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Readings and Discussions with Prominent Michigan Authors

Friday nights at 7:30 PM in the MSU Main Library, Room W449

Spring Semester, 2002

Link to Leonora Smith audio
  January 25, 2002  
  Poet and Fiction Writer Leonora Smith  

In addition to her numerous published works in journals and anthologies, Leonora Smith is the author of the recently published poetry collection, Special Relations. She is a former president of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature and is currently Associate Professor of American Thought and Language at Michigan State University:




Link to Scott Sigler audio
  February 1, 2002  
  Science Fiction Writer Scott Sigler  

A life long writer and creator of novels, short stories and screenplays, Scott SIgler is author of the novel Earth Core. His stories have also appeared in Flesh and Blood and White Wolf magazines, as well as several anthologies. A graduate of Olivet College, he has worked as a journalist and was a member of the Kappa Sigma Alpha Literary Society. Scott's creativity extends to music as he currently plays bass in the Detroit band StoneMojo.


Link to Ruth Behar audio
  February 15, 2002  
  Poet and Essayist Ruth Behar  

Ruth Behar shares her experiences of crossing cultural borders through her work as a writer, editor, ethnographer, and documentary filmmaker. A recipient of the MacArthur Foundation "genius" award, as well as a John Simon Guggenheim award, her books include Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza's Story and The Vulnerable Observer: Anthropology That Breaks Your Heart. She has also translated the works of Cuban women poets and had a collection of her own poems produced by the Cuban publishing cooperative, Ediciones Vigia. Ruth Behar is a Professor of anthropology at the Universtiy of Michigan:

  March 11, 2002  
  Poet and Novelist Diane Glancy  

Renowned author of Native American Poetry, Diane Glancy has recently published the novel, Designs of the Night Sky. She has received numerous awards and fellowships, and currently teaches Native American literature and creative writing courses at Macalester College in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Diane Glancy appears as a guest reader of the Michigan Writers Series by courtesy of the Red Cedar Review:

  March 29, 2002  
  Science Fiction Writer Jim C. Hines  
  Mr. Hines, a 1996 graduate of Michigan State University, is the author of numerous articles and fantasy stories, including an award-winning story in Writers of the Future XV. His work has also appeared in Speculations, Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine, and most recently, the horror anthology The Book of all Flesh.  
  April 5, 2002  
  Student Writers Night  

Featuring original works read by student authors of Michigan colleges and universities. Some students have won or placed in the annual campus literary prizes, including the Jim Cash Awards for Fiction and Poetry. The editors of The Red Cedar Review will emcee the event.

  April 19, 2002  
  Playwright Sandra Seaton
  Composer/Pianist William Bolcom  

Sandra Seaton collaborated with composer William Bolcom to produce the song cycle for her most recent work, From The Diary of Sally Hemmings.