College of Education Records

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
Michigan State University. College of Education. Alumni Association.
College of Education records
Date [inclusive]
3.0 Cubic feet

Preferred Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Item title, Collection title, Collection Identifier, Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan".

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Historical Note

The College of Education began operations in 1924 as the Education Department, which later became the Education Division. From 1952 to 1955, it was known as the Education School. Predecessor units include Agricultural Education (1909-1920), Vocational Teacher Training (1917-?),and Teacher Training (1921-1923). It originally was a part of the Liberal Arts Division (1924-Circa 1944.). After several changes of responsibility, it became responsible to the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs in 1956. The college administers a variety of units, including Counseling, Educational Psychology and Special Education, Health and Physical Education, and the University Center for International Rehabilitation.

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Scope and Contents note

The College of Education records include primarily a variety of reports and papers pertaining to international, agricultural, and vocational education at Michigan State University, and a number of papers pertaining to the Elementary Intern Program of the 1960's. Other papers relate to the State Department of Education, administrative aspects of the college, graduate work in education, science education, and college-sponsored workshops and projects. The materials also includes records relating to Dean Emmons.

Also included are minutes and agendas from the College of Education Alumni Association meetings from 2011-2012.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections

Conrad Hall
888 Wilson Road, Room 101
East Lansing , MI, 48824

Revision Description

 Added College of Education Alumni Association Records 2011-2012 July 2013

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research. The scrapbook of college and department news clippings is extremely fragile and access is restricted.

Legal Status note

Copyright: Michigan State University Property Rights: Michigan State University

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

Custodial History

Records were transferred by the College of Education, MSU Libraries and also donated by Charles Schmitter.

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Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

  • Michigan State University. Elementary Teacher Preparation Program.


  • Agricultural education -- Michigan
  • Education -- Research
  • Education -- Study and teaching
  • Education -- Study and teaching (Graduate)
  • International education
  • Universities and colleges -- Alumni and alumnae
  • Vocational education -- Michigan

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Collection Inventory


Dean Emmons Correspondence and Records 

Box Folder

Budget Requests 

476 1-2

Travel Expenses 

476 3-4

Cooperative Teacher Training Agreements 

476 5-6

Requests for Authorization for a New Course 

476 7

Employment Records 

Box Folder

 January - June 1950 

476 8

 July - December 1950 

476 9

 January - March 1951, n.d. 

476 10

Letters of Recommendation 

476 11

Appointment Authorizations 

476 12

Scholarship Reports 

476 13-14

Grade Change Requests 

476 15

Letters to the Dean 

Box Folder

 April - June 1951 

476 16

 January - March 1951 

476 17

 August - December 1950 

476 18

 Apri l- July 1950 

476 19

 January - March 1950 

476 20

Summer School 

476 21

Graduation Recommendations 

476 22-23
Box Folder

Report of the Program and Structural Committee February 1954 

476 24-25

"Reporting of the Results from Educational Studies" 1956 

476 26

The new School of Education Building, 1957 

476 27

"Your Michigan School Costs" 1960 

476 28

"Reorganization of the College of Education" 1960 

476 29

Function and Organization 1961 

476 30

Papers about Research and Instruction by John X. Jamrich 1961-1964 

476 31

A Report to the Board of Trustees April 1962 

476 32

Papers by John E. Avery about Education Directions 1962-1964 

476 33

Curriculum Interest Group in Bibliography July 1963 

476 34

A Possible Plan for Improving State Agency Leadership for Education in Michigan 

476 35

Agreement between State of Michigan Department of Education and MSU College of Education about Personnel Development 1966 

476 36

Curriculum Review Committee 1966 

476 37

NCA-MSU Summer Workshop. Individual Projects 1-26 1955 

476 38

NCA-MSU Summer Workshop. Individual Projects 27-37 1955 

476 39

NCA-MSU Individual Projects 1-10 1956 

476 40

NCA-MSU Individual Projects 11-30 1956 

476 41

"Professional Education: A Mission of Michigan State University" 1968 

476 42

"Final Report on the NDEA Institute for 95 Elementary and Secondary Coordinators of Educational Media Programs in Individual School Buildings Code 3 at MSU" by Dr. James L. Page August 1965 

476 43

Regional Educational Laboratories 1965 

476 44

A Conference to Stimulate Research and Development on Curricular and Instructional Innovations November 1966 

476 45-47

American Sponsored Bi-Cultural Schools Overseas 1966 

476 48

Personnel and Program Development in the Department of Defense Schools Overseas 1966 

476 49

Joint Planning Committee for the Detroit Public Schools-MSU Workshop 1966 

476 50

Single Concept Film Clip Project, Part I June 1967 

476 51

Single Concept Film Clip Project, Part II December 1967 

476 52

Professional Education - A Mission of MSU n.d. 

476 53

Imagination and Hallucination in African Education n.d. 

476 54

Program Planning Guidebook n.d. 

476 55

Institute for International Studies n.d. 

476 56

Elementary Intern Program n.d. 

476 57

Get on the Right Road with Distributive Education n.d. 

476 58

Policies and Operations of Doctoral Programs n.d. 

476 59

Graduate Education Overseas n.d. 

476 60-61

Rural Education Workshop August 16-20, 1943 

476 62

How to Organize Your Graduate Program 1950 

476 63

Graduate Services in Elementary School 1951 

476 64

Staff Organization 1951-1952 

476 65

An Introduction to the Staff Spring 1954 

476 66

Outdoor Education Conferences 1953-1954 

476 67

Guidance Series 1955 

476 68

Hunter Education Leadership Institute 1954-1955 

476 69

Outdoor Education Workshops 

Box Folder


476 70


476 71

 August 6-24, 1956 

476 72

International Teacher Education Program 1957 

476 73

Vocational Education in a Robot Revolution 1957 

476 74

Outdoor Education Committee Meetings 1955-1957 

476 75

Research Services and Facilities of the Bureau of Educational Research March 1959 

476 76

Doctorates in Agricultural Education 1951-1960 

476 77

Suggestions for Supervising Teachers May 21, 1962 

476 78

Conference Working Paper Implications of Theory for Research and Implementation in the News Media March 1952 

476 79

Science and Mathematics Education Graduate Study 1963 

476 80

Program Directors for the College of Education December 4, 1962 

476 81

Step: An Interim Summary Report November 1962 

476 82

The Internship in the Preparation of Elementary School Teachers 1964 

476 83

Vocational Competencies Needed for Employment in the Agricultural Chemical Industry of Michigan 1965 

476 84

In Review College of Education 1964-1965 

476 85

Education Reports April 1966 

476 86

The Educational Status of Children During the First School Year Following Four Years of Little or No Schooling 1966 

476 87

An Intern's View of EIP 

476 88

Elementary Intern Program - Another Way of Learning to Teach n.d. 

476 89

State of Michigan Department of Education Competitive Scholarship Program - Initial and Residual Reward Winners October 1966 

476 90

Improvement of Undergraduate Education April 12, 1967 

476 91

Hospitality Education Curriculum Development Project - Research and Development Program April 12, 1967 

476 92

A Pilot Program Comparing Cooperative and Project Methods of Teaching Distribution Education-Research and Development Program 1967 

476 93

The New Agriculture 1967 

476 94

Checklists for Planning Your Program in Homemaking Education 1967 

476 95

Increasing University Competence in International Education December 1967 

476 96

Executive Summary Student and Parent Attitudes toward Michigan State University April 1970 

476 97

Junior Farmers' Week 1937 

2300 1

Summer Session 1940, 1956 

2300 2

Teaching Manuals and Workshops 1944, 1953, 1963, 1966 

2300 3

Research Bulletin No. 1 1945 

2300 4

Report of the Teacher Placement Bureau 1945 

2300 5

"A Project History of Michigan State University's Participation in International Development" 1951-1985 

2300 6

MSU Staff Pamphlets 1952-1954 

2300 7

Publication Policies 1956 

2300 8

International Education Project 1956 

2300 9

Faculty Newsletter Vol. 2 - # 2, 3 & 6 1957 

2300 10

Industrial Technician Survey Form 1957 

2300 11

A School Building Checklist 1959 

2300 12

Accreditation of the College of Education #1, 2 & 4 1960 

2300 13

The Clinic-School Project ca. 1960 

2300 14

Reports ca. 1960 

2300 15

Committee on Professional Preparation of Recreation Leadership 1960 

2300 16

Accreditation of the College of Education Newsletter #1-3 1960-1961 

2300 17

Accreditation of the College of Education #5, 6 & 10 1961 

2300 18

Educational Planning and Development Council 1961, 1966, 1969 

2300 19

Educational Dissertation Series #1-3 February - March 1962 

2300 20

Self-Concept of Ability Scale 1962 

2300 21

Educational Publications Catalog 1962-1963, 1968 

2300 22

Educational Dissertation Series #7 June 1964 

2300 23

Newspaper Clippings 1964-1965 

2300 24

Brochures 1964, 1966, 1971, 1977, n.d. 

2300 25

Manual of Personnel Policies and Administrative Procedures 1966 

2300 26

The Educational Status of Children During the First School Year Following Four Years of Little or No Schooling 1966 

2300 27

Technical Papers of the Center 1968 

2300 28

Evaluation of Instructional Materials Position Paper #1 1967 

2300 29

A Developmental Vocational Education Research and Teacher Education Program Based on a Clinical School Concept 1967 

2300 30

Research and Development Program Research Report 1968 

2300 31

Review Series 1968 

2300 32

Professional Education Series - Organization & Administration 1968-1969 

2300 33

Analysis of the College Education 1971 

2300 34

American Education Studies Association Newsletter Vol. 3, #4-5, Special Issue, Vol. 4, #1-2 1972-1973 

2300 35

Competency Based Teacher Education Modules. "Planning an Instructional Sequence" 1973 

2300 36

Competency Based Teacher Education Modules. "Classroom Management Strategies" 1973 

2300 37

International Awards Dinner 1977 

2300 38

Michigan Constitutional Tax Reform Proposals 1978 

2300 39

Non-Formal Education Questionnaire 1979 

2300 40

Office of the Dean & Publications 1980-1989 

2300 41

Manual Series #1-2, 4 1983 

2300 42

Institute for Research on Teaching 1985 

2300 43

Learning Community News Vol.2 No. 5, Vol.3 No. 2 1987-1988 

2300 44

Recruitment Workshop 1991 

2300 45

International Educators Brochure 2000 

2300 46

American Educator "Overcoming the Language Gap" 2001 

2300 47

Prospectus Series Paper n.d. 

2300 48

Competency Based Teacher Education Modules. "Secondary Reading" n.d. 

2300 49

Proposals for Education Programs n.d. 

2300 50

Full Term Session Course Listing n.d. 

2300 51

"Education and Development in India and Pakistan" n.d. 

2300 52

Education in Africa Series n.d. 

2300 53

Education in Latin America Series #1 n.d. 

2300 54

Education in Latin America Series #2 n.d. 

2300 55

Answers to Teacher Certification Questions 1955 

2311 1

College Assembly - Meeting Minutes October 1978 

2311 2

Conferences and Workshops 1961, 1967 

2311 3

Correspondence - Student Teacher Programs Undated 

2311 4

Course Descriptions 1963 

2311 5

Department Self Study - A Comprehensive Study of Departmental Role and Function and Reosurces Needed to Achieve Higher Quality Programs 1967 

2311 6

Faculty Advisory Committee - Meeting Minutes October - November 1978 

2311 7

Faculty and Staff Lists 1964-1967 

2311 8

Grievance Procedures 1973 

2311 9

Handbook for Student Teachers edited by Hugo David 1968 

2311 10

International Conference and Workshops on Non-Formal Education 1974 

2311 11

Memos 1955, 1961, 1963-1965, 1977, Undated 

2311 12

Office of Research Consultation Undated 

2311 13

Preliminary Report College of Education Provost’s Study Committee 1971 

2311 14

Salary Study of 72 Doctoral Candidates of Positions held from January 1960 to June 1963 1963 

2311 15

Special Programs February 25, 1977 

2311 16

Staff News Bulletin- School of Education 1955 

2311 17

Summer Session Statistics 1955 

2311 18

UNESCO conference- correspondence 1975 

2311 19

Vocational Education- Tip Sheets- Teacher Guides 

2311 20-21

Vocational Education- Tip Sheets 

2311 22-23

Wanted: A Scientific Basis for Educational Practices by John Ivey 1963 

2311 24

Your Future in Education Undated 

2311 25

Public School Custodians, Janitors and Engineers Conference 1936 

2311 26

MSU Centers for Methods, Media, and Materials Undated 

2311 27

Delta Kappa Gamma Alpha Iota State conference programs 1959 

2311 28

Bylaws of the Faculty Organization of the College of Education 1964-1965 

2311 29

Course Plan: Education 327 undated 

2311 30

Distribution of Grades by teaching college 1972 

2311 31

Fall Conference of Faculty 1966 

2311 32

Professional Education at MSU: Fall Faculty Conference 1967 

2311 33

Professional Education Comprehensive Examination 1966 

2311 34

Speech Proficiency Evaluation information, procedures & instructions undated 

2311 35

All Faculty Conference on Learning Resources for Higher Education 1962 

2311 36

University Forum 1963 

2311 37

Alumni in Educational Administration 1963 

2311 38

Theory for the New Media conference – abstracts and working papers 1961-1962 

2311 39

Report Submitted to the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 1961 

Box Folder

Standards I-IV 1961 

2311 40

Appendixes Volume I 1961 

2311 41

Appendixes Volume 2 1961 

2311 42

Appendixes Volume 3 1961 

2311 43

Appendixes Volume 4 1961 

2311 44

Appendixes Volume 5 1961 

2311 45

Appendixes Volume 6 1961 

2311 46

Appendixes Volume 7 1961 

2311 47
Box Folder

American Studies Association Directory 1971 

3031 1

Assistant Instructors, Graduate Assistants, Other Part Time Appointments 1966 

3031 2

Business and Distributive Education course lists undated 

3031 3

College of Education Publications 1968 

3031 4

Department of Business Law and Officer Administration course lists 1966, Undated 

3031 5

Division of Education Bulletin 1950-1951 

3031 6

Elementary Intern Program booklets undated 

3031 7

Financing Michigan's Schools 1958 

3031 8

Financing Program Modifications in Student Teaching, Internships and the Clinic School program undated 

3031 9

Format for Learning: A Summary Statement that Delineates Seminars, Independent Study and Field Experiences 1962 

3031 10

Matters of Liability 1966 

3031 11

New Faculty Appointments 1966 

3031 12

Organization Plan for Foundation Courses undated 

3031 13

Regular Faculty 1966 

3031 14

Report on Inventory of Interests of Administration and Higher Education undated 

Box Folder

Student Teaching Program Policies and Procedures 1966 

3031 16

End of Year Report of the Regional Center Operation- US Office of Education / MSU Instructional Materials Center for Handicapped Children and Youth 1967 

3031 17

Field Experiences by Herbert Rudman 1962 

3031 18

Independent Study by Herbert Rudman 1962 

3031 19

The Seminar 

3031 20

The Land Laboratory 1963 

3031 21

Twin Cities Technicians: A Limited Survey of Industrial Technicians by George Brandon 1958 

3031 22

Teaching Square Dancing by Randolph Webster 1958 

3031 22

Introduction of a New System of Teaching, Research and Upgrading Curriculum by Televising our Learning Resources by James Tintera 1961 

3031 23

A School Study and Leadership by James Gooch and Herbert Hengst 1961 

3031 23

Michigan Vocational Education Evaluation circa 1961 

3031 24

Directions for Thesis Preparation by William Farquhar 1969 

3031 25

Problems with Course and Guideline Budget Request 1970-1971 

3031 26

Report to National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education 1971 

3031 27

Doctoral Dissertations of Candidates Who Have Graduated 1972 

3031 28

Doctoral Dissertations Reported Underway 

3031 29

Graduate Education Overseas undated 

3031 30

Home Economics Education pamphlet 

3031 30

Writing a Thesis Proposal 

3031 30

A Bibliography for Shared Time (Dual Enrollment) A Concept for Providing Educational Programs (Bibliographic Series 3) by O. Donald Meaders and Sue Sutton 1966 

3031 31

Graduate Study brochures 1960, undated 

3031 32

Summer Session Catalog 1958 

3031 33

School District Reorganization 1956 

3031 34

Professional Education 

3031 35

Instructional Resources Center 1971, undated 

3031 36

Studies in Human Interaction 1967 

3031 37

Program Planning Guidebook undated 

3031 38

Media, Methods, Materials - Instructional Resources Centers 1968 

3031 39

Competencies Needed by Students in Agriculture and Natural Resources Education Prior to Student Teaching by Raymond Garner 1974 

3031 40

Our Doctoral Graduates Speak [questionnaire results] 1967 

3031 41

Faculty Personnel Policies 1975 

3031 42

A Selected Bibliography of Guidance Materials 1957 

3031 43

General Education in the Community College 1956 

3031 44

Charles: A Case Study brochure 1956 

3031 45

Citizens School Study: South Clinton County 1962 

3031 46

Yale Public Schools Consultant Citizens' Report of Total Education Program 1962 

3031 47

Behavioral Science Elementary Teacher Education Program Volumes 1-3 1968 

3031 48-50

Advanced Specialty Reports Undated 


Educational Administration 

Reading and Literacy 

School Psychology 

School Counseling 

Changing Minds newsletters 

Box Folder

 Fall 1992-Spring 1998 

3063 3

 Summer 1990-Winter/Spring 1992 

3063 2

Faculty Vitae 1995 

Box Folder

Temporary Faculty and Non-College of Education Faculty 1995 

3063 4

Tenure Stream Faculty 1995 

3063 5

Specialty Reports 1995 




Art Education 

Bilingual Spanish 

Specialty Reports 1995 


Biological Science 

Business Administration - Minor Only 


Child Development 

Specialty Reports 1995 


Communication Speech - Minor Only 

Computer Science - Minor Only 

Earth Science 


Specialty Reports 1995 



Environmental Science - Minor Only 




Box Folder

Specialty Reports 1995 

3063 14


Speech - Language Pathology 


Vocational Agricscience 

Vocational Home Economics 

Specialty Reports 1995 


Italian - Minor Only 


Home Economics 



Specialty Reports 1995 


Marketing - Distributive Education - Minor Only 



Physical Education 

Specialty Reports 1995 



Political Science 


Religious Studies - Minor Only 


Specialty Reports 1995 


Science (Physical) 

Social Science 

Social Science - James Madison College 


College of Education Alumni Association agendas and meeting minutes 2010-2012 

3063 15

Homecoming Tailgate invitations 1995-2000 

3063 16

Guide to Faculty, Programs, and Resources 2011 

3063 17

Awards Reception program 2009 

3063 18

Awards Reception programs 2010-2011 

3063 19

Department Informational Fliers 1997-1998 

3063 20

Teacher Education Research Reports, A-M 1999-2008 

3063 21

Teacher Education Research Reports, N-Z 1997-2007 

3063 22

Education Research Reports, A-H 1997-2008 

3063 23

Education Research Reports, I-P 1997-2008 

3063 24

Education Research Reports, Q-Z 1997-2008 

3063 25


Box Folder

Homecoming Tailgate photographs 2003 

3063 26

Faculty and Student awards photographs 1997-2009 

3063 27

Graduation photographs 1997 

3063 28

Homecoming Tailgate photographs 1995 

3063 29

Alumni Board of Directors photograph 1997 

3063 30

Patriarch's Day Brunch photographs, 1999 June 25 

3063 31

Patriarch's Day Brunch photographs, 2001 June 8 

3063 32

Patriarch's Day Brunch photographs, 1993 1993 

3063 33

Erickson Hall early postcards Undated 

3063 34

Faculty polaroid photographs Undated 

3063 35

Teaching programs photographs 1997 

3063 36

Faculty portraits Circa 

3063 37

Miscellaneous College of Education photographs 1994-2003 

3063 38

MSU-Zimbabwean convocation photographs 1990 

3063 38

Michigan Partnership for New Education photographs Undated 

3063 39

Unidentified Faculty contact sheets Undated 

3063 40

Fall Faculty Conference contact sheet 1988 

3063 41

Erickson Hall and IM Circle photographs Undated 

3063 42

Identified Faculty contact sheets Undated 

3063 43
Box Folder

DVD, "Comparative Cultures and Politics, James Madison College, RX Endorsement" Undated 

3063 44

Newspaper clippings scrapbook 1940s 


Graduate Study in College and University Administration circa 1982 



Videotape: "Crystal Apple Awards - Clifton R. Wharton Jr. Keynote Address" November 3, 2000 

Videotape -- Crystal Apple Awards

Videotape: "Learn to Teach at MSU" (1M) (2) (2 videos) 

Videotape -- Learn to Teach

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Annual Reports 

Scope and Contents note

Reports for 1909-1920 and 1924 include Agricultural Education reports. Reports for 1921-1923 include Teacher Training reports. Reports for 1963, 1966-1969, and 1971 include reports of Off-Campus Affairs Office reports. Reports for 1967-1969 include Assistant Dean for Social Projects reports. Reports for 1962-1963 include Research and Publications Office reports. Reports for 1962-1963 include Student Affairs Office reports. Reports for 1968, 1971 include Research Consultation Office reports. Reports for 1968-1969, 1971 include Graduate Student Affairs Office reports. Reports for 1968 include Assistant Director for Research Coordination reports. Reports for 1963 include Assistant Dean for International Programs reports. Reports for 1966-1968 include Metropolitan Educational Research Association reports. Reports for 1966 include teacher education in agriculture reports.

Published in State Board Reports 

Bd. of Ag.



























Annual Reports











1962 (Appendix) 






















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#55: (Education College) Staff Bulletin 

#245: Dissemination Documents 

#257: Education College Alumni Newsletter 

#259: Education College Newsletter 

#260: College of Education Quarterly#260: College of Education Quarterly 

#269: Education Proceedings Series 

#274: Educators' Report 

#332: Guidance Series 

#337: Professional Education Series Home Economics (HE) 

#522: Outdoor Education 

#537: PC - Cork Communicator 

#568: Planning and Management Notes 

#581: Professional Series Bulletin 

#750: What's New 

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Electronic Resources 


College of Education Alumni Association Records 2011-2012 


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