O. Donald Meaders Papers

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
Creator - Donor
Meaders, O. Donald, (Otis Donald)
Creator - Author
Wharton, Clifton R., 1926-
O. Donald Meaders papers
Date [inclusive]
8.0 Cubic feet

Preferred Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Item title, Collection title, Collection Identifier, Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan."

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Biographical Note

O. Donald Meaders attended high school in Phillips, Nebraska. His education continued with a B.S. (1947) and M.S. (1951) from the University of Nebraska and a Ed.D. from Michigan State University in 1957.

Meaders worked as a consultant in agricultural education to the Michigan Department of Public Instruction (1955 – 1958). Meaders joined the MSU staff in 1958 as an assistant professor. He retired in 1990.

Meaders was a member of the Michigan Education Association, Michigan Association Teachers of Vocational Agriculture, American Vocational Association, National Vocational Agriculture Teacher Association, American Vocational Education Research Association, National Society for the Study of Education, American Educational Research Association, American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture, Phi Delta Kappa, and Phi Kappa Phi.

In 1988, he received the Distinguished Service Award from the American Association of Teacher Educators of Agriculture. In 2001, he was awarded the Outstanding Leadership Award from the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education.

He married Martha Hann, a librarian at MSU.

He authored numerous articles on Taiwan and technical education in Michigan as well as articles on education in developing countries in Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

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Scope and Contents note

The O. Donald Meaders papers consist of reports and articles written by Meaders. There are also Michigan State University and non-MSU publications and reports relating to vocational agriculture. There is also material related to MSU international projects in Taiwan and China in which Meaders participated. Other materials include newsletters and conference proceedings from vocational education organizations including Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education and American Association of Teacher Education in Agriculture and Teachers of Vocational Agriculture.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections April 2010

Conrad Hall
888 Wilson Road, Room 101
East Lansing , MI, 48824

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Legal Status note

Copyright: Michigan State University. Property Rights: Michigan State University.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

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Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

  • American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture.
  • Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education.


  • Annual reports
  • Minutes (administrative records)
  • Newsletters
  • Photographs
  • Proceedings
  • Publications
  • Reports
  • Serial publications

Geographic Name(s)

  • China
  • Taiwan

Personal Name(s)

  • Meaders, O. Donald, (Otis Donald)


  • Agricultural education
  • Agricultural education -- Michigan
  • Agricultural education -- Taiwan
  • Agriculture
  • Vocational education

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Collection Inventory

Box Folder

“Education and Agricultural Growth: The Educational Implications of the Requirements for Agricultural Progress” by Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. 1963  

2938 20

Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 

Box Folder

Binder 1 Pre-1984-1984 

2933 1-3

Binder 2 1985-1986, undated 

2933 4-5

Binder 3 July 1987-April 1988, undated 

2933 6-8

Binder 4, Annual Conference 1990 

2933 9-10

Binder 5 1991-1992, undated 

2933 11-13

Binder 6 1985, 1994-1995, n.d. 

2933 15-16

Binder 7 June 1996-May 1997, undated 

2933 17-19

Reports by Historian Binder 8 1984-1997, undated 

2934 1-2

Newsletters: The Informer, Binder 9 October 1984-August 1991 

2934 3

Newsletters: The Informer, Binder 9 

2934 4

Newsletters: The Informer, Binder 9 1995-2000 

2934 5

Newsletters: The Informer, Binder 9 2001-2003 

2934 6

Newsletters: The Informer, unnumbered binder 2004-2010 

2934 7

Newsletter - The Informer October 2006-July 2009 

2938 22

Scholarly Activities Committee, Binder 10 December 1988- November 1991, undated 

2934 8

Newsletters: The Informer, Binder 10 1989-1991 

2934 9

Minutes - Board Meetings and other records July 1984-December 1990, undated 

2934 10

Binder: Minutes - Board Meetings and other records January 1990-March 1993, undated 

2934 11

Binder - Minutes- Board Meetings and other records 1988-1991, undated 

2934 12

Historian's Report for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1995-2001, undated 

2934 13

Announcements 2003-2004 

2934 14

Proceedings of the 22nd Annual National Agricultural Education Research Meeting, 1995 1995 

2934 15

Let's Organize: A Handbook for Helping Groups Organize for the Promotion of Agricultural Education and Extension 1996 

2934 16

Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 

Box Folder

Vol. 1 No. 1 Spring 1994 

2939 1

Vol. 1 No. 2 Fall 1994 

2939 1

Vol. 2 No. 1 Spring 1995 

2939 2

Vol. 2 No. 2 Fall 1995 

2939 2

Vol. 3 No. 1 Spring 1996 

2939 3

Vol. 3 No. 2 Fall 1996 

2939 3

Vol. 4 No. 1 Spring 1997 

2939 4

Vol. 4 No. 2 Summer 1997 

2939 4

Vol. 4 No. 3  Fall 1997 

2939 5

Vol. 5 No. 1 Spring 1998 

2939 5

Vol. 5 No. 2 Summer 1998 

2939 6

Vol. 5 No. 3 Fall 1998 

2939 6

Vol. 6 No. 1 Spring 1999 

2939 7

Vol. 6 No. 2 Summer 1999 

2939 7

Vol. 6 No. 3 Fall 1999 

2939 8

Vol. 7 No. 1 Spring 2000 

2939 8

Vol. 7 No. 2 Summer 2000 

2939 9

Vol. 7 No. 3 Fall 2000 

2939 9

Vol. 8 No. 1 Spring 2001 

2939 10

Vol. 8 No. 2 Summer 2001 

2939 10

Vol. 8 No. 3 Fall 2001 

2939 11

Vol. 9 No. 1 Spring 2002 

2939 11

Vol. 9 No. 2 Summer 2002 

2939 12

Vol. 9 No. 3 Fall 2002 

2939 12

Vol. 10 No. 1 Spring 2003 

2939 13

Vol. 10 No. 2 Summer 2003 

2939 13

Vol. 10 No. 3 Fall 2003 

2939 14

Vol. 11 No. 1 Spring 2004 

2939 14

Vol. 11 No. 2 Summer 2004 

2939 15

Vol. 11 No. 3 Fall 2004 

2939 15

Vol. 12 No. 1 Spring 2005 

2939 16

Vol. 12 No. 2 Summer 2005 

2939 16

Vol. 12 No. 3 Fall 2005 

2939 17

Vol. 13 No. 1 Spring 2006 

2939 17

Vol. 13 No. 2 Summer 2006 

2939 18

Vol. 13 No. 3 Fall 2006, 

2939 18

Vol. 14 No.1 Spring 2007 

2939 19

Vol. 14 No. 2 Summer 2007 

2939 19

Vol. 14 No. 3 Fall 2007 

2939 20

Vol. 15 No. 1 Spring 2008 

2939 20

Vol. 15 No. 2 Summer 2008, 

2939 21

Vol. 15 No. 3 Fall 2008 

2939 21

American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture 

Box Folder

Awards Committee 1983 

2934 17

American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture 1987 

2934 18

International Agricultural Education Committee 1985 

2934 19

American Association of Teacher Educators in Agriculture 1984 

2934 20

Directory- "Agricultural Educators with Experience and/or Interest in International Agricultural Education", compiled by O. Donald Meaders 1982 

2934 21

Recruitment Materials 1981, undated 

2934 22

Annual Convention in Atlanta 1981 

2934 23

Ad Hoc Committee on International Programs 1981 

2934 24

Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 

Box Folder

Referred Papers at the 5th Annual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1989 

2934 25

Proceedings for the 7th Annual Meeting for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1991 

2934 26

Conference Proceedings for the 9th Annual Meeting for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1993 

2934 27

Conference Papers for the 10th Annual Conference for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1994 

2934 28

Conference Papers for the 11th Annual Conference for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1995 

2935 1

Conference Papers for the 12th Annual Conference for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1996 

2935 2

Conference Papers for the 13th Annual Conference for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1997 

2935 3

Conference Papers for the 14th Annual Conference for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1998 

2935 4

Conference Proceedings for the 15th Annual Conference for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 1999 

2935 5

Conference Proceedings for the 16th Annual Conference for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 2000 

2935 6

Conference Proceedings for the 17th Annual Conference for the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education 2001 

2935 7

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education, including the Rusk Report 1969-1970 

2935 8

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1970-1971 

2935 9

Brown Committee on Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1970-1971 

2935 10

Report by Rusk Committee (Agricultural Education Recommendations) March 30, 1970 

2935 11

First Year Teacher Program 1971-1972 

2935 12

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1971-1972 

2935 13

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1972-1973 

2935 14

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1973-1974 

2935 15

Agribusiness and Natural Resources Education Biennial Report July 1974-August 1976 

2935 16

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1974-1975 

2935 17

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1975-1976 

2935 18

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1976-1977 

2935 19

Agricultural and Natural Resources Education 1977-1978 

2935 20

Agriculture and Natural Resources Education 

2937 1

Agriculture and Natural Resources Education 1979-1980 

2937 2

Agriculture and Natural Resources Education 1980-1981 

2937 3

Agriculture and Natural Resources Education Proposal for College of Education and College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 1980-1981 

2937 4

5 Agricultural and Natural Resources Education, 1980-1981 (2) 1980-1981 

2937 5

1-2-3 YEAR Teacher Program 1981 

2937 6

Agriculture and Natural Resources Education 1981-1982 

2937 7-8

Agriculture and Natural Resources Education 1982-1983 

2937 9

Agriculture and Natural Resources Education 1983-1984 

2935 10

Department of Agricultural and Extension Education Advisory Committee 

2937 11

Department of Agricultural and Extension Education Advisory Committee 1984-1985 

2937 12

International Activities, Agricultural and Extension Education Faculty 1983-1984 

2937 13

Agricultural and Extension Education 1984-1985 

2937 14

Agricultural and Extension Education 1985-1986 

2937 15

Agricultural and Extension Education Advisory Committee 1985-1986 

2937 16

Agricultural and Extension Education 1986-1987 

2937 17

Agricultural and Extension Education 1987-1988 

2937 18

Agricultural and Extension Education Advisory Committee 1987-1988 

2937 19

Agricultural and Extension Education 1988-1989 

2937 20

Agricultural and Extension Education 1989-1990 

2937 21

Agricultural and Extension Education Department Minutes 1982-1988 

2937 22

Agricultural and Extension Education Department Minutes 1988-1989 

2937 23

Annual Report for International Programs Summer 1963-Spring 1964 

2937 24

1st Year Teacher Program (Student Teacher Training) 1970 

2938 1

1st Year Teacher Follow-Up 1963-1964 

2938 2

Final Reports- 1st Year Teachers Student Papers and Grades 

2938 3

1st Year Teacher Program 1965-1966 

2938 4

1st Year Teacher Program includes Photographs 1966-1967 

2938 5

Department Advisory Committee Meetings (Department of Secondary Education and Curriculum, College of Education) September 1980-June 1981 

2938 6

Report for President Mackey 1981 

2938 7

Agricultural Teacher Education Annual Reports 1938-1964 

2938 8

Institutional On Farm Training Program 

Box Folder

A Combined Record of Farm and Home Plans Progress Records and Production and Management Goals 1958 

2936 1

Correspondence 1955-1963 

2936 2

Forms undated 

2936 3

Information Pertaining to Institutional On Farm Training 1955-1957, undated 

2936 4

Monthly Reports 1953-1963 

2936 5

Public Law 550 and Institution On Farm Training 1955, undated 

2936 6

Status of Veterans' Institutional On Farm Training in Michigan 1952 

2936 7

Summary of Institutional On Farm Training 1944-1959, 1959 

2936 8

Summary Reports 1947-1962 

2936 9

VA Regulations- Vocational Rehabilitation and Education 1952-1954 

2936 10

VA Regulations- Vocational Rehabilitation and Education 1955-1960 

2936 11
Box Folder

Michigan State Plan for Vocational Education and Rehabilitation for 1937-1942 1938 

2936 12

Michigan State Plan for Vocational Education for 1947-1952 1947 

2936 13

Michigan State Plan for Vocational Education 1954 

2936 14

Michigan State Plan for Vocational Education 1962 

2936 15

Michigan State Plan for Vocational Education 1965 

2936 16

Michigan State Plan for Vocational Education 1969 

2936 17

Michigan State Plan for Vocational Education 1970 

2936 18

Guide to Reimbursed Vocational Education Programs [Michigan] 1955 

2936 19

Guide to Reimbursed Vocational Education Programs [Michigan] 1958 

2936 20

Agricultural Education Script circa 1970 

2936 21

Farm Mechanics 1964, undated 

2936 22

Conference Attendance Record 1967-1970 

2936 23

Conference Proceedings- Teachers of Vocational Agriculture 1955 

2936 24

Conference Proceedings- Teachers of Vocational Agriculture 1956 

2936 25

Conference Proceedings- Teachers of Vocational Agriculture 1957 

2936 26

Conference Proceedings- Teachers of Vocational Agriculture 1958 

2936 27

Conference Proceedings- Teachers of Vocational Agriculture 1962 

2936 28

Conference Proceedings- Teachers of Vocational Agriculture 1963 

2938 29

Conference Proceedings- Teachers of Vocational Agriculture 1964 

2936 30

Conference Proceedings- Teachers of Vocational Agriculture 1965 

2936 31

State Vocational Agriculture Education Curriculum Planning Committee Minutes 1937-1951 

2936 32

Vocation Agriculture- MSU-Related Publications 

Box Folder

Improving Programs of Supervised Farming in Vocational Agriculture, by Raymond Garner 1952 

2938 9

The Land Laboratory by Roland Cook and H. Paul Sweany 1963 

2938 10

Educational Programs for Technology Transfer to Small Farmers: One Dimension of a Delivery System by O. Donald Meaders 1978 

2938 11

Supervised Occupational Experience Programs: Some Research Needed by O. Donald Meaders 1984 

2938 12

Vocation Agriculture- Non MSU Publications 

Box Folder

Criteria for Evaluating Programs of Preparation for Teachers of Vocational Agriculture by Henry S. Brunner 1945 

2938 13

Improving Improvement Projects: Some Questions and Answers for Teachers of Vocational Agriculture by O. Donald Meaders 1961 

2938 14

Policies for Promoting Agricultural Development: The Nature of the Problem by Max Millikan 1965 

2938 15

Developing Supervised Occupational Experiences in Agriculture 1967 

2938 16

Historical Development of Agricultural Education in the United States prior to 1917 by G. F. Ekstrom 1969 

2938 17

Supervised Occupational Experience Programs for Production Agriculture Students with Limited Opportunity by J. David McCracken circa 1977 

2938 18
Box Folder

State Vocational Agriculture Education Curriculum Planning Committee Minutes 1952-1957 

2936 33

State Vocational Agriculture Education Curriculum Planning Committee Minutes 1958-1964 

2936 34

Area Conference Records 1962, 1965-1970 

2936 35

Michigan Agriculture and its Linkages to Developing Nations 1984 

2938 19

Taiwan Related 

Box Folder

"Agricultural Education and Agricultural Development in Taiwan" March 1979 

5048 25

Agricultural Education and Farming in Taiwan: A Study of Graduates From Vocational and Technical Agriculture Programs April 1990 

5048 26

Agricultural Education in Taiwan. Abstracts of Studies Dealing with Agricultural Education at the Secondary and Collegiate Levels. By O. Donald Meaders April 1966 

5048 27

Agriculture Extension - Taiwan: Summer 1986 1986 

5048 28

Agricultural Extension Work in Taiwan, R.O.C. by Joseph Chu 1988 

5048 29

The Agricultural Technology System of Taiwan by Johnson et al 1987 

5048 30

"Asian Experiences" by O. Donald Meaders 

5048 31

"Consultation of Agricultureal Teacher Education Program in South Korea" End of Tour Report Aug. 8 - Aug.14, 1968 

5048 32

Contributions of Senior Middle School Graduates to Taiwan Agricultural Development 1968 

5048 33

"Descriptions of Agricultural Jobs Most Frequently Held by Taiwan vocation Agriculture Graduates" March 1966 

5048 34

"Education and Development: A Case Study of Taiwan with Emphasis on Vocation Education" for ED 882 Spring 1969 

5048 35

Education and Development. Contributions of Secondary School Graduates to Agricultural Development in Taiwan, China. June 1968 

5048 36

"The Education and Occupations in Agriculture of Taiwan Vocational Agriculture School Graduates." For ED 882 Spring 1969 

5048 37

Educational and Occupational Attainments of Taiwan Vocational Agriculture Graduates. By O. Donald Meaders May 1966 

5048 38

Evaluation of Taiwan's Agricultural Extension Programs: Some Essential and Common Factors to Consider. By O. Donald Meaders 1986 

5048 39

An Evaluation of Taiwan Vocational and Technical Education Programs in Agriculture. October 1977 

5048 40

A Perspective About Agricultural Extension in Taiwan - book chapter. By O. Donald Meaders 2000 

5048 41

Plans for Agricultural Education Research Institute, NCHU 

5048 42

Role of Agricultural and Extension Education in Development: The Taiwan Case with Emphasis on MSU Role. By O. Donald Meaders 1991-1993 

5048 43

"Rural Development n Taiwan: The Role of the Government" by Bernard Gallin 1964-1965 

5048 44

A Study of Graduates from the College of Agriculture Taiwan Provincial Chung Hsing University 1952-1962 

5048 45

"Study of the Relationship Between Academic Preparation of V-A Teachers and Their Present Teaching Assignment in Selected V-A Schools in Taiwan" March 1964 

5048 46

Taiwan's Postwar Agricultural Development by Karl T. Wright 1965 

5048 47

Taiwan Research Project 

Box Folder

Notes. Daily Logs. 1961-1962 

5048 48

Notes. Meetings with Supervisors and Interviewers on Phase 2 

5048 49

Notes. Plans and Discussion 

5048 50

Notes. Summer 1963 on Taiwan 

5048 51

Notes. Visits to Departments 1961 

5048 52
Box Folder

"V-A School Graduates at CHUCA" Dec. 1961 

5048 53

"Vocational Education in Agriculture and Rural Development" AEE, Topic #6 Feb. 17, 1987 

5048 54

Non-Taiwan Related 

Box Folder

AEE 824 S-84 

5047 1-2

Agreement Among Ext. Service. Div. of Education. MSC & State Board of Control for Vocational Education January 22, 1930 and February 21, 1945 

5047 3

Agriculture Education Service of O. Donald Meaders. Part 1 1946-1951 

5047 4

Agriculture Education Service of O. Donald Meaders. Part 2 1946-1951 

5047 5

Agriculture Education Service of O. Donald Meaders. Part 3 1946-1951 

5047 6

Agriculture & Extension Education Research 1988 

5047 7

"An Analysis of Five Principles of Administration". For ED 583. By Don Meaders June 9, 1954 

5047 7

Approved Practices List - Michigan State University May 1963 

5047 8

Approved Practice Lists and Specimens - Michigan State University July 1962 

5047 9

"Aspirations for Occupations: An Indicator of Adjustments Needed in the Location of Programs of Vocational Education for Agricultural Occupations" Feb. 1967 

5047 10

"Background Information for Policies and Practices for Vocational Education in Agriculture in Michigan" 

5047 11

A Brief Description ofSome Projects Completed or Underway by Don Meaders 1959-'60, '60-'62 

5047 12

Caribbean Agricultural Extension Project 

Box Folder

Development and Strengthening of Agricultural Education in Antigua. By O. Donald Meaders Nov. 14, 1985 

5047 13

Development and Strengthening of Agricultural Education in Commonwealth of Dominica. By O. Donald Meaders Oct. 12, 1984 

5047 14

Development and Strengthening of Agricultural Education in Grenada. By O. Donald Meaders Nov. 2, 1984 

5047 15

Development and Strengthening of Agricultural Education in St. Lucia. By O. Donald Meaders October 1984 

5047 16

Development and Strengthening of Agricultural Education in St. Vincent. By O. Donald Meaders Oct. 26, 1984 

5047 17

"How the Caribbean's Food Production Plans Went Awry" by Frank Long 

5047 18

"More Productive Agriculture Through Extension" 

5047 19

Quarterly Progress Report Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 1984 

5047 20
Box Folder

"A Common Faith by John Dewey". For ED 502. By Don Meaders Feb. 20, 1954 

5047 21

"Contributions of Agricultural and Extension Education Alumni Through Service in Public Schools and Cooperative Extension Programs" Dec. 17, 1992 

5047 22

"The Development of Area Vocational Education Programs in Michigan" Sept. 1976 

5047 23

"The Development of Vocational Education in the Secondary Education System in the United States (Special Emphasis on Business Education). ED 531 Term Paper. By Don Meaders Dec. 11, 1953  

5047 24

"Educational Programs for Technology Transfer to Small Farmers: One Dimension of a Delivery System" April 1978 

5047 25

"Employment Possibilities in Ornamental Horticulture Occupations in City of Flint Recreation and Park Board..." July 1974 

5047 26

"Farmers and Farming in Michigan" 

5047 27

"The Greenhouse Grower: Analysis of Training Needs and Career Information for Instructional Planning" By Warren Parsons, Harold Byran, and Richard Lindstrom 1966 

5047 28

"A Guide to Surveying Your Community for Youth Employment Opportunities in Agriculture Business and Services" By John F. Thompson 

5047 28

"An Historical Perspective for Vocational Education in Agriculture" 1959 

5047 29

History of the College of Education from 1953 to 1984 by Leland Dean. Part 1 

5047 30

History of the College of Education from 1953 to 1984 by Leland Dean. Part 2 

5047 31

"Innovations in Teach Education in Agriculture" 1974 

5047 32

"Internationalizing Agricultural Education Programs" Nov. 1988 

5047 33

"John Dewey (The American Philosopher)" For ED 509. By Don Meaders Nov. 30, 1953 

5047 34

"John Locke, Some Thoughts Concerning Education" for ED 509. By Don Meaders Nov. 2, 1953 

5047 35

Michigan Agriculture and Natural Resources Educators Directory 1974-'75, '76-'77, '77-'78, '78-'79 

5047 36

Michigan Agriculture and Natural Resources Educators Directory 1979-'80, '80-'81, '81-'82, '89-'90 

5047 37

Michigan Agriscience Educators Directory 1993-'94, '95-'96, '96-'97 

5047 37

Michigan Agriscience Program Directory 1997-'98, '98-'99, '99-2000, 2000-'01, '01-'02 

5047 38

Michigan State University Agricultural Experiment State Calendar 1975-1976 

5047 39

Mimeographed Materials. Period of Special Assignment/Project in the UP. UP Resource Development Program Feb. 1958 - Dec. 1960 

5047 40

"More Than Improved Practices" from The Agricultural Education Magazine Nov. 1951 

5047 41

M.S.C. Centennial 1955 

5047 42

MSU Agricultural and Extension Education Alumni 

5047 43

"MUCIA - AID - NEPAL Project". End of Tour Report. Feb. 1, 1976 - April 20, 1977 

5047 44

"The Needs for Vocational Education of Part-time and Low-income Farmers" from The Agricultural Education Magazine Nov. 1955 

5047 45

"Practices Advocated by Selected National Agencies and Organizations for Implementing Local Programs of Vocational Agriculture, 1836 - 1954" May 1957 

5047 46

"Proposed Plan for a Study of the Out-of-School Yound Men on Nebraska Farms" for ED 533. By Don Meaders Dec. 12, 1953  

5047 47

Quarterly Reports Feb. 1958 - Dec. 1960 

5047 48

"Report of Role Playing on John Dewey" by Don Meaders Nov. 30, 1953 

5048 1

Research and Development Program in Vocational Technical Education. 

Box Folder

Shared Time Concept fo Area Vocational Education Programs. Part 1 - Community Factors. Part 2 - Consideration for Curriculum Development 1968 

5048 2

Shared Time Concept fo Area Vocational Education Programs. Part 3 - Practices and Procedures. Part 4 - Financing and Administrating Area Programs 1969 

5048 3

Unit 1 - Career Opportunities. Unit 3 - Human Relations in Agribusiness 1969 

5048 4

Unit 4 - Agricultural Salemanship. Unit 5 - Organization and Functions of Agricultural Business 1969 

5048 5

Unit 6 - Business Procedures. Unit 7 - Feed Sales and Services. Unit 8 - Garden Center 1969 

5048 6

Records from China 

Box Folder

Agricultural Development in the Republic of China on Taiwan - The Council on Agriculture 1986 

5048 55

Descriptions of Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Jobs Most Frequently Held by V-A School Graduates. By Ch'ien Pai 1963 

5048 56

"A Determination of the Economic Influence of the V-A School Program on the Communities of Taoyuan and Chiayi During the Past Five Years". By Chi Ho Hu and Ch'uan Hwa Chou 1964 

Box Folder

Educational Statistical Indicators. Republic of China 1996, 1998, 2000 

5048 58

Educational Statistics of the Republic of China 1987 

5048 59

Educational Statistics of Taiwan Province 1981 

5048 60

The Face of Taiwan by Fred Foley, S.J. 

5048 61

Human Resources for Southeast Asian Agricultural Development: The TDC Program for Teaching and Research in the Rural Social Sciences by Clifton R. Wharton, Jr. 1966 

5048 62

Journal of The China Society. Taipei. Vol. 11 1962 

5048 63

Publications by Ag Ed Staff. National Chung Hsing University. Taichung, Taiwan. Part 1 

5048 64

Publications by Ag Ed Staff. National Chung Hsing University. Taichung, Taiwan. Part 2 

5048 65

Questionnaires for Senior Graduates from Taiwan Vocational Agriculture School and Academic High Schools 

2938 39

"A Research on Practices Used by Agricultural Extension Organizations and V-A Schools to Conduct Farmer Training Programs in Taiwan" By Chien Pai 1963 

2938 40

Rural Reconstruction in the Past Ten Years and Its Effects. By Chiang Monlin April 1959 

2938 41

"Status of Agricultural Mechanization in Taiwan" from Proceedings of the International Agricultural Mechaning Workshop. By Tien-Song Peng 1978 

2938 38

A Study of Graduates from the Department of Agricultural Engineering. College of Agriculture. National Taiwan University. 1950-1962 

2938 43

"A Study of the Teach Qualifications in the V-A School of Taiwan" By Lok-chien Lin 1964 

2938 44

"A Summary of Proceeding and Participant Recommendations from a National Workshop on Institutionalizing Progress in Agricultural Extension and Education in Taiwan" April 22-24, 1991 

2938 45

Taiwan Educational Statistics 1971-1972 

2938 46

Taiwan Educational Statistics 1974 

2938 47

Unit 9 - Fertilizer Sales and Service. Unit 10 - Agricultural Chemicals. Unit 11 - Farm Equipment 1969 

5048 7

Unit 12 - Farm Power Sales and Service. Unit 13 - Electric Power Sales and Service. Unit 14 - Florist Sales and Service 1969 

5048 8
Box Folder

The Role of Farmer Education in Agricultural Growth by Clifton R. Wharton. Jr. 1963 

5048 9

"The Role fo the Vo-Ag Teacher for the 1980's: Idealism and Reality" Sept. 19, 1978 

5048 10

"The Role of Vocational Education in Agriculture Within the Contemporary American Culture" For ED 509. By Don Meaders July 30, 1954 

5048 11

"Some Bits of History About the 100-Years of Agricultural Education in Michigan". Prepared by ODM for Lansing Farmers Club Dinner Meeting April 6, 2009 

5048 12

"Some Comments on Curriculum Development" 

5048 13

"Some Thoughts About Programs of Agribusiness and Natural Resources Education for the Future" May 30, 1973 

5048 14

"Structured Learning and Training Environments in Soil Science". Project Report #204. August 1967 

5048 15

"A Study of the Proposed Administrative Relationship Between the Federal and State Government in the Smith-Hughes Act of 1917" For ED 508. By Don Meaders March 18, 1954 

5048 16

"Suggestions for Conducting Follow-Up Study of High School Graduates" 

5048 17

"A Survey of Occupations in Agricultural Businesses and Services of Six Northern Michigan Counties" Sept. 1965 

5048 18

"A Survey of Occupations in the Nursery, Lanscape and Tree Service Businesses in Kent County, Michigan" March 1966 

5048 19

"Survey of Vocational Teacher Training in the State of Michigan" 1935 

5048 20

"Technical Ornamental Horticulture Training Adequacies and Needs of Teachers of Vocational Agriculture in Michigan" by Ronald L. Shumack, William L. Carlson, and O. Donald Meaders Aug. 1973 

5048 21

"Training for Non-Farming Agricultural Occupations" by W. Henry Kennedy Dec. 7, 1959 

5048 22

Upper Peninsula Youth Workers Council - Minutes, Calendars, ect. Sept. 1958 - Dec. 1960 

5048 23

"Using Research as One Method of Determining What to Teach" July 1963 

5048 24a

"Welding Together Youth Programs" from Extension Service Review Nov. 1960 

5048 24b
Box Folder

Taiwan Christian Yearbook by the Taiwan Missionary Fellowship 1960 

2936 36

MSU Taiwan Group Farwell Party Menu 1985 

2936 37


Box Folder

Photographs of President John Hannah and MSU Team Visiting Taiwan 1961 

2938 21

Conrad (Bud) Search. Vo. Ag. Teacher 

2938 23

Don Cronkite, Vo. Ag. Teacher 

2938 24

William (Bill) Drake, Vo. Ag. Teacher 

2938 25

Patrick Dougherty, Student Teacher 

2938 26

Dr. H. Paul Sweany, Professor of Agriculture Education 

2938 27

David Boyne, State FFA President 

2938 28

William B. Hawley, Michigan Department of Education 

2938 29

Robert (Bob) LePrad, MSU Agriculture Technology Faculty 

2938 30

Harold M. Byram 1954 

2938 31

E.C. Miller 

2938 32

Carl Albrecht, Professor of Ag. Engineering and Education 

2938 33

L.A. Cheney, Vo. Ag. Teacher 1953 

2938 34

Dr. Guy Timmons 

2938 35

Peter Zaldokas and Lyle Myers 

2938 36

Dr. Walter Schroeder 

2938 37

Joe Bail and Professor Cornell 

2938 38

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Box Folder

Postcards - Campus or Company?, Taiwain? undated 

2936 38

Postcards - Taiwan 

2936 39