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Novelist Pamela Ditchoff

October 8, 1999


RealAudio Interview
with Maria Bruno, MSU-ATL

RealAudio Introduction

with Maria Bruno, MSU-ATL

RealAudio readings

RealAudio Q and A


Pamela Ditchoff at the MSU Library
Pamela Ditchoff is the author of
The Mirror of Monsters and Prodigies: A Novel (Coffee House Press, 1995). A "semifictional" oral history of midgets, giants, conjoined twins, hermaphrodites, and other human oddities mixes fact and fiction to tell the tales of these people from their point of view. Like a nightmarish daydream or a hazy trip through a carnival freak show, Ditchoff's book suggests that its pages are mirrors and the reader should think again before deciding which images are truly monstrous. Well researched and well written, this engrossing novel is a truly stunning debut work... Kathleen Hughes.

Ditchoff has also published work in Slipstream Magazine (Issue #10 Protest Theme), a yearly anthology of some of the best poetry and fiction available today in the American small press.

Special thanks to Maria Bruno of MSU's Department of American Thought and Language, who interviewed Pamela Ditchoff for the Michigan Writers Series: