MSU Information Files

Summary Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections
MSU Information Files
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Scope and Content

The MSU Information Files are general reference files covering a variety of topics relating to MSU history. They contain duplicates and photocopies of documents, newspaper clippings, and other materials. The information files are organized by subject.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

Michigan State University Archives and Historical Collections

Conrad Hall
888 Wilson Road, Room 101
East Lansing , MI, 48824

Conditions Governing Access

Collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

Permission to publish material from this collection must be obtained from University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.

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Collection Inventory

1896 Report on the Status of the College 

2020 Vision 

2020 Vision Campus Master Plan Update 2007 


Abortion (See Also: Birth Control Policy; Sexual Behavior) 

Academic Calendar 

Academic Calendar 

Academic Council 

Academic Council - Student Participation 

Academic Counseling 

Academic Freedom for Students 

Academic Governance 

Academic Governance - Student Participation (3 folders) 

Academic Organization 

Academic Personnel Actions 

Academic Programs - Quality and Ratings 

Academic Senate 

Academic Titles 

Accidents (See Also: Traffic) 

Accounting and Financial Administration, Department of 


Adjunct and Clinical Appointments 


Administration Hiring 

Administrative Group 


Admissions and Scholarships 

Admissions and Student Body Composition. Report to the President. 1971 

Adult Students 

Advanced Management Training Center 

Advertising, Department of 

Affirmative Action (2 folders) 

African Liberation Week 

African Studies Center 

AG Expo 

Agricultural College of the State of Mighigan. Dedication. 

Agricultural Economics 

Agricultural Engineering, Department of (See Instead: Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering) 

Agricultural Experiment Station 


Agriculture and Natural Resources, College of 

Agriculture, Deans of 

AIDS Policy 

Air Conditioning 

Akers (Forest H.) Golf Course 

Alcohol (See Also: Drinking; Residence Halls- Alcohol; Drugs; Drugs/Alcohol Policy) 

Alcohol Action Team 

Alcohol Policy (See Instead: Drugs & Alcohol Policy) 

All University Student Judiciary 

All A Luncheons and Dinners 

All College, University Services and Academic Services Divisions 

All University Student Government (AUSG) 

All University Traffic Committee 

Alumnae League 

Alumni (2 folders) (See Also: Distinguished Alumni) 

Alumni Association (See Also: Grandparents' University) 

Alumni Distinguished Scholarship 

Alumni Distinguished Scholarship 

AMEES: Advanced Materials Engineering Experiment Station 

American Association of University Professors 

American Civil Liberties Union 

American Studies Program 

American Thought & Language Department Controversy, 1966 

American Thought and Language, Department of 

Amtrak (See: Railroads) 

Anatomy, Department of 

Animal Air Quality Research Facility 

Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory (See Instead: Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health) 

Animal Husbandry, Department of 

Animal Science 141 (class) (See Instead: Horses) 

Animal Science Department 


Animals. Cruelty 

Animals. Experimental 

Animals. Wild 


Answer Place, The (TAP) 

Anthropology, Department of (See Also: Buildings. Saint's Rest) 

Anti-Discrimination Committee (See Also: Discrimination) 

APASO (See Instead: Asian Pacific American Student Organization) 

Applied Developmental Science 

Arbor Day 


Archaeology (Campus) (See also: Anthropology, Department of) 

Archives (See Instead: University Archives & Historical Collections) 

Archives Grant 

Arson (See Also: Crime, Security (campus), Security Reports, Police, Public Safety - Dept of, Fires, Fire Safety, Fire Dept) 


Art Exhibitions 

Art on Campus (See Also: Public Art on Campus Committee and Art on Campus - Globe Sculpture (Unisphere) 

Art on Campus - Globe Sculpture (Unisphere) 

Art, Department of 

Artificial Language Lab 

Artisan Distilling Program (See Also: Winery) 

Artists in Residence 

Arts and Letters, College of 

Asian Pacific American Student Organization 

Asian Students (See Also: Minorities, Minority Students, Asian Students) 

Asian Studies Center 

ASMSU (Associated Students of MSU) (See Also: Student Government) 

Astronomy Club 

Astronomy, Department of 


Athletic Council 

Athletic Director/Coaches 

Athletics (2 folders) (See Also: Intercollegiate Athletics) 

Athletics, Department of (See Also: Kinesiology, Dept. of) 

Athletics. Baseball 

Athletics. Basketball 

Athletics. Basketball - 1979 (2 folders) 

Athletics. Basketball. Women 

Athletics. Bowling 

Athletics. Boxing 

Athletics. Crew 

Athletics. Cross Country (See Also: Athletics. Track) 

Athletics. Fencing 

Athletics. Field Hockey 

Field Hockey 1981-1999 

Field Hocky 2000-2008 

Athletics. Football (6 folders) 

Athletics. Football - 1950s 

Athletics. Football - 1953 

Athletics. Football - 1960s 

Athletics. Football - 1970-1972 

Athletics. Football - 2000 

Athletics. Football - All Americans 

Athletics. Football - Bowl Games 

Athletics. Football - OSU 

Athletics. Football. Paul Bunyan Trophy 

Athletics. Football - Pigs and Freaks 

Athletics. Football. Rose Bowl - 1965 (See Instead: Athletics. Football - Bowl Games) 

Athletics. Football. MSU Football Players Association 

Athletics. Football Women's 

Athletics. Golf 

Athletics. Gymnastics. Men 

Athletics. Gymnastics. Women 

Athletics. Hockey 

Athletics. Hockey, Women 

Athletics. Intercollegiate 

Athletics. Intramural 

Athletics. Judo 

Athletics. Knight Commission Report - 1991 

Athletics. Lacrosse 

Athletics. Miscellaneous 

Athletics. Philadelphia Stars Agreement 

Athletics. Rowing (See Instead: Athletics. Crew) 

Athletics. Skating 

Athletics. Soccer 

Athletics. Softball 

Athletics. Spartan Teams 

Athletics. Sports. NCAA 

Athletics. Swimming (2 folders) 

Athletics. Tennis 

Athletics. Track (See Also: Athletics. Cross Country) 

Athletics. Volleyball 

Athletics. Waterpolo 

Athletics. Women 

Athletics. Wrestling 

Athletics. Olympics (See Instead: Olympics (MSU Connection) 

Audiology and Speech Science, Department of 

Audiovisual Center (See Instead: Instructional Media Center) 



Auto Lab (See Instead: Energy & Automotive Research Lab) 


Awards Convocation 

Awards, Faculty (See Also: Distinguished Staff Awards) 

Awards, Staff (See Also: Distinguished Faculty Awards) 

Bailey, Dr. Liberty Hyde Birthsite Museum 

Baker Woodlot (See Also: Woodlots) 

Bakery, Campus 

Band (See Also: Marching Band) 

Band Concerts 

Band Shell 

Banking (See Also: Credit Union) 


Basic College 

Basic Education 

Beal (W.J.) Botanical Garden (See Also: Campus Parks and Grounds) 

Beal Botanical Expedition 

Beal Centennial Committee 

Beal Seed Experiment 

Bear Lake 

Beauty Queens 

Bias Free Communications 

Bicentennial Celebration 

Bicentennial University Presentation 

Bicycles and Bicyclists 

Big Ten, The 

Biochemistry, Department of 


Biosystems & Agricultural Engineering, Department of 

Biotechnology Institute 

Birds on Campus - 1896 

Birth Control Policy (See Also: Abortion, Sexual Behavior) 

Black Affairs, Office of 

Black Cultural Center 

Black Culture Room 

Black Panthers 

Black Student Alliance 

Black Students at MSU (See Also: Minority Students, Minorities) 

Black Studies 

Black Women Employees Association (See Also: Women. Employment) 


Blind Students (See Also: Handicap Students) 

Block and Bridle 

Block Tuition Proposal (See Also: Tuition) 

Blood Drive 

Board of Trustees 

Board of Trustees - Secretary 

Boarding Clubs (See Also: Housing) 

Bogue Street Bridge (See Also: Bridges) 

Bomb Threats 

Book Exchange 


Botany and Plant Pathology, Department of 

Boycotts (See Also: Student Activism, Student Riots, Students. Demonstrations) 

Boy's State 

Brass Ring Society 

Brazil Project (See Instead: International Programs. Brazil Project) 

Bridges (See Also: Bogue Street Bridge) 

Broad (Eli and Edythe) Art Museum (See Also: Buildings. Broad (Eli and Edythe) Art Museum) 

Broadcasting Services (See Also: WKAR-TV, WKAR Radio, WMSB-TV) 

Brook Lodge 

Buckskin. Horse of Lt. L.B. Baker 

Budget (3 folders) 

Building Data Book 2007 

Building. Inventory (Data Books) (2 folders) (See Also: University Data Books) 

Building. Stone List 

Buildings (3 folders) 

Buildings. 1855 Place 

Buildings. Abbot Hall 

Buildings. Addresses 

Buildings. Administration Building 

Buildings. Agriculture and Livestock Education Center 

Buildings. Agriculture Hall 

Buildings. Akers Hall 

Buildings. Alumni Memorial Chapel (See Also: Memorials & Plaques; Veterans) 

Buildings. Amtrak Station (See: Railroads) 

Buildings. Anthony Hall 

Buildings. Armory,the 

Buildings. Audiology and Speech Sciences 

Buildings. Auditorium 

Buildings. Baker Hall 

Buildings. Band Shell 

Buildings. Beaumont Tower/Carillon 

Buildings. Bessey Hall 

Buildings. Biochemistry 

Buildings. Bio Engineering Complex 

Buildings. Biomedical and Physical Sciences 

Buildings. Boiler House (Morrill Hall) 

Buildings. Botanical Laboratory (1st) 

Buildings.(Old) Botany - 2nd Botanical Laboratory 

Buildings. Botanical Laboratory (First) 

Buildings. Breslin Center 

Buildings. Breslin Student Events Center 

Buildings. Broad (Eli and Edythe) Art Museum 

Buildings. Brody Complex (See Also: Buildings. Emmons Hall) 

Buildings. Building Information Lists. 1997 

Buildings. Business Complex 

Buildings. Case Hall 

Buildings. Center for International Programs 

Buildings. Chemical Laboratory 

Buildings. Chemistry 

Buildings. Cherry Lane Apartments ( including "Faculty Bricks" Apartments) 

Buildings. Chittenden Hall 

Buildings. Chittenden Memorial Cabin 

Buildings. Clara Bell Smith Student Athletic Center (See Instead: Buildings. Duffy Daugherty; Buildings. Student Athletic Center) 

Buildings. Clinical Center 

Buildings. College Hall 

Buildings. Commemorative 

Buildings. Conrad Hall 

Buildings. Cook Hall 

Buildings. Cowles House 

Buildings. Cyclotron (See Also: Cyclotron) 

Buildings. Dam 

Buildings. Demmer, John (See Instead: Buildings. Shooting Sports Education Training Center) 

Buildings. Demonstration Hall 

Buildings. Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health (See Also: Diagnostic Center....) 

Buildings. Duffy Daugherty Football Building (See Also: Student Athletic Center) 

Buildings. Education Building 

Buildings. Elsworth House 

Buildings. Emmons Hall (See Also: Buildings. Brody Complex) 

Buildings. Engineering Building 

Buildings. Eppley Center 

Buildings. Erickson Hall 

Buildings. Eustace-Cole Hall 

Buildings. Executive Business Center 

Buildings. Fairchild House 

Buildings. Fairchild Theatre (See Also: Buildings- Auditorium) 

Buildings. Fee Hall 

Buildings. Food Science 

Buildings. Giltner Hall 

Buildings. Greenhouses 

Buildings. Histories 

Buildings. Holden Hall 

Buildings. Holmes Hall 

Buildings. Horse Teaching and Research Center (See Instead: Horse Program) 

Buildings. Horticulture Building 

Buildings. Horticulture Greenhouse and Butterfly House 

Buildings. Hospital, College (See Also: Buildings. Olin Health Center) 

Buildings. Hubbard Hall (See Also: Hubbard Information Center) 

Buildings. Human Ecology 

Buildings. IM Sports - Circle 

Buildings. IM West & Outdoor Swimming Pool 

Buildings. International Center (See Also: Con-Con Room) 

Buildings. Intramural Sports and Recreative Services 

Buildings. Jenison Fieldhouse 

Buildings. Kedzie Hall 

Buildings. Kellogg Manor 

Buildings. Kresge Art Center 

Buildings. Laboratory Row 

Buildings. Landon Hall 

Buildings. Library 

Buildings. Library Annex 

Buildings. Life Sciences 

Buildings. Linton Hall 

Buildings. Manly Miles 

Buildings. Marshall Hall 

Buildings. Mary Mayo Hall 

Buildings. Mason Hall 

Buildings. McDonel Hall 

Buildings. Miscellaneous 

Buildings. Morrill Hall (See Also: Morrill Plaza) 

Buildings. Munn Ice Arena 

Buildings. Music Building 

Buildings. Natural Resources 

Buildings. Natural Science 

Buildings. Nisbet Building 

Buildings. Observatory 

Buildings. Olds Hall 

Buildings. Olin Health Center (See Also: University Health Services and Centers) 

Buildings. On-Campus Housing 

Buildings. Owen Grduate Center 

Buildings. Packaging Building 

Buildings. Paolucci 

Buildings. Parking Ramp 

Buildings. Physical Laboratory (See Instead: Buildings. Chemical Laboratory) 

Buildings. Physics & Electrical Engineering (See Instead: Buildings. Chemical Laboratory) 

Buildings. Physics/Astronomy 

Buildings. Plant Research Laboratory 

Buildings. Planetarium 

Buildings. Plant and Soil Sciences 

Buildings. Power Plants 

Buildings. President's House (Old) (See Also: Buildings. Cowles House; Buildings. Hospital) 

Buildings. Proposed 

Buildings. Psychology Research Building 

Buildings. Quonset Huts 

Buildings. Recycling Facility (See Instead: Buildings. Surplus Store & Recycling Facility) 

Buildings. Saint's Rest 

Buildings. Shaw Hall 

Buildings. Shooting Sports Education and Training Center (Demmer) 

Buildings. Snyder Phillips Hall (See Also: Coed Living; Residential Colleges) 

Buildings. Spartan Village (See Also: Buildings. University Apartments) 

Buildings. Stadium 

Buildings. Stone List 

Buildings. Stoney Creek 

Buildings. Student Athletic Center (See Also: Buildings. Duffy Daughtry Building) 

Buildings. Surplus Store and Recycling Facility 

Buildings. Tennis Center (See Instead: Tennis Courts) 

Buildings. Union 

Buildings. University Apartments (combined name for Spartan Village, University Village and Cherry Lane Apartments) 

Buildings. University Park Complex 

Buildings. University Village (See Also: Buildings. University Apartments) 

Buildings. Van Hoosen Hall 

Buildings. Veterinary Medicine Building 

Buildings. Wells Hall 

Buildings. Wharton Center (See Also: Wharton Center for the Performing Arts) 

Buildings. Williams Hall 

Buildings. Wills House 

Buildings. Wilson Hall 

Buildings. Wonders Hall 

Bus Service (See Also: Transportation) 

Bus. Campus Bus - CATA Merger (See Also: Transportation) 

Business and Graduate School of Business Administration, College of 

Business College 

Business Enterprises, Student 

Business Frauds 

Business Women's Club 

Bylaws of the Faculty 

Cable TV (See Also: WKAR-TV, WMSB-TV, Instructional TV) 


Campus Beautification Program (See Instead: Campus Parks & Grounds) 

Campus Construction (See Also: Campus Parks & Grounds; Campus) 

Campus Courts 

Campus Maps (See Instead: Maps. Campus) 

Campus Observer 

Campus Parks & Grounds (See Also: Beal (W.J.) Botanical Garden; Campus Construction; Woodlots; Natural Areas) 

Campus Security (See Instead: Security (campus) 

Campus Traffic and Parking (See Also: Traffic; Highway; Parking) 

Cancer Research 


Cap and Gown Series 

Capital Campaign 

Car Pools 

Carousel (See Also: Brass Ring Society) 

Cars on Campus - Event 

Cartoons. The State News. "RM A313" and "Caesar and Company" 

Cartoons. The State News. "Surge" 



Cedar Village (See Also: East Village) 

Celebrations (See Instead: Students. Celebrations) 

Centennial (2 folders) 

Centennial Celebration, 1855-1955 (2 folders) 

Centennial Exposition 

Centennial Farms 

Center for Alternatives in Higher Education 

Center for Cartographic Research and Spatial Analysis 

Center for Environmental Quality (3 folders) 

Center for Gender in Global Context 

Center for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Science 

Center for Survey Research 

Center for the Redevelopment of Industrialized States 

Center for Urban Affairs (2 folders) 

Chamberlain Museum Donation 





Chemical Engineering 

Chemistry, Department of 


Child Abuse (See Also: MSU Safe Place) 

Children's Choir, MSU 

Chinese Students (See Instead: Asian Students) 

Choral Groups 

Christian Rural Hospitality Council (CRHC) 

CIERT (Committee on Improvement, Evaluation and Reward for Teaching Report) 

Civil Engineering 

Class Attendance 

Class Gifts (See Also - Art on Campus- Globe Sculpture - Unispsere) 

Clerical-Technical Employees 

Clerical-Technical Union 

Clerical-Technical Union Strike 

Close Circuit Television (See Instead: Cable TV, Instructional Television) 

Coat of Arms 


Code of Teaching Responsibility 

Coed Living (See Also: Housing) 

Coffee (See Instead: Pearl Project) 

COGS (Council Of Graduate Students) 

Collective Bargaining (See Also: Unions; Faculty. Collective Bargaining 

Collective Bargaining - Administrative Professional (See Also: Unions) 

Collective Bargaining - Clerical Technical (See Also: Unions) 

Collective Bargaining - Student (See Also: Graduate Employees Union (GED) 

College Bowl 

College Field (See Instead: Old College Field) 

College Republicans 



Colors - Green and White 


Commencement Speakers (See Also: Commencement Speeches; Visitors to MSU) 

Commencement Speeches 

Commercial Term Papers 

Committee of Institutional Cooperation 

Committee of the Future of Home Economics 

Committee on Improvement. Evaluation and Reward for Teaching (CIERT) 


Communication Arts and Sciences, College of (See Also: Television and Radio (Dept. of), School of Journalism, Instructional and Public Television (Dept. of), Telecommunications (Dept. of) 

Communication Technology Laboratory 

Communications Research Center 

Communism at MSU 


Community and Economic Development Program 

Community Charitable Campaign (See Instead: United Way) 

Community Committee for International Programs 

Community Health Science, Department of 

Community Music School (See Instead: Music, College of) 

Commuting Students 

Composite and Structures Center (CMSC) 

Compost Facility 

Comprehensive Breast Cancer Center 

Computer Laboratory 

Computer Science, Department of 


Computers at MSU (See Also: IBM Punch card data Processing) 


Con-Con Room. International Center 

Condom Machines on Campus 


Conservation Nursery 

Consortium, Proposed Southeast Michigan 

Construction Management 

Construction, Maintenance, and Interior Design (See Instead: Construction Management) 

Consumers, Student 


Continuing Education 


Cooley Law School 

Cooperation/Conflict Research Group 

Cooperative Extension 

Cooperative Extension Service 

Cooperative Houses (Men's) 

Cooperative Study Programs 


Copyrights (See Also: Univ. Intellectual Integrity Office; MSU Technologies) 

CORRAGE (Council on the Review of Research and Graduate Extension) 

Council of Graduate Students (COGS) 

Council of the Deans 

Counseling Center 



Course Descriptions 


Creative Anachronism Society 

Creative Writing Awards 

Credit by Examination 

Credit Cards 

Credit Union (See Also: Banking) 

Crime (See Also: Arson; Security (campus); Security Reports; Public Safety - Dept of; Fires; Police; People. Young, Martha Sue; People. Price, Stanley) 

Crime Prevention 

Criminal Justice, School of 

Crisis Intervention Centers 

Cross-Campus Highway (2 folders) (See Also: Highway) 

CRUE (Council to Review Undergraduate Education) 


Cyber-Enabled Research (Institute for) 

Cyclotron (See Also: Buildings. Cyclotron) 


Dairy Club 

Dairy Research 

Dairy Science, Department of 

Dairy Store 


Data Processing 


Dating Services 

Day Care Center 

Dayton-Hudson Mall 



Deaths, Student 

Debate Team 

Deer Park 

Demmer Shooting Sports Education and Training Center (See also: Buildings. Shooting Sports Education and Training Center (Demmer)) 

Dental School (proposal) 

Department of Public Safety (See Instead: Public Safety, Department of) 

Design and Construction Management (See Instead: Construction Management) 

Detroit College of Law (See Instead: Law College) 

Development Fund 

Diagnostic Center for Population and Animal Health (DCPAH) (See Also: Buildings. Diagnostic Center) 

DIAL Project (Direct Information Access Line) 

Dialogue 69-70 

Dioxin (waste) 


Disaster Control 

Discrimination (See Also: Diversity) 

Discrimination, Reverse 

Discrimination. Sexual 

Discrimination. Nowak Case. Homosexuality (Mackey's opinion) 

Dissent/Disruption Policy 

Distinguished Alumni (See Also: Alumni) 

Distinguished Alumni Award 

Distinguished Faculty Award (See Also: Awards Convocation) 

Distinguished Lectures 

Distinguished Staff Awards 

Diversity (See Also: Discrimination; Minority Students; Political Cartoon Controversy) 

Diversity in University Housing 


Division of Student Affairs 

Doctoral Dissertations 1924-1977 

Domestic Partner Benefits (See Also: Gay Movement) 


Dormitories (See Instead: Residence Halls) 

DPS/DPPS (See Instead: Public Safety, Department of.; Police) 

Drinking/Drinking Games (See Instead: Alcohol; Residence Halls - Alcohol) 

Drug Education Center 

Drug Use. Students 


Drugs, Prescription 

Drugs/Alcohol Policy (See Also: Drugs; Alcohol) 

Dubai (See Instead: MSU in Dubai) 


Duration of Study 

Earth Day 

Earth Week 

East Lansing (2 folders) (See Also: MI Info Files - East Lansing) 

East Lansing. Relationship 

East Village (See Also: Cedar Village) 

Ecological Psychology Program 


Economics, Department of 

Economy. Effect on State 

Economy. Effect on Students 

Editorial Cartoons. The State News 

Editorials. The State News 

Education, College of 

Educational Development Program 

Educational Extension Service 

Educational Policies Committee 

Educational Psychology, Department of 

Elected Faculty Council 

Electrical Costs 

Electrical Engineering and Systems Science, Department of 

Electronic workshops, student 

Elm Trees 

Emergency Phone System (See Instead: Telephone System (& Cell Phones); Security (campus) 

Employment Frauds 

Employment Outlook 

Employment Termination 

Employment, Student 

Encounter Group 

Endocrine Research Unit 

Endowed Chairs and Special Professorships 

Energy and Automotive Research Laboratory 

Energy Conversation 

Energy Crisis 

Energy Research 


Engineering, College of 

Engineering, Department of 

English Language Center 

English, Department of 

Enrichment Fund/Program 

Enrollment (See Also: 1896 Report) 


Environment Classes 

Environmental and Occupational Safety, Office of (See Instead: Environmental Health and Safety, Office of) 

Environmental Health and Safety, Office of 

Ernie the Can Man (See Instead: People. Lucas, Ernst) 

Equal Opportunity Program 

Equestrian Team, MSU 


Evening College 

Excellence in Teaching Reward 

Experimental Lake Water Project 

Extension Courses 

Extension Service 

Extension-Genesee County 

Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) (See Also: Buildings. Cyclotron; Cyclotron) 

FACT Coalition 

Fact. File. Universities 


Faculty Achievement 

Faculty Affairs Committee 

Faculty and Organizational Development, Office of) 

Faculty Appointments, Resignations, etc.(2 folders) 

Faculty Associates 

Faculty Dissent 

Faculty Folk Club 

Faculty Grievance 

Faculty Professional Women's Association (FPWA) 

Faculty Raises 

Faculty Rating 

Faculty Salary Comparisons 

Faculty Strike 

Faculty. Activism 

Faculty. Collective Bargaining (See Also: Collective Bargaining) 

Faculty. Committee for Maintaining an Excellent University 

Faculty. Dismissal Policy 

Faculty. Elected Faculty Council 

Faculty. Minorities 

Faculty. Miscellaneous 

Faculty. Moore Controversy 

Faculty. Organizations 

Faculty. Rewards, Prizes, etc. 

Faculty. Teaching Code 

Faculty. Terminations and Transfers 

Faculty. Women's Association 

Family and Child Ecology, Department of 

Family and Child Sciences, Department of 

Family Living Program 

Farm House (See Instead: Fraternities. Farm House) 

Farm Lane Bridge (2008-2009) (See Also: Bridges) 

Farmers' Week 

Farms (See Instead: University Farms) 


Federal Credit Union 



Fight Song (See Instead: Songs) 

Figure Skating (See Instead: Athletics. Skating) 

Film Groups 



Financial Aid 

Fine & Performing Arts at MSU Survey/Programs 

Fine Arts Festival 

Fire Department (See Also: Fires, Fire Safety; Security Reports; Arson; Public Safety-Dept. of) 

Fire Safety (See Also: Fires; Fire Dept.; Security Reports; Arson; Public Safety-Dept. of) 

Fires (See Also: Fire Dept.; Fire Safety; Security Reports; Arson; Public Safety-Dept. of) 

Fisheries and Wildlife Club 

Fisheries and Wildlife, Department 

Flint Water Crisis 

Flood. 1975 



Focus HOPE 

Food Science and Human Nutrition, Department of 

Food Services 

Food Stamps 

Food Stores 

Foreign Language Expansion 

Foreign Languages 

Foreign Relations. Africa 

Foreign Students (See Instead: International Students) 

Foreign Study 

Foreign TA's 



Forestry, Department of 

Formula Racing Team 


Founders' Day 

Four 4-H Clubs 

Fraternities and Sororities (See Also: Honorary Societies) 

Fraternities, Sororities and Honor Societies 

Fraternities. Alpha Epsilon Pi 

Fraternities. Alpha Gamma Rho 

Fraternities. Alpha Phi Alpha 

Fraternities. Alpha Tau Omega 

Fraternities. Beta Theta Pi 

Fraternities. Chi Rho 

Fraternities. Delta Chi 

Fraternities. Delta Sigma Phi 

Fraternities. Delta Tau Delta 

Fraternities. Delta Upsilon 

Fraternities. Farm House 

Fraternities. Kappa Alpha Psi 

Fraternities. Lambda Chi Alpha 

Fraternities. Phi Beta Sigma 

Fraternities. Phi Kappa Psi 

Fraternities. Pi Kappa Phi 

Fraternities. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 

Fraternities. Sigma Alpha Mu 

Fraternities. Sigma Chi 

Fraternities. Sigma Delta Chi 

Fraternities. Sigma Nu 

Fraternities. Sigma Phi Epsilon 

Fraternities. Sigma Pi 

Fraternities. Tau Kappa Epsilon 

Fraternities. Theta Chi 

Fraternities. Theta Delta Chi 

Fraternities. Xi Sigma Pi 

Fraternities. Zeta Beta Tau 

Free Higher Education 

Free Store 


Freshmen Orientation 

FRIB (See Instead: Facility for Rare Isotope Beams) 

Fulbright Scholars 




Gardens, Grounds 

Gay Movement (See Also: Discrimination. Nowak Case. Homosexuality (Mackey's opinion) 


General Education 

General Motors. Stocks 


Geography, Department of 

Geological Sciences 


Geology, Department of 


GLACE (GLobal Affairs Citizen Education) 

Glass Blower 

Glee Clubs 

Governing Boards 

Grades and Grading 

Grading and Marking 

Grading and Marking. Suspension Resolution 

Graduate Assistants 

Graduate Council 

Graduate Education 

Graduate Employees Union (GEU) (See Also: Collective Bargaining - Students) 

Graduate Programs 

Graduate School 

Graduate School of Business Administration 

Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities 

Graduate Students 

Graduate Study (2 folders) 

Grand River Ave. 

Grandparents' University 


Graphic Symbols 

Great Issues 

Greek History 

Greek Interpreters of East Lansing, The (The Sherlock Holmes Society) 

Greek Week 

Green Light Phones (See Instead: Security (campus) 

Green Splash. Synchronized Swimming 

Grievances. Faculty 

Grounds and Maintenance Department 

Guiding Principles and Framework 

Gulf War. 1991 


Gymnastics (See Instead: Athletics. Gymnastics) 

Handicapped Students (See Also: Artificial language Lab) 

Handicappers Bill of 1976 

Hannah Statue 


Head Start and Evaluation 

Health Issues on Campus (See Also: University Health Services and Centers) 

Health Physical Education and Recreation, Department of 

Health Services and Centers (See Instead: University Health Services and Centers) 

Henry Center for Executive Development 

Hidden Lake Gardens 

High School 

Higher Education 

Higher Education Costs 

Higher Educaton Preparation 

Highway (See Also: Traffic; Cross-Campus Highway) 


History of MSU (3 folders) (See Also: People. Lothrop, Edwin0 

History of MSU. Early Students 

History of MSU. Important Dates (See Also: People. Lothrop, Edwin) 

History, Department of 


Hold Card Policy 

Hollywood (See: Spartans in Hollywood) 

Home Economics, College of 

Home Management and Child Development, Department of 


HOM-TV (See Instead: Radio-TV (Campus & Student Run) 

Honorary Degree Program 

Honorary Degrees 

Honorary Societies (See Also: Fraternities, Sororities & Honor Societies) 

Honors College 

Honors Programs Committee 

Honors Standards 

Horse Program, MSU (See Also: Merrilat Equine Center) 

Horses (See Also: Buckskin) 


Horticulture, Department of 

Hospitality Business, School of 

Hospitality Weekend 

Hot Air Balloon 

Housing (See Also: Coed Living) 

Housing and Food Services (See Also: Food Services) 

Housing off-campus 

Housing off-campus 1974-1976 

Housing off-campus. Cooperative 

Housing on-campus (See Also: Diversity in Univ. Housing) 

Housing on-campus. Rules and Regulations 

Housing. Religious 

Hubbard Information Center (See Also: Buildings. Hubbard Hall) 

Human Development, Department of 

Human Ecology 

Human Ecology, College of 

Human Environment and Design, Department of 

Human Medicine 

Human Medicine, College of 

Human Medicine, Department of 

Human Relations, Department of 

Humanities, Department of 


IBM Center (See Also: Credit Union) 

IBM Punch card data Processing 

Ice Skating (See Instead: Athletics. Skating) 

Identification cards 

Identification cards. Students 

Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives, Office for (I3) 

Independent Study 

Information Center 

Information Services 

Institute for Children, Youth and Families 

Institute for Public Policy and Social Research (IPPSR) 

Institute for Research on Teaching 

Institute of Water Research 

Instructional and Public Television, Department of (See Also: Communication Arts & Sciences (College of), Instructional Television) 

Instructional Media Center 

Instructional Television (See Also: Cable-TV) 


Insurance. Student 

Integrative Arts and Humanities (IAH) 

Intellectual Integrity (See Instead: University Intellectual Integrity Office) 

Intellectual Property. Inventorship (See Instead: MSU Technologies) 

Intercollegiate Athletics (See Also: Athletics. Michigan Intercollegiate Association) 

Inter-Cooperative Council 

Interdisciplinary Courses 

Interfraternity Council (IFC) 

International Affairs Committee 

International Education Exchange 

International Education Week 

International Health (Institute of) 

International Programs (5 folders) 

International Programs. Brazil Project 

International Programs. Iran Project 

International Programs. Rawanda Project 

International Programs. Vietnam Project (2 folders) (See Also: Vietnam Project) 

International Seminar in Mass Communication 

International Students (2 folders) 

International Week (See Instead: International Education Week) 

International. Conferences, Meetings, Related Events 

Intramural Sports (See Also: Athletics. Intramural Sports) 

Investments, University 

James Madison College 

Japan Center for Michigan Universities 

Jazz Studies Degree Program 


John Hannah Statue SEE Hannah Statue 

Journalism, School of 

Judicial Affairs 

Judicial Programs Office 


Julian Samora Collections (other institutions) 

Julian Samora Research Institute 

Justin Morrill College 

Karate Club 

Kellogg Biological Station 

Kellogg Center 

Kellogg Gull Lake Laboratories 

Kellogg Study Program 

Kennedy Assassination 

Kinesiology, Department of (See Also: Athletics, Dept. of) 

King Jr., Martin Luther Day. Events 

King Jr., Martin Luther Visit 

Kresge Art Center 

Labor and Industrial Relations Center 

Labor and Industrial Relations, School of 

Labor Disputes 

Labor Resource Exchange 



Land Grant Fact Book. Centennial Edition 

Land Grant Fund 

Land Grant Philosophy 

Land Grants 

Landscape Architecture (On-Campus) 

Lantern Night 

Large Animal Surgery, Department of 


Law College 

Law School Proposal 

Laws of MSU. Michigan 


Learning Assessment Center 

Learning Resources Advisory Panel Report 

Lecture. Concert Series (See Also: Speakers; Fine & Performing Arts Survey/Programs) 


Legal Aid. Student 

Leland Art School 

Library (MSU Libraries) 

Library. Audio Library (See Also: Vincent Voice Library) 

Library. Circulation 

Library. Closed Stack Policy 

Library. Copy Service 

Library. Departmental Reference Collection 

Library. Financial State 

Library. Fines 

Library. Floor Plans 

Library. Hours of Opening 

Library. Loan Policy 

Library. Losses 

Library. Microfilm 

Library. Special Collections 

Library. Staff Association 

Library. Urban Affairs 

Library. Vending Machines 

Library. Vincent Voice Library 

License Plates 

Life Sciences Corridor 

Lifelong Education 

Lifelong Education Task Force 

Linguistics, Oriental and African Languages, Department of 

Liquor Laws and Regulations 


Locomotive (1225) 

Logos and Graphics 

Lyman Briggs College 

Mail Services (See: University Services) 

Major Courses of Study 

Man and Nature Bookstore 

Maps (See Also: Maps. Campus) 

Maps. Campus 

Marching Band (See Also: Band) 



Married Housing Association 

Married Students 

Married Students Union (See Also: Married Students Housing Asso.) 

Massey Report 

Master Farmers of America 

Mathematics, Department of 

Mathematics, Probability and Statistics for students of Business and Economics 


McPherson Professorship 

MECCA (Multi Ethnic Counseling Center Alliance) 

Media Appropriations. Student Board 

Medical Education Research and Development, Office of (OMERAD) 

Medical Student Rights and Responsibilities 

Medical Technology, School of 

Meet Michigan Program 


Memorials and Plaques (See Also: Buildings. Alumni Memorial Chapel; Veterans) 


Men's Hall Associations 

Mercury Contamination 

Merrilat Equine Center (See Also: Horses; Horse Program) 

Metallurgy, Department of 

Metric System 

Mexican American Students (See Also: Minority Students) 

Michigan Biotechnology Institute 

Michigan Consortium for Enalding Technology (MCET) 

Michigan Data Archive 

Michigan Educational Research Institute Triad (MERIT) 

Michigan Festival 

Michigan Freedom of Information Act and Employee Right to Know Act 

Michigan History. Pioneer Women 

Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association (See Also: Intercollegiate Athletics) 

Michigan Parkinson Initiative 

Michigan Partnership for Economic Development Assistance 

Michigan Sea Grant College Program 

Michigan State Fair (See Instead: People Lothrop, Edwin H. 

Michigan State University 

Michigan Victim Assistance Academy 

Microbiology and Public Health, Department of 

Microbiology Department. History 

Midwest Consortium for International Activities 

Midwest Film Festival 

Migrant Services 

Military History of MAC. Civil War 

Military Science, Department of 

Minorities (2 folders) 

Minority Affairs, Office of 

Minority Aide Program 

Minority Employment (See Also: Black Women Employees Assoc.) 

Minority Students (2 folders) (See Also: Minorities; Migrant Services; Native Am. Students; Chicano; Mexican American Students; Black Students; Pan-African Student Organization in the Americas (PASOA) 

Minority Students Participation in Academic Government 

Mishkin report 

Missing Persons 

MMPI - Michigan Materials and Processing Institute 

Molecular Biology Institute (MBI) 

Monuments, Markers and Plaques on campus 


More Education, More Opportunity Project (MEMO) 

Morrill Act, 1862 and 1890. 

Morrill Act, 1862. Text and Related Legal Materials 

Morrill Plaza (See Also: Morrill Hall) 

Motor Pool 

Movies (See: Spartans in Hollywood) 


MSU 2000 

MSU Business Women's Association 

MSU Childrens Choir (See Instead: Children's Choir) 

MSU Graphic Standards Guidelines 

MSU Idea 

MSU in Dubai 

MSU Press 

MSU Technologies (See Also: University Intellectual Integrity Office) 

MSU Technology Guarantee Program 1996 

MSU Today 

Multicultural Center 

Museum (2 folders) 

Music Therapy clinic 

Music, Department of, School of 

Musical events 

Name Change 

Name Change Controversy 1955 

Name Changes 

Name History of MSU by Madison Kuhn 

National Organization for Women (NOW) 

National Student Association 

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) (See Instead: Cyclotron) 

National Club Council 

Native American Students 

Native American Studies 

Natural Areas, Campus (See also: Woodlots, Sanford Natural Area) 

Natural Science, College of 

Natural Science, Department of 


New Players 

Night Classes 

Nobel Laureate 

Noise Violations 

North American Indigenous Student Organization (See Instead: Native American Students) 


Nuclear Reactor 

Nuclear Research 

Nuclear Waste 

Nursing, School of 


Oakland University 

Occupational Education 

Off-Campus Council 

Office of Evaluation Services 

Old College Field 

Olin Health Center (See Instead: Buildings. Olin Health Center) 

Olmstead Report 

Olympians (MSU) (See Instead: Olympics (MSU Connection) 

Olympics (MSU Connection) 


Open Air Concert 



Opinion Poll Committee 

Opinion Polls 

Optometry, School of (proposed) 

Oral History Group 

Orchesis Dance Troupe 



Organization of MSU (Organizational Charts) 


Oriental Rug 

Orientation Program 

OSHA (See Instead: Right to Know) 

Osteopathic Medicine, College of 

Outing Club 

Packaging, School of 



Pan-African Student Organization in the Americas (PASOA) (See also: Minority Students) 

Parking (See also: Campus Traffic & Parking) 

Parking Fines. Hannah vs. All University Traffic Committee 

Parks and Recreation Resources 

Parks and Recreation Resources, Department of 

Particle Accelerator (See Instead: Cyclotron) 

Patents/Invention Disclosure (See Instead: University Intellectual Integrity Office; MSU Technologies) 

Patriarchs' Letter 

Pay Phones on Campus (See Instead: Telephone System) 

Peace Corps 

Pearl Project 

People A. Miscellaneous (2 folders) 

Abel, John D. 

Abel, Lyle 

Abeles, Norman 

Abell, Walter Halsey 

Abrams, Annette 

Adams, Elizabeth 

Adams, Jim 

Adelman, Murray L. 

Aikman, Mariella 

Akamine, Toshio 

Akatiff, Clark Andrew 

Alam, Dale Vernon 

Albosta, Donald 

Albrecht, Carl F. 

Alderton, George S. 

Aldridge, John 

Aldridge, Gordon J. 

Alexander, Frederick G. 

Alexander, Lawrence Theodore 

Alger Jr., Fred M. 

Alger, Russell A. 

Alleman, Janet Elaine 

Allen, Bruce T. 

Allen, William B. 

Ames, Joseph William 

Anderson, Douglas Martin 

Anderson, Forrest "Forddy" 

Anderson, Gladys 

Anderson, Glen D. 

Anderson, Harold H. 

Anderson, Howard P. 

Anderson, Jack G. 

Anderson, Jackson (Jack) H. 

Anderson, James R. 

Anderson, John Joseph 

Andrews, James R. 

Andrews, John 

Andringa, Robert C. 

Angell, John E. 

Antonides, Chris 

Anttonen, Elmer S. 

Applegate, Roberta 

Arbuckle, Ernest C. 

Arens, Alvin Armond 

Arent, Gale Lynn 

Armeling, Ethel 

Armistead, Willis W. 

Armitage, Allan 

Armour, Richard 

Arnett, Judd 

Arnold, Richard K. 

Artis, Jay W. 

Aschom, Donald F. 

Asen, Sam 

Asher, James 

Asmussen, Jes 

Atkeson, George W. 

Atkin, Kenward Louis 

Atkinson, Thomas 

Aubry, Janise F. 

Austin, Ruben V. 

Austin, Sam M. 

Austin, William W. 

Averill, Donald F. 

Avery, T. Eugene 

Aylsworth, John Robert 

Ayoob, Mohammed 

Azar, Edward E. 

People. Abrams, Talbert 

People. Abrams, Ted 

People. Adams, Arthur S. 

People. Adams, Donald V. 

People. Adams, Jim 

People. Adams, Paul 

People. Adams, Pauline (Mrs. Walter) 

People. Adams, Thomas 

People. Adley, James 

People. Aggarwal, Surinder 

People. Akers, Forest H. 

People. Allen, Henry O. 

People. Allen, James E. 

People. Allen, Richard 

People. Alonso, Lou 

People. Anderson, Axel 

People. Anderson, David D. 

People. Anderson, Donald K. 

People. Anderson, James 

People. Anderson, James H. 

People. Anderson, Jerry M. 

People. Anderson, Marian 

People. Anderson, Robert C. 

People. Anderson, Robert T. 

People. Andrew, Gwen 

People. Appel, John J. 

People. Applegate, Albert A. 

People. Arata, Dorothy 

People. Armstrong, David L. 

People. Arnold, Corliss 

People. Arnold, Dale 

People. Ashby, Sir Eric 

People. Athanason, Arthur 

People. Atkin, Charles 

People, Augenstein, Leroy G. 

People. Austin, Richard 

People. Axinn, George 

People. B. Miscellaneous (3 folders) 

Baar, Carl 

Babb, Lawrence 

Babcock, Clarence M. 

Babst, Earl D. 

Baccus, Ira Bishop 

Bachman, Charley 

Backus, Robert R. 

Bacon, Charles M. 

Badran, Adnan 

Bagley, William C. 

Bailey, David C. 

Bailey, Karl D. 

Bailey, Murrell Leonard 

Bailey, Richard Blaine 

Baker, Donald Noel 

Baker, Gregory 

Baker, John W. 

Baker, Larry R. 

Baker, Merrily Dean 

Baker, Ray Stannard 

Baker, Samuel A. 

Bakewell, Ralph H 

Bakker-Arkema, Fred 

Balaban, Martin 

Balagangadhar, Dinesh 

Baldwin, Thomas F. 

Ball, Stanley 

Ballenger, Bill 

Ballweg, Alfred P. 

Baltimore Jr., Henry L. 

Bandemer, Selma L. 

Bandes, Susan J. 

Banzet, Ernest M. 

Barber, Diane Lee 

Barber, William E. 

Barbour, Henry Ogden 

Barbour, Julius E. 

Barclay, Andrew M. 

Barkau, Jane A. 

Barlowe, Raleigh 

Barnes, Ervin H. 

Barnes, Henrietta 

Barnes, Jack 

Baron, Milton 

Barr, Charles W. 

Barrett Jr., Ralph Patrick 

Barrows, Floyd D. 

Bartholic, Jon 

Bartoli, Edward B. 

Baskett, Sam S. 

Bates, Richard 

Bath, James E. 

Battistini, Midori Yamanouchi 

Bauer, Wolfgang 

Baxter, Albert 

Bay, Carolyn Carter 

Beachler, Kenneth C. 

Beacom, Lucille N. 

Beale, Ruth 

Beals, Dick 

Beaman, John H. 

Beard, James B. 

Beardsley,William "Bill" W. 

Beasley, Daniel 

Beaumont, William 

Beck, Clifford C. 

Beck, Eugene Cornelius 

Beck, James V. 

Becker, Clare A. 

Beckett, John M. 

Bedford, Clifford L. 

Beekman, Marvin E. 

Beeman, Harris Frank 

Beer, Charles Louis 

Beery, William E. 

Beeson, Lewis 

Begian, Harry 

Beiler, Earl J. 

Bell, Harry Kenneth 

Bell, John R. 

Bell, Lester E. 

Bell, William M. 

Belloli, Jay 

Belter, Harvey J. 

Benenson, Walter 

Bennett, Richard Robertson 

Benson, Ezra Taft 

Bergen, Werner G. 

Bergman, Herbert 

Bergquist, Stanard Gustay 

Berkey, William H. 

Bernhardt, Fred C. 

Bernitt, Richard O. 

Bernson, Howard D. 

Bernthal, Frederick M. 

Bessey, Ernst Athearn 

Bessone, Amo 

Beukema, John Charles 

Bevins, Robert Jackson 

Bickart, Theodore A. 

Bieber, Loran L. 

Bielat, Larry 

Binder, Mildred Chapel 

Bing, David H. 

Binkley, Dane Richard 

Bishop, Thelma D. 

Bissell, George Welton 

Bittner, Richard H. 

Bittner, Ruford F. (Jack) 

Bjerke, Linda A. 

Black, Terry R. 

Blackledge, Daniel G. 

Blackman, Bob 

Blackman, Edward B. 

Blair, Austin 

Blair, Lyle 

Blakeslee, Leonard H. 

Blank, O. Uel 

Blawie, Marilyn- June 

Blend, Charles 

Blome, August F. 

Blomstrom, Robert L. 

Blosser, Henry G. 

Blount, Frank 

Blubaugh, Doug 

Blum, Albert A. 

Bode, Ken A. 

Bodman, Lyman W. 

Bodwell, Mary M. 

Boger, Lawrence 

Boger, Robert Price 

Bohmker, Fred A. 

Bohnstedt, Werner 

Bokemeier, Charles 

Bolger, Ann 

Bollwahn, Lester P. 

Bonello, Frank Joe 

Borbas, Laszlo 

Borgstrom, Georg 

Borosage, Lawrence 

Borough, Reuben W. 

Borsenik, Frank D. 

Bortel, William L. 

Boschetti, Margaret A. 

Bosserman, Willard E. 

Bourdeau, Georgine 

Bouyoucos, George John 

Bowdler, Anthony John 

Bowers, Gail Edward 

Bowman, John T. 

Box, Richard C. 

Boxer, Baruch 

Boyd Jr., John H. 

Boyne, David H. 

Boynton, Robert D. 

Braamse, Leonard J. 

Bracht, Neil F. 

Braddock, James C. 

Bradford, Larry J. 

Bradley, William A. 

Brady, Mary Lee 

Brainard, Owen D. 

Brake, John Ronald 

Brand, Edward A. 

Brattin, John B. 

Bratzel, John F. 

Bratzler, Kathryn J. 

Bratzler, Lyman J. 

Brauner, Erling B. 

Brembeck, Cole S. 

Brennan, James J. 

Brennan, Molly 

Breslin, Jack 

Brewer, Chester Leland 

Breyer, Richard A. 

Briggs, Lyman 

Briggs, Robert P. 

Bright, Sallie 

Brighton, Howard 

Brink, Muriel S. 

Brinker, Wade O. 

Brinks, Herbert J. 

Britner, Preston B. 

Brittain, Nell E. 

Broad, Eli 

Brockway, Darrell S. 

Brody, Theodore M. 

Brohn, William 

Bronder, Leonard D. 

Brookover, Wilbur 

Brooks, Theodore J. 

Brotzmann, John 

Broward, Kenneth 

Brown, Byron W. 

Brown, Dale C. 

Brown, Donald E. 

Brown, Esther Smith 

Brown, George A. 

Brown, Harold Frederick 

Brown, Harry J. 

Brown, Henry C. 

Brown, Henry D. 

Brown, James A. 

Brown, Judith Ann 

Brown, Katharine (Kate) 

Brown, Lauren Hiram 

Brown, Leonard D. 

Brown, Norman A. 

Brown, Norman J. 

Brown, P. Thomas 

Brown, Robert 

Brown, Wilson 

Browne Jr., Ernest C. 

Brubaker Jr., Carl H. 

Brubaker, Robert R. 

Bruce Jr., Louis Rooks 

Bruchey, Stuart W. 

Brunnschweiler, Dieter H. 

Bryan, Stanley E. 

Bryant Jr., William B. 

Buckley, Isabelle 

Buckman, Sylvia M. 

Buell, Donald O. 

Bufton, Kathleen Rita 

Bukovac, Martin J. 

Bull, William Ira 

Burhans, Clinton S. 

Burhans, Leon D. 

Burhans, Robert A. 

Burinski, Walter W. 

Burke, Donald A. 

Burke, J. Bruce 

Burkh, Dennis 

Burkhard, Thomas 

Burley, Jon Bryan 

Burnett, Walter M. 

Burns, Jack 

Burns, Robert Earl 

Burroughs, John 

Burton, Jeanne 

Burton, Nancy Bell 

Busby, Clara Caldwell 

Bush, Guy L. 

Butler, Alexander R. 

Butterfield, Barbara 

Butterfield, David L. 

Butz, Dale E. 

Buyens, H.J. 

Bverrum, Richard U. 

Byerrum, Richard U. 

Byram, Harold 

People. Bacon, Leslie 

People. Bader, Lois 

People. Bagwell, Paul 

People. Baile, Mikki 

People. Bailey, Liberty Hyde 

People. Bain, Jack M. 

People. Baker, Ray Stannard 

People. Baker, Rollin 

People. Baldwin, Robert J. 

People. Ball, B. Dale 

People. Ballard, Elliot G. 

People. Bandurski, R.S. 

People. Banks, Jennifer 

People. Banks, Robert F. 

People. Barbour, J. Murray 

People. Baril, Lawrence J. 

People. Baron, Milton 

People. Barr, Charles W. 

People. Barrett, Paul H. 

People. Barson, John 

People. Bartley, S. Howard 

People. Bass, Jack 

People. Battistini, Lawrence 

People. Bauer, Anthony 

People. Beal, William 

People. Beachler, Kenneth 

People. Beaumont, John W. 

People. Beckstrand, Gordon L. 

People. Beckwith, Gladys 

People. Bejaoui, Mansour 

People. Belgardt, Raimund 

People. Bender, Louie 

People. Beneke, Everette S. 

People. Benington, John 

People. Benjamin, Martin 

People. Bennett, Del 

People. Benson, August G. 

People. Berg, Herbert 

People. Berkic, Ted 

People. Berlo, David K. 

People. Berman, Louis J. 

People. Bessey, Charles Edwin 

People. Bessone, Amo 

People. Bethea, Larry 

People. Bettinghaus, Erwin P. 

People. Bird, A.C. 

People. Bird, Franklin L. 

People. Biuens, William M. 

People. Blackington, Frank H. 

People. Blatt, Frank and John 

People. Bloomquist, Kenneth G. 

People. Blosser, Harry G. 

People. Boezi, John A. 

People. Boger, Lawrence 

People. Bonnen, James T. 

People. Bonner, Ralph W. 

People. Borgstrom, Georg 

People. Boylan, Myles G. 

People. Braddock, James C. 

People. Bradley, Don 

People. Brandou, Julian 

People. Brandstatter, Arthur 

People. Braverman, Terry 

People. Bredeck, Henry E. 

People. Brennan, Thomas E. 

People. Breslin, Jack 

People. Brodsky, Iosif 

People. Brody, Clark L. (2 folders) 

People. Brookover, Wilbur B. 

People. Brown, Barry 

People. Brown, Hubert 

People. Brown, James 

People. Brown, Lauren P. 

People. Brown, Martin (See Instead: People. Price, Stanley) 

People. Brown, Robert E. 

People. Bruff, John 

People. Brumm, Lynn F. 

People. Brunn, Stanley D. 

People. Brunner, J. Robert 

People. Bubolz, Margaret 

People. Bufe, Noel C. 

People. Bukovac, Martin J. 

People. Burkh, Dennis 

People. Burkhardt, Thomas H. 

People. Burmester, Dr. B.R. 

People. Buschman, Mel 

People. Bushell, Thomas L. 

People. Butler, Oscar 

People. C. Miscellaneous (3 folders) 

Cade, Alex J. 

Cafagna, Albert Carl 

Cain, Marvin R. 

Caldwell, Munns A. 

Calhoun, M. Lois 

Call, David Lincoln 

Calvo, Juan A. 

Camilleri, Santo F. 

Campbell, Amp 

Campbell, Caroline P. 

Candoli, I. Carl 

Canevaro, Lino 

Cantrell, Marjorie 

Carasso, Alfred S. 

Cardinell, H.A. 

Cares, Charles W. 

Carew, John 

Carey, Terrence J. 

Cargill, Burton F. J 

Carleton, Walter 

Carlisle, E. Fred 

Carlson, Edward H. 

Carlson, William H. 

Carnival, Water 

Carpenter, Louise H. 

Carr Jr., Leland W. 

Carr, Robert 

Carrigan, Patricia M. 

Carroll, Tom Wentworth 

Carrow, Rexford E. 

Carter, David L. 

Carter, Gordon Robert 

Carter, John M. 

Carter, Phillip L. 

Carter, Susan 

Casby, Michael W. 

Case, Albert and Sarah 

Case, Harry Lawrence 

Casey, Genevieve M. 

Cash, James 

Cashwan, Samuel 

Catron, David L. 

Cederquist, Dena C. 

Cell, Edward 

Chamberlain, William F. 

Chamberlain, Von Del 

Champion, Lloyd R. 

Chapman, Douglas Joseph 

Chapman, Henry L. R. 

Chappelle, Daniel Eugene 

Chard, Roger Bruce 

Chatterjee, Somnath 

Cheek, James 

Cherney, Sheldon 

Chernosky, Marcia L. 

Cherryholmes, Cleo Harlan 

Chimoskey, John 

Choldin, Harvey M. 

Christenson, Donald Robert 

Christie, Iain Thornton 

Chubb, Michael 

Church, C. Howard 

Churchill, Boyd R. 

Cianciolo, Patricia 

Cichy, Ronald F. 

Clarizio, Harvey Francis 

Clark, Bob 

Clark, Eldon 

Clark Jr., John Abbott 

Clark, Philip J. 

Clark, Raymond M. 

Clark, Thomas B. 

Clausen, James Richard 

Clayton, Dale Leonard 

Cleary, Owen J. 

Cleveland, John B. 

Cloud, Gary Lee 

Cluley, Leonard E. 

Cobb, T. Clinton 

Cochran, James W. 

Cockrel, Ken 

Cohen, Manuel F. 

Cohen, Pearl 

Cohn, Kim 

Cole, David L. 

Cole, Patricia Soutas 

Coleman, Bruce P. 

Collier, Calhoun C. 

Collings, W. Doyne 

Collins, Albert F. 

Collins, John J. 

Collins, John Norman 

Collins, Max D. 

Collins, William J. 

Come, Donald Robert 

Conant, James Bryant 

Condon, Richard 

Conner, Gabel H. 

Connin, Richard Vern 

Connor, Larry J. 

Conrad, Clifford F. 

Constantinides, Judith H. 

Convey, Edward M. 

Cook, James Arnold 

Cook, Ray L. 

Cook, Warren J. 

Cooke, Laurence S. 

Cookingham, Frank Glenn 

Cookingham, Mary 

Copeland, Lawrence Odell 

Corcoran, Joseph F. 

Cordiner, Ralph J. 

Corey, Kenneth E. 

Cornellisse, Kenneth W. 

Costar, James W. 

Costilow, Ralph N. 

Cote, William "Bill" 

Cotes, Mervin F. 

Counsellor, Rebecca R. 

Coupland, Bryan R. 

Courtney, Gladys Atkins 

Cowan, Daniel F. 

Cowen, Jerry A. 

Cowles, Ella Nancy 

Cox, Eli P. 

Cox, Joseph T. 

Coyle, John 

Crabtree, Beverly 

Craig, Robert C. 

Crawford, John W. 

Crawford III, William Richardson 

Creager, Thomas A. 

Creekmore, Anna Mary 

Crim, Bobby D. 

Crippen, Edward F. 

Crist, John William 

Crittenden, Lyman B. 

Crofts, George W. 

Cromarty, William 

Cronin, Robert L. 

Cropsey, Alan 

Cross, Aureal T. 

Cross, Patrick "Paddy" J. 

Crow, Steven 

Cruikshank, Nelson H. 

Cumberland, Charles C. 

Cummings, John Thomas 

Cunningham, Jim 

Currie, Harold W. 

Curtis, Bruce E. 

Curwood, James Oliver 

Cutts, Charles E. 

Cypert, Clifford L. 

Czajka, Dorice Marie 

People. Cain, Robert 

People. Caldwell, Sarah 

People. Calhoun, M. Louis 

People. Cambray, Frank W. 

People. Cantlon, John E. 

People. Carew, H. John 

People. Carlin, Edward A. 

People. Carlson, Robert F. 

People. Carmichael, Richard 

People. Carnegie, Dorothy E. 

People. Carney, Art 

People. Carolus, Robert 

People. Carrigan, Patricia 

People. Case, Mr. and Mrs. Albert 

People. Cash, Jim 

People. Caul, Denia A. 

People. Cauley, John H. 

People. Caulkins, Henry L. 

People. Chang. T.S. 

People. Chapin, Richard E. 

People. Chapin, Roy Jr. 

People. Chetrick, M.H. 

People. Chomsky, Noam 

People. Church, Howard 

People. Clack, Robert W. 

People. Cleaves, Mateen 

People. Cleland, Charles E. 

People. Cofer, Lloyd 

People. Coffman, Jerry 

People. Cohen, Warren I. 

People. Cohne, Wilbur J. 

People. Coleman, Don 

People. Collins, Barbara-Rose 

People. Collins, Fendley 

People. Colwell, Priscilla Jane 

People. Combs, William 

People. Cook, Albert John 

People. Cooper, Phyllis J. 

People. Cooper, William 

People. Corcoran, Mary 

People. Core, George 

People. Cowden, Thomas K. 

People. Cox, Joseph T. 

People. Craig, Myrtle (See Instead:People. Mowbray, Myrtle Craig) 

People. Crane, Maurice 

People. Crim, Robert D. (Bobby) 

People. Crissy, William 

People. Crowe, Dean S.E. 

People. Cugick, Phillip A. 

People. Cumberland, Charles 

People. Cunningham, Charles H. 

People. Cutler, Rupert 

People. D. Miscellaneous (2 folders) 

Dabney, Joe M. 

Dain, Floyd 

Dale, Martha Carolyn 

D'Angelo, Anthony 

Darden, Joe T. 

Darlington, Henry T. 

Darrow, Peter 

Daugherty Jr., Robert Melvin 

Dau-lin, Hsu 

Davenport, A. Marvin 

Davenport, Katherine G. 

David, Hugo J. 

Davids, Fredrick E. 

Davidson, Cathy 

Davidson, James A. 

Davies, George A. 

Davis, Arthur J. 

Davis, Charles J. 

Davis, Glenn 

Davis, Harvey S. 

Davis, James D. 

Davis, Mary Lee 

Davis, Robert H. 

Dawkins, Pete 

Dawson, Frank M. 

Dawson, Lawrence E. 

Day, Richard 

Day, Frank D. 

Day, H. Crane 

Day, James Thomas 

Deal, Leo V. 

Deal Jr. William Cecil 

Dean, Anita G. 

Dean, Douglas 

Dean, Kellie 

Dean, Leland W. 

Dean, Lillian Frost 

DeBenko, Eugene 

DeBlasi, Anthony Armando 

DeHaven, Clark E. 

De Hertogh, August A. 

DeJong, David Cornel 

Dekker, Tunis H. 

DeKoning, Paul J. 

DeLisle, Francis H. 

Deliyanne, Gregory 

Dellinger, David T. 

DeLorean, John Z. 

Del Prado, Carlos G. 

Delsipee, Mary Ellen 

DeMaso, Harry A. 

Dennis Jr., Frank George 

Dennis, Gordon K. 

Derezinski, Anthony A. 

DeRusha, Stanley E. 

Detzer, Karl 

Deussen, Paul Wolfgang 

Deutschmann, Paul J. 

Devereux, Edward 

De Vries, Mark 

De Waele, Ferdinand Joseph 

DeWald, Franklin K. 

Dewey, Donald H. 

Dewhurst, C. Kurt 

DeWitt, Stanley R. 

Dexter, Steven T. 

Dexter, Wilbur A. 

DeYoung Jr., Ivan Lloyd 

DeZeeuw, Donald J. 

Dhanak, Amritlal M. 

DiBiaggio, Carolyn 

Dice, Eugene F. 

Dickinson, Joseph E. 

Dickson, David W.D. 

Diebel, Alfred V. 

Diehl, David D. 

Diehl, Janet M. 

Dietz, Henry J. 

Dikem George K. 

Dilley, David R. 

Dillingham, Matthew R. 

DiNello, Gilbert 

Dingwell, Robert E. 

Dirks, Henry B. 

Dively, Michael 

Dixon, Martha 

Dmoch, Thomas Spencer 

Dobbins, James J. 

Dock, John William 

Dodge, Roy L. 

Doell, Charles E. 

Doll, Eugene C. 

Donahue, Frank 

Doneth, John C. 

Donnell, John W. 

Donnelly, Gerald T. 

Donovan, David 

Dorati, Antal 

Dorr, Ron 

Dorsey, Eugene 

Douglas, William O. 

Douglass, David Bates 

Dow, Herbert Henry 

Downer, Dean 

Downes, Bryan 

Downes, William L. 

Downs, Tom 

Draft, Ronald L. 

Dragosh, Stephen Vincent 

Drake, Evelyn S. 

Drees, David T. 

Drews, Elizabeth 

Druse, Joseph L. 

Dubois, Laurent 

Dubson, Michael 

Dugan Jr., LeRoy 

Dulai, Surjit Singh 

Duley, John and Betty 

Dulles, Foster R. 

Dumor, Cecilia 

Duncan, Clifford W. 

Duncan, Daniel R. 

Dunham, Douglas 

Dunham, H. Warren 

Dunn, Richard John 

Dunnebacke, Charlotte 

Duris, Charles S. 

Durr, Dixie L. 

Dutton, Frederic B. 

Dye, James L. 

Dyer, Wayne 

Dykes Jr., DeWitt Sanford 

Dynnik, Alexander 

Dzenowagis, Joseph G. 

People. Daugherty, Duffy 

People. Davidson, Harold 

People. Davis, Carol M. 

People. Davis, Maj. Arthur 

People. Davis, Marianne R. 

People. Delpit, Lisa 

People. Demartelly, John S. 

People. Denison, James 

People. Dewey, Lyster Hoxie 

People. Dickerson, Milton B. 

People. Dietrich, John E. 

People. D'Itri, Patricia 

People. Dominguez, Peter 

People. Dompier, James R. 

People. Donahue, John D. 

People. Dow, Clyde W. 

People. Downs, Charles 

People. Drake, Albert D. 

People. Dressel, Paul 

People. Dukelow, Richard W. 

People. Durr, William K. 

People. Dutton, Faith Kedzie 

People. Dye, Marie 

People. Dziedzic, Stan 

People. E. Miscellaneous 

Eagly, Alice J. 

Earl, A. Robert 

Ebel, Robert L. 

Echt, Robert 

Ecker, Harold J. 

Eckert, Fred W. 

Eckert, Joseph L. 

Eckman, Frederick 

Edinger, Lewis J. 

Edwards, Carlton M. 

Edwards, James Don 

Edwards, Thomas H. 

Egbert III, James Dallas 

Eggert, Robert John 

Ehrlich, Robert 

Eicher, Carl Keith 

Eisenberg, Elyse 

Eisenstein, Edward Milton 

Eldridge, Edward F. 

Elkins, Susi 

Elliott, Frank N. 

Elliott, James M. 

Elliott, William D. 

Ellis, Boyd G. 

Ellis, Elaine Anne 

Ellsworth, Pete 

Elstein, Arthur S. 

Elwood, Everett Morgan 

Emerson Jr., Thomas Edward 

Emery, Roy S. 

Engel, Bernard F. 

Engler, John M. 

Enochs, Jean N. 

Epling, Kevin 

Eppink, Henrietta 

Epple, Alice E. 

Epstein, Matthew H. 

Erdmann, Milton H. 

Erickson, A. Earl 

Erickson, Clifford E. 

Erno, Richard 

Ernst, Richard D. 

Ernst, Sandra B. 

Erving, Julius 

Esquith, Stephen 

Ettesvold, W.L. "Win" 

Eulenberg, John 

Evans, Frank K. "Tex" 

Evans, Lester J. 

Ewing, Dwight T. 

Eyster, George Ernest 

People. Earheart, Eileen 

People. Edwards, Alfred 

People. Edwards, Elsie M. 

People. Eicher, Joanne 

People. Ellison, Nolen 

People. Emery, Walter B. 

People. Enelow, Allen 

People. English, Dan C. 

People. Erickson, Mildred 

People. Ernie the Can Man (See instead People. Lucas, Ernst) 

People. Estell, Dick 

People. Eustace, Harry 

People. Evans, Joseph 

People. Evans, Margot 

People. Ewigleben, Robert I. 

People. Ezera, Onuma 

People. F. Miscellaneous 

Fabian, Frederick W. 

Fabian, Vaclav 

Fagan, James Emil 

Fairchild, David Grandison 

Fairley, James L. 

Falco, Robert 

Falcone, Betty Beryl 

Falcone, Leonard 

Falk, Thomas Heinrich 

Farmer, Edward H. 

Farness, Sanford Simon 

Farnum, Donald G. 

Faverman, Gerald 

Faxon, Jack 

Featherstone, Richard l. 

Federoff, Paul 

Fedore, Robert R. 

Fee, Harry A. 

Fee, Walter R. 

Feltner, Richard L. 

Fenton, Todd 

Ferguson, C. E. 

Ferguson, C. M. 

Ferguson, LeRoy C. 

Ferrar, Barbara McAlvay 

Ferrari, Michael R. 

Ferris, Harold R. 

Feurig, James S. 

Field, Anne E. 

Fields, Emeritus Harold 

Figa Jr., Jos P. 

Fink, Russell F. 

Finkel, Maurice 

Finn, William F. 

Finni, William L. 

Fischer, Roland L. 

Fisher, Alan W. 

Fitzgerald, Hiram E. 

Fitzgerald, Laurine E. 

Fitzgerald, Sheila 

Fitzgerald, William Morley 

Fleck, Arthur C. 

Flegal, Cal J. 

Fleishman, Avon 

Fletcher, N. Frances 

Fletcher, Peter B. 

Fleuren, Peter 

Flores, Philip Edward 

Flynn, Marilyn L. 

Fobes, Jon 

Fogle, Richard 

Foiles, Carl 

Foley II, Arthur Lee 

Fonda, Jane 

Ford, Gerald R. 

Form, William H. 

Forsyth, Richard H. 

Foss, John Frank 

Foster, Emery G. 

Foster, Phillips Wayne 

Foster, Prior 

Foth, Henry D. 

Fox, E. C. 

Fox, Lucia Alicia 

Frank, Phil 

Franke, Robert G. 

Frantz, William L. 

Freeman, Donald John 

French, Benjamin Carver 

French, Jere Stuart 

Fritz, George Ely 

Frost, Carl F. 

Fullbright, Dennis 

Fuzak, John A. 

People. Fairweather, George 

People. Falcone, Leonard 

People. Farrell, Arthur W. 

People. Faunce, William A. 

People. Felkenes, George T. 

People. Fenner, Carl 

People. Ferency, Zolton (2 folders) 

People. Ferguson, Joel 

People. Ferres, John H. 

People. Ferris, John N. 

People. Feurig, James 

People. Fields, William 

People. Fishel, Wesley 

People. Fishel, Wesley. Collection 

People. Flore, James 

People. Flower, Herbert 

People. Fossum, Bruce 

People. Foster, Emergy 

People. Fox, Alan 

People. Fox, Hugh 

People. Frame, J. Sutherland 

People. Freeman, Thomas M. 

People. Frimodig, Lyman L. 

People. Frostic, Gwen 

People. Froude, Velma 

People. Funk, Harry A. 

People. Furse, David 

People. Fuzak, John A. 

People. G. Miscellaneous (2 folders) 

Gagliano, Charles M. 

Gainer, Gordon Ray 

Gal, Martin 

Gallin, Bernard 

Galonsky, Aaron I. 

Galvin, Donald E. 

Gamble, Billie Diane 

Gamble, William S. 

Ganser, Carl C. 

Garbe, Bernadette Sietz 

Garlick, Betty Jean 

Garrison, Anne C. 

Garrison, Jesse J. 

Garskof, Bertram 

Gassman, Janet Irene 

Gaston, Harold Paul 

Gatten, E. Lynnette 

Geake, Robert 

Gebber, Gerard Lincoln 

Gehring, Perry J. 

Gentile, Judy 

George, Robert W. 

Gerlach, Carl S. 

Gesner, Marjorie E. 

Getty, Samuel M. 

Giacoletto, Lawrence J. 

Gianakos, Perry 

Gibson, James L. 

Giddens, Huda Jamal 

Giddis, William James 

Gilchrist, Maude 

Giles, William E. 

Gill, John L. 

Gillette, Genevieve 

Gilliam, Cheryl 

Gilliland, Dennis Crippen 

Gillis, William T. 

Gilmore, Douglas M. 

Gilpin, Alec R. 

Ginnings, Nancy K. 

Girbach, Duane S. 

Gjelsness, Rudolph H. 

Gleason, Susan Lucile 

Glick, D. Newton 

Glidden, Arthur 

Gluek Jr., Alvin C. 

Goatley, James L. 

Gochberg, Donald S. 

Goetsch, Alma 

Goff, James W. 

Goldberg, Elliott M. 

Gonzales, Dorothy 

Gooch, James W. 

Good, Byron H. 

Good, Norman E. 

Goodrich, Thomas A. 

Gorton, Lewis Griffin 

Gottlieb, David 

Goughnour, Roy Robert 

Grafius, John E. 

Graham, William Fred 

Grant, William Harold 

Graves, Michael 

Graves, Ralph E. 

Graveure, Louis 

Gray, Eugene Francis 

Gray, Harold E. 

Greathouse, Terrence Ray 

Green, Ernest 

Green, James E. 

Greenbaum, David 

Greenberg, Herbert S. 

Greene, Thomas H. 

Greenwell, Gean E. 

Greig, W. Smith 

Griesinger, Barbara Straub 

Grieves, Peter Curtiss 

Grill, Raye 

Gringhuis, Richard H. 

Grissim, John N. 

Gross, Carl H. 

Gross, Lorraine Haugk 

Grossman, Ronald Phillip 

Groswold, Robert G. 

Gruhn, Charles R. 

Guernsey, Raymond Case 

Guerre, George Thomas 

Gunn, Clare A. 

Gunson, Thomas 

Gustafson, Robert E. 

Gustafson, Robert L. 

Guthard, Ted 

People. Gallacher, Stuart A. 

People. Gallagher, James J. 

People. Galvon, Deborah A. 

People. Gamble, William Jr. 

People. Ganakas, Greg 

People. Ganakas, Gus 

People. Gardner, Mary A. 

People. Gardner, Victor R. 

People. Garfinkel, Herbert 

People. Gelloke, Konrad C. 

People. Gentile, Eric 

People. Gerald, Roy J. 

People. Gerhardt, Philipp 

People. Gliozzo, Charles A. 

People. Gideon, Leonard 

People. Goldberg, Marshall 

People. Goldberg, William A. 

People. Goldhammer, Keith 

People. Goldschmidt, Carl 

People. Gonon, Isabelle 

People. Gore, George 

People. Graham, Robert Darwin 

People. Greaves, Richard L. 

People. Grebner, Mark 

People. Green, Robert L. 

People. Greenberg, Bradley S. 

People. Greer, Thomas 

People. Gringhaus, Dirk 

People. Gross, Barry 

People. Gross, Irma 

People. Grost, Michael 

People. Grove, Vernon G. 

People. Grow, Ron 

People. Gummerson, Ray B. 

People. Gunnings, Thomas 

People. H. Miscellaneous (3 folders) 

Haarer, C. Gerald 

Haas, Richard J. 

Haddy, Francis J. 

Hafs, Harold 

Haight, William H. 

Hales, Dell R. 

Hall, Albert T. 

Hall, Carl W. 

Hall, George Lyman 

Hall, Gordon Franklin 

Hall, Judith Eleanor 

Halm, Jerry Arthur 

Hamachek, Don E. 

Hamelink, Ronald C. 

Hamilton, Carson C. 

Hamilton, James B. 

Hamilton, Luella Treva 

Hamilton, Ruth Simms 

Hamilton, Thomas H. 

Hance, Kenneth G. 

Handorf, Howard H. 

Haney, Walter Judson 

Hanley, Charles 

Hanna, Joseph F. 

Hannah, Sarah (Shaw) 

Hanover, James W. 

Hansen, Clarence M. 

Hansen, R. Gaurth 

Hansen, Richard E. 

Hanson, John W. 

Hanson, Mary A. 

Harden, Betty 

Harden, Edgar L. 

Harder, Paul O. 

Hardin, Einar 

Harding, Kenneth L. 

Harlan, C. Allen 

Harper, Ray Grant 

Harries, Nancy Garrison 

Harrington Jr., James B. 

Harris, Harvey T. 

Harris, Henry B. 

Harris, Lauren 

Harshman, Dave 

Hart, Katherine M. 

Hart, Richard D. 

Hartman, Frank 

Hartwig, Richard Theodore 

Harvey, Lynn Robert 

Harwood, Janice Orienne 

Hashsham, Syed 

Hasselman, James B. 

Hatch, Raymond N. 

Hathaway, Dale Ernest 

Hatton, Glenn I. 

Haug, Alfred Richard 

Haugard, Hans H. 

Hausdorff, Donald M. 

Hause, Clarence D. 

Hautan, Richard Gordon 

Hawkins, David 

Hawley, Martin C. 

Hawley, Rosalie Janet 

Hawley, William B. 

Hayenga, Marvin L. 

Hayes, Carlton, J.H. 

Hayworth, Don 

Headen, Robert S. 

Heald, Anthony 

Heald, James 

Heck, Kathleen 

Hecker Jr., Stanley E. 

Hedrick, Lucelia D. 

Hedrick, Theodore I. 

Hedrick, Wilbur O. 

Heenan, David K. 

Heidgerd, Lloyd H. 

Heifner, Richard G. 

Heisey, Samuel Richard 

Heist, William W. 

Held, R. Burnell 

Heldman, Dennis R. 

Helfer, Ray E. 

Henderson, Hugh E. 

Henderson, John Patrick 

Hendrick, Mary Amelia 

Hendry, Herbert E. 

Hendry, James B. 

Hendry, Richard Allan 

Henley, Charles E. 

Henley, Donald Stanley 

Henneman, Harold A. 

Henningsen, Friedrich Johann 

Henry, David M. 

Henry, James B. 

Henshaw, Richard C. 

Hensley, Marvin M. 

Hepler, Hal W. 

Hepp, Ralph E. 

Heppinstall, Jack 

Herbert, Paul A. 

Hereford, Karl T. 

Herner, Robert Carl 

Herzog, Fritz 

Herzog Jr., William A. 

Hesburgh, Theodore M. 

Hesse, Hildegard Fredricka 

Heyboer, Gerald T. 

Hildebrand, Verna Lee 

Hildreth, Clifford G. 

Hill, Elton B. 

Hill, Richard Warren 

Hill, Russell G. 

Hilyard, Jack L. 

Hine, Darlene Clark 

Hine, Don L. 

Hiniker, Paul J. 

Hinkle, Rolland T. 

Hinsdale, Ann L. 

Hirschfeld, Charles 

Hixon Jr., William Butler 

Ho, Bong 

Hoag, Warren G. 

Hoehler Jr., Fred K. 

Hoekstra, Douglas 

Hoffer, Charles Russell 

Hoffert, Jack Russell 

Hoffman, Julius R. 

Hoglund, C. Raymond 

Holland, John 

Holland, Richard 

Hollander, Stanley C. 

Hollis, Mark 

Holman, J. Alan 

Holmes-Rovner, Margaret 

Holmes, Mary E. 

Holsinger, M. Paul 

Holtman, John B. 

Honhart III, Frederick L. 

Honigsheim, Paul 

Honma, Shigemi 

Hood, Forrest E. 

Hook, Jerry B. 

Hooker, William James 

Hoopingarner, Roger A. 

Hootman, Hugh Donald 

Hope, John W. 

Hoppe, Margaret Angwin 

Hoppenstand, Gary 

Horenstein, Evelyn Anne 

Horgan, Cornelius O. 

Horner, James T. 

Horvath, Ronald J. 

Horwitz, Robert H. 

Hotaling, Robert B. 

Hothem, George Wayne 

Houldsworth, John C. 

House, Alvin E. 

Houston Jr., William Robert 

Howard, R. Hayden 

Howell, John C. 

Howes, Russell Norman 

Howitt, Angus J. 

Howland, Arthur 

Hruska, Sarah W. 

Huber, John Talmadge 

Huckemann, Friedrich 

Huddleson, I. Forest "Hudd' 

Hudson, Robert B. 

Huff, Warren M. 

Huff, William Jennings 

Huggett, Robert J. 

Hughes, Charles C. 

Hughes, William N. 

Hull Jr., Jerome 

Humphrey Jr., Harold E.B. 

Humphrey, Lois Helmers 

Humphrys, Clifford R. 

Hundley Jr., James Riddle 

Hundley, Winifred Sue 

Hunt, Harrison R. 

Hunter, Armand L. 

Hutchenson, Virginia B. 

Hyman, Lester Marc 

People. Haak, Leo A. 

People. Halik, Glen 

People. Hamilton, James 

People. Hamilton, Ruth 

People. Hamilton, Thomas 

People. Hamilton, William J. 

People. Hamilton, William W. 

People. Hammermesu, Daniel 

People. Hammill, Roseann K. 

People. Hansen, Mark F. 

People. Hanson, Clarence 

People. Hardin, Clifford 

People. Harris, Walt 

People. Harrison, James F. 

People. Harrow, Kenneth J. 

People. Hart, Harold 

People. Hartman, Frank 

People. Haskell, Tec 

People. Hawkins, Caroll 

People. Hawley, Martin C. 

People. Hayden, Rose 

People. Haynes, Sherwood K. 

People. Hays, James G. 

People. Hazard, John L. 

People. Hazlett, Thomas C. 

People. Heathcote, Jud 

People. Hegarty, P. Vincent 

People. Heldman, Dennis R. 

People. Helmrath, Thomas 

People. Henricksen, Ralf C. 

People. Henson, Clyde E. 

People. Hershey, Alfred Day 

People. Hewgley, Clarence T. 

People. Hickok, Benjamin 

People. Hicks, W. Vernon 

People. Higgins, Byron H. 

People. Higgins, James 

People. Hildebrand, John 

People. Hill, Stephen 

People. Hinze, William J. 

People. Hoagland, John H. 

People. Hodgman, Francis 

People. Hoefer, Jacob A. 

People. Holden, Perry G. 

People. Hollingsworth, Alan R. 

People. Holm, Melvin C. 

People. Hooker, James R. 

People. Hoppe, Ruth Backus 

People. Howard, Sanford 

People. Howell, Gordon B. 

People. Howitt, A.H. 

People. Hubbard, Bela 

People. Hubbard, Robert 

People. Huff, Warren M. 

People. Huffman, C.F. 

People. Hungiville, Maurice 

People. Hunt, Andrew D. 

People. Hunter, John Melton 

People. Hunter, John Merlin 

People. Hunter, Kam 

People. Huntington, Clair 

People. Hurley, John R. 

People. Hutchinson, James 

People. Hutton, John P. 

People. Hyde, Frank 

People. I Miscellaneous 

Ibrahim, Khalid 

Ignatovich, Frederick 

Imig, Gail L. 

Inge, M. Thomas 

Ingraham, Edward C. 

Innis, Roy 

Ippolito, Angelo 

Iqbal, Mohammad 

Irmiter, Theodore F. 

Isbit, Arthur L. 

Isenberg, Arnold 

Ishikawa, Joseph B. 

Iyalla, J.T.A 

Izzo, Tom 

People. Isaacs, Leonard 

People. Ishino, Iwao 

People. Issari, Mohammad Ali 

People. Ivey, John e. 

People. Izerda, Stanley J. 

People. Izzo, Tom 

People. J. Miscellaneous 

Jackson, Charles L. 

Jackson, Herbert Cross 

Jackson, Jesse 

Jacobs, Allen W. 

Jacobson, Bert 

Jacobson, Daniel 

Jacobson, Eugene H. 

Jacobson, Margaret Mary 

Jacoby, Susan 

Jaffe, Adrian H. 

Jain, Anil 

Jameyson, Ruth 

Jamrich, John X. 

Jantz, Orlo K. 

Jardot, Bernard Russell 

Jenkins, Thomas W. 

Jenkins, Willie C. 

Jennings, Eugene 

Jensen, Jewell M. 

Jensen, Robert E. 

Jensen, Steve 

Jepson, Lance H. 

Jewett, Arthur W. 

Jewett, Thomas J. 

Johnson, Craig W. 

Johnson, Dean A. 

Johnson, Donald M. 

Johnson, Frank Craig 

Johnson, Glenn Leroy 

Johnson, Harold S. 

Johnson, Howard Ernest 

Johnson, J. David 

Johnson, John I. 

Johnson, John L. 

Johnson, Kenneth H. 

Johnson, Larry L. 

Johnson, Patricia Joy 

Johnson, Robert 

Johnson, Waldemar C. 

Johnson, Walter F. 

Jolliffe, Harold R. 

Jones, Alan Lee 

Jones, Alfred Haworth 

Jones, Alice Elizabeth 

Jones, Dorothy Harper 

Jones, Edwin B. 

Jones, Jefferson 

Jones, Le Roi 

Jones, Loren 

Jones, Murray 

Jordan, John E. 

Jordan, Ron 

Jorgensen, Erling S. 

Josephs, Herbert 

Juers, Linley E. 

Julin, Richard J. 

Julius, Lawrence Allen 

June, Lee N. 

Junge, Ruby M. 

Juola, Arvo E. 

People. Jackman, Robert W. 

People. Jackson, Levi 

People. Jackson, Nell C. 

People. James, Howard 

People. Jenison, Fredrick Cowles 

People. Jennings, Eugene 

People. Johnson, Earvin "Magic" (2 folders) 

People. Johnson, George M. 

People. Johnson, Robert A. 

People. Johnson, Samuel 

People. Johnson, Vandel C. 

People. Johnston, Stanley 

People. Johnston, Taylor J. 

People. Jones, Golmer L. 

People. Jones, Margaret Z. 

People. Jones, Perry 

People. Jones, Sarah Van Hoosen 

People. Jorgenson, Owen 

People. Jump, Clifford O. 

People. Jungwirth, Leonard (See also Sparty (statue) 

People. K Miscellaneous (3 folders) 

People. Karabatgos, Geragimso 

People. Karlson, Alfred G. 

People. Katz, Leo 

People. Kavanagh, Thomas G. 

People. Kavanagh, Thomas M. 

People. Kearney, C. Phillip 

People. Kearney, Joseph 

People. Kedzie, Robert C. 

People. Kehoe, Andrew 

People. Keith, Damon 

People. Kellogg, Ella Eaton 

People. Kelly, Harry 

People. Kelly, Marilyn Jean 

People. Kelly, William H. 

People. Kelly, William W. 

People. Kerber, Ron 

People. Kestenbaum, Justin 

People. Kidder, Ernest 

People. Kiger, Don 

People. Killingsworth, Chas C. 

People. Kimball, David 

People. King, Jr., Martin Luther 

People. King, Marvin L. 

People. King, Jr., Martin Luther 

People. Kinsinger, Jack 

People. Kirk, Alton 

People. Kisch, Herbert 

People. Kitai, Stephen T. 

People. Klein, David 

People. Knisley, William 

People. Koenig, Herman E. 

People. Kolomyjec, Bill 

People. Koo, Anthony 

People. Kreer, John B. 

People. Kreinin, Mordechai 

People. Krolikowski, Raymond 

People. Kruger, Daniel H. 

People. Krzywoblocki, Maria 

People. Ksuatgos, Gerasimos 

People. Kuhn, Jeff 

People. Kuhn, Madison 

People. Kumagusu, Minakata 

People. Kyle, Leonard 

People. L. Miscellaneous ( 2 folders) 

People. Lackey, Carolyn 

People. LaCoste, Andre 

People. Landon, Linda 

People. Lang, Anton 

People. Lanimers, Donald N. 

People. Lankey, Frances I. 

People. Larian, Maurice G. 

People. Larrowe, Charles P. 

People. Laughlin, Charles W. 

People. Lay, Joachim E. 

People. Lazer, William 

People. Lee, Jeanette A. 

People. Lee, Ronald B. 

People. Lee, Shao, Chang 

People. Leonard, Henry S. 

People. Leopardi, Giacomo 

People. Leveille, Gilbert 

People. Levin, Jordon H. 

People. Lewis, Clarence E. 

People. Lewis, Richard J. 

People. Lieserowitz, Mel 

People. Lilly, Paul 

People. Lim, Gill-Chin 

People. Lithwhiler, Danny 

People. Lloyd, Juanita 

People. Lockert, Clinton J. 

People. Long, Archie M. 

People. Loomis, Charles 

People. Lothrop, Edwin H. 

People. Louhi, Kullervo 

People. Luboshutz, Pierre 

People. Lucas, Ernst (Ernie the Can Man) 

People. Lund, Lois A. 

People. Lynn, Edward 

People. Lyon, Barrett 

People. M. Miscellaneous (4 folders) 

People. Mackson, Chester J. 

People. Magen, Myron 

People. Majewskij, Kathleen J. 

People. Malcolm X 

People. Mandelstamm, Allan 

People. Manderscheid, Lester 

People. Mandrekar, Vidyadhar S. 

People. Marshall, Mike 

People. Marston, John 

People. Martin, Blanche 

People. Martin, E.C. 

People. Martin, Frank B. 

People. Martin , Leo 

People. Matchett, Melvin R. 

People. Mather, Edward 

People. Matsumura, Emilio 

People. Matzke, Carolyn Jean 

People. Mauch, Arthur 

People. Maxwell, Moreau S. 

People. May, George 

People. May, Phillip J. 

People. Mayo, Mary 

People. McAuley, Auley A. 

People. McCaffree, Charles 

People. MaCallie, Joanne P. 

People. McConnell, James H. 

People. McConnell, Patricia 

People. McElroy, William D. 

People. McGuane, Thomas 

People. McIntosh, Robert W. 

People. McKee, Russell 

People. McKenzie, Barbara 

People. McMillan, Joe 

People. McNamara, Edward 

People. McQuitty, Louis L. 

People. Means, Ronald D. 

People. Mehrens, William A. 

People. Melby, Ernest 

People. Meyers, W. Cameron 

People. Mikesell, Willard 

People. Miles, Mabel Olive 

People. Miles, Manly 

People. Mill, Walter 

People, Miller, Bruce L. 

People. Miller, Donald (See Instead: People. Young, Martha Sue) 

People. Miller, Douglas T. 

People. Miller, Maynard 

People. Miller, Paul 

People. Mills, William G. 

People. Miracle, Gordon E. 

People. Mitchell, Arthur E. 

People. Moilanen, K. John 

People. Molinare, Frank 

People. Mondale, Walter F. 

People. Montgomery, Donald J. 

People. Moore, Austin 

People. Moore, John N. 

People. Moore, Kenneth 

People. Moore, Michael 

People. Moore, Thomas Gale 

People. Morley, Sheila S. 

People. Morrill, Justin S. 

People. Morrish, Marilyn C. 

People. Morrison, Verna 

People. Mortland, Max M. 

People. Moulton, James E. 

People. Mowbray, Myrtle Craig 

People. Muelder, Milton 

People. Mulvany, James E. 

People. Mungai, Joseph 

People. Munn, Clarence "Biggie" 

People. Murray, Raymond H. 

People. N. Miscellaneous 

People. Najjar, Fauzi M. 

People. Nassar, Larry 

People. Nathan, Hans 

People. Nellor, John E. 

People. Nelson, Leyton V. 

People. Nelson, Tom 

People. Nesbit, Julius 

People. Neville, Howard R. 

People. Newman, Louis 

People. Niblock, James 

People. Nickel, Mildred 

People. Nisbet, Stephen S. 

People. Nolen, Jerry 

People. Nonnamaker, Elden 

People. Norrell, Gwendolyn 

People. Norton, Mary C. 

People. Noverr, Douglas A. 

People. Nugent, James E. 

People. Nye, Russell 

People. O. Miscellaneous 

People. Oberst, Fayne 

People. O'Brien, Bernard F. 

People. O'Connor, Gerald F. 

People. O'Dowd, Donald D. 

People. Officer, Lawrence H. 

People. Olds, Ransom E. 

People. Olds, R. E. 

People. Olgon, David D. 

People. Omoto, Sadayoshi 

People. Osborn, Burr K. 

People. Ousterhout, Anne M. 

People. Oyer, Herbert 

People. P. Miscellaneous (2 folders) 

People. Palamara, Frank 

People. Paris, Clark W. 

People. Parks, Jennifer 

People. Patriarche, John M. 

People. Paul, Doris 

People. Paul, Wilson 

People. Pelham, James 

People. Peninger, Grady 

People. Perrin, Robert 

People. Persell, David E. 

People. Pesterfield, Charles 

People. Pestka, James 

People. Peters, James M. 

People. Peters, Mary B. 

People. Petry, Edward J. 

People. Pettigrew, L. Eudora 

People. Pfister, Richard G. 

People. Phillips, Jon A. 

People. Pickering, James 

People. Polley, Ira 

People. Polomsky, John 

People. Porter, Thelma 

People. Potchen, E. James 

People. Price, Stanley 

People. Q. Miscellaneous 

People. R. Miscellaneous (2 folders) 

People. Rabin, Albert I. 

People. Radcliffe, Aubrey 

People. Radelet, Louis A. 

People. Radulovich, Milo 

People. Raimi, Sam 

People. Raisler, Iren 

People. Rall, Leonard 

People. Rameish, Chandan C. 

People. Randall, Kenneth c. 

People. Randolph, William F. 

People. Rasmussen, Pamela 

People. Ratner, Stanley C. 

People. Rattner, Abraham 

People. Raven, Edwin D. 

People. Raynor, Lou 

People. Redmond, Amondo 

People. Reed, Owen 

People. Reeves, Floyd 

People. Rejto, Peter 

People. Repas, Bob F. 

People. Reyner, Joseph 

People. Rice, Robert R. 

People. Richardson, Doris J. 

People. Riegle, Gail 

People. Riley, Harold M. 

People. Risk, Paul H. 

People. Robbing, Lawrence 

People. Robinson, N. Edward 

People. Robinson, Roland 

People. Rodney, Dorsey 

People. Rogers, Daryl 

People. Rohde, David W. 

People. Rosenberg, Barnett 

People. Rosenman, Kenneth 

People. Roth, Robert 

People. Rottman, Fritz M. 

People. Rout, Leslie 

People. Rubel, Arthur J. 

People. Rudman, Herbert G. 

People. Russell, Richard 

People. Rust, James D. 

People. Rutz, Miriam 

People. S. Miscellaneous (4 folders) 

People. Sabine, Gordon 

People. Saimes, George 

People. Salim, Kumbi (See Instead: People. Price, Stanley) 

People. Salas, Gumecindo 

People. Samora, Julian 

People. Sarbaugh, Lawrence E. 

People. Saver, Richard J. 

People. Scannell, Francis X. 

People. Schaible, Phillip 

People. Schiamberg, Lawrence 

People. Schmitter, Charles 

People. Schuetz, Robert 

People. Schuller, Charles F. 

People. Schwab, Sharon 

People. Schwallier, Phillip G. 

People. Schwartz, Dwight 

People. Schweigert, Bernard 

People. Schwendeman, Richard H. 

People. Schwinghamer, James 

People. Scott, John T. 

People. Scott, Leslie W. 

People. Scott, Robert H. 

People. Sederburg, William 

People. Seefeldt, Vern 

People. Seeley, Charles F. 

People. Seelye, Alfred L. 

People. Serr, Gordie 

People. Shaffer, Carol W. 

People. Shapiro, Lee T. 

People. Shaw, Robert (conductor). Speech 

People. Sheehan, Daniel F. 

People. Sheldon, Walter H. 

People. Sherbo, Arthur 

People. Shingleton, John D. 

People. Shulman, Lee S. 

People. Shuy, Roger 

People. Siddall, John 

People. Siebert, Fred S. 

People. Silverman, Henry 

People. Sinclair, Jack 

People. Slatis, Herman 

People. Smith, A.J.M. 

People. Smith, Burt 

People. Smith, Chitra 

People. Smith, Donald 

People. Smith, Edna V. (Tuller) 

People. Smith, Mahlin 

People. Smith, Paul E. 

People. Smith, Stanley 

People. Smith, Tom 

People. Smuckler, Ralph 

People. Smydra, Michael 

People. Snoddy, James E. 

People. Snyder, LeMoyne 

People. Snyder, Plummer 

People. Sode, Richard 

People. Sollenberger, Harold M. 

People. Sone, Kenneth G. 

People. Soria, Martin S. 

People. Spaeth, Harold J. 

People. Sparks, Harvey V. 

People. Spencer, Mary C. 

People. Stabley, Fred 

People. Stack, Jack M. 

People. Stackable, Fredrick L. 

People. Stafseth, Henrik J. 

People. Stamm, Anthony 

People. Stell, Carolyn 

People. Stengel, Mitchell 

People. Stern, Edith 

People. Stevens, Don 

People. Stewart, Bonnie M. 

People. Stieber, Carolyn 

People. Stieber, Jack 

People. Stockman, Dora H. 

People. Stoeckley, Thomas R. 

People. Stolz, Denny 

People. Stone, Kenneth G. 

People. Stolper, Daniel 

People. Stowe, Barbara S. 

People. Striggow, Justin 

People. Strow, Helen 

People. Sullivan, Richard E. 

People. Summit, Robert W. 

People. Surbrook, Truman 

People. Swartout, Glendon 

People. Sweeley, Charles 

People. Sweetland, William C. 

People. Swisher, Scott N. 

People. Szypula, George 

People. T. Miscellaneous 

People. Taylor, John F.A. 

People. Taylor, Milton C. 

People. Taylor, T. Wayne 

People. Taylor, William C. 

People. Terpay, Alex 

People. Thaden, John F. 

People. Thomas, Gordon 

People. Thomas, June 

People. Thompson, Kenneth 

People. Thompson, Mary M. 

People. Thompson, W. Fawcett 

People. Thorburn, Thomas L. 

People. Thornton, Charles S. 

People. Thorp, Margaret 

People. Threadgould, Earl W. 

People. Thrower, Willie 

People. Tien, H.T. 

People. Tindall, Rose 

People. Tisch, Robert 

People. Tobia, Rajee 

People. Tomkins, Mary 

People. Toms, Douglas W. 

People. Tosi, Oscar 

People. Towne, Jackson E. 

People. Trojanowicz, Robert C. 

People. Trosko, James E. 

People. Trout, Douglas G. 

People. Trout, G. Malcolm (George Malcolm) 

People. Tucker, Allan 

People. Tucker, Charles 

People. Tukey, Harold B. 

People. Turk, Judith Ann 

People. Turner, James 

People. Turner, Ralph 

People. Twardzik, Louis F. 

People. U. Miscellaneous 

People. Ullrey, Duane 

People. Ulrey, Orion 

People. Underwood, Clarence 

People. V. Miscellaneous 

People. Van Egeren, Lawrence F. 

People. Van Tassell, Eileen R. 

People. Varg, Paul 

People. Varner, Durwood B. 

People. Varner, Van V. 

People. Vasils, Albert 

People. Vedder, Katharine 

People. Velicer, Leland 

People. Verdehr, Walter 

People. Victor, Robert C. 

People. Vincent, G. Robert 

People. Von Bernuth, Robert D. 

People. Von Tersch, Lawrence 

People. Vortruba, James C. 

People. Votapek, Ralph and Albertine 

People. W. Miscellaneous (2 folders) 

People. Wacker, John L. 

People. Wagner, Linda W. 

People. Wahl, Mary 

People. Wakeley, John H. 

People. Wakowski, Diane 

People. Wallace, George J. 

People. Ward, Robert C. 

People. Warner, W. Lloyd 

People. Waters, Frank "Muddy" 

People. Waters, James 

People. Weaver, Doug 

People. Weddle, Charles 

People. Weeks, Robert D. 

People. Weil, Robert 

People. Weil, William B. 

People. Weinshank, Don 

People. Weisinger, Herbert 

People. Welab, Arthur 

People. Wells, Arthur 

People. Wells, Warren K. 

People. Wenck, Thomas R. 

People. Werner, Arnold 

People. Wessel, David 

People. Westcott, Wendell 

People. Weston, W. Donald 

People. Westphal, Joanne M. 

People. Wetters, Doris 

People. Weyers, Howard 

People. Wharton, Dolores 

People. White, Clair 

People. White, Kay 

People. White, Robert 

People. Wiant, Dennis E. 

People. Wiegenstein, John 

People. Wilcox, Kim 

People. Wilkie, William R. 

People. Wilkinson, Roger 

People. Williams, Arnold 

People. Williams, Frederick 

People. Williford, Cynthia W. 

People. Wilson, Alfred and Matilda 

People. Wilson, Christine T. 

People. Wilson, John 

People. Winchester, John R. 

People. Winckler, Kathrine 

People. Witter, Richard L. 

People. Wittwer, Sylvan 

People. Womochel, Howard L. 

People. Wright, Jonathan W. 

People. Wright, Karl T. 

People. Wronski, Stanley 

People. Y. Miscellaneous 

People. Yakeley, Elida 

People. Yates, Donald 

People. Young, Coleman 

People. Young, Martha Sue 

People. Young, Ralph 

People. Z. Miscellaneous 

People. Zapp, H. Roland 

People. Zerby, Lewis 

People. Zindel, Howard 

People. Zucker, Robert A. 

People. Zwarensteyn, Hendrik 

Peoples Park 

Pere Marquette 1225 (See also: Railroad Club) 

Pere Marquette Annual Field Day 

Performing Arts Company 

Performing Arts Programs (See also: Fine & Performing Arts at MSU Survey / Programs) 


Pewabic Pottery 

Pewabic Pottery Museum 

Phi Beta Delta 

Phi Beta Kappa 

Phi Kappa Phi 

Philosophy, Department of 

Physical Plant 

Physics, Department of 

Pigs & Freaks (See Instead: Athletics. Football. Pigs & Freaks) 

Placement Bureau (2 folders) 

Placement Bureau. Recruiting 

Placement Services 


Planning (Campus) 

Plant Biology, Department of (See Instead:Botany and Plant Pathology, Department of) 

Plant Research Laboratory (Deparment of Energy) (See also: Buildings. Plant Research Laboratory) 

Plant Science Center 


Police (See also: Crime, Public Safety, Department of Security (campus), Security Reports, Fire Department, Arson, Fires) 


Policy Changes 

Political Activity 

Political Cartoon Controversy (2006) 

Poliltical Science, Department of 


Poliltics. Student Participation 

Politics. University Participation 



Pop Entertainment 

Popular Culture at MSU 

Post Office 

Poultry Science Research and Teaching Center 


President Clinton Visit. Commencement 1995 

Presidential Debate. 1992 

Presidential Fellows 

Presidential Graduates 

Presidential Search 

Presidential Search. 1992, 1993 

Presidential Selection Committee 

Presidential Visits to MSU 


Presidents Annual Report. 1905-1906 

Presidents Annual Report. 1942-1943 [War Time] (2 folders) 

Presidents Annual Report. 1943-1944 [At War-For Peace] 

Presidents Annual Report. 1944-1945 

Presidents Annual Report. 1945-1946 

Presidents Annual Report. 1946-1947 

Presidents Annual Report. 1947-1948 

Presidents Annual Report. 1948-1949 

Presidents Annual Report. 1949-1950 

Presidents Annual Report. 1950-1951 

Presidents Annual Report. 1951-1952 

Presidents Annual Report. 1952-1953 

Presidents Annual Report. 1953-1954 

Presidents Annual Report. 1954-1955 

Presidents Annual Report. 1955-1956 

Presidents Annual Report. 1956-1957 

Presidents Annual Report. 1957-1958 

Presidents Annual Report. 1958-1959 

Presidents Annual Report. 1959-1960 

Presidents Annual Report. 1960-1961 

Presidents Annual Report. 1961-1962 

Presidents Annual Report. 1962-1963 

Presidents Annual Report. 1963-1964 

Presidents Annual Report. 1964-1965 

Presidents Annual Report. 1965-1966 

Presidents Annual Report. 1966-1967 

Presidents Annual Report. 1967-1968 

Presidents Annual Report. 1968-1969 

Presidents Annual Report. 1982, 2008, 2010 

Presidents Club 

Presidents State of the University Address 

Presidents Succession 

Presidents. Adams, Walter (2 folders) 

Presidents. Butterfield, Kenyon L. 

Presidents. Butterfield, Kenyon. Tree Dedication 

Presidents. Clute, Oscar 

Presidents. DiBiaggio, John 

Presidents. Friday, David 

Presidents. Guyer, Gordon 

Presidents. Hannah, John A. (9 folders) 

Presidents. Harden, Edgar L. 

Presidents. Mackey, M. Cecil (2 folders) 

Presidents. McPherson, M. Peter 

Presidents. President's State of the University Address 

Presidents. Shaw, Robert 

Presidents. Simon, Lou Anna 

Presidents, Wharton, Clifton R. Jr. (4 folders) 

Presidents. Wharton, Clifton R. Jr. Speeches (2 folders) 


Profile, Perspective 

Project 60/50 2014 


Property Holdings 


Provost. Job Description 

Psychiatry, Department of 

Psychology, Department of 

Public and Community Service by MSU Faculty and Staff 1989 

Public Art on Campus Committee 

Public Relations 

Public Safety, Department of SEE Police 

Publications (See alsoe: for "the Eagle" see People. Dutton, Faith Kedzie) 

Race Relations 

Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Safety (ORCBS), Office of (See Instead: Environmental Health and Safety, Office of) 

Radio / TV (Campus & Student Run) (See also Radio Club) 

Radio Club (See also: Radio / TV (Campus & Student Run) 

Raft, The 

Railroad Club (See also: Pere Marquette 1225) 

Railroad Crossings 


Ramparts Magazine. 1966 

Rape - See: Sexual Assault, Crime 

Rare Isotope Accelerator (See Instead: Cyclotron) 


R-Cubed. The Refocusing, Rebalancing, and Refining of MSU 


Records, Student 

Records, University 


Red Cedar 

Red Cedar Review 

Reference Library 


Registrar (2 folders) 


Registration and Enrollment 


Religion, Department of 

Religious Studies 

Remedial Instruction 

Rent-Price-Wage Freeze 

Research (2 folders) 

Research Projects. Miscellaneous 

Reserch Projects. Plants 

Research, Graduate 

Research. Undergraduate 

Residence Hall Association (RHA) 

Residence Hall Fees 

Residence Halls (2 folders) 

Residence Halls. Alcohol (See also: Alcohol; Drinking) 

Residence Halls. Food Waste 

Residence Halls. Overassignment 

Residence Halls. Owen Graduate Center 


Resident Assistants 

Residential College in the Arts and Humanities (RCAH) 

Residential Colleges 

Resource Development 

Resource Development, Department of 



Retirement Plan 

Rhodes Scholars 

Right-to-Know (OSHA/Haz. Mat.) 

Riots (See Instead: Student Riots) 

Roadside Landscaping Project 


Rodeo Club 

Romance Languages, Department of 

Roosevelt Tree 

Roosevelt Tree - Original Material 

ROTC (2 folders) 

Rowing (See Instead: Athletics. Crew) 

Rules for Governing the College. 1857 

Rumors, Hoaxes, Questionable Happenings 

Rwanda - Coffee (See Instead: Pearl Project) 

Safe Place 

Safe Sex Week 

Safety (See Instead: Security (campus) 

Sailing Club 


Salaries Faculty (2 folders) 

Salvage Yard 

Sanford Natural Area (See also: Woodlots) 

Saturday Classes 


Scholarships and Awards 

Sciences and Arts, College of 

Science Festival 


Seal of MSU 

Security (campus) (See also: Crime, Police, Arson, Security Reports, Public Safety - Dept. of, Fires, Fire Safety, Fire Dept) 

Security Reports (Annual) (See also: Police, Crime, Security (campus), Public Safety - Dept. of, Arson, Fire Safety, Fires, Fire Dept.) 

Semester Study Group 

Semester System Proposal 


Senior Council 

Senior Swing Out 

Sensitivity Training 


Sesquicentennial. Founders' Day 2005 

Sex Changes 

Sexual Assault 

Sexual Behavior (See also: Birth Control Policy) 

Sexual Harrassment 

Sexually Transmitted Diseases 


Short Courses 


Silos and Silage 

Ski Slope (Proposed) 


Small Busines & Non-Profit Law Clinic, MSU (See Instead: Legal Aid) 

Smith-Lever Act and other acts of Congress Regarding Cooperative Extension Service (See also: Cooperative Extension) 

Smoke Free Policy 



Social Regulations, Student 

Social Science Research Bureau 

Social Science, College of 

Social Work, Department of 

Social Work, School of 


Sociology, Department of 



Sororities. Alpha Chi Omega 

Sororities. Alpha Kappa Alpha 

Sororities. Alpha Phi 

Sororities. Gamma Phi Beta 

Sororities. Kappa Kappa Gamma 

Sororities. Phi Mu 

Sororities. Sigma Alpha Iota 


Spartan Chariot 

Spartan Child Development Center 

Spartan Logo 

Spartan Nursery School 

Spartan Village (See Instead: Buildings. Spartan Village) 

Spartan Village School 

Spartan Wives Club 


Spartans in Hollywood 

Sparty (Emblem & Mascot) 

Sparty (Statue) (See also: People. Jungwirth, Leonard) 

Sparty Contest 

Speakers (See also: Lecturers; Commencement Speakers) 

Special Programs 

Special Programs, Office of 


Speech and Hearing Clinic 

Split Rock (Half-Way Rock) 

St. Ignace 

Sports (See Instead: Athletics) 


Staff. Non Academic 

State College Club (See Instead: University Club) 

State News 

State News. Controversies 

State of the University 

State Singers 

Statistics and Probability, Department of 

Steam Tunnels 

Steering Committee 




Student Activism (See also :Boycotts, Student Activism, Students. Demonstrations) 

Student Activism. Anyone but Engler 

Student Activities 

Student Affairs, Office of 

Student Alumni Foundation 

Student Congress 

Student Food Bank 

Student Government (See also: ASMSU; Student Organizations (ASMSU) 

Student Government (ASMSU) 

Student Government (ASMSU) (1970-1974) 

Student Government (ASMSU) (1974-1978) 

Student Government (ASMSU) 2004 - 

Student Government. Elected Student Council 

Student Greenhouse Project 

Student Groups (See also: Student Organizations - Misc) 

Student Housing 

Student Housing Corporation 

Student Numbers 

Student Organic Farm 

Student Organizations 

Student Organizations. Miscellaneous (See also: Student Groups) 

Student Publications 

Student Riots (See also: Boycotts, Student Activism, Students. Demonstrations) 

Student Riots. East Lansing Police Report on April, 2005 Disturbance (3 folders) 

Student Surveillance (See Instead: Taskforce on Student-Police Relations) 

Student Teaching 

Student Wages 

Student Wives 

Student-Faculty. Judiciary 

Student-Police Relations (See Instead: Taskforce on Student-Police Relations) 


Students for Economic Justice 

Students. Academic Freedom 

Students. Career Choice 

Students. Celebrations 

Students. Committee for Student Rights 

Students. Demonstrations (2 folders) (See also: Boycotts, Student Riots, Student Activism, Political Cartoon Controversy) 

Students. Employment 

Students. Families 

Students. Feature Articles 

Students. First at MSU (Seneca Newbery Taylor) 

Students. Justice Department Representatives 

Students. Justice Department Visit 

Students. Married 

Students. Merit Scholars 

Students. Music 

Students. Off Campus 

Students. Operation Outrage. Lifeline for Biafra 

Students. Opinion Polls 

Students. Organizations 

Students. Organizations (ASMSU) 

Students. Participation in Academic Government 

Students. Publications - Miscellaneous 

Students. Undocumented 

Students. Volunteers 

Study Abroad 

Sugar Beet Research 


Summer Circle Theater (See also: Theater) 

Summer Term 

Swartz Creek Band 

Swine Flu 

Symphony Orchestra 


Symposia. The American City 

T - Miscellaneous 

Table Tennis 

Tailgaiting (See also: Athletics. Football) 

Taskforce on Student-Police Relations (2001) 

Taxation of Students 


Taylor Report 

Teacher-Scholar Award 

Teaching Responsibility 



Telecommunications, Department of 

Telephone System (& Cell Phones) 

Television (See also: Cable TV) 

Television and Radio, Department of (See also: Instructional and Public Television (Dept. of) 

Tenants Resources Center 

Tennis Courts 

Ten-Pound Fiddle (See also: Musical Events, Music, College of) 


Terms, Number of 



Testing Services Center 

Textbook Exchange 


Theater (See also: Summer Circle Theater) 

Theater, Department of 

Title IX 

Tollgate Education Center 

Toumey Woodlot (Arboretum) (See Instead: Woodlots) 

Tower Guard 

Towing (Auto) 

Tractor School 


Traffic (See also: Highway; Traffic; Campus Traffic and Parking) 

Traffic Regulations 

Trailer Village (See Instead:Buildings. University Village) 

Transfer Credit 

Transit System 


Travel, Student 

Traveling Scholar Program 

Tri-University Lawsuit 


Trustees (3 folders) 

Tuition (2 folders) (See also: Block Tuition Proposal) 

Tuition and Fees 

Tuition, Block-Proposal 

Turfgrass Research Center 

Turkish Student Association, Michigan State University 

Undergraduate University Division 


Undocumented Students (see Students. Undocumented) 

Unemployment Benefits, Students 


Union Activities Board (UAB) 

Union Musical Review 


United Ministries in Higher Education 

United Way Fund 

University Archives and Historical Collections 

University Club 

University College (2 folders) 

University Committee on Faculty Affairs (UCFA) 

University Data Book (See instead: Building. Inventory. Databook) 

University Events 

University Farms 

University Farms. Map 

University Health Services and Centers (See also: Buildings. Olin Health Center; Health Issues on Campus) 

University Intellectual Integrity Office (See also: MSU Technologies) 

University Outreach 

University Press 

University Publications 

University Relations 

University Services (See Also: People. Brown, Lauren P.) 

University Student Affairs Committee 

University Village (See Instead: Buildings. University Village) 

Upward Bound Project 

Urban Affairs Program, Michigan State University 

Urban Development, College of 

Urban Experiment Station 

Urban Legends 

Vehicle Regulations 

Vending Machines 

Veterans (See also: Buildings. Alumni Memorial Chapel; Memorials & Plaques) 

Veterans' Association 

Veterinary Clinic 

Veterinary Medicine 

Veterinary Medicine 1962-1964 

Veterinary Medicine 1965-1975, nd 

Veterinary Medicine, College of (2 folders) 

Vice President. University Development 

Vice Presidents Office 

Video Yearbook 

Vietnam Issue 

Vietnam Project. Background Information 

Vietnam Project. MSU Vietnam Advisory Group. Final Report, June 1962 

Virtual University 

Vision 2004 

Visitors to Michigan State University (See also: King Jr., Martin Luther Visit; Commencement Speakers; Commencement Speeches) 

Voice Library 

Volunteer Programs (2 folders) 

Volunteer Service Groups 

Voters and Voting 

Waiver Examination 

Waste Control Authority 

Water SEE MI Info Files: East Lansing 

Water Carnival 

Water Research, Institute of 

Water Whistle 


Web Sites 

Weightlifting Club 

Western Conference 

Wharton Center for the Performing Arts (See also: Buildings. Wharton Center) 

Willed Body Program 

Wind Ensemble 

Winery (See also: Artisan Distilling Program) 

WKAR Radio (See also: Radio/TV (Campus & Student Run) 

WKAR-TV (See also: WMSB-TV, WKAR-Radio, Broadcasting SErvices, Instructional Television) 

WMSB-TV (See also: WKAR-TV, Instructional Television, Cable-TV) 

Women (3 folders) 

Women and Sport 

Women in International Development (WID) 

Women Scholarships 

Women. Administration 

Women. Athletics SEE Athletics. Women 

Women. Employment SEE Black Women Employees Asso. 

Women's Advisory Council 

Women's Alumnae council 

Women's Course 

Women's Debating Teams 

Women's History Month (March) 

Women's Lounge Issue (Union) 2016 

Women's Inter-Residence Council 

Women's Organizations 

Women's Programs, Divisions of 

Women's Programs, Office of 

Women's Resource Center 

Woodlots SEE Baker Woodlot, Sanford Natural Area 


Work-Study Program 

World War I 


Writing Center 



Yoga Club 

Youth Groups 

Zeke - The Wonder Dog 

Zoology, Department of 

Zoology. Wallabies