William J. Hale Papers

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
Hale, William J., (William Jay), 1876-
William J. Hale papers
Date [bulk]
Bulk, 1911-1959
Date [inclusive]
11.0 Cubic feet , microfilm, oversized materials

Preferred Citation

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should include the following information: "Item title, Collection title, Collection Identifier, Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections, East Lansing, Michigan."

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Biographical Note

William J. Hale was born January 5, 1876 in Ada, Ohio, to James Thomas and Emma Elizabeth (Ogle) Hale. James Thomas Hale was a Presbyterian minister and moved his family as assigned to various congregations throughout William's childhood.

William Hale attended the Miami University of Ohio, receiving A.B. and A.M. degrees in 1897 and was presented with an L.L.D. degree in 1937. He also attended Harvard University, receiving the degrees of A.B. in 1898, A.M. in 1899, and Ph.D. in 1902.

After completing his education Hale served as a Traveling Fellow in Chemistry, Technische Hochschule, Berlin, and University of Goettingen, 1902-1903. He taught for one term in 1903 at the University of Chicago. In 1904 he came to Michigan to teach chemistry at the University of Michigan. At U of M he served as instructor from 1904 to 1908; Assistant Professor from 1908-1915; and, Associate Professor from 1915-1919. There he also came into association with Dr. Herbert H. Dow. Hale and Dow developed a team of research and production scientists that formed the foundation of the quick growing Dow Chemical Co. It was also at U-M that he met Helen Dow, a student in his chemistry class. They married on February 7, 1917 and had a daughter, Ruth, on February 22, 1918. Shortly after Ruth's birth, Helen contracted the Spanish Flu and died October 16, 1918. William Hale never remarried.

After Helen's death, Hale took a position with Dow and moved Ruth, as well as his widowed mother living in Dayton, Ohio, to Midland, Michigan.

At Dow, Hale was Director of Organic Chemistry Research until 1934, serving as a consultant to the company thereafter. While director of Dow's organic chemical research laboratory, Hale played a large part in discovering processes to produce chemicals in vast quantities. Considered to be among his greatest such accomplishments were processes to increase production of indigo, chloracetic acid and phenyl ethyl alcohol. Hale and another Dow chemist, Dr. E. C. Britton, developed the chlorobenzene process for most efficient production of phenol. In addition, Hale founded and fathered the Dow Chemical Library.

Hale had numerous personal and professional interests outside of Dow Chemical. He was Chairman of Division Chemistry and Chemical Technology, National Research Council, Washington, D.C. from 1925-1927. He acted as consultant to the Chemical Warfare Service, from 1925-1929. He was a visiting Professor of Chemurgy at Connecticut College from 1936-1939. He was also named President of the National Agrol Co. in Washington D.C., 1939.

A Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Hale belonged to numerous professional societies, including: the London Chemical Society; the American Chemical Society; Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture; Societe Suissede Chimie; Societie Chemique de France; Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft. He maintained lifetime association with Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and Phi Lambda Upsilon. Socially he was a member of the Detroit Club, the Chemists Club (New York), the Cosmos Club (D.C.), and the Chevy Chase Club (Md.)

In 1939, Hale purchased from the Chemical Foundation a corporation that came to be named the National Agrol Co. The National Agrol Co. sought to discover means of producing agricultural alcohol, and other farm products, at costs far below any known method. After reorganizing the corporation in 1941 and 1946, the corporation controlled a plant in Lincoln, Nebraska to produce commercial chemurgic products. The corporation held over 40 patents and 40 patent applications, and produced products like chlorophyletts, a chlorophyll-based chewing gum.

Hale lectured on chemurgy and chemistry throughout his career, and was a prolific writer as well. A sampling of titles authored by Hale include: A Laboratory Outline of General Chemistry (w/ Alexander Smith), 1907;   The Calculations of General Chemistry, 1909;  Chemistry Triumphant, 1932;   The Farm Chemurgic, 1934;  Prosperity Beckons, 1936;  Farmward March, 1939; and,  Farmer Victorious, 1949.

In 1951 Hale was named President of the Verdurin Company of Detroit and Midland, and held that position until his death on August 8, 1955.

Hale was considered to be the Father of Chemurgy, having coined the term "chemurgy" out of the Greek expressions signifying "chemistry at work." According to Hale, "'Chemurgy' is a word I had need to coin to depict that field of chemistry initiated not by man but by Nature. It is best defined as the 'direction of nature's life agencies to the production of chemicals for industry.'" Hale also believed that the greatest of all chemurgic industries would be the ethyl alcohol industry.

Hale used the term "chemurgist" in the beginning of his 1934 text Farm Chemurgic, to describe the use and potential benefit from the use of organic materials - notably farm and agricultural products - for industrial applications. Chemurgy was not considered by many scientific professionals of the day to be a standard term for describing industrial chemistry from organic matter. By the late 1960s, "biochemical engineering" replaced "Chemurgy" as the label used to describe natural product chemistry with industrial applications.

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Scope and Contents note

The collection is arranged into 17 series: Biographical Materials; Personal Papers; Correspondence; Speeches; Publications; Biographical Files; National Agrol Co.; Verdurin Co.; patents; Research Notebooks; Reports/Hearings; History of American Chemical Industry; Subject Files; Audio / Visual materials; Ephemera; Microfilm; and Oversized material. The series are summarized below.

BIOGRAPHICAL MATERIALS Newspaper clippings, bibliographic lists, publications, autobiographical passages, commemorative papers and other materials providing biographical information on William Hale. Arranged alphabetically.

PERSONAL PAPERS Tied to the biographical series, this material contains personal correspondence, commemorative items, invitations and sketches. Two important sections include copies of the publishing contracts for Hale's books and letters/telegrams of condolence on the passing of William J. Hale in 1955. Arranged alphabetically.

ICORRESPONDENCE Primarily composed of business correspondence between Hale and various individuals concerning his commercial and personal research interests after leaving Dow. Main topic of interest is the development of the use of chlorophyll as a means to bettering health by way of improved foods. Arranged alphabetically by correspondent.

SPEECHES Collection of speeches delivered by Hale over the course of his career. The processing archivist maintained the order of the numbered folders in which Hale kept his speech files. Some speeches are dated and have notation of occasion of speech. Some speeches are duplicates and/or are slightly altered for place where speech was presented. At the end of the numeric list is a collection of non-numbered speeches arranged alphabetically. They were contained in non-numbered folders and could very well slip into the gaps in the numbered list, though there is no clear indication they fit completely. Arranged numerically by Hale assigned speech and number, then alphabetically by folder title of non-numbered folders.

PUBLICATIONS Articles and excerpts from larger works on various organic chemistry and chemurgic subjects. The majority are written by Hale, with some co-authored by Hale. Included in this series are reviews and letters on Chemivision and  Farm Chemurgic. Arranged alphabetically.

BIOGRAPHICAL FILES Three folders of biographical materials Hale collected on Willard H. Dow, Henry Luce, and Fielding Harris Yost. Folders may contain correspondence. Arranged alphabetically.

NATIONAL AGROL CO. Materials reflecting Hale's involvement in the National Agrol Co. These files contain correspondence, reports, memoranda, publications, licensing and production agreements with foodstuff manufacturing companies. Also contains information on incorporation, patent applications, and stock development. Arranged alphabetically.

VERDURIN CO. This series marks Hale's involvement in the Verdurin Co. It also contains materials pertaining to business function following Hale's death. These business records include articles of incorporation, annual reports, bank statements, correspondence, ledgers, accounting records, business agreements, and advertisements. Arranged alphabetically.

PATENTS A collection of summaries, applications, farms, correspondence and other related materials for patents held in fields and processes in relation to activity within the Chemurgic movement. Included are patent materials for the National Agrol Co., The Verdurin Co., Larus and Brother Co., as well as other processes and products involving Hale outside of these companies. Arranged Alphabetically.

RESEARCH NOTEBOOKS Personal research notebooks William Hale kept periodically through the years 1919-1935. In the back of the 1935 notebook is a personal diary with varying amounts of information for the years 1935-1954. Arranged chronologically.

REPORTS/HEARINGS Published copy of testimony or reports given by Hale on Chemurgic related subjects. Arranged alphabetically.

HISTORY OF AMERICAN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Hale initiated this project intended to chronicle the history of the American Chemical Industry in six volumes compiled by William Haynes and published by D. Van Nostrand Co. of New York. Hale called it a "scientific historical masterpiece." This series contains mostly correspondence with William Haynes. Arranged chronologically.

SUBJECT FILES General files maintained by Hale on a wide range of subjects - with heavy emphasis on chemistry, organic chemistry and chemurgy. Widely examined subjects include alcohol, cancer, chlorophyll, cigarettes and photosynthesis. Materials include notes, papers, reports, articles, advertisements, and correspondence. Arranged alphabetically.

AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS Photographic images of Hale with friends, family and colleagues as well as advertisements, reprints and awards.

Following the series arranged material are ephemera - personal items belonging to Hale. The collection contains one reel of microfilm of family scrapbooks chronicling activities in Hale and his family's lives between 1918 and 1954. The family maintains ownership and physical custody of the scrapbooks. There is also a list of oversized materials, mainly maps and large news articles.

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Organization of the Papers

This collection is organized into 14 series

  1. I. Biographical Materials
  2. II. Personal Papers
  3. III. Correspondence
  4. IV. Speeches
  5. V. Publications
  6. VI. Biographical Files
  7. VII. National Agrol Co.
  8. VIII. Verdurin Co.
  9. IX. Patents
  10. X. Research Notebooks
  11. XI. Reports/ Hearings
  12. XII. History of American Chemical Industry
  13. XIII. Subject Files
  14. XIV. Audio-Visual Materials

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections July 2001

Conrad Hall
888 Wilson Road, Room 101
East Lansing , MI, 48824

Revision Description

 revised Scope August 2014

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Legal Status

Copyright: Michigan State University. Property Rights: Michigan State University.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

Custodial History

Gift of Ruth Hale Buchanan and David Wright.

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Related Materials

Related Archival Materials

See also Leo M. Christensen papers, 1837-1972 (00174) at University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

See also Farm Chemurgic Council records, 1909-1983 (00177) at University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.

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Controlled Access Headings

Corporate Name(s)

  • Verdurin Company.


  • Lectures
  • Letters (correspondence)
  • Notebooks
  • Patents
  • Photographs
  • Publications
  • Reports
  • Scrapbooks
  • Speeches, addresses, etc.

Personal Name(s)

  • Buchanan, Ruth Hale
  • Hale, William J., (William Jay), 1876-
  • Wright, David E.


  • Chemurgy

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Collection Inventory

Biographical Materials 

Box Folder

Bibliography -- n.d. 

1 1

Bibliographical Encyclopedia of the World -- n.d. 

1 2

Clippings -- 1936, 1951, n.d. 

1 3

[Clippings] -- 1942, 1943, 1949 - 1951, 1954, 1955, n.d. 

1 4

[Hale, General] -- n.d. (includes Driver's License) 

1 5

[Misc. Publications]-- 1936, 1938, n.d. 

1 6

[Poem Commemorating 75th Birthday] 

1 7

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Personal Papers 

Box Folder

Biography/ Bibliography- William Jay Hale 

1 8

[Cards of Condolence on the Death of Hale] -- 1954, 1955 

1 9

Certificate of Social Insurance Award -- 1951 

1 10

Letters of Condolence - On the Death of William Hale -- 1955 

1 11-12

Miscellaneous Correspondence -- 1949 - 1955 

1 13

Party - Ruth & Wiley, October 10, 1953 -- 1953 

1 14

75th Birthday Poem 

1 15

Six Sketches - R.H. -- n.d. 

1 16

[Telegrams of Condolence on the Death of Hale] -- 1954, 1955 

1 17

William T. Hale Honors -- 1925 - 1926 

1 18

Publishing Contracts 

Box Folder

Chemistry Triumphant -- 1932 

1 19

Farmer Victorious -- 1949 

1 20

General Chemistry, Revised -- 1940 

1 21

Laboratory Manual and Record of General Chemsitry -- 1917 

1 22

Labratory Manual for General Chemistry -- 1930 

1 23

Prosperity Beckons -- 1936 

1 24

The Calculations of General Chemistry -- 1909 

1 25

The Farm Chemurgic -- 1934 

1 26

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Box Folder

Abbott, G.A. 1952 

1 27

Adams Quail Farm -- 1952 

1 28

Adams, Roger -- 1952, 1954 

1 29

Allen, E.R. -- 1953 

1 30

American Chlorophyll Division -- 1953 

1 31

American Lecithin Co., Inc. -- 1953 

1 32

Armstrong, H. Howard -- 1953 - 1955 

1 33

Bains, B.B. -- 1954 - 1955 

1 34

Bartlett, Harley H. -- 1949 

1 35

Bayer, Otto 

Box Folder

 1938, 1940, 1947 - 1955, n.d. 

1 36


1 37

Benson, Ezra Taft -- 1954 - 1955 

1 38

Bloch, Brothers Tobacco Co. -- 1952 - 1955 

1 39

Bromfield, Louis -- 1945, 1947 - 1949, 1954 

1 40

Brown & Williamson Co. - Ernst, R.C. -- 1948 

1 41

Burgesser, F.W. -- 1952, n.d. 

1 42

Carter, Morris -- 1953 - 1955 

1 43

Chemivision - Refusals to Review -- 1951 - 1954 

1 44

Chemurgy -- 1946, 1949, 1951 - 1955 

1 45

Chewing Gum 

Box Folder

Adverstising Chloro-Pyletts -- 1952, n.d. 

1 46

Burt, F.N. Co. -- 1948, 1950 

1 47

Chlorophylett Expense -- 1945 - 1950, n.d. 

1 48

Chlorophyletts -- 1951, n.d. 

1 49

Cost of Boxes -- 1950 - 1952, n.d. 

1 50

Gum Products, Inc. -- 1945 - 1948 

1 51

List of Manufacturers of Gum -- n.d. 

1 52

Literature on Chlorophylletts -- 1943, n.d. 

1 53

Mac Manus, John & Adams, Inc. -- 1946, n.d. 

1 54

Chunky Chocolate Co. -- 1954 - 1955 

1 55

Consolidated Cigar Co. -- 1952 

1 56

Coward-McCann Publishers -- 1939, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1955 

1 57

Danciger, Jack -- 1952 - 1953 

1 58

Dearborn Independent -- 1926 

1 59

DeKruif, Paul -- 1947, 1949, 1950 

1 60

Dewey, Thomas E. -- 1939 - 1940, 1942 

1 61

Drug and Allied Industries - re: Cigarette Article -- 1953 - 1955 

1 62

DuPuis, Robert N. -- 1954, 1955 

1 63

Ecusta Papers Corp. -- 1948 - 1951 

1 64

Eisenhower, Dwight D. -- 1949 

1 65

Federal Trade Commission -- 1953 

1 66

Follett, Richard - 1946 (Original Photos: See Photographs) 

1 67

Fred W. Amend Co. -- 1952 

1 68

Fritsche, Carl B. -- 1954 - 1955 

1 69

Gould, William M. -- 1953 

1 70

Graham, Evarts -- 1950 

1 71

Groggin, Philip H. -- 1953 

1 72

Gross, Henry M. - Radiotonics -- 1952- 1955 

1 73

Hall, J. Alfred -- 1953 

1 74

Hitchcock, Lauren B. -- 1952, 1954 

2 1

Karper, Robert E. -- 1951 - 1952 

2 2

Kendall, Henry P. -- 1952 - 1955 

2 3

Kettering, C.F. -- 1946 - 1947, 1951 

2 4

Kühne, Hans -- 1938 - 1941, 1947 - 1948, 1950 

2 5

Larus and Brother Co. -- 1952 - 1955 

2 6

Legler, Henry -- 1949 - 1954 

2 7

Lever Brothers -- 1951 

2 8

Lignin -- 1949- 1950 

2 9

Maillard Corp. -- 1954, 1955 

2 10

McKee, Ralph -- 1949 - 1951 

2 11

McMillen, Wheeler -- 1926, 1937 - 1942, 1944, 1946 - 1947, 1949 

2 12

Menzel, Donald -- 1951 

2 13

Miller, Harry -- 1952, 1954, 1955 

2 14

Miller, J.J. -- 1952 - 1953 

2 15

Monsato Chemical Company -- 1953- 1955 

2 16

Morse, Richard S. -- 1953 

2 17

Mt. Holyoke College - Chemurgy Books -- 1954 

2 18

National Chlorophyll and Chemical Company -- 1952 -1955 

2 19

Nestle Company -- 1949 - 1950 

2 20

Nixon, Richard M. -- n.d. 

2 21

Orpet, Mildred -- 1953 - 1955 

2 22

Pelleted Seeds -- 1941, 1944 - 1947, 1950, 1951, 1954 

2 23

Péra Cigarette Company Ltd. -- 1952 

2 24

Polak, Jose -- 1952 - 1953 

2 25

Praise of H.F. Willkie's Article in ACS -- 1948 

2 26

Putnam, Mark E. -- 1949 

2 27

Riggio Tobacco Corp. -- 1948, 1949, 1952, 1954 

2 28

R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. -- 1951 - 1953 

2 29

Rollins College -- 1951- 1952 

2 30

Saussy, Gordon -- 1951- 1952 

2 31

Schmidt, Walter A. -- 1953 - 1955 

2 32

Soule, Roland P. -- 1950 

2 33

Steenborg, Erich -- 1953 

2 34

Trenton Chemical Co. -- 1955, n.d. 

2 35

Ultrasonic Corp. -- 1951, 1952 

2 36

Underkofler, L.A. -- 1954, 1955 

2 37

Upton, Curtis -- 1952 - 1954 

2 38

Wagoner, Philip D. - (Underwood Corp.) -- 1949, 1950, 1952, 1954 

2 39

Waksman, Selman A. -- 1953 

2 40

Weidlein, E.R. -- 1952 - 1954 

2 41

Wells, P.A. -- 1951 

2 42

Welsh, James LeRoy -- 1948, 1950, 1954 

2 43

White Laboratories Inc. -- 1948 - 1949, 1952 - 1953 

2 44

Whittington, J.S. -- 1953 

2 45

Wilbur-Suchard Chocolate Co. -- 1953- 1955 

2 46

Williamson, B.F. -- 1952 - 1953 

2 47

Willis, Francis T. -- 1952 - 1953 

2 48

Wolf, J. Sidney -- 1953 -1954, n.d. 

2 49

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Box Folder

The Chemical Road to Progress - #1 -- July 1931 

2 50

Chemurgy or Chaos -#2 -- November 15, 1949 

2 51

Chemistry and Mechanism of the Pyrolsis of Ethylene - #2 -- 1939 

2 52

Out of Chaos into Chemurgy - #3 -- November 21, 1950 

2 53

Chemurgy in Defense - #4 -- July 4, 1942 

2 54

Chemurgy in Postwar Industry - #5 -- 1944 

2 55

Epistemocracy - #6 -- 1933 

2 56

A Decade of Advance in Organic Chemical Manufacture - #7 -- 1933 

2 57

Farming Must Become a Chemical Industry - #8 -- 1926 

2 58

Farm Relief Through Organic Chemistry - #9 -- 1927 

2 59

Origin of the Farm Chemurgic Movement - #10 -- 1936 

2 60

Prophecy of A Chemist - #11 -- 1926 

2 61

Reality in A Chemical Era - #12 -- n.d. 

2 62

The Farmer, The Tariff, and the Chemist - #13 -- 1927 

2 63

The Shape of Industries to Come - #14 -- 1942 - 1943 

2 64

The Sky is the Limit - #15 1947 

2 65

Technological Trends and National Policy - #16 -- 1937 

2 66

We Need A National Agricultural Policy - #17 -- 1948 

2 67

When Agriculture Enters the Chemical Industry - #18 -- 1930 

2 68

The Chemurgic Period in Chemical Industry - #19 -- May 11, 1948 

2 69

Advent of Celloveil - #20 -- 1937 

2 70

Agriculture's Only Hope- #21 -- 1935 

2 71

Agrol Supreme - #22 -- n.d. 

2 72

Influence of Polysubstituted Organic Compounds, etc. - #23 -- n.d. 

2 73

Talks to Rotary (Midland) - #24 -- n.d. 

2 74

Babylon and After - #25 -- n.d. 

2 75

The Birth of the Sations and the End of Foriegn Trade - #26 -- 1949 

2 76

The Chemical Absurdity of the Real Estate Tax - #27 -- n.d. 

2 77

Chemivision in Industry - #28 -- n.d. 

2 78

Chemurgic Outlook - #30 -- n.d. 

2 79

The Chemurgic Period and Private Chemurgic Enterprise - #31 -- 1950 

2 80

Rubber - #32 -- 1932, 1942 - 1943 

2 81

Chemurgy, The Hope of Civilization - #32 -- 1936 

2 82

Wood Waste - #33 -- 1936, 1942 - 1943 

2 83

Civilization in Chemical Perspective - #33 -- 1947 

2 84

Farm Chemurgic Movement - #34 -- 1946 

2 85

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning - #34 -- 1931 - 1935 

2 86

Farmer Triumphant - #35 -- 1946 

2 87

Handwriting in the Sky - #38 -- n.d. 

2 88

American Institute - #39 -- 1934 

2 89

Man's New and Mighty Industry - #41 -- n.d. 

2 90

The Mission of Chemurgy - #42 -- 1937 

2 91

The Old Order Changeth - #43 1946 

2 92

Organic Chemistry Points the Way - #44 -- 1935 

2 93

Plastics From Agricultural Raw Material - #45 -- 1942 

2 94

Art of Ortheody - #46 -- 1923 - 1924 

2 95

Agriculture, The Key to Prosperity - #47 -- 1935 

2 96

Vita-Green Gum - #48 -- 1944 

2 97

Present Day Surplus - The Key to Agricultural Prosperity - #48 

2 98

Surplus Crops and Prosperity - #49 -- 1938 

2 99

Progress of Peonage on the Farm - #50 -- c. 1947 

2 100

Reality in Chemical Era - #51 -- 1933 

2 101

The Role of Chemurgy - #52 -- 1943 

2 102

Shape of Things to Come - #53 -- n.d. 

2 103

Through Chemical Glasses - #55 -- n.d. 

2 104

Today's Food and Its Aftermath - #56 -- 1948 

2 105

Wartime Chemurgy - #58 -- 1928 

2 106

Wasted Millions - #58 -- 1928 

2 107

Our Industries are Essential to Farm Prosperity - #59 -- 1926 

2 108

Organic Chemical Progress - #60 -- n.d. 

2 109

Our Chemical Awakening - #61 -- n.d. 

2 110

Omaha Cup Presentation - #62 -- 1938 

2 111

The Obsolete Real Estate Tax - #66 -- 1937 

2 112

The Chemical Age - #68 -- n.d. 

2 113

Resistance to Advance - #69 -- n.d. 

2 114

Birth of Chemistry - #70 -- n.d. 

2 115

Alchohol to the Fore - #71 -- n.d. 

2 116

Nature and Her Three Musketeers - #72 -- n.d. 

2 117

Where There is a By-Product There is Hope - #73 -- 1936 - 1937 

2 118

Progress and Poverty - #74 -- n.d. 

2 119

Industry of Industries - #75 -- n.d. 

2 120

The War After the War - #76 -- 1921 

2 121

Organic and Inorganic Chemical Industries - #78 -- 1929 

2 122

A Decade of Advance in Organic Chemical Manufacture - #79 -- 1933 

2 123

The Chemical Future of the South East - #81 -- 1928 

2 124

Practical Training for Chemists - #83 -- 1919 

2 125

Immediate Needs of Chemistry in America - #84 -- 1921 

2 126

On the Threshold of the Great Chemurgic Period in World History - #88 -- 1952 

2 127

Midland Radio Talk - #89 -- 1952 

2 128

A.D. 2004 - #100 -- 1953 

2 129

Chemivision - #100 - April 8, 1953 

2 130

"The Art of Orthoedy" -- 1924 

2 131

"Chemurgic Alcohol the Salvation of the Nation" -- 1948 

2 132

"Chemurgy in Defense" -- 1942 

2 133

"Farm Chemurgy and Its Possibilities" -- n.d. 

2 134

"The Great Tariff and the Future of Michigan" -- 1928 

2 135

"Man's New and Mighty Industry" -- 1939 

2 136

"The Mission of Chemurgy" -- 1939 

2 137

"The Sky Is The Limit" -- 1944 

2 138

"Society of the Agrolians" 

2 139

"This Chemical Revolution and the Real Road to Progress" -- 1933 

2 140

"Today's Food and Its Aftermath" -- December 7, 1948 

2 141

[Untitled] - [On the Subject of Farm Chemurgic] 

Box Folder

 December 27, 1939 

2 142


2 143

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Box Folder

Chemivision - Reviews and Letters -- 1949, 1952 - 1955 

3 1

Cigarette Articles (Drafts) 

3 2

Farm Chemurgic - Review -- 1935 

3 3

Hale, W.J. 

Box Folder

"A Proposal to Adopt the Stem 'Xen' of A.W. Hofmann's Xenyl as Basis for Nomenclature of Biphenyl (Diphenyl) and Its Derivatives" -- 1932 

3 4

"Back to the Land" -- 1945 

3 5

Chemivision - Cover Art 

3 6

"Chlorophyll in the Arts, 1916 -1954 Chronological Bibliography" 

3 7

"Das Verhalten des Acetonyl-acetons gegen ß-Dialdehyde" -- 1912 

3 8

Farmer Victorious - Original Draft -- 1949 

3 9

"Farming Must Become a Chemical Industry" -- 1926 

3 10

"Four-Membered Cyclic Ureas. I. History and Nomenclature" -- 1919 

3 11

"New Chemistry Solves Farm Problems" -- 1926 

3 12

"On the Condensation of Nitromalonic Aldehyde with Acetonylacetone" 1908 

3 13

"Romance of the Dow Co." - "Formative Period, 1888-1901" -- n.d. 

3 14

"Studies in the Cyclopentadiene Series. I. 2, 3-Diacetyl-5-Nitrocyclopentadiene" -- 1912 

3 15

"Studies in the Cyclopentadiene Series. IV. The Formation of Cyclopentadienodi-hydropyridazines" -- 1916 

3 16

"The Cigarette, It's Chemistry and Future" -- 1954 

3 17 - 19

"The Constitution of Acetylacetone-Urea" -- 1914 

3 20

"The Constitution of Dehydroacetic Acid" -- 1911 

3 21

"The Constitution of the So-called Dithiourimidoacetylacetone" -- 1915 

3 22

"The Farm Chemurgic Movement" -- 1954 

3 23

"The Shape of Industries to Come" -- 1944, 1945 

3 24

"Vita-Green Gum" -- 1944 

3 25

"We Need A National Agriculture Policy" -- 1948 

3 26

"When Agriculture Enters the Chemical Industry" -- 1930 

3 27

Willkie -- 1948 

3 28

and Arthur G. Williams - "The Constitution of Acetylacetone-Thiourea" -- 1915 

3 29

and Edgar C. Britton 

Box Folder

"Development of Synthetic Phenol from Benzene Halides" -- 1928 

3 30

"The Condensation of ß-Amino-propiophe-none with Nitromalonic Aldehyde" -- 1919 

3 31

"The Preparation of ß-Aminopropiophenone" -- 1919 

3 32

and Edward M. Nonan - "The Condensation of Amino Compounds with Nitromalonic Aldehyde" -- 1919 

3 33

and Frank C. Vibrans - "The Constitution of Dicyanodiamide" -- 1918 

3 34

and Harvey C. Brill 

Box Folder

"The Formation of Metathiazines from Thiourea" -- 1912 

3 35

"The Formation of Pyrimidines by Use of Nitromalonic Aldehyde" -- 1912 

3 36

and Lambert Thorp 

Box Folder

"Parabrombenzoylacetic Ester" -- 1912 

3 37

"Studies in the Cyclopentadiene Series. III. Certain Derivatives of 2, 3 - Dibenzoyl-5-Nitrocyclopentradiene" -- 1913 

3 38

"Studies in the Cyclopentadiene Series. II. 2, 3-Dibenzoyl-5-Nitroeyclopentradiene" -- 1913 

3 39

and Norbert A. Lange 

Box Folder

"Four Membered Cyclic Ureas. II. The Condensation of Isocyanic Acid with a Schiff Base" -- 1919 

3 40

"Four-Membered Cyclic Ureas. III. The Condensation of Isocyanic Acid with Alkyl Bases and Related Compounds" -- 1920 

3 41

W.D. McNally and C.J. Pater - "Grignard Syntheses in the Furfuran Group" -- 1906 

3 42

and William V. Hoyt 

Box Folder

"The Constitution of the Nitro-a-carbopyr-rolic Acids" -- 1915 

3 43

"The Constitution of Three Symmetrical Dinitropyrocolls" -- 1916 

3 44

Return to Table of Contents »

Biographical Files 

Box Folder

Dow, Willard H. -- 1925, 1949 

3 45

Luce, Henry -- 1972 

3 46

Yost, Fielding Harris -- 1940 

3 47

Return to Table of Contents »

National Agrol Co. 

Box Folder

"A General Survey of the Agrol Industry" -- n.d. 

3 48

Agreement with Chemical Foundation -- 1940, 1943 

3 49

Agrol Motor Fuels -- n.d. 

3 50

"Agrol Supreme" -- n.d. 

3 51

"Agrol Supreme - A Prospectus" -- 1941 

3 52

Assignments Patents to Verdurin Co. -- 1951, n.d. 

3 53

Corporate Record Book 

Box Folder

 1938 - 1946 

3 54

1946 - 1951 

3 55

Correspondence - Doriot, Georges F. -- 1947, 1950 

3 56

Curtis, Glenn D. 

Box Folder

 1951 - 1952 

3 57

 1952- 1954 

3 58

Doty Chewing Gum Agreement -- 1948, 1950 

3 59

Formation -- 1933, 1939, 1946 

3 60

Gateway Chemurgic Co. 

Box Folder

Correspondence -- 1951, 1955 

3 61

License Agreement and Sale of Patents -- 1949, 1951 

3 62

NACO Patents on Grain Alcohol - Report on Process - (Christensen and Underkofler) -- 1941, 1943, 1945, 1948, 1949, n.d. 

3 63

Infringement Report on Chlorophyllized Tobacco -- 1934, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1949, 1950 

3 64

Lambert Co. and Berkman Chlorophyll Co. Agreement -- 1950, n.d. 

3 65

Larus and Brother Co. 

Box Folder

Additional Agreement -- 1952, 1954 

3 66

Agreements -- 1952 

3 67

Cigarette Accounts -- 1953 - 1955 

3 68

Correspondence -- 1948 - 1952 

3 69

William Cushman Correspondence -- 1950 

3 70

License Agreement - Mold Bran Co. -- 1941, 1945 - 1949, n.d. 

3 71

Licensing Policy Affecting Patented Processes for the Production of Ethyl Alcohol from Grains and Potatoes -- n.d. 

3 72

"Man's New and Mighty Industry" -- n.d. 

4 1

Michigan Corporation and Securities Commission - Edward J. Starkey -- 1947, 1948, 1950 

4 2

"The National Agrol Co. in Perspective" -- n.d. 

4 3

[Organizational Notebook] -- 1940, n.d. 

4 4

Patents -- 1936 - 1948 

4 5

Patent Inquiries - Raymond J. Norton -- 1947, 1948, 1951, 1952 

4 6

Prospectus and Chemurgic Outlook -- 1947 

4 7

SEC Letters, etc. -- 1941, 1942, 1945, n.d. 

4 8

Stock Conversion to Gateway Chemurgic and Verdurin Stock - Record of Stockholders -- 1951, 1954, 1955 

4 9

Stockholders - Conversion of Stock to Gateway and Verdurin -- 1951 

4 10

Stockholders List -- 1942 - 1951, 1959 (Notebook) 

4 11

"Through Chemical Glasses" -- n.d. 

4 12

Trademarks - Raymond J. Norton -- 1945, 1952 - 1955 

4 13

Return to Table of Contents »

Verdurin Co. 

Box Folder

Articles of Incorporation and Annual Reports -- 1952 - 1955 

4 14

Assets -- 1956, 1958 

4 15

City Bank Account -- 1952 - 1955 

4 16

Control Cards -- 1951, 1954 

4 17

Corporate Records Book 

Box Folder

 1951 - 1955, 1958 

4 18

 1951 - 1958 

4 19

Correspondence -- 1958 

4 20

Dow Chemical Agreement -- 1954 

4 21

Financial Records 

Box Folder

Bank Statements -- 1958 - 1959 

4 22

Cancelled Checks - 32-199 -- 1958 

4 23

Cancelled Checks - 201-306 -- 1958 

4 24

Checkbook -- 1951 - 1952 

4 25

Income Tax Return -- 1951/1957 

4 26

Ledger Book 

Box Folder

 1951 - 1953 

4 27

1951 - 1957 

4 28

Letters re: Sale of Verdurin Patents -- 1958 

4 29

[Meeting Minutes and Account Statement] -- 1953, 1957, 1958 

4 30

Michigan Annual Reports -- 1951 - 1958 

4 31

Miscellaneous Correspondence and Minutes -- 1951, 1954 - 1955 

4 32

Nils H. Munson Agreement -- 1953 

4 33

Patent Sale, Account Stubs, Bills -- 1957 - 1958 

4 34

Proxy Statement -- 1952 

4 35

Re: Accounting Records - 6132-1 (GDC) -- 1950 - 1958 (1 of 2) 

4 36

Re: Accounting Records - 6132-1 (GDC) -- 1950 - 1958 (2 of 2) 

5 1

Receipted Bills -- 1951 - 1953 

5 2

Royalties -- 1952 - 1957 

5 3

Rystan Co. 

Box Folder

Iodent Agreement -- 1952 

5 4

Ryan, O'Neill -- 1944, 1952 - 1953 

5 5

Sebewaing Brewing Co. -- n.d. 

5 6

Stockholders - Trust Title Records -- 1951 - 1952, 1954 

5 7

Topps Chewing Gum - Proposed Agreements -- 1950 - 1952, n.d. 

5 8

Trademark Cards and Advertisements (25 envelopes) 

5 9

Verdurin Patents - Soft Copies 

Box Folder

 1944 - 1948 

5 10

1948 - 1954 

5 11

Return to Table of Contents »


Box Folder

Alcohols to Acids -- 1929 - 1937 

5 12

Applications - National Agrol Co. 

Box Folder

Automotive Fuel Oxidants -- October 17, 1944 

5 13

Automotive Fuel Oxidants -- June 4, 1945 

5 14

Confections -- January 3, 1951 

5 15

Cosmetic Products -- November 17, 1950 

5 16

Dehydration Catalyst -- November 17, 1950 

5 17

Dehydration Catalyst and Method of Using Same -- April 16, 1942 

5 18

Dehydration Catalyst and Method of Using Same -- July 17, 1942 

5 19

Dehydration Catalyst and Method of Using Same -- July 17, 1942 

5 20

Dehydration of Organic Compounds by Catalytic Action (Castor Oil) -- August 3, 1942 

5 21

Food Products (Vitamin Compositions Encased in Gelatin) -- September 12, 1947 

5 22

Improved Chewing Gum -- May 5, 1944 

5 23

Improved Confectionery -- March 14, 1944 

5 24

Improved Confectionery -- July 14, 1943 

5 25

Improved Confectionery -- September 2, 1943 

5 26

Improvements in Medicinal Chewing Gum -- March 20, 1945 

5 27

Improvements in Chewing Gum Containing Therapeutic Agents -- March 17, 1945 

5 28

Improvements in Seed Germination -- May 24, 1946 

5 29

Method for Acetalization -- November 12, 1942 

5 30

Method of Making a Dehydrative Catalyst and Resulting Product -- March 24, 1942 

5 31

Method for Dealcohoation -- November 12, 1942 

5 32

Methods of Treating Tobacco -- March 1, 1950 

5 33

Production of Butadiene -- March 21, 1941 

5 34

Therapeutic Composition -- May 12, 1944 

5 35

Therapeutic Compositions -- May 12, 1944 

5 36

[Britain and Brazil Application Materials] -- 1952 

5 37

[Canadian and Britain Application Materials] -- 1952 

5 38

Chewing Gum -- 1917, 1921, 1925, 1932, 1934, 1939, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1947 - 1949, 1952 

5 39

Chlorophyll -- 1934 - 1938, 1948 

5 40

Coffee Substitutes -- 1912 - 1913, 1915, 1919, 1921, 1922, 1925, 1939 

5 41

[Correspondence Regarding] -- 1955 

5 42

Expired -- 1924 - 1930 (1 of 4) 

6 1

Expired -- 1924 - 1940 (2 of 4) 

6 2

Expired -- 1924 - 1940 (3 of 4) 

6 3

Expired -- 1924 - 1960 (4 of 4) 

6 4

National Agrol Co. 

Box Folder

Conversion of a Mixture of Acetaldehyde and Ethylene to Butadiene - No. 2, 377, 025 May 29, 1945 

6 5

Dehydration Processes and Catalysts - No. 2,441,966 May 25, 1948 

6 6

Fuels for Internal Combustion Engines - No. 2,445,778 July 27, 1948 

6 7

Methods for Dehyrdation - No. 2,415,878 February 18, 1947 

6 8

Methods for Dehydration of Alchohols - No. 2,400,409 May 14, 1946 

6 9

Methods of Improving Seed Germination and Coated Seeds Produced Thereby - No. 2,553,577 May 22, 1951 

6 10

Methods of Maning a Catalyst and Resulting Product - No. 2,379, 736 July 3, 1949 

6 11

Methods of Making Catalysts and Resulting Products - No. 4177709 January 11, 1944 

6 12

Preparation of Methyl Vinyl Ketone - No. 2,371, 577 March 13, 1945 

6 13

Process for Producing Butadiene - No. 2,426,450 August 26, 1947 

6 14

Production of Butadiene by Methods of Dehydration - No. 2,420,477 May 13, 1947 

6 15

Therapeutic Confections - No. 2,341,986 Febuary 15, 1944 

6 16

Tobacco Compositions and Method of Making Them - No. 2,460,285 February 1, 1949 

6 17

Tobacco Products and Method of Making Them - No. 2,460,285 February 1, 1949 

6 18

Original -- 1940 - 1951 

6 19

Trade-Mark - Larus and Brother Co. 

Box Folder

Chloro Filter - No. 554654 February 12, 1952 

6 20

Hale - No. 579162 August 25, 1953 

6 21

Caroteno-Chlorophyll - No. 417485 April 16, 1945 

6 22

Chlorophyllets - No. 417207 April 16, 1945 

6 23

Oraphil - No. 409352 April 15, 1944 

6 24

Phyletts - No. 434157 November 11, 1947 

6 25

Verdamint - no. 415649 December 9, 1944 

6 26

Verdette - No. 415650 December 9, 1944 

6 27

Verdurin - No. 419461 September 9, 1944 

6 28

Greenette - No. 591035 April 2, 1952 

6 29

Greenock - No. 591036 April 2, 1952 

6 30

Verdurin Co. 

Box Folder

Improved Tobacco Products and Cigarette Paper and Methods of Making Same - No. 2,809,637 October 15, 1957 

6 31

Method of Treating Tobacco Smoke - No. 2,832,351 April 29, 1958 

6 32

Process of Treating Cacao Seeds - No. 2,813,795 November 19, 1957 

6 33

Process of Treating Chocolate Liquior - No. 2,824,801 February 25, 1958 

6 34

Process of Treating Coffee - No. 501357 April 16, 1954 (Canada) 

6 35

Process of Treating Coffee - No. 2,607,689 August 19, 1952 

6 36

Process of Treating Coffee - No. 2,824,805 February 25, 1958 

6 37

Seed Germination - No. 2,664,350 December 29, 1953 

6 38

Seed Germination - No. 2,690,388 September 28, 1954 

6 38

Therapeutic Compositions - No. 2,815, 314 December 3, 1957 

6 39

William J. Hale - Improved Cigarette Paper and Process of Making the Same - No. 653,594 November 9, 1948 (Ireland) 

6 40

Return to Table of Contents »

Research Notebooks 

Box Folder

 1919 - 1921 

7 1

 1923 - 1925 

7 2

 1928 - 1931 

7 3

 1935 (Diary in back 1935 - 1954) 

7 4

Return to Table of Contents »

Reports/ Hearings 

Box Folder

Production of Gasoline from Coal and Other Products -- 1942 

7 5

Report of the Kansas State Board of Agriculture -- 1939 

7 6

Use of Alchohol from Farm Products in Motor Fuel -- 1939 

7 7

Return to Table of Contents »

History of American Chemical Industry 

Box Folder

William Haynes Correspondence 

Box Folder

 1938 - 1939 

7 8


7 9


7 10


7 11


7 12


7 13


7 14

History Committee -- 1946 - 1954 (1 of 2) 

7 15

History Committe 1946 - 1954 (1 of 2) 

7 16

Return to Table of Contents »

Subject Files 

Box Folder

["A" File Content List] -- n.d. 

7 17

Acetal Studies -- n.d. 

7 18

Acetaldehyde -- 1934, 1945 

7 19

Acetic Anhydride Proposals -- 1935, 1937, n.d. 

7 20

Acrylonitrile - Bayer, Otto -- 1948, 1949, 1953 

7 21

Agriculture - As Planned -- 1945, 1946, 1949, n.d. 

7 22

Agriculture - Agriculture Chemistry -- 1928, 1937, 1947 

7 23

Agrobiology -- 1936 

7 24

Agrol -- 1939, 1940, 1944, 1951, 1952 

7 25

Agrol - Hearings -- 1939, 1940, 1942 

7 26

Air Pollution -- 1937, 1943, 1944, 1954, 1955 

7 27


Box Folder

 1948, 1949 

7 28

Acetic Acid -- 1938, 1950 

7 29

Anti-Knock Injection - Thompson Products Co. -- 1948 - 1949, n.d. 

7 30

and Gasoline -- 1933 - 1937, 1939, 1941, 1946, 1947, 1949, 1953 

7 31

[Chemurgic] Cost Estimate - Leo M. Christensen -- 1945, 1947 - 1951 

7 32

Fuel -- 1935, 1938, 1948, 1954, n.d. 

7 33

Fuel -- 1940, 1941, 1945, 1946, 1949, 1950 

7 34

Industrial Alcohol -- 1944 

7 35

[Notes Used in Book] -- 1937, 1940, 1945, 1949 - 1953, n.d. 

7 36

Alcohols -- 1930, 1933, 1939, 1943 - 1945, 1947 

7 37

"Aldehyde to Anhydride" -- 1927, n.d. 

7 38

Algaculture -- n.d. 

7 39

"Almighty Atom - The Real Story of Atomic Energy" - O'Neill, John J. -- 1945 

7 40

Aluminum - Effect of Aluminum Compounds in Foods -- 1946, 1948, 1949 

7 41

American Chemical Industries Tercentenary, 1635 - 1935 "Our Chemical Heritage" -- 1935 

8 1

American Chemical Industry - History Committee -- 1941. 1942, 1944, 1945 - 1950, 1953, n.d. 

8 2

Ammonolysis -- 1937 

8 3

Anti-Biotics -- 1947, 1949, 1951 - 1954 

8 4

Azines -- 1917 

8 5

Bacteria -- 1954, 1955 

8 6

Bacteria Rhodospirillum Rubrum in Fixing Nitrogen -- 1952, n.d. 

8 7

Benzalazine -- 1917 

8 8

Benzene -- 1947 

8 9

Blackstrap Molasses -- 1945, 1946, 1949 

8 10

Brine -- n.d. 

8 11

Bromine -- 1934 

8 12

Caffeine -- 1944 

8 13


Box Folder

 1951, 1952, 1954 

8 14

 1952, 1953, n.d. 

8 15

and Cigarettes -- 1951, 1954 

8 16

Cigarette -- 1953 - 1954 

8 17

Cigarette - Morris T. Friedell -- 1953 

8 18

Hoxey -- 1952 - 1954 

8 19

Producers -- 1937, 1947, 1949, 1950 - 1954, n.d. 

8 20

and Smoking - E. Cuyler Hammond -- 1954 

8 21

Cancer - Tissue -- 1949 

8 22

Carbohydrate -- 1953, n.d. 

8 23

Carboydrate - Base Motor Fuels -- 1944 

8 24

Capitalism (Money) -- 1938 - 1939, 1955 

8 25

Carotenoids -- n.d. 

8 26

Carr and Company Investment Securities -- 1952 

8 27

Catalytic Reduction CO by H -- 1933, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1944, n.d. 

8 28

Caustic Soda -- 1953 

8 29

Cell Division -- 1953 

8 30

Cellulose -- 1923, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1941 

8 31

Cereals -- n.d. 

8 32

Chelates -- n.d. 

8 33

Chemical Compounds Formed from Sugars by Molds -- 1947 

8 34

Chemical Industry -- 1949 

8 35

Chemical Nomenclature -- 1920 

8 36

Chemistry and Medicine -- 1945 - 1948, 1950, 1952, 1954 

8 37


Box Folder

 1937, 1939, 1946, 1947, 1949, 1950, n.d. 

8 38

 1940, 1943 

8 39


8 40

"Its Origin, Meaning , Purpose and Scope in Texas Industrial-Agricultural Planning" -- 1939 

8 41

Chess -- 1953 

8 42

Chewing Gum Data - Amyrin and Resins and Chicle -- 1943, n.d. 

8 43

Chloro-Hydrocarbons - C1, C2 -- 1953 

8 44


Box Folder

 1925, 1931, 1932, n.d. 

8 45

 1928, n.d. 

8 46


8 47

 1944, 1950 n.d. 

8 48

 1952 - 1953 

8 49

 1952 - 1953, n.d. 

8 50

A Review of Research Literature -- 1953 

8 51

American Chlorphyll Co. -- 1952 - 1955 

8 52

American Chlorophyll, Inc. -- 1950 

8 53

Americaine -- 1948, n.d. 

8 54

Arnoff, S. -- 1950 

8 55

Berkman Studies -- 1948, 1951 

8 56

Biosynthesis of -- 1952 

8 57

Bürgi, Emil -- n.d. 

8 58

Caries-Preventive Agent -- 1946 - 1949, n.d. 

8 59

Chemcial Corporation - McAllen, Texas -- 1952 - 1953 

8 60

Chlorophyll Production U.S.A -- 1952 

8 61

Corwin, Alsoph H. -- 1953 

8 62

Davis, E.J. -- 1952 

8 63

Derivatives -- 1953 

8 64

Eastern Regional Research Labratory -- 1951, 1952 

8 65

Exposed! -- 1950, 1952, 1953 

8 66

For Healthy Gums and Hair -- 1950, 1952 

8 67

Hans Vogel -- 1954 

8 68

General Biochemicals -- 1952 - 1953 

8 69

Inquiries -- 1952 - 1954 

8 70

Its Use in Medicine -- 1947 

8 71

[Miscellaneous] -- 1930, 1937, 1942, 1944, 1946 - 1950, 1952, 1954, 1955 

8 72

Reprints -- 1953 

8 73

Rothemund, Paul -- 1944 

8 74

Studies -- 1952 - 1956 

9 1

The Story of Chlorophyll -- 1952 

9 2

"The Story of Chlorophyll" 

9 3

with Infringers -- 1952, 1953, n.d. 

9 4

Chloroplast -- 1952 

9 5

Christensen, Leo M. - Collection of Papers -- 1934, 1945, 1947, n.d. 

9 6

Chromatography -- 1952, n.d. 

9 7

Chocolate - Philo-Chocolate -- 1949, 1951 - 1953, n.d. 

9 8


Box Folder

 1953, 1954 

9 9

Kent -- 1952, 1953, n.d. 

9 10

Nicotine -- 1954, 1955, n.d. 

9 11

[Prep Materials for 1955 Article] -- 1947, 1949, 1954, 1955, n.d. 

9 12

Rand Cigarette Film -- April 1954 

9 13

Smoke -- 1949 - 1950 

9 14

Coal - Bituminous -- 1926 

9 15

Coal Hydrogenation, Benzene, etc. -- 1934, 1937, 1942, 1943, 1947 - 1953 

9 16

Coffee - Chemistry of -- 1933 - 1934, 1937, 1944, 1946, n.d. 

9 17

Coffee - King Coffee Co. -- 1949 - 1954 

9 18

Common Colds - Antihistamine -- n.d. 

9 19

Copper -- 1925 

9 20

Copper -- 1927 

9 21

Corn -- 1927, 1930, 1931 

9 22

Cortisone -- 1953 

9 23

Cosmetology -- 1953 

9 24

Cosmos Club -- 1952, 1953 

9 25

Currie File - U.S. 10 Labratory Building -- 1949 

9 26

Cyanic Acid -- 1915 

9 27

Cyclopropane and Spirane Hydrocarbons -- 1948 

9 28

Dacron - Mylar -- 1953, 1954 

9 29

Dentifrice - Gluconic Acid, Growth of Microrganisms -- 1949 - 1952 

9 30

Deodarant -- 1950, 1953 

9 31

Deodarants -- 1950 

9 32

Destiny -- 1954 

9 33

Destiny Publishers - "Chemivision" Book Contractors -- 1950 - 1955 

9 34

Detergents -- 1952, 1953 

9 35

Diphenyl Oxide Bi-Fluid Power Plants -- 1926 

9 36

Dow Chemical Co. - News Release -- 1944 

9 37

Dow Chemical Co. Data -- 1954 

9 38

Dow Diamond -- 1938, 1941, 1955 

9 39

"Dried Brewers Yeast" -- 1943 - 1946, n.d. 

9 40

Economics to Chemeconomics -- 1934, 1938 - 1949, n.d. 

9 41

Energy Supplies -- 1945 - 1946, 1952, 1953, 1955 

9 42

Enzyme Action -- 1947 

9 43

Ethanol -- 1935, 1936 

9 44

Ethyl Alcohol -- 1941 

9 45

Farm Revolution -- 1936, 1944 - 1947, 1953 

9 46

Fermentation -- 1937 

9 47

Ferrous and Cuprous Salts -- 1924 

9 48

Fiber -- 1951 - 1953 

9 49

Food and Nutriment -- 1945, 1953, 1955, n.d. 

9 50

 1953 - 1954, n.d. 

9 51

"Friends of the Land" - Miller, John J. -- 1951 

9 52

Fuels -- 1949 - 1951, 1953, n.d (1 of 2) 

9 53

Fuels -- 1949 - 1951, 1953, n.d (2 of 2) 

9 54

Fungicides - Germicides -- 1952, 1953, n.d. 

9 55

General -- 1947 -1949 

9 56

German Gas (Neve) -- 1954, n.d. 

9 57

Germanium (From Living Plants) -- 1953 

9 58

Glycerol (+ Fertilizer, + Plankton) -- 1954 

9 59

Herbicides -- 1954 

9 60

Herty, Charles Holmes -- 1924, 1926, 1938, 1940 

9 61

Homeotronic Memorial Foundation -- 1952, n.d. 

9 62

Homeric Language -- 1954 

9 63

Hormones -- 1952 

9 64

Hydrazine -- n.d. 

9 65

Hydrogen Peroxide -- 1953 

9 66

Hygroscopicity -- 1944 

9 67

Hypertension -- 1944, 1952, 1953 

9 68

Ice-Melting -- n.d. 

9 69

Industrial Chemistry -- 1932, 1944 

9 70

Infection - Gruskin, Benjamin -- 1935 

9 71

Inositol -- 1947, 1949, 1951, 1952, n.d. 

9 72

Insecticides -- 1952 - 1954, n.d. 

9 73

Iodine Salt -- 1934, 1935, 1937, 1944 

9 74

Krillium -- 1953 

10 1

Lecithin -- 1950, 1951, 1953 

10 2

Levulinic Acid -- 1953, n.d. 

10 3

Life -- 1953, n.d. 

10 4

Lignin -- 1934 

10 5

Lignification -- 1950, n.d. 

10 6

Luminescence -- 1953 

10 7

Magnesium -- 1944 

10 8

Maize -- 1950 

10 9

"Man's Synthetic Future" by Roger Adams -- 1952 

10 10

Mather Lecture -- 1937 

10 11

Metabolic Studies -- 1954, n.d. 

10 12

Methionine -- 1953 

10 13

Milkweed -- n.d. 

10 14

Monorail -- 1944, 1946, 1950, 1955, n.d. 

10 15

Natural Immunity -- 1937 

10 16

Natural Resources -- n.d. 

10 17

Nazis -- 1940 

10 18

"New Ideas" on Old Reactions for Research -- n.d. 

10 19

Nutrition -- 1947 - 1950, 1953 - 1954 

10 20

Odors -- 1952 -1953 

10 21


10 22

Oxidation-Reduction -- 1952, n.d. 

10 23

Oxo Process -- 1953 

10 24

Oxygen -- 1947 

10 25

Pelleted Seeds -- 1944, 1951, 1953 

10 26

Penicillin -- 1944 - 1946, 1949, 1950 

10 27

Phenol -- 1925, 1939, 1940, 1944 

10 28

Phenol by CUMENE Process -- 1953 

10 29

"Phenol Research" -- 1930, 1937, 1940, 1951, 1952, n.d. 

10 30

Photosynthesis - Dr. Calvin -- 1949, 1952 - 1953, n.d. 

10 31

Photosynthesis - O.L. Inman - Kettering Foundation -- 1935, 1937 - 1940, 1949, 1952 

10 32

Photosynthesis and Water -- 1953, n.d. 

10 33

Phytochemistry -- 1937 

10 34

Plant Growth - Dr. Gericke -- 1922, 1924, 1929, 1936, n.d. 

10 35

Plastics -- 1937, 1950 - 1952, 1955, n.d. 

10 36

Political -- 1938, 1945 - 1947, 1950, 1952, n.d. 

10 37

"Power Alcohol" by Samuel Crocker and Pat G. -- n.d. 

10 38

Power Productino and Petroleum (Reprints) -- 1928, 1929, 1931, 1935, 1936, 1937, 1939, 1945 

10 39

Problems to Look Up -- 1942 

10 40

Proceedings of the New York Farmers - Season 1935 - 1936 1936 

10 41

Protein, Production by Alga -- 1950, 1953 - 1954 

10 42

Pyramids -- 1943 

10 43


Box Folder

 1952 - 1953, n.d. 

10 44


10 45

UKAKCO - Radiotonic Process - Pennsylvania -- 1949 - 1952 

10 46

Reserpine from Rauwolfia -- 1955 

10 47

Rubber Synthetic -- 1952 - 1954 

10 48

Sesame -- 1943, 1954, n.d. 

10 49

Sickle Cell Anemia -- 1949 

10 50

Sioux City Committe for Farm Legislation -- 1937 

10 51

Soil, Food, Health - Hunger Figures, Plankton Food -- 1937, 1938, 1941, 1942, 1944 - 1954 

10 52

Solar Energy and Photosynthesis 

Box Folder

 1940, 1946, 1949, 1952 - 1954 

10 53

"CO2H20 Sun Energy" -- 1944, 1950, 1951, n.d. 

10 54

Energy from Plants -- 1948, 1955, n.d. 

10 55

Light, Study and Effects -- 1949, n.d. 

10 56

No Folder 

10 57

"Photosynthesis- Basic Features of the Process" -- 1952 

10 58

Photosynthesis, Chlorella -- 1948 - 1949, 1953, 1955, n.d. 

10 59

Photosynthesis, Dean Burk -- 1949, 1951, 1954, n.d. 

10 60

Sorbitol -- 1947, 1950 

10 61

South America Progress -- 1953 

10 62

Stonehenge -- 1953 

10 63

Sugar, Starch, Cellulose -- 1952, 1954, n.d. 

10 64

Sunlight Bounteous -- 1952, 1954, 1955, n.d. 

10 65

Tetrahydrophenol -- 1941, 1951 

10 66

Thianthrene -- 1932, 1933, 1936, n.d. 

10 67

Tidbits -- 1926, 1950, n.d. 

10 68

Tobacco -- 1950 - 1952 

10 69

"The Meaning of Freedom" - Dow. Willard H. -- 1944 

10 70

"The Role of Scientists, Investors, and Executives" -- 1951 

10 71

Titanium -- 1949 

10 72

Tobacco Additives -- 1944, 1952, n.d. 

10 73

Trace Elements 

Box Folder

 1944 - 1946, n.d. 

10 74

in Biologic Activity -- 1943 

10 75

Insect Losses -- n.d. 

10 76

Tung Oil -- 1937 

10 77

1938, n.d. 

10 78

UKACO - Radiotonic Process -- 1952 

10 79

Ultrasonics -- 1946, 1955, n.d. 

10 80

Vegetable Oils -- 1937, 1951, n.d. 

10 81

Vinyl Methyl Ketone - Under Kofler Report -- n.d. 

10 82

Viruses -- 1951 

10 83

Vitamin B12 -- 1953 - 1954, n.d. 

10 84

Vitamin C & K -- 1946, 1955, n.d. 

10 85

Vitamins - General -- 1944, 1949 - 1953, n.d. 

10 86

Water Purification -- 1944, 1952 - 1954, n.d. 

10 87


Box Folder


10 88

 1949, 1951 - 1952, n.d. 

10 89

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Audio Visual Materials 


Box Folder

Advertisements and Reprints 

11 1


11 2

People. Follett, Richard 

11 3

Hale's 75th Birthday Party, 1951 

11 4

People. Buchanan, Wiley T. and Ruth (Hales) 

11 5

People. Groups 

11 6

People. Hale, William J. - Folder 1 

11 7

People. Hale, William J. - Folder 2 

11 8

People. Hale, William J. - Folder 3 

11 9

People. Hale and Louis Bromfield 

11 10

People. Hale and Otto Bayer (1950) 

11 11

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2 Verdurin Co. corporate seal presses 


2 photograph dies used by WJH in publications 


Medal from Philadelphia Society for promoting agriculture, 1941 


Sterling silver letter opener engraved William J. Hale, 1936 


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Scrapbooks #1 - #5. 1918 - 1954. POS. DUP. and MAST. NEG. 1 Reel 

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Oversized Material 

OS 3

The Times, Saturday, July 25, 1936 

Map - Israel's Wanderings - Destiny Magazine Reprint 1938 

Los Angeles Examiner - June 10, 1946 

The Tuscaloosa News November 26, 1948 

Depression '47? - McGraw Hill advertisement 

The State Journal June 6, 1937 

Detroit Free Press - December 5, 1940 

Detroit Free Press - May 26, 1940 

Bible Lands Map - National Geographic 1946 

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