William D. Baten Papers

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
Creator - Donor
Baten, William Dowell, 1892-1974
William D. Baten papers
Date [inclusive]
0.25 Cubic feet , 6 folders

Preferred Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Item title, Collection title, Collection Identifier, Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan."

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Biographical Note

William Dowel Baten (1892-1974) became a professor of mathematics at Michigan State College (now Michigan State University) in 1937. From 1949 until his retirement in 1961, he also served as statistician for the MSU Agricultural Experiment Station. He was chairman of the Michigan Section of the American Society for Quality Control from 1955-1956. In the fall of those years, he offered a course in quality control by statistical methods for personnel in industries within a 50-mile radius of East Lansing, Michigan. During his career, Baten published more than 70 papers and several books concerning mathematics and statistics. He received a B.A. from Baylor University, an M.A. from Texas University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining the MSC faculty in 1937, Baten served as head of the mathematics department at North Texas Junior A & M College in Arlington, Texas from 1919-1923; from 1923-1924 he was a mathematics instructor at Texas A & M College in College Station, Texas; and from 1924-1927 he was the head of mathematics at Bessie Tift College in Forsyth, Georgia. From 1927-1928 Baten was an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and from 1928-1937 he served as an instructor and assistant mathematics professor at the University of Michigan.

In 1955 Baten became a Fellow of the American Society for Quality Control. He was also a member of the Mathematical Association of America, the American Statistical Association, the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters, the American Engineers of Quality Control, Sigma Xi, and Pi Mu Epsilon. Baten was married to Versie Marie Baten and had a son, James, and a daughter, Margaret.

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Scope and Contents note

The William D. Baten papers consist of reports and articles written by Baten about mathematics and statistics. There are also articles that relate to statistics and agriculture including topics on corn, weather, spore measurements, fertilizer, sugar beets, milk, potatoes, and surface area of fruits. There are also reports related to statistics and home economics. The reports are arranged alphabetically by title with multiple reports per folder.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections April 2010

Conrad Hall
888 Wilson Road, Room 101
East Lansing , MI, 48824

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Legal Status note

Copyright: Michigan State University. Property Rights: Michigan State University.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

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Controlled Access Headings


  • Reports

Personal Name(s)

  • Baten, William Dowell, 1892-1974


  • Agriculture -- Research
  • Home economics -- Research
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Mathematics
  • Universities and colleges -- Faculty

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Collection Inventory

Reports A - C 


An Adequate Sample of Corn Plots with Reference to Moisture and Shelling Percentages by G.F. Henry, E.E. Down, W.D. Baten, 1942 

Analysis of Scores from Smelling Tests, 1946 

An Analysis of Variance Applied to Screw Machines, 1956 

Analyzing Degrees of Freedom Into Comparisons When the "Classes" Do Not Contain the Same Number of Items, 1945 

Combining Constant Probability Functions, 1930 

Comments Concerning "A Note on Observed Geometric Series" by A.B. Soble in the April, 1940 Issue, 1941 

Comparison of Certain Probabilities, 1932 

A Comparison of Weather Conditions at Monroe, East Lansing and South Haven, Mich. 1931-1952 by W.D. Baten, A.H. Eichmeier, 1958 

Concerning the Distribution of the Mean of r Independent Chance Variables When Each Is Subject to the Frequency Law, 1939 

Correction for the Moments of a Frequency Distribution in Two Variables, 1931 

Corn Weather – Michigan and Iowa by A.H. Eichmeier, W.D. Baten, 1957 

A Critical Study of the Summation-Of-Difference-In-Rank Method of Determining Proficiency in Judging Dairy Products by W.D. Baten, G.M. Trout, 1946 

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Reports D - F 


The Discriminant Function Applied to Spore Measurements, 1944 

Distinguishing Method Difference by Use of Discriminant Functions by W.D. Baten, Hazel M. Hatcher, 1944 

Duties of a Statistician in an Agricultural College, 1941 

The Effect of Fertilizer on the Length of Winter Wheat Heads by R.L. Cook, W.D. Baten, 1938 

The Effect of Spacing on Plant Development and Yield of Dill (Anethum Graveolens L.) by H.L. Seaton, W.D. Baten, 1939 

The Effect of Time of Application and Levels of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash on the Growth of Sugar Beets with a Detailed Statistical Procedure of Confounding in a 3 x 3 x 3 Design by J.F. Davis, W.D. Baten, R.L. Cook, 1946 

The Evaluation of Certain Definite Integrals by the Use of Probability Functions, 1930 

Factors Involved in Accuracy of Testing Milk Samples: Influence of Heated and Unheated Testers on the Babcock Test by J.R. Fahl, P.S. Lucas, W.D. Baten, 1938 

A Formula for Approximating the Proportions of Barren Corn Stalks for Each Generation by W.D. Baten, H.M. Brown, 1953 

A Formula for Finding the Skewness of the Combination of Two or More Samples, 1935 

A Formula for Reducing the Computations Necessary to Find the Variance of a Set of Averages, 1937 

Formulas for Finding Estimates for Two and Three Missing Plots in Randomized Block Layouts, 1939 

Frequency Laws for the Sum of n Variables Which Are Subject Each to Given Frequency Laws, 1932 

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Reports G - M 


Grouping of Strains or Varieties by Use of a Latin Square by W.D. Baten, J.I. Northam, A.F. Yeager, 1941 

How to Determine Which of Two Variables Is Better for Predicting a Third Variable, 1941 

Influence of Position on Structure of Inflorescences of Zizia Aurea, 1935 

The Influence of Salt Upon Panel Scores of Irradiated and Unirradiated Beef Roasts by A.M. Pearson, W.D. Baten, M. Simon, 1958 

Is Michigan Getting Warmer? by W.D. Baten, A.H. Eichmeier, 1956 

A Laboratory Study of Various Systematic Sampling Methods Applicable to Forest-Regeneration Surveys by W.D. Baten, J.L. Arend, 1954 

Materials for Removing Taste Effects in Organoleptic Tests, 1947 

A Method for Surface Area Measurement of Milk Bottles by W.D. Baten, P.S. Lucas, 1942 

A Method of Handling Ratios by the Analysis of Variance by W.D. Baten, E.W. Henderson, 1941 

A Method of Statistical Analysis of a Factorial Experiment Involving Influence of Fertilizer Analyses and Placement of Fertilizer on Stand and Yield of Cannery Peas by J.F. Davis, R.L. Cook, W.D. Baten, 1942 

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Reports N - P 


A New Method for Computing Sugar Beet Leaf Area by W.D. Baten, J.H. Muncie, 1943 

A Nomogram for Finding the Areas of Bean Leaves, 1942 

Organoleptic Tests Pertaining to Apples and Pears, 1946 

Precautions Necessary in Estimating Populations of Small Animals, 1943 

Predicting the Best Combination of Salt and Sugar for Curing Ham by W.D. Baten, A.M. Pearson, A.J. Goembel, M.E. Spooner, n.d. 

The Probable Error of Certain Functions of the Errors Made in Measurements, 1931 

The Probability Law for the Sum of n Independent Variables, Each Subject to the Law  (1/(2h))sech  (πx/(2h)), 1934 

Probit Analysis Applied to Salmonella Pullorum Survival Data by W.D. Baten, H.J. Stafseth, 1956 

The Progressive Fish-Culturist: Relationships of Weight and Body Measurements of Adult Smelt by W.D. Baten, P.I. Tack, 1952 

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Reports R - S 


Reaction of Age Groups to Organoleptic Tests, 1950 

Relations of Weights and Volumes of Eggs to Measurements of Long and Short Axes by W.D. Baten, E.W. Henderson, 1941 

A Remainder for the Euler-MacLaurin Summation Formula in Two Independent Variables, 1932 

Sampling from Many Parent Populations, 1933 

Simultaneous Treatment of Discrete and Continuous Probability by Use of Stieltjes Integrals, 1930 

A Solution of Normal Equations Giving the Standard Errors of the Constants, 1941 

Some Methods for Approximate Prediction of Surface Area of Fruits by W.D. Baten, R.E. Marshall, 1943 

The Standard Error of the Standard Error of Estimate, 1942 

Studies in the Nature of the Clonal Variety: Selection Within a Periclinal Chimera by V.R. Gardner, W.D. Baten, 1942 

A Study of Methods for the Microscopic Examination of Raw Milk with Suggested Improvements by W.L. Mallmann, C.S. Bryan, W.D. Baten, 1944 

A Study of Three Methods of Research in Home Management by I.H. Gross, A. Aikin, T. Tordt, E.A. Zwemer, W.D. Baten, 1940 

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Reports T - V 


A Test for Determining Which of Two Variables Is Better for Predicting a Third Variable, 1961 

Testing for a Difference Between Two Strains of Sugar Beets by Use of a Discriminant Function by W.D. Baten, H.L. Kohls, 1961 

Testing for Grade and School Differences Among the Scores of Home Economics Students by W.D. Baten, H. M. Hatcher, 1948 

Toxicity Studies on Alkyldimethylbenzylammonium Chloride in Rats and in Dogs by B.V. Alfredson, J.R. Stiefel, F. Thorp, Jr., W.D. Baten, M.L. Gray, 1951 

The Use of the Analysis of Covariance and Its Limitation in the Adjustment of Yields Based Upon Stand Irregularities by C.H. Mahoney, W.D. Baten, 1939 

The Use of a Disciminant Function in Textile Research by W.D. Baten, M. Ford, R.M. Heitz, 1950 

Use of the Discriminant Function in the Comparison of Proximate Coal Analyses by W.D. Baten, C.C. DeWitt, 1944 

The Use of Discriminant Functions in Comparing Judges’ Scores Concerning Potatoes, 1945 

Variances of Differences Between Means When There AreTwo Missing Values in Randomized Block Designs, 1952 

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