriculture in Nigeria." July 1968 

269 27-29

Long, James S.: "University Education in Agriculture." undated 

269 30

Manderschied, Lester V.: "Price and Income Elasticities Relative Growth Rates: Some Implications for Understanding Agriculture's Terms of Trade." 1966 

269 31

May, Ronald S.: "Direct Overseas Investment in Nigeria 1953-1963." November 1965 

269 32

Miracle, Marvin P.: "Research on the Economic Development of Tropical African Agriculture: Trends in Theory and Method." undated 

269 33

Mukherjee (Mukhoti), Bela: "Agrarian Structure in Relation to Farm Investment Decisions and Agricultural Productivity in a Low-Income Country – The Indian Case." August 1966 

269 34

Nanneman, Richard J.: "Industrialization of Rural Areas: Michigan." Abstract of Masters Thesis. April 1968 

269 35

Nicholls, William H.: "The Place of Agriculture in Economic Development." April 1960 

269 36

Nyerere, Julius K.: "Education for Self-Reliance." undated 

269 37

Okurume, Godwin E.: "The Determinants of Nigerian Cocoa Supply: A Study in the Economics of Smallholder Cocoa Production" Research Proposal. May 5, 1967 

269 38

Okurume, Godwin E.: "Determinants of Investment in Cocoa Production in Western Nigeria." June 5, 1967 

269 39

Okurume, Godwin E.: Farmer Interview Schedule undated 

269 40

Okurume, Godwin E.: "The Food Crop Economy in Nigerian Agricultural Policy." undated 

269 41-42

Okurume, Godwin E.: "Interdependence between Food Production and Export Production in Nigerian Agriculture." 1968 

269 43

Olatunbosun, Dupe: "Nigerian Government's Policies Affecting Investment in Agriculture." July 1968 

270 1

Olatunbosun, Dupe: Proposal: "The Use of Monetary and Non-monetary Incentives as a Means of Improving Productivity in Agriculture." 1968 

270 2

Onitiri, H.M.A.: Presidential Address – A Proposal for Nigerian Rural Development. March 1966 

270 3

Pearson, Scott R.: "Nigerian Petroleum: Implications for Medium-Term Planning." 1968 

270 4

Pearson, Scott R.: Working Paper on the Historical and Possible Future Economic Impact of the Petroleum Industry on the Nigerian Economy 1968 

270 5

Peterson, Everett E.: "Survey of Nigerian Agricultural Research, September-October 1965." 1966 

270 6-7

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "A Note on the Economics of Small- Scale Rabbit Production in Nigeria." undated 

270 8

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "A Note on the Export Possibilities for Maize." 1968 

270 9

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "Agricultural Investment Opportunities with Limited Markets: The Case of Yellow Maize in Western Nigeria." June 1968 

270 10

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "Annual Yield Variation in Oil Palm: Marketing Board Purchases in Eastern Nigeria, 1955- 1966." June 1968 

270 11

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "Investment Opportunities in Mechanized Farming." September 1968 

270 12

Purvis, Malcolm J.: "The Nigerian Palm Oil Industry: A Comment." June 1968 

270 13

Reynolds, Dana D.: "A Country Economic-Educational- Social-Political Profile – Basic to Research- Evaluation, Education- Training, and Planning-Action in Rural Development." 1964 

270 14

Riley, Harold: "Evaluation of Marketing Systems in Latin America." 1968 

270 15

Riley, Harold M.: Summary Report of Rural Development Workshop sponsored by Institute of International Agriculture and Nutrition." 1967 

270 16

Salzman, Herbert: "The World Food Problem: Private Investment and Government Cooperation." 1967 

270 17

Ruttan, V.W., A. Soothipan, and E.C. Vengas: "Changes in Rice Growing in the Philippines and Thailand." March 1966 

270 18

Saylor, R.G.: "A Study of Obstacles to Investment in Oil Palm and Rubber Plantations." August 1968 

270 19-20

Saylor, R.G.: Correspondence and Comments on Manuscript. 1967-1968 

270 21

Schultz, Theodore W.: "The Empirical World of Beckford." 1966 

270 22

Schweigert, B.S.: "Food Science at the University of Nigeria." 1967 

270 23

Scoville, Orlin J.: Preliminary Ideas on AID Strategy for Nigerian Agriculture." March 1968 

270 24

Scoville, Orlin J.: Comments on the Working (Nigerian National Agricultural Advisory Group) Committee's Report Dealing with the Organization for Agriculture." 1966 

270 25

Seevers, Gary: "Resource Benefits and the Cost of Food- Aid: AN Evaluation of Indian Shipments." 1968 

270 26

Shapley, Allen E.: "Alternatives in Dairy Farm Technology with Special Emphasis on Labor" Abstract of Ph.D. Thesis. 1968 

270 27

Smith, Victor E.: "Constructing the Nutritional Model." 1966 

270 28

Smith, Victor E.: "The Livestock-Human Nutrition Balance in Nigeria." undated 

270 29

Smith, Victor E.: MUCIA Research Proposal. undated 

270 30

Smith, Victor E.: "A Model of the Livestock-Human Nutrition Balance in Nigeria." June 1968 

270 31

Smith, Victor E.: "A Model of Nigerian Agriculture: Programming for Nutrition as well as Income." undated 

270 32

Smith, Victor E.: Model for Sudan Savannah. undated 

270 33

Smith, Victor E.: "Nutritional Needs Relevant to Planning for the Agricultural Development of Nigeria." undated 

270 34-35

Smith, Victor E.: "Nutritional Requirements for Use in Diet Selection by Linear Programming." January 1967 

270 36

Smith, Victor E.: "A Study of the Efficiency of Alternative Ways of Meeting the Food and Nutritional Requirements of Nigeria" Proposed Research Schedule. undated 

270 37

Stevens, Robert D.: "Institutional Change and Agricultural Development – Some Evidence from Comilla, East Pakistan." April 1967 

270 38

Stolper, Wolfgang F.: "Prospectus for the Nigerian Economy." undated 

270 39

Walker, William M.: "A Analysis of Oil Palm Experiments at Njala University College, Sierra Leone." undated 

270 40

Watts, Lowell H., and James M. Kincaid, Jr.: "Agricultural Extension and Subdegree Agricultural Education in Nigeria." 1966 

270 41

Witt, Lawrence: "Factor Market Institutions in Agricultural Development." 1967 

270 42

Halter, A.N., and S.F. Miller: "Simulation Techniques and their Application to Economic Research." undated 

270 43

Leontief, Wassily W.: "Input-Output Economics." 1951 

270 44

A Research Project to Determine the Relationship of Agricultural Development to Total Economic Growth (Draft). 1966 

270 45

A Simulation Model of the Nigerian Agricultural Economy (Progress Report). 1968-1969 

270 46

A Selected Bibliography of Nigerian Rural Development. undated 

270 47

"Agricultural Price Policy in Czecholslovakia." undated 

270 48

"Credit, Supply of Production Requisites, and Marketing." 1965 

270 49

"The Modern Family Farm and its Problems." undated 

270 50

Pig Farmers and Number of Pigs Known to Ministry of Agriculture. 1966 

270 51

Preliminary Report of Selected Descriptive Findings for Participants in the Oil Palm Rehabilitation Scheme. undated 

270 52

Comments on "Strategies and Tactics for Support of Nigerian Rural Development." undated 

270 53

Report to the Federal and Regional Governments of Nigeria on the Development of Education and Training in the Field of Agriculture and Related Subjects. 1965 

270 54

Some Observations on Nigeria's Extended Trade Balance of Payments and Government Revenue in 1965. 1965 

270 55


The Agricultural Development Council, Inc. 

Box Folder

Report for 1964 and 1965. 1964-1965 

270 56

Report for 1966. 1966 

270 57

Foster, Phillips W.: Research on Agricultural Development in North Africa. 1967 

270 58

Lewis, A.B.: Intensive Summer Course in Practical Methods of Agricultural Economics Research: A Recipe. November 1967 

270 59

Schikele, Rainer: "Farm Management Research for Planning Agricultural Development." October 1965 

270 60

Correspondence. 1965-1966 

270 61

The Agricultural Economics Research Council of Canada 

Box Folder

Josling, J.T., and G.I. Trant: "Interdependence Among Agricultural and Other Sectors." June 1966 

270 62

"Functionalism in the Social Sciences." February 1965 

270 63

The Brookings Institution 

Box Folder

"Trade and Economic Development: A Research Proposal." undated 

270 64

Annual Report. 1965 

270 65

Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) 

Box Folder

Annual Report. 1964-1965 

270 66

Research Design for World Wide Analysis I. undated 

270 67

Research Design for World Wide Analysis II. undated 

270 68

Report: Workshop for Principal Investigators in the CIC-AID Rural Development Research Project  April 1966 

270 69

Extending the Conceptual Framework for the CIC-AID Rural Development Research Project 1966 

270 70

CIC-AID Rural Development Research Project. 1966 

270 71

CIC-AID Rural Development Research Project – Second Annual Program Report. August 1967 

270 72

CIC Reports on Higher Education in the Midwest. March 1966 

270 73

Jones, Ronald W., and Melvin G. Blasé: "Toward a General Theory of Technical Assistance." undated 

270 74
Box Folder

Economic Development Institute, University of Nigeria - Correspondence and Reports. 1963-1966 

270 75

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States - "Livestock and Meat Marketing in Africa." March 1961 

270 76

Monthly Bulletin of Agricultural Economics and Statistics. 1967 

270 77

The Ford Foundation 

Box Folder

Report to the Ford Foundation. 1964-1965 

270 78

Smock, David R.: "Agricultural Development and Community Plantation in Eastern Nigeria." July 1965 

270 79

Smock, David R.: "Anthropology and Resettlement in West Africa." undated 

270 80

Smock, David R.: "Cultural and Attitudinal Factors Affecting Agricultural Development in Eastern Nigeria." undated 

270 81

Smock, David R.: "Land Fragmentation and the Possibility of Consolidation in Eastern Nigeria." September 1967 

270 82

Correspondence. 1965-1967 1965-1967 

270 83

4-H Club Foundation of Michigan 

Box Folder

Annual Report. 1965 

270 84

Consolidated Statement of Operating Accounts. 1965 

270 85

Annual Meeting, Board of Trustees. 1966 

271 1

Minutes of the Special Meetings of the Executive Committee and Board of Trustees. 1966 

271 2
Box Folder

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Finance and Development. December 1965 

271 3

International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan IITA. undated 

271 4

International Programs, Michigan State University 

Box Folder

Annual Report on International Programs Activities. 1966-1967 

271 5

Correspondence and Memoranda. 1965-1968 

271 6-8

Coordinator Meetings 1965-1968 

271 9

Memoranda. 1963-1968 

271 10

Kansas State Ahmadu Bello Program. 

271 11

Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activites, Inc. Policy Guidelines. April 1966 

271 12

Ministry of Economic Development (Nigeria) 

Box Folder

Guideposts for Second National Development Plan. undated 

271 13

National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges – International Letter No. 29. 1967 

271 14

Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development 

Box Folder

Catalogue of Publications. 1966 

271 15

Publication List. undated 

271 16

"Development Assistance Efforts and Policies 1967 Review." 1967 

271 17

Periodical Review. 1967 

271 18

Purdue University Agricultural Experiment Station Research Bulletin No. 769. November 1964 

271 19

Research Triangle Institute. 1965 

271 20

The Rockefeller Foundation 

Box Folder

Quarterly Report, Third Quarter, 1965. 1965 

271 21

Quarterly Report, Fourth Quarter, 1965. 1965 

271 22

Annual Report. 1965 

271 23

Staff Newsletter. March 1966 

271 24

Proposal for the Rockefeller Foundation. 1968 

271 25

Wortman, Sterling: "Meeting Protein Needs Through Plant Breeding: Getting the Job Done." 1968 

271 26

Social Science Research Council 

Box Folder

Items, Vol. 20, No. 4. December 1966 

271 27

Items, Vol. 22, No. 4. March 1968 

271 28

Items, Volume 23, No. 1. March 1969 

271 29

Society for International Development 

Box Folder

Directory of Members. 1967 

271 30

Lagos Chapter. July 3, 1968 

271 31

International Development Review. March 1969 

271 32

Survey of International Development. 1965-1969 

271 33

Stanford Research Institute 

Box Folder

Atere-Roberts, D.N.: "Notes on Movement of Early Rice in Parts of the Northern Province During December 1966." December 1966 

271 34

Mutti, R.J.: "The Marketing of Staple Food Crops in Sierra Leone." undated 

271 35

Mutti, R.J.: "Recent Developments in Rice Marketing in Sierra Leone." undated 

271 36

Mutti, R.J., D.N. Atere-Roberts, Dinstan Spencer: Report of Work in Sierra Leone. 1966 

271 37-38

Summary Report of January 1967 Activities. January 1967 

271 39

Mutti, R.J., D.N. Atere-Roberts, Dunstan Spencer: Report of Work in Sierra Leone. 1967 

271 40-41

"Marketing of Staple Foods in Western Nigeria." Vols. 1-4. 1968 

271 42-45

Correspondence. 1965 

271 46
Box Folder

The Technological Institute, Northwestern University - Charnes, A., and A. Stedry: "Further Explorations in the Theory of Multiple Budgeted Goals." undated 

271 47

United Nations Economic and Social Council 

Box Folder

"Progress in Land Reform." April 9, 1965 

271 48

"Progress in Land Reform." May 15, 1965 

271 49-50

"Suggestions for Agricultural Planning in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa." 1967 

271 51

United States Department of Agriculture 

Box Folder

"Accelerating India's Food Grain Production, 1967-1968 to 1970-1971." March 1968 

271 52

Agricultural Economics Research. April 1969 

271 53

"The Agricultural Economy of the Ivory Coast." April 1964 

271 54

"Cattle Killing – Floor Systems and Layouts." May 1964 

271 55

"Centralized Processing of Fresh Meat for Retail Stores." 1963 

271 56

"Changes in Agriculture in 26 Developing Nations, 1948- 1963." 1965 

271 57

Foreign Agricultural Service Memoranda. 1967-1968 

271 58

International Agricultural Development September 1967 

271 59

"Nigeria: Projected Level of Demand, Supply and Imports of Farm Products in 1965 and 1975, with Implications for US Agriculture." December 1964 

271 60

"Simulated Interregional Models of the Livestock-Meat Economy." 1967 

271 61

"Development and Trade Analysis Division of the Economic Research Service, USDA and Related Work of the State Agricultural Experiment Stations." 1964 

271 62

USDA Agricultural Experiment Stations undated 

271 63

"Productivity Study" July 19, 1967 

271 64

USDA Projects in Nigeria undated 

271 65

"The Western Hemisphere Agricultural Situation." May 1967 

271 66

"World Food Situation." September 1967 

271 67
Box Folder

United States Department of Commerce - US Government Research and Development Reports Index 1968 

271 68

United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare - "Computer Simulation of Hospital Discharges" undated 

271 69

United States Department of State 70 "Office of External Research." undated 

271 70

United States Treasury Department - Tax Guide for US Citizens Abroad 1967 

271 71

University of Illinois Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Experiment Station - Illinois Agricultural Economics  December 1964 

272 1

Congressional Record February 19, 1965 

272 2

Nigerian Opinion 1967-1968 

272 3

US News and World Report October 17, 1966 

272 4

West Africa September 17, 1966 

272 5

News Releases 1965-1967 

272 6

Magazine Clippings 1965-1966 

272 7

Newspaper Clippings 

Box Folder


272 8-9

 September – October 1966 

272 10-11


272 12-13


Box Folder

"Preliminary Strategies and Recommendations for Nigerian Rural Development 1968-1985." Draft. 1968 

272 14

Johnson, Glenn L., Orlin J. Scoville, George K. Dike, Carl K. Eicher: Strategies and Recommendations for Nigerian Rural Development, 1969-1985. July 1969 

272 15

Volume 1 Agricultural Development in Nigeria 1964-1980 


Nigeria. Education. Students. 

Participants. Identified. (2 folders) 

Unidentified. (2 folders) 

Project. Buildings & Staff Housing. 


Selling & Distribution. 

Trees & Shrubs. Dura. Palm. 


#853: CSNRD Research Studies 

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