Council of Deans Records

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
Creator -
Combs, William H.
Creator -
Linton, Robert S.
Michigan State University. Council of Deans.
Council of Deans records
Date [inclusive]
4.5 Cubic feet , 23 microfilm reels

Preferred Citation note

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Item title, Collection title, Collection Identifier, Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan".

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Historical Note

The Council of Deans, also known as the Committee of Deans, the Committee on Administration, and the Administrative Group, has been meeting formally since June of 1916. During its early history, it was described by President Butterfield as a "faculty committee on legislation and an administrative committee for the executive branch of the college government." As such, the Council reorganized the graduate study and teacher education programs, proposed institution-wide self-study projects, approved the academic calendar, awarded scholarships, selected the College colors and the design of the academic hood, considered student housing and budget problems, and discussed war-related college activities. It also passed on matters relating to courses and curricula, academic programs, and student policies, but these decisions were generally referred to the faculty for final action. Much of the Council's work was of a routine nature and concerned the application of rules and regulations to individual cases.

In 1944, President John A. Hannah appointed a committee to study the operation of the Council. This committee's recommendations, which were approved by the faculty in March of 1944, redefined the Council's duties and streamlined its procedures. The Council became responsible for the authorization of new courses and curricula; major reorganization of old curricula and course offerings which might affect more than one division or which represented a wide variation from current or traditional procedures; and determination of major institutional policies on matters such as adult education, relations with high schools and other colleges, off-campus programs, building programs, budgets, promotion and general salary requirements, and institutional organization. It also acted upon recommendations of the President and other administrative officials for major modifications of the University. More routine administrative matters were adjusted between the department head, the Dean, the Registrar, or other administrative officials concerned, and reported to the Council in writing. With the adoption of the Faculty Bylaws in 1955, the Council's duties and responsibilities changed. It continued to function as a general advisory body to the President on matters of interest to the University as a whole, but seldom deliberated on those issues which under the Faculty Bylaws are the province of the Academic Council and Academic Senate. Topics of major concern to the Council from 1955 to 1978 include the implementation of the Faculty Bylaws, the restructuring of the College of Business and Public Service and the College of Science and Arts, the introduction of the Urban Affairs program, criteria for elimination of academic programs and curricula, computer systems planning, fiscal policy, affirmative action, collective bargaining, and student activism.

Membership in the Council of Deans is by invitation of the President but has generally included the deans and other principal academic officers of the University. The frequency and regularity of meetings vary.

Sources: Memorandum of William H. Combs to Milton E. Muelder, May 22, 1969 in Council of Deans' Minutes, September 23, 1969.

Report of Committee to Study the Function and Membership of the Administrative Group, 9 June 1969 in Council of Deans' Minutes, September 23, 1969.

Memorandum of President Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. to Administrative Group, September 21, 1971 in Council of Deans' Minutes, September 21, 1971.

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Scope and Contents note

(1) INDEX TO COUNCIL OF DEANS' ACTIONS, 1940-1955. 0.2 cu. ft.

Index to Council actions was compiled by the Secretary to the Faculties. Entries refer to meeting minutes. Major index headings include, but are not limited to, accrediting; activities-general activities-student; Administrative Group; admissions; committees; committee reports; counseling and testing; courses and curriculum; credits and points; degrees; educational research program; eligibility; employees; enrollment and registration; examinations; faculty; fees and admission; foreign students; grades; graduate school; health service insurance; high school; housing; library; Michigan State College; military affairs; organizations; physical education; placement and personnel; procedures and policies; representatives; rules; salaries and wages; scholarships, loans, and grants; schools, departments, divisions; special studies; students; summer school; travel policies; vacations, time off, leaves; and withdrawals. Each heading has numerous sub-headings. Arranged alphabetically by subject heading.

(2) OFFICIAL MINUTES OF MEETINGS (MICROFILMED COPY). 1916-1978. 23 microfilm reels

Microfilmed copy of official meeting minutes and supporting documents such as formal proposals, reports, and correspondence read at Council meetings or distributed to members. Handwritten notes taken by the Secretary, Robert Linton, are also interfiled here for the years 1945 to 1959. The earlier minutes list administrative officers present and actions taken. After 1924, minutes report meetings in greater detail and include proposals not acted upon, and comments. The value of the minutes is lessened by the fact that they frequently refer to supporting documents which are missing from both this series and the supporting documents' series (see series 4). A large portion of this series is restricted. Restricted minutes include personnel actions and student requests for course substitutions and grade changes. The latter are considered confidential under the University's "Guidelines Governing the Privacy and Release of Student Records." Arranged chronologically.

(3) OFFICIAL MINUTES OF MEETINGS (PAPER COPY). 1916-1982. 3.3 cu. ft.

Paper copy of official meeting minutes and supporting documents. For the years 1916-1971, this series is identical to the microfilmed version. After 1971, it includes fewer supporting documents than the microfilmed copy. As in the previous series, much of this series is restricted. There are duplicates of the meeting minutes available in the reading room. Arranged chronologically.

(4) SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. 1947-1980. 0.3 cu. ft.

Supporting documents including correspondence, committee reports, and formal proposals read at meetings or distributed to members. Supporting documents are also found interfiled among Meeting Minutes (see series 2). Arranged chronologically.

(5) ROUGH NOTES ON MEETINGS. 1959-1968. 0.7 cu. ft.

Handwritten notes taken during meetings by the Secretary of the Faculties, William H. Combs. Similar notes for the years 1945 to 1959 are interfiled among Meeting Minutes (see series 2). Arranged chronologically.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections June 1982

Revision Description

  August 2011


Collection is open for research. Box Mf., folders 1-10 and 14; box 429, volumes 1-13; box 430, volumes 1-9 are restricted access.

Legal Status note

Copyright: Michigan State University Property Rights: Michigan State University

Conditions Governing Use note

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

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Controlled Access Headings


  • Education -- Administration
  • Education, Higher -- Michigan

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Collection Inventory

Index to Council of Deans' Actions 1940-1955 

Box Folder

357 1

357 2


357 3


357 4


357 5

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Official Minutes of Meetings (Microfilmed Copy) 1916-1978 


mf 1 June 16, 1916 - December 12, 1930 

mf 2 January 9, 1931 - December 22, 1939 

mf 3 Janaury 16, 1940 - December 18, 1945 

mf 4 Janaury 8, 1946 - December 30, 1947 

mf 5 January 20, 1948 - December 21, 1948 

mf 6 January 11, 1949 - December 10, 1951 

mf 7 January 2, 1952 - June 4, 1954 

mf 8 September 15, 1954 - December 13, 1955 

mf 9 January 10, 1956 - December 2, 1958 

mf 10 January 6, 1959 - April 9, 1962 

mf 11 April 16, 1962-December 8, 1964 

mf 12 January-December 1965 

mf 13 January 1966-July 1967 

mf 14 October 1967-June 1969  

mf 15 September 1969-June 1970 

mf 16 July 1970-June 1971 

mf 17 August 1971-June 6, 1972 

mf 18 June 28, 1972-June 1973 

mf 19 July 1973-June 1974 

mf 20 July 1974-July 1975 

mf 21 September 1975-July 1976 

mf 22 September 1976-June 1977 

mf 23 September 1977-June 1978 


Duplicate Set (reels 1-23) 


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Official Minutes of Meetings (Paper Copy) 1916-1977   Duplicates of the volumes are available in the reading room of Conrad Hall

Box Volume

v. 1 June 16, 1916 – December 14, 1925 

429 1

v. 2 January 11, 1926 – December 10, 1928 

429 2

v. 3 February 1, 1929 – December 22, 1930 

429 3

v. 4 January 9, 1931 – December 14, 1933 

429 4

v. 5 January 5, 1934 – December 22, 1939 

429 5

v. 6  January 16, 1940 – December 19, 1944 

429 6

v. 7 January 5, 1945 – December 18, 1945 

429 7

v. 8 January 8, 1946 – December 24, 1946 

429 8

v. 9 January 14, 1947 – December 30, 1947 

429 9

v. 10 January 20, 1948 – December 21, 1948 

429 10

v. 11 January 11, 1949 – December 27, 1949 

429 11

v. 12 January 9, 1950 – December 12, 1950 

429 12

v. 13 January 9, 1951 – December 10, 1951 

429 13

v. 14 January 2, 1952 – December 9, 1952 

430 14

v. 15 January 8, 1953 – June 4, 1954 

430 15

v. 16 September 15, 1954 – December 14, 1954 

430 16

v. 17 January 11, 1955 – May 24, 1955 

430 17

v. 18 June 3, 1955 – December 13, 1955 

430 18

v. 19 January 10, 1956 – November 6, 1956 

430 19

v. 20 January 2, 1957 – December 17, 1957 

430 20

v. 21 January 14, 1958 – December 2, 1958 

430 21

v. 22 January 6, 1959 – December 15, 1959 

430 22

v. 23 January 12, 1960 – December 13, 1960 

430 23

v. 24 January 10, 1961 – April 9, 1962 

430 24

v. 25 April 16, 1962 – December 18, 1962 

431 25

v. 26 January 8, 1963 – November 20, 1963 

431 26

v. 27 January 14, 1964 – December 8, 1964 

431 27

v. 28 January 12, 1965 – December 7, 1965 

431 28

v. 29 January 18, 1966 – July 5, 1967 

431 29

v. 30 October 3, 1967 – June 3, 1969 

431 30

v. 31 Part 1 September 19, 1969 – February 10, 1970 

431 31 Part 1

v. 31 Part 2 February 17, 1970 – June 16, 1970 

431 31 Part 2

v. 32 Part 1 July 22, 1970 – October 9, 1970 

431 32 Part 1

v. 32 Part 2 October 20, 1970 – June 1, 1971 

431 32 Part 2
Box Folder

 August-December 1971 

357 6

 January-June 1972 

357 7

 July-December 1972 

357 8


357 9


357 10


357 11


357 12


357 13

 January-March, 1979 

357 14

 June-December, 1979 

357 15


357 16


357 17


357 18
Drawer Folder

(Unofficial) 1985 

F.D. 1

(Unofficial) 1986 

F.D. 2

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Supporting Documents 1947-1968 

Box Folder


357 19


357 20


357 21


357 22


357 23


357 24


357 25


357 26


357 27


357 28


357 29


357 30


357 31
Drawer Folder


F.D. 3


F.D. 4-5

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Rough Notes on Meetings 1959-1968 

Box Folder

 October 1959 

357 32

 November-December 1959 

357 33

 January-February 1960 

357 34

 March-May 1960 

357 35

 September-December 1960 

357 36

 January-April 1961 

357 37

 May-June 1961 

357 38

 October 1961 

357 39

 November-December 1961 

357 40

 February-March 1962 

357 41

 May-June 1962 

357 42

 September-October 1962 

357 43

 November-December 1962 

357 44

 January-March 1963 

357 45

 April-June 1963 

357 46

 October 1963 

357 47

 November-December 1963 

357 48

 January-February 1964 

357 49

 March-April 1964 

357 50

 May-June 1964 

357 51

 September-October 1964 

357 52

 November-December 1964 

357 53

 January-February 1965 

357 54

 March-April 1965 

357 55

 May-June 1965 

357 56

 September-December 1965 

357 57

 January-March 1966 

1232H 1

 April-June 1966 

1232H 2

 August-December 1966 

1232H 3

 February-April 1967 

1232H 4

 May-July 1967 

1232H 5

 October-December 1967 

1232H 6

 January-June 1968 

1232H 7

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