Phi Kappa Phi Records

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
Phi Kappa Phi. Michigan State College Chapter.
Phi Kappa Phi. Michigan State University Chapter.
Phi Kappa Phi records
Date [bulk]
Bulk, 1930-1979
Date [inclusive]
3.0 Cubic feet

Preferred Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Item title, Collection title, Collection Identifier, Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan."

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Historical Note

The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi was founded in 1897 at the University of Maine at Orono, originally called the Lambda Sigma Eta Society. About a year later, the name was changed to the Morrill Society, in honor of Justin Morrill, the man who sponsored the Congressional Act which provided for land grant colleges. In 1900, it became a national society with charter chapters at the University of Maine, at Orono, the University of Tennessee, and Pennsylvania State College (now Pennsylvania State University). The society again changed its name, this time to Phi Kappa Phi, the first letters of the words of the motto: Philosphia Kratei Photon (Let the love of learning rule mankind.) Chapter 041 was installed at Michigan State in 1924. Although the administrators were not enthusiastic about fraternities and other institutions which emphasized social elitism, the climate was fast becoming right for the establishment of a scholastic honorary on campus. Many of the educators who came to Michigan State were already members of Phi Kappa Phi, and felt that there should be a chapter on campus. As a result of this interest, a chapter was finally formed here in 1927. The Michigan State University Chapter of Phi Kappa Phi has been very active in the promotion of academic excellence, both at the university and in the academic community at large. To help promote this ideal, the society has participated in service projects in each of these spheres. The projects include the installation of a display case in the lobby of the main library which lists the honorary societies at Michigan State University, and the sponsorship of a symposium, "Energy and Life," to which the general public was invited. Phi Kappa Phi is composed of juniors and seniors with exceptionally high grade point averages. Faculty members can also be elected by their peers. Each year, the society holds a banquet, at which the new members are initiated and several freshman and sophomores are honored for academic excellence. Phi Kappa Phi also distinguishes members of the community at large with honorary memberships or special citations. The society also sponsors fellowship awards for graduate students. Publications include a newsletter, on both a national and local scale, and a journal published by the national office.

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Scope and Content

Included in the collection are correspondence, and membership information, such as membership, initiate, and officer lists. The bulk of this material is from the 1960s and 1970s. Records from national (1968-1980), and regional (1969-1979) conventions, symposia sponsored by Phi Kappa Phi (1970s), and national and regional publications are included in the collection. Programs, ceremony guides, and seating information for the annual Phi Kappa Phi Banquet and Initiation (1927-1995), as well as election and financial information are also contained in the collection. The administrative duties of Phi Kappa Phi are represented, including meeting minutes (1955-1980), meeting agendas (1950s-1970s, undated), committee assignments and descriptions (1950s-1980s, undated), constitution and bylaws (1961-1981, undated), and conference notes (1968-1981, undated). The remainder of the collection consists of research for, and copies of the book The History of the Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi Chapter 041: Michigan State University 1927-1982. As its name implies, the book is a history of the Michigan State chapter of the society with lists of its members from 1927 to 1982.

The Electronic Resources include correspondence in the form of e-mail memos, and attachments.

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Organized into 14 series: 1. Membership; 2. Correspondence; 3. Convention Records; 4. Banquet/Initiation Information; 5. Awards; 6. Symposia; 7. Elections; 8. Financial Information; 9. Publications; 10. Publicity; 11. Meeting Information; 12. History of Phi Kappa Phi; 13. Oversized - Drawer; 14. Electronic Resources.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections

Conrad Hall
888 Wilson Road, Room 101
East Lansing , MI, 48824

Revision Description

  March 2017

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Legal Status note

Copyright: Michigan State University. Property Rights: Michigan State University.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

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Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

  • Energy and Life.
  • Michigan State College. Societies, etc..
  • Michigan State University. Societies, etc..
  • Phi Kappa Phi. Michigan State College Chapter.
  • Phi Kappa Phi. Michigan State University Chapter.


  • Brochures
  • By-laws
  • Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
  • Constitutions
  • Correspondence
  • Electronic mail messages
  • Memorandums
  • Minutes (Records)
  • Newsletters
  • Programs (Publications)
  • Reports

Personal Name(s)

  • De Benko, Eugene


  • Greek letter societies
  • Greek letter societies -- Michigan -- East Lansing

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Collection Inventory


Membership Lists 

Box Folder


1032 1


1032 2


1032 3


1032 4


1032 5


1032 6


1032 7


1032 8


1032 9


1032 10


1032 11


1032 12


1032 13


1032 14


1032 15


1032 16


1032 17


1032 18


1032 19
Box Folder

Officer Lists 1927-1982 

1032 20


Box Folder


1032 21


1032 22


1032 23


1032 24


1032 25


1032 26


1032 27
Box Folder

Miscellaneous 1956 - 1972, undated 

1032 28

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Box Folder


1032 29


1032 30


1032 31


1032 32


1032 33


1032 34


1032 35


1032 36


1032 37


1032 38


1032 39


1032 40

 January-June 1968 

1032 41

 July December 1968 

1032 42

 January-February 1969 

1032 43

 March-July 1969 

1032 44

 August-December 1969 

1032 45

 January-March 1970 

1032 46

 April-December 1970 

1032 47

 January-March 1971 

1032 48

 April-December 1971 

1032 49


1032 50


1032 51

 January-February 11, 1974 

1032 52

 February 12-March 26, 1974 

1032 53

 March 27-December 1974 

1032 54


1032 55


1032 56


1032 57


1032 58

 January-March 1979 

1032 59

 April-December 1979 

1032 60

 January-May 15, 1980 

1032 61

 May 16-December 1980 

1032 62


1032 63


1032 64

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Convention Records 


Box Folder


1037 1


1037 2


1037 3


1037 4


1037 5


1037 6


Box Folder


1037 7


1037 8

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Banquet/Initiation Information 

Box Folder

Seating Information 1959-1969 

1037 9

Schedule 1964 - 1979, undated 

1037 10

Ceremony Guide 1959 - 1978, undated 

1037 11


Box Folder


1037 12


1037 13


1037 14


1037 15


1037 16


1037 17

 1980s-1990s, 2008 

1037 18
Box Folder

Other honoraria 1973 

1037 19

Citations undated 

1037 20

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Box Folder

Sophomores 1964 -1978, undated 

1037 21

Freshmen 1970, 1978, undated 

1037 22

Fellowship Applications 1967, undated 

1037 23

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Box Folder

"Energy and Life" Papers 1974 

1037 24

Newspaper Articles 1974 

1037 25

Notes 1974 

1037 26

Guest List 1974 

1037 27

Miscellaneous 1974 

1037 28

Quest for Excellence 1975 

1037 29

Building a Humane Economy 1976 

1037 30

Miscellaneous 1973, undated 

1037 31

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Box Folder

Local (MSU) 1966-1974 

1037 32

Local Undergrad 1968-1976 

1037 33

National 1974 

1037 34

Miscellaneous 1963-1974 

1037 35

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Financial Information 

Box Folder

Tax Forms 1966 - 1972, undated 

1037 36

Bank Deposits 1969-1970 

1037 37

Expense Accounts 1964 - 1979, undated 

1037 38

Price Lists and Order Forms 1963 - 1978, undated 

1037 39

Treasurers' Reports 1927 - 1981, undated 

1037 40

Miscellaneous 1969 - 1975, undated 

1037 41

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Box Folder

National 1969-1978 

1037 42

MSU 1969-1986  (Bulk, 1969-1981)

1037 43

MSU Notes 1969 - 1981, undated 

1037 44

Phi Kappa Phi Journal 

Box Folder


1037 45


1037 46


1037 47


1037 48


1037 49


1037 50


1037 51


1037 52


1037 53


1037 54


1037 55
Box Folder

Pamphlets and brochures (MSU) 1966, undated 

1037 56

Pamphlets and brochures (Other) undated 

1037 57

Triennial Convention 

1037 58

Pamphlets and brochures 1971 

1037 59

Other honoraria 1968-1976 

1037 59

Miscellaneous 1955-1980 

1037 60

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Box Folder

Newspaper clippings 1960 - 1980, undated 

1037 61

Display Case 1976 

1037 62

Mailing Lists 1969, 1972, undated 

1037 63

Miscellaneous 1968 - 1980, undated 

1037 64

General Information 1969 - 1974, undated 

1037 65

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Meeting Information 


Box Folder


1038 1


1038 2


1038 3


1038 4


1038 5


1038 6


1038 7


1038 8


1038 9


1038 10


1038 11


1038 12


1038 13


1038 14


1038 15


1038 16


1038 17


1038 18


1038 19


1038 20


1038 21


1038 22


1038 23


Box Folder


1038 24


1038 25


1038 26


1038 27

Committee Assignment and Description 

Box Folder


1038 28


1038 29


1038 30


1038 31


1038 32
Box Folder

Constitution of National Office 1969 

1038 33

Constitution of MSU 1971 

1038 34

Constitutional Amendments, National 1971 

1038 35

National By Laws 1980, undated 

1038 36

MSU By Laws 1969-1981 

1038 37

MSU By Laws Revisions 1972, 1977 

1038 38

Miscellaneous 1958 - 1977, undated 

1038 39

Conference Notes 1968 - 1981, undated 

1038 40

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"History of Phi Kappa Phi" 


Box Folder


1038 41


1038 42


1038 43-44
Box Folder

Final Version (3 copies) 1982 

1038 45

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Oversized - Drawer 


Charter certificate 1927 


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Electronic Resources 

Deans, Directors, and Chairs Memos 2009-2014 

Fellowship and award memos 2009-2013 

Scholarship memos 2014 

Scholarship memo 2016 

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