Libraries, Computing & Technology
Michigan Writers Series
Fall 2000

Readings and discussion with prominent Michigan writers
Friday nights at 7:30 PM in the MSU Main Library, Room W449

September 15
Lansing State Journal writers Kathleen Lavey, Sheila Schimpf, and John Schneider
September 29
Poet  Patrick LeBeau
                Stands Alone, Faces, and Other Poems 
                  (Michigan State University Press, 1999)

An Associate Professor in Michigan 
State University's Department of American Thought and Language, Patrick LeBeau received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.

October 13
Novelist Michael Delp
The Coast of Nowhere : Meditations on Rivers, Lakes and Streams (Wayne State University Press, c1997); a collection of essays, poems, and short stories
 Under the Influence of Water: Poems, Essays, and Stories(Wayne State University Press, c1992); a collection of essays
Over the Graves of Horses (Wayne State University Press, c1989); a collection of poems

Director of creative writing at Interlochen Arts
 Academy, Michael Delp is an accomplished writer.
Delp's essays, poetry and fiction have been published in a wide range of magazines.

October 27
Poet and Novelist Anca Vlasopolos

Head of the Comparative Literature in the Wayne State University  English Department, Anca Vlasopolos has published numerous books, including No Return Address:  a Memoir of Displacement (Columbia University Press, 2000),  Through the Straits, At Large (Ridgeway Press, 1997), Missing Members  (Corridors Press, 1990), The Evidence of Spring (Ridgeway Press, 1989)  and The Symbolic Method of Coleridge, Baudelaire, and Yeats  (Wayne State University Press, 1983)

November 10
Author and Editor Marc Sheehan

Marc Sheehan holds advanced degrees in  English from Central Michigan University and the University of Michigan. He has been awarded grants from the NEA and the Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs.  His publications include:  Greatest hits (New Issues Press, 1998) and The Cursive World (Ridgeway Press, 1991).


Michigan State University Libraries
Last updated: August 28, 2000
Page Editor: Darren Meahl