Pakistan Project Records

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
Brookover, Wilbur B.
Khan, Akhter Hameed
Taggart, Glen L.
Pakistan Project records
Date [bulk]
Bulk, 1957-1964
Date [inclusive]
21.0 Cubic feet
Language of Materials
A small number of publications are in Bengali and Urdu. See Original Language Publications.

Preferred Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Item title, Collection title, Collection Identifier, Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan."

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Historical Note

The modern state of Pakistan was created after the dissolution of the British Indian Empire and the partitioning of India in 1947. In the early years of statehood, the new government of Pakistan was primarily concerned with establishing a traditional government and administrative structure. The country’s leaders, with assistance from the Ford Foundation and the International Cooperation Administration (ICA), later conceived of a program to improve Pakistan by promoting improvements in management, social, political, and scientific education country-wide. Michigan State University was asked to consult on this educational program and, in 1956, recommended the establishment of an 'Academy System.' The mission of the academies was to assist in teaching and research within the existing cultural structure. Two academies were opened in 1959, one in East Pakistan (Comilla) and one in West Pakistan (Peshawar). The initial Community Development Project was to be a five-year program, however, the project was extended for another five years. Michigan State University’s activities in Pakistan continued through late 1969.

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The records of the Pakistan Project are primarily from the Michigan State University Office of International Studies, and the Pakistan Project administrators and participants. Eleven categories of records were identified when examined by the Archives. (1) Academic Programs contain the records of staff and faculty training programs.  (2) Academies for Village/Community Development contains records specific to the East Pakistan Academy (Comilla), the West Pakistan Academy (Peshawar) and joint academy operation.  (3) Correspondence contains communications amongst MSU, the Government of Pakistan, and project personnel.  (6) General Information contains basic information about Pakistan and the project.   (9) Personnel contains files for MSU and Pakistani staff, as well as, policy and procedure information. Other categories are self-explanatory.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections

Conrad Hall
888 Wilson Road, Room 101
East Lansing , MI, 48824

Revision Description

 Updated April 2013; 20 cu. ft. of material was added. April 2013

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Legal Status note

Copyright: Michigan State University. Property Rights: Michigan State University.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

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Related Materials

Related Archival Materials

See also John Hannah papers (UA 2.1.12); Floyd W. Reeves papers (UA; Harvey Choldin papers (UA 17.187); Wesley Fishel papers (UA 17.95); Asian Studies Center records (UA; Richard Niehoff papers (UA 17.110); Ford Foundation (Serial 812); Media Communications (UA 8.1.1, Box 1482, Folder 8).

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Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

  • Pakistan Academy for Rural Development, Peshawar.
  • Pakistan Academy for Village Development, Comilla.
  • Village AID Programme (Pakistan).


  • Course materials
  • Letters (correspondence)
  • Manuscripts
  • Photographs
  • Publications
  • Reports
  • Sound recordings

Geographic Name(s)

  • Pakistan
  • Pakistan -- Rural conditions

Personal Name(s)

  • Niehoff, Richard O.
  • Niehoff, Richard O.


  • Agriculture -- Pakistan
  • International education
  • International relations
  • Rural development -- International cooperation
  • Rural development -- Pakistan

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Collection Inventory

(1) Academic Programs 

Box Folder

5- Year Program for Kotwali Thana Seminar 

4275 22

Academy Development Seminar [Restricted] 

4152 1

Agricultural Extension Programs & Farmers Bulletin 

4276 10

Advisors' Trip to India 1960-1961 

4157 33

Basic Democracies Seminar 

4290 25


4152 7

Development Administration Seminars 

4276 18

Development Seminar for District Magistrates (Comilla) 

4290 16

Educational Films 

4152 2

Educational Materials & Equipment Purchased 

4154 19

International Cooperation Administation (ICA) Travel Regulations 

4152 3

National Development Organization 

4157 25

National Administrative Training Council (Pakistan) 

4157 24

Pakistan Radio Programming 

4275 7

Pakistan Seminar Program 1958 

4152 4

Pakistan Seminar Sylabus/Materials 

4152 5

Peshawar Seminar Papers 

4277 4

Seminar in Social Work 1963 

910 36

Seminar Recordings (audio) 1958   This file contains audio recordings from an Edison Voicewriter. The discs are made of flexible vinyl. They are the size of a 45 rpm record. There is an inventory of the recordings and a small amount of transcription.

4300 5

Staff Development 

4155 6

Study Tour Reports 

4152 8

Staff Training Program 

4158 12

Staff Training Program - Notes 

4156 21

Staff Training Schedules 1959 

4156 20

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Field Trip 1958 

4152 9

Theory and Method of Training for Community Development 

4152 10

Tours (in the U.S.) 

4156 30

University Training Program for the Faculty of the Pakistan Academies for Village Development, n.d. 

910 29

Spoken Urdu 

4152 6

Village Agricultural & Industrial Development (V-Aid) Seminars & Workshop 

4244 20

Village Agricultural & Industrial Development (V-Aid) Seminars 1957 

4245 25

Village Agricultural & Industrial Development (V-Aid) Training 

4244 23

West Pakistan Academy Training Courses 

4275 17

West Pakistan Training Courses 

4277 3

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(2) Academies for Village/Community Development 

General / Joint 

Box Folder

Academies Brochure 1959 

910 37

Academies for Village Development Newsletters # 1-3 Nov. 1958 - Mar 1959 

4152 12

Academies Operational Outline, Core and Summary Documents 

4156 22

Academies Promotional Material 

4299 9

Academies Staff Training 

4156 25

Administrative Changes and Reorganization 1960-1961 

4157 15

Administrative Documents 1957-1959 

4152 16

Administrative Forms 

4152 13

Architectural and Engineeering Site Planning for Academies 

4245 10

First Joint Meeting of the Board of Governors for the East and West Pakistan Academies 1960 

4158 19

Board of Governors - Misc. Documents 

4244 7

Board of Governors (Joint) - Misc. Documents 

4276 2

Consolidated Report for Both Academies 1960-1962 

4244 3

Cooperative College 1961 

4276 9

Correspondence 1963-1971 

4152 19

Correspondence - Masud, M. (Director) 

4242 2

Correspondence, Miscellaneous 

4158 11

Cottage Industry Questionnaire 

4152 14

Drawings and Blueprints 

4244 16

Evaluation of Academies (Both) 

4245 18

Faculty Council Meeting, proceedings (Academy) 

4152 15

(2nd) Five-Year Plan for Academies 

4275 3

History and Project Summaries 

4244 5


4244 19

The Organization and Administration of the Pakistan Academies 1958 

910 32

Origins and Operations of the Pakistan Academies, with Emphasis on Operations at Comilla March 5, 1965 

910 50

(Report on the) Pakistan Academies for Village Development 1960 

910 8

Pakistan Academies for Village Development - Board of Governors Meeting 1957-1960 

4156 18

Pakistan Academies for Village Development (3 Parts) 

4156 1

Pakistan Academies for Village Development by H. Friedman 

4156 1

Pakistan Academies for Village Development by V-Aid Administration 

4156 1

Photograph - Brigadier Gulzar Ahmad inspecting workers making frame for thatched roof for additional temporary head quarters of the Academy 

4291 33

Operational Outline 1958-1959 

4291 26

Pakistan Academy for Village for Development- Monthly Reports 

4156 13


4157 3

Monthly Reports for Village Development Academies, #1 - #27 1957-1959 

4157 5

Special Co-operatives by Night- Pakistan Academy for Rural Development May 1965 

910 51

Staff Training 

4152 17

Staff Training Program- Pakistan Academies for Village Development 

4156 1

Supervisors’ School Club Manual- Youth 1966 

910 52

Summaries of the Activities of the Pakistan Academies for Village Development Oct. 1958 - Mar., 1960   Summaries #1-#34

910 14

Summaries of the Activities of the Pakistan Academies for Village Development April 1960 - January 1961   Summaries # 35- 44

910 15

Village Agricultural & Industrial Development (V-Aid) - Assessment and Evaluation 

4157 23

Visits to Academies, Part 1 

4158 3

Visits to Academies, Part 2 

4158 13

Comilla Academy / East Pakistan 

Box Folder

5-Year Program 1962 

4275 8

5- Year Plan for the Development of the Kotwali Thana - #1 1961-1966 

4157 13

5- Year Plan for the Development of the Kotwali Thana - #2 

4275 12

5- Year Plan for the Development of the Kotwali Thana - #3 

4275 21

1st Annual Report for Comilla 1959-1960 

4244 6

2nd & 3rd Annual Reports for Comilla 1960-1962 

4299 7

4th & 10th Annual Reports for Comilla 1962; 1969 

4299 8

2nd, 6th, & 7th Meeting of the East Pakistan Board of Governors 1958; 1960-1961 

4158 5

3rd and 5th Annual Report for Comilla 1961-1962; 1964 

4244 2

3rd Annual Report Rural Cooperative Pilot Experiment, A New Rural Co-operative System for Comilla July 1963  

910 41

3rd Progress Report for Comilla Pilot Project in Family Planning 1963-1965 

910 53

3rd Meeting of the East Pakistan Academy Board of Governors 1959 

4290 18

4th Meeting of the East Pakistan Academy Board of Governors 1959 

4156 15

5th Annual Report 1965 Rural Co-operative Pilot Experiment-A New Rural Co-operative System for Comilla 

910 49

5th Meeting of the East Pakistan Academy Board of Governors 1960 

4156 19

Academy Personnel List 

4158 7

Annual Report for Pakistan Academy for Rural Development -The Comilla Rural Administration Experiment 1963-1964 

910 47

Background Considerations on the Possible Establishment of an Experimental Pilot Project in Agricultural Production and Related Economic-Social Development in the Comilla Than (plus cover letter from William T. Ross). 1962 

910 5

Blueprints / Drawings for Comilla Site 1958-1959 

4245 16

Building Construction 

4158 15

Bylaws of the Comilla Kotwali Thana Central Co-Operative Asso., Limited January, 1962 

4157 11

Consolidated Report of Highlights of Activities of the Pakistan Academies for Village Development. 1960 

910 8

Consolidated Report on the Pakistan Academies for Village Development 1960-1961 

4290 9

(Progress Report on) Comilla Academy Construction 1960 

4157 6

(Progress Report on) Comilla Co-operative Project June, 1962 

4242 25

Comilla Experiment Report 

4152 26

Comilla Board of Governors' Reports 

4152 29

Comilla District Project 

4152 24

Comilla Faculty Minutes 

4152 30

Comilla Monthly Reports - Fairchild 1960-1962 

4244 14

Comilla Monthly Reports & Correspondence - Schuler, E. 

4244 13

Comilla Monthly Reports of A. Raper 1962-1963 

4243 7

Comilla Monthly Reports of A. Raper 1964 

4243 1

Comilla Monthly Reports - Raper, M. 

4243 9

Comilla Monthly Reports - Raper, Arthur and Martha 1962-1963 

4242 26

Comilla Programs 1963 

4290 8

Comilla Project Expansion 1962-1973 

4152 27

Comilla Project Proposal 1962 

4152 18

Comilla Reports - Fairchild 1959-1963 

4155 15

Comilla Reports - Larzelere, Henry 

4242 1

Comilla Reports - Martens 1963-1964 

4155 14

Comilla Staff Duties 

4152 34

Construction of Comilla Site 

4245 15

Cooperative Associations 

4275 6

Correspondence with Gordon, D. 

4152 28

Correspondence - Rahman 

4152 23

Correspondence - Schuler, E. 

4158 16

Development Orientation Syllabus for the First Batch of Circle Officers Deputed For Training To ... Comilla September, 1959 

4291 31

Drawings - Preliminary for Second Phase Development 

4290 13

East Pakistan Academy Faculty 

4290 14

East Pakistan Academy - First Training Cycle Completion 

4156 35

East Pakistan Academy for Village Development (Comilla) Annual Report May 27, 1960 

910 7

The East Pakistan Academy for Village Development in Retrospect by H. Kumata 

4156 1

Electrification and Irrigation 

4152 25

Evaluation of Comilla Academy 

4245 19

Expanded Program 1962 

4275 10

Experimental and Pilot Programs 

4290 10


4152 22

General, Part 1 1952-1962 

4276 3

General, Part 2 1952-1962 

4276 4

Half-Year Book (report) on Comilla May 1960 - Nov. 1960 

4244 12

(David) Hopper Report 

4242 29

Kahn, Akhter Hameed (Director) 

4158 8

Mechanized Farming In Comilla 1962 

4290 8

Miscellaneous Reports (Pt. 1) 

4152 31

Miscellaneous Reports (Pt. 2) 

4152 32

Miscellaneous Reports (Pt. 3) 

4242 27

Miscellaneous Reports (Pt. 4) 

4243 8

Monthly Reports 1959-1961   Reports #1 - 12

4157 8


4158 14

Operations 1961-1962 

4276 1

Pakistan Academy for Village Development (Comilla) Progress Report no. VI July 25, 1959 

910 6

Pakistan Academy for Village Development (Comilla)Progress Report no. VII August 15, 1959 

910 6

Pilot Project in Comilla (Thana) 

4275 11

Pilot Project Report 

4152 33

Prelimnary Paper on the Cooperative Project 1963 

4290 8

Proceedings of the Faculty Council 1960-1961 

4290 12

Proceedings of the Faculty Council 1964-1965 

4290 11

Progress Reports 1959-1960 

4277 11

Proposed Organization of Programs at Comilla 

4290 8

Proposed Site for East Pakistan Academy 

4244 22

Public Works 1962-1967 

4158 17


4291 25

Training and Research at Comilla Academy 1968 

4156 11

Peshawar Academy /West Pakistan 

Box Folder

Advisors' Reports - Peshawar 

4244 15

Bylaws of the Faculty Council for the West Pakistan Academy 

4244 28

Construction of Peshawar Site 

4245 17

Evaluation of Peshawar Academy 

4245 20

Land Acquisition for Peshawar 1959 

4276 21

Peshawar Academy for Rural Development- Board of Governors Proceedings 

4154 23

Peshawar Academy for Rural Development- Kahn (Director) 

4155 1

Peshawar Academy for Village Development - Notes 1960-1961 

4156 17

Peshawar Academy News 1959-1961 

4245 8

Peshawar Construction (includes photos) 

4157 7

Peshawar General Correspondence 1958-1962 

4275 15

Peshawar Laboratory - Function of the Research Department 1961 

4275 20

Peshawar Laboratory - Notes & Correspondence 

4275 19

Peshawar Laboratory 

4155 2

Peshawar Monthly Report #20 1962 

4275 1

Peshawar Operations 

4275 18

Peshawar Reports - McBride 1964-1965 

4155 12

Training Program 1959 

4291 27

Village Training Institute Activities, Peshawar 1953-1961 

4245 4

West Pakistan Academy Activities 1960 

4245 3

West Pakistan Academy Activities, Part 1 1961 

4245 1

West Pakistan Academy Activities, Part 2 1960-1961 

4245 2

West Pakistan Academy Activities, Part 3 1961-1962 

4276 20

West Pakistan Academy - Board of Governors - Member List 

4244 10

West Pakistan Academy - Board Meeting #1 and #2 July, 1958; July, 1959 

4244 8

West Pakistan Academy - Board Meeting #3 & #4 February / April 1960 

4244 9

West Pakistan Academy - Faculty and Director Tours 

4156 33

West Pakistan Academy - Stone Laying Ceremony 1960 

4156 36

West Pakistan Academy Training Program 1959 

4156 32

West Pakistan Academy for Village Development Newsletter August, 1959 

910 13

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(3) Correspondence 

Box Folder

Academy Administration 

4156 26

Advisors and Visitors 1957-1959 

4156 43

Bhuiyah, Mujibur 

4242 22

Birkhead, Guthrie - Research Proposal 

4242 24

Board of Governors 

4152 11

Brembeck, Cole - Proposal 

4244 1

Brookover, Wilbur 1958-1959 

4291 1

Brookover, Wilbur 1961 

4291 2

Brookover, Wilbur - Pakistan Trip 

4291 3

Cables - from/within Pakistan 

4157 18

Cables - from MSU 

4157 21

Cables - from Pakistan by Niehoff, Richard to MSU 

4157 22

Cables - Niehoff, Richard 

4157 17

Cables - Niehoff, Richard - Within Pakistan 

4157 19

Cablegrams - Outgoing 

4156 27

Cablegrams to MSU 1958-1959 

4291 21

Campus Coordinator's Office (Travel) 

4153 5

College of Education in Pakistan 

4153 6

Coordinator Correspondence 1959-1969 

910 21

Carolus, Robert 

4242 20

Carolus, Robert with Niehoff, Richard September 14, 1967   Audio disk (Edison Diamond Disk) 8" - flexible vinyl

4242 21

Correspondence 1956 

4275 2

Correspondence 1957-1959 

4152 35

Correspondence 1962 

4153 1

Correspondence 1963 

4153 2

Correspondence 1964-1966 

4153 3

Correspondence 1967-1973 

4153 4

Correspondence, Faculty 

4156 5

Correspondence, General 

4156 4

Correspondence, General - Pt 2 

4156 42

Correspondence, Miscellaneous 

4242 23

Correspondence, MSU #1 1958-1959 

4156 41

Correspondence, MSU #2 1956-1957 

4245 26

Correspondence, MSU #3 

4275 23

Correspondence, from MSU 1957-1962 

4276 5

Deutschmann, Paul 

4244 17

Doane, Charles 

4153 7

Embassy of Pakisan (Travel) 

4153 8

Equipment 1957-1959   File contains a 1959 Catalogue of Parker Brothers Games

4291 24


4158 4

Erf, Herbert 

4242 19

Fee, Walter 

4276 16

Friedman, Harry 1959-1962 

910 1

Gant, George 

4243 5

Government of Pakistan 

4153 9

Haider, S.M. 

4243 4

Havener, Robert 

4243 3

Hertz, Willard 

4242 18

International Cooperation Administration (ICA) 

4291 17

Kahn, Akther Hameed (Director of East Pakistan Academy) 

4153 10

kahn, Minhajud-Din 

4242 17

Khan, Mohammed Afzal (Director of the West Pakistan Academy) 1961 

910 2

Kahn, Mohammed to Zaman, M. (Chief Administrator, National Development Organization, Government of Pakistan 

4156 38

Kazi, Quyyum 

4242 16

Levak, Albert 1958-1959 

4291 5

Levak, Albert 1960-1961 

4291 4


4291 23

Mahmood, Mir Naseem; Zaman, Mashih 

4153 11


4291 6

Muyeed, Abdul/ Kuddus, M.A. 

4154 17

Michigan Farmers 

4242 15

Niehoff, Richard 1960-1962 

4276 12

Niehoff, Richard 1966, 1969-1972 

910 40

Niehoff, Richard, Pt. 1 1961 

910 38

Niehoff, Richard, Pt. 2 1962-1964 

910 39

Niehoff, Richard - Central Administration 1957-1962 

4157 20

Niehoff, Richard - General - Pt. 1 

4153 12

Niehoff, Richard - General - Pt 2 1959-1962 

4157 14

Noble, Bright (Administrative Assistant) 

4291 20

Peace Corps 

4154 14

Peace Corps in Comilla and Peshawar 1960-1962 

4158 2

Peshawar Administrative 

4154 22

Qadir, S. A. (Survey Research specialist) 

4276 13

Rahman, A.T.R. 

4153 13

Raper, Arthur 

4243 2

Raper, Arthur to Niehoff, Richard 

4242 13

Raper, Arthur to Niehoff, Richard 1963-1964 

4242 28

Ross, William (Chief Advisor) 1958-1959 

4291 18

Ross, William - Miscellaneous 

4291 19

Schuler, Edgar 

4243 11

Stuart, Daniel 

4243 18

Staff Recruitment 1959-1960 

910 3

Telegrams 1958-1961 

4291 22


4156 3

Telegrams- Incoming 

4156 28

Taggart, Glen - Visit to Pakistan 1961-1962 

4157 26

VIP Visitors 

4156 45

Zaidi, Hafeez 

4154 18

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(4) Financial 

Box Folder

Budget (General) 1957-1958 

4153 14

Budget (General) 1959-1972 

4153 15

Budget Analysis- Comilla March, 1967 

4242 8

Contract Office 

4153 16

Contract Negotiations 1956-1961 

4153 17

Financial Reports 1958-1962 

4153 22

General 1960 

910 25

India Project Budget 1962-1964 

4277 11

Joint Budgets of the Academies 1959-1961 

4243 20

Monthly Financial Reports 1956-1961 

4153 18

MSU - Ford Project Budgets 

4156 16


4277 14

Participants Fund 

4153 19

Project Costs 

4153 20

Purchasing Correspondence 

4153 21

Training Budget 

4156 29

Transportation & Shipping 

4277 15

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(5) Ford Foundation 

Box Folder

Administrative Services, Combined 1958-1959 

4290 22

Administrative Services Manual 

4290 23

Agreement between the Ford Foundation and the Government of Pakistan 

4156 9

Agreements with MSU 

4275 5

13th Annual Report of MSU to the Ford Foundation on the Work of the Academies at Peshwar and Comilla July 1, 1969 - June 30, 1970 

910 34

Five Years of a Workmen’s Co-operative A Case Study of the Kashinathpur-Balarampur Deeder Sramik Samabay Samity Ltd (Comilla) 1965 

910 55

Contract Extension 

4276 17

Coming to Pakistan (Publication) Feburary, 1957 

4157 10

Correspondence 1956 

4245 24

Correspondence 1960-1962 

4153 25

Correspondence 1962-1967 

4154 2

Correspondence- Karachi 1958-1959 

4290 20

Correspondence - Niehoff, Richard 1960-1962 

4276 6

Correspondence - (Hanson to MSU) 

4275 9

Comilla (Harry Case) 

4154 1

Contract (Pakistan) 1957-1965 

4154 5

Educational and Travel Policy 

4290 24

Evacuation Procedures 

4154 6

Foundation Papers 1956-1958 

4153 23

Foundation Papers 1962-1967 

4153 26


4153 24

Financial- Estimated Expenses 

4154 3

Gant, George 

4291 12

Meeting Records Aug, 1963 

4154 4

(Ford Foundation) Pakistan Project Report 1958-1959 

910 6

(Ford Foundation) Pakistan Project Report #812 

Box Folder

Pictorial Report 1959 

910 19

Post Report 1961 

4276 7

Reports 1957-1959 

4158 10

Travel and Shipping Memos 

4154 7

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(6) General Information 

Box Folder

Academy Personnel - List 

4276 19

Accounting Procedures 

4244 27

Administrative Policies 

4152 20

Advisory Committee/Council 

4152 21

ANSAR Organization 1959 

4291 30

Community to Community Project 

4290 27

Community Development in Pakistan - The Village Aid Program 

4156 1

(University) Contracts in Pakistan 

4291 7

General Information - Administration 1959-1960 

910 26

Government Officials Listing (Pakistan) 

4154 8

International Cooperation Administation (ICA) - Community Development Project. Participant Information, Project Personnel Information 1960 

910 18

International Cooperation Administation (ICA) Regulations 

4156 40

Inventory 1961 

4290 28

Library Proposal 

4154 9

Library Publications 

4291 9

Medical Social Research Project 

4154 11


4291 8

MSU Press Releases 1956-1957   includes two photographs

4245 13

MSU Newsletters (Pakistan Project) 1959-1960 

4157 12

Newspaper Clipping and Press Releases 

4154 10

Niehoff, Richard - Notes 

4157 16

Objective and Purpose of the Academies 1957 

4245 12

Office Procedures 

4154 13

Pakistan Bibliography 

4244 24

Pakistan Description 

4154 15

Pakistan Maps 

4154 16

Pakistan Students Abroad 

4244 21

Pakistan Project - Initial Planning 1957 

4245 11

Peace Corps Job Descriptions for Positions at the Pakistan Academy for Village Development (Comilla, East Pakistan) June 26, 1961 

910 17

Procedure Guide Book 

910 27

Project Addresses 

4155 3

Project Administration 

4155 7

Project Administration- Doane, C. 1959-1962 

4155 9

Project Administration - Niehoff, Richard 

4155 10

Project Evaluation 1963, 1969 

910 31

Project Proposal 

4155 4

Project Staff Directory 

4155 5

Scheme for the Academies August, 1956 

4245 14

Travel Briefing Materials 

4155 23

Village Agricultural & Industrial Development (V-Aid) Press Clippings 1957-1960 

4275 4

Village Agricultural & Industrial Development (V-Aid) Miscellaneous Documents 

4290 17

Village Agricultural & Industrial Development (V-Aid) Evaluations 

4155 24

Visitors, Non-Pakistan 

4154 12

Visitors, Pakistan 

4154 21

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(7) Manuscripts and Publications 

Box Folder

The Academy and the Future of Pakistan by Cole S. Brembeck 

910 9

Accelerated Rice Research Program for East Pakistan Cooperation with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 1965 

4300 2

The Agricultural System of West Pakistan by George Axinn 

910 22

Agricultural Workshops in Pakistan by Leland O. Drew 1954-1960 

4158 1

Basic Democracies in Pakistan #1 

4245 21

Basic Democracies in Pakistan #2 

4275 13

Brembeck, Cole 

4291 10

Brief History of Public and Business Activities of Nawab Sir K.G.M. Faroqui of Ratanpur 

4158 1

Comilla Women's Program (Amed) 

4242 4

Costs and Returns A Study of Irrigated Winter Crops 1968 

910 56

Draft Manuscript (Untitled Book) 

4155 28

East Pakistan Agriculture During the Third Five Year Plan 

4300 3

Family Planning Scheme 1960-1965 

4290 15

Impact of Basic Democracies on Rural Power Structure (Pakistan Times) by Inayatullah December 13, 1959 

4156 1

Institute of International Education 

4290 26

Instructional Technology -Its Status and Potential in Pakistan. 1969 1969 

910 23

Introduction of Japanese Method of Rice Cultivation (for Comilla), by S.A. Qadir 

4276 11

Journal of th Pakistan Academy For Village Development 1962 

4243 16

Journal of the East Pakistan Academy for Village Development 1960 

910 20

Journal of East Pakistan Academy for Village Development 1960 

4290 3

Journal of East Pakistan Academy for Village Development 1961-1962 

4290 4

Journal of East Pakistan Academy for Village Development 1963-1964 

4290 5

Knowledge and Interest of the Farmers in Winter Irrigation 1966 

910 54

Library 1965 

4299 9

Local Government in East Pakistan by Richard Niehoff 1964 

910 58

Th Mymensingh, Comilla, and Indian Package Program Approach in Agricultural Extension 

4300 4

National Development Organisation (editoral in Karachi Daily Paper -Dawn 1960 

910 12

National Development Organization (NDO) and V-Aid 

4300 4

On the Political Economy of External Intervention by Nicolaas Luykx 1969 

910 24

On the Role of Academy Advisor by Edgar Schuler with correspondence 

4157 9

Original Language Publications - Part 1 

4299 10

Original Language Publications - Part 2 

4300 1

Pakistan Affairs Publication Jun 30, 1958 - Dec 25, 1960 

4156 6

Pakistan Bibliography 

4156 8

Pakistan Council for Child Welfare - News Bulletins & Annual Report 1953-1958 

4245 5

Pakistan Government Publications 

4156 12

(The) Pakistan Student Publication Oct 1958 - Jun 1960 

4156 7

Platt, George 

4155 31

Programs (Lahore, University of Karachi, Lalamusa) 

4245 6

Publication Lists 

4292 11

Research and Survey Bulletins, # 4,5,8,12 

4290 6

Role of Community Development in a Rural Development Programs 1960 

4300 4

Rural Development in and Underdeveloped Country, a Program for Pakistan by Aslam Ghayur 1959 

910 30

Script for Training Basic Democracies 

4245 23

Secondary School Teacher Preparation and Integrated Approach- Article prepared for the High School Journal by Lee Dean 

910 12

A Socio-Economic Study of Gaibandha Thana 1963 

4300 2

Speeches by Kahn, Raja Muhammad Afzal 

4245 7

Story of South Rampur 

4291 11

Systemic Link in Rural Development and Research in East Pakistan by Charles P. Loomis 

910 46

Ten Days' Orientation Programme for Twenty Developmental Officers Sept - Oct 1959 

4156 37

Tests of IRRI Selections: Boro, Amon, Aus (Rice Tests) - Abhoy Asram Farm 1966 -1968 

910 57

V-Aid Workers Camp 1959 

4299 9

Village Artists Camp 1960 

4299 9

Village Doctors' Camp 1960 

4299 9

Friedman, Harry J. 

Box Folder

An Advisor looks at the Training Program 

910 10

A Brief Selective Description of Administrative Organization in Pakistan (By Friedman) 

4156 1

Basic Democracies: A Pakistan Experiment 

4156 1

Elements of Developmental Administration 1961 

4156 1

Kahn, A. Majeed 

Box Folder

Rural Pilot Family Planning Action Programme: First Annual Report March 1961 - May 1962 

4243 10

Family Planing in a Rural Area - A Search for an Approach 

4243 10

Kahn, Akhter Hameed 

Box Folder

Uplift of Women A Challenge for APWA by Akhter Hameed Khan, May 17, 1984 

910 35

Management Development 

4242 3

Speech of Akher Hameed Khan to Sixth Group of Circle Officers December 9, 1962 

910 33

Inaugural Speech at the Primary Education Seminar November 15-17, 1965 

910 33


4156 10

Rural Development in East Pakistan 

Volume 1 1963 

Box Folder

Parts 1 and 2 

910 42

Parts 3 and 4 

910 43

Volume 2 1963 

Box Folder

Part 4 cont and 5 

910 44

Part 6 and 7 

910 45

Return to Table of Contents »

(8) Reports 

Box Folder

Advisor Reports 

4156 34

Report on Advisors’ Conference with Indian and Other Officials 1960 

910 4

Agricultural Reports, Part 1 (various topics) 

4291 34

Agricultural Reports, Part 2 (various topics) 

4292 1

Agricultural Reports, Part 3 (various topics) 

4292 2

American Universities Field Staff Reports and Publication List 

4155 22

Basic Democracies 

4290 7

Basic Democracies Reports (various topics) 

4299 1

Carrolus, R. - Reports on Agriculture 

4242 5

A Communication received from Dr. Edgar Schuler (Advisor, East Pakistan Academy). 1960 

910 10

Conferences and Field Trips of MSU Advisors’ Meeting in New Delhi, India 1960 

910 4

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) 1961 

4278 4

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) October - December, 1961 

4278 5

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) January - March, 1962 

4278 6

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) 1962 

4278 7

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) 1963 

4278 8

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) August - December, 1963 

4278 9

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) January - March, 1964 

4278 10

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) 1965 

4278 11

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) 1966 

4278 12

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) 1967 

4278 13

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) January - May, 1968 

4278 14

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) 1968 

4290 1

Comilla Monthly Reports (published) 1969; 1971 

4290 2

Comilla - US Aid Conference Report 1963 

4299 9

Communication & Publicity (various topics) 

4299 5

Community Development & Economics (various topics) 

4299 6

Community Development in India (United Nations Report) 1959 

4155 16

Community Development and Production in India April 28, 1958 

4157 4

Co-Operative Prijects (various topics 

4292 7

Development Administration 

4156 31

Education, Part 1 (various topics) 

4292 5

Education, Part 2 (various topics) 

4292 6

Experimental Project in Agricultural Development Designated Farm Bureau 1967 

4275 16

Faculty Council Meeting Minutes 

4154 20

Family Planning (various topics) 

4292 4

General Reports 1957-1958 

4155 18

General Reports 1960 

4155 19

General Reports 1962 

4155 20

General Reports 1967-1968 

4155 21

"Going to Pakistan" February 1957 

4245 22

Havener R. - Reports 

4242 7

International Cooperation Administration (ICA) - U.S. Operations Mission to Pakistan 

4158 18

Japanese Experts Annual Report 1961-1962 

4299 9

Kahn, Raja Muhammad Afzal - Reports 

4245 9

Kazi, Q. - Reports 

4242 6

Kelly Reports 

4244 25

Kotwali Thana Reports, Part 1 (various topics) 

4299 2

Kotwali Thana Reports, Part 2 (various topics) 

4299 3

Kotwali Thana Monthly Reports (published) 1963-1964 

4278 1

Kotwali Thana Monthly Reports (published) April - May 1964 

4278 2

Kotwali Thana Monthly Reports (published) June - July, 1964 

4278 3

Lessons from Efforts to Train Foreign Administrators in the United States 1960 

910 11

Livestock Reports (various topics) 

4292 3

Miscellaneous Reports 

4155 17

Miscellaneous Reports 1959 

4291 29

Monthly News Reports - (V-AID) 

4156 39

Report of Meetings of MSU Advisors’ Meeting in New Delhi, India 1960 

910 4

New York 1958-1959 

4290 21

Brembeck Report on Staff Training 1958 

4156 23

Pakistan Post Reports 1956-1961 

4155 11

Peace Corps Volunteers Report 1962 

4243 12

Public Law 480 Report 1959 

4155 13

Ross, William Reports 

4244 4

Ross, William Reports- Public law 480 / Comilla 

4291 28

Rural Development and Administration, Part 1 (various topics) 

4292 9

Rural Development and Administration, Part 2 (various topics) 

4292 10

Social Welfare Project (U.N & Government of Pakistan) 

4276 15

Stevens Reports 

4243 15

Technical Report Agriculture Extension, East Pakistan by Carl Ryan 1960-1962 

910 48

Training, Research, and Evaluation (various topics) 

4292 8

Ulrey, Orion Reports 

4243 21

Women's Education & Home Development Program Annual Reports 1962-1968 

Return to Table of Contents »

(9) Personnel 

Box Folder

Administrative Staff - Training 

4156 24

Afzal, Raja Mohammed 

4154 31

Ahmed, Tahrunessa 

4242 12

Akbar, Ali (E. Pakistan - Rural Economics) 

4277 1

Akbar, Mohammad 

4155 25

Almy, Loren 

4277 7

Ansari, Salamn (W. Pakistan - Social Psychology) 

4154 30

Anwer, S. M. 

4244 18

Applicants for Advisor Positions 

4157 1

Aschom. Donald 

4277 7

Brembeck, Cole 

4157 2

Brembeck, Cole Pt. 2 

4290 19

(The) Frank Coats Matter 

4155 8

Curriculum Vitae - Candidates 

4157 30

Doane, Charles 

4291 13

Ebert, Ian 

4277 6

Faculty Selection 

4156 2

Fairchild, Henry 

4158 9

Firmage, David 

4277 8

Freeman, Walter - Correspondence 

4275 14

Friedman, Harry 

4156 46

Friedman, Harry - Part 2 

4291 15


4154 26

GJesdahl, Maurice 

4277 8

Haider, Syed Mohammad 

4154 32

Havener, Robert 

4158 21

Heyman, Juliane (Library Consultant) 

4158 6

Hoq, Mohammad 

4154 30

Inayatulla, Choudhry (W. Pakistan, Survey & Research) 

4276 25

Ingerson, Clayton 

4291 16

Islam, A.K.M. (E.Pakistan- Coordinator, Special Training 

4276 25

Jain, Vijay 

4277 6

Kahn, Akhter (E. Pakistan - Director) 

4277 2

Kahn, Majeed 

4155 26

Kamath, Chinivard 

4277 6

Kiani, Aquila (W. Pakistan - Rural Society & Anthropology 

4276 25

Larzelere, Henry 

4242 11

Leave Correspondence 

4154 27

Library Position 

4276 23

Luykx, Nicholaas 

4158 21

Majid, B.M. Abdul (E. Pakistan - Rural Society & Anthropology) 

4277 1

Miscellaneous Personnel Correspondence 

4277 9

Miscellaneous Personnel Documents 

4277 10

Miscellaneous Personnel Files 

4155 29

Muyeed, Abdul ( E. Pakistan - Community Organization & Communications) 

4277 1

Narasimhal, S. 

4277 5

Nelson, Leyton - Correspondence 

4242 10

Niehoff Appointment 

4154 24

Operations 1962-1964 

4277 13

Personnel Data 

4154 25

Personnel Policy 

4291 14

Platt, George- Correspondence 

4155 30

Posts to be filled at Academies 

4157 32

Procedures and Policy 

4154 28

Project Advisors 

4154 33

Prospective Personnel, A-I 

4157 27

Prospective Personnel, J-R 

4157 28

Perspective Personnel, S-Z 

4157 29

Qadir, S. Abdul ( E. Pakistan, Survey & Research) 

4276 25

Rahim, Syed (E. Pakistan, Survey & Research) 

4277 1

Rahman, Abu Tayeb (E. Pakistan - Public Administration) 

4277 1

Ramiah, Nenduri Atchute 

4277 5

Raman, A.B. 

4277 12

Rao, M.V. 

4277 5

Rao, Vasudeva 

4277 12

Raper, Arthur 

4242 9

Raper, Martha 

4243 6

Rapier Appointment 

4276 8

Recruitment of Academy Staff 

4158 20

Recruiting Process 

4276 22

Rizvi, Syed Muhammed (W. Pakistan - Rural Economics) 

4243 19

Roop, Frank 

4277 8

Sabzwari, Mohemmad Ahmed (W. Pakistan - Survey & Research) 

4155 32


4154 29

Sajid, S. M. (W. Pakistan - Education) 

4156 14

Sapre, Vithal 

4277 7

Schuler, Edgar 

4243 13

Shah, Faridullah 

4243 22

Shamin, Ibrahim (W. Pakistan- Coordinator, Special Training) 

4276 25

Sharif, Choudhry (W. Pakistan) 

4157 32

Siddiqi, Marghub 

4291 31

Smith, Blake 

4243 22

Snyder, Abram 

4158 22

Stevens, Robert 

4243 14

Stuart, Daniel 

4243 17

Thomas, Melvin A. 

4277 8

Van Struen, David 

4277 6

Veenendall, Wilfred (visual aids consultant) 

4155 27

Zaidi, Wiqar (E. Pakistan) 

4157 31

Visitor and Consultant Status 

4156 44

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(10) Photographs- MSU Collections 


Pakistan Project. People. (MSU Departments Collection) 


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(11) Oversized Materials 


Academy for Village Development - Pesawar - West Pakistan - Architectural Drawings - Set 2 1958   Set contains 23 architectural drawings