Accessibility Report

Clasons Reference Maps of the West(1913).pdf
Checking Option:
Adobe PDF

Use this report to identify potential accessibility errors. Click on the link for each error to highlight the location of the error in the PDF file.

WARNING: The PDF file was not saved before running Full Check. The information contained in this report may be out-of-date. Please save the PDF file and run Full Check again.

Report Contents

Detailed Report

Page Content Errors

Page 21: Next Page

Structure Errors


The checker found problems which may prevent the document from being fully accessible.

Hints for Repair

Adding Alternate Text

To add alternate text to an image, choose Tools > Advanced Editing > TouchUp Object Tool. Click on the image. Right click and choose Properties... from the context menu. Click on the Tag tab and fill in the alternate text field. To add alternate text to tags in the tags panel, select the tag, choose Options > Properties, click on the Tag tab, and fill in the alternate text field.

Specifying a Language


If you are interested in making your documents more accessible to people with disabilities, you can use the Accessibility Checker to help you evaluate the accessibility of your documents and help you identify areas that may be in conflict with Adobe's interpretations of the referenced guidelines. However, the Accessibility Checker does not check all accessibility guidelines and criteria, including those in such referenced guidelines, and Adobe does not warrant that your documents will comply with any specific guidelines or regulations. Please consult with your legal counsel for guidance on compliance with the referenced guidelines or any other accessibility guidelines.

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