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Memorist and Short Story Writer

Sue William Silverman

October 22, 1999


RealAudio Interview

RealAudio Introduction

RealAudio readings

RealAudio Q and A


Sue William Silverman at the MSU Library
A short story writer and teacher of creative nonfiction, Sue William Silverman is author of the award winning and powerful work of nonfiction entitled Because I Remember Terror, Father, I Remember You (University of Georgia Press, 1996), a revealing and evoking look at a child's incestuous experiences. Silverman is the associate editor of Fourth Genre, Explorations in Nonfiction (Michigan State University Press), and
is a professional speaker on the subjects of incest and child sexual abuse.

Sue William Silverman has had two short stories nominated for the Push Cart prize, and is a frequent judge for fiction and nonfiction writing awards. She also conducts creative writing and nonfiction work shops at various colleges, universities and writing conferences around the country.