The Official Home Page for Sarah Zettel, author, dancer, tea drinker, member of the Untitled Writer's Group and cat owner.

About the Title
About the Author
About the Books
What's in the Works
About the Dancing
About the Tea
About the Cat
About the Writer's Group

About the Title
"Zettel" is a German word meaning "a note, or a piece of paper on which a note is written." As such, it is a perfect name for an author. It's even better for a science fiction author, since in English it means "woman who gets her books put next to Zelazny."

About the Author
Sarah Zettel was born in California in 1966. Since then, she's lived in ten cities, four states and two countries. Currently, she lives in Michigan with her husband Tim and her cat, Buffy the Vermin Slayer. To date, she's written four novels, all science fiction, and a whole bunch of short stories that are mostly science fiction with some fantasy and horror thrown in.

I'm mainly known as a "hard" science fiction author. I used to wonder how that happened. I used to say "I love science fiction, but I hate science. I know nothing about science." Then, the truth came to me. What I actually hate is physics, which bores me to tears. On the other hand, I love biology, sociology, psychology, socio-biology, anthropology, archeology and planetology, and will cheerfully delve into any and all of them for hours, if not days, at a time. And, as I've found, I will equally cheerfully write about them. TOP OF PAGE

About the Books

Click Here For My Books

What's In the Works

Right now I'm working on my next SF novel: KINGDOM OF CAGES. Now, almost all stories start some variation on the question "What if?" The "What if?" questions for this one is "What if the colonization of other worlds, even living worlds, turns out to be extremely difficult?" "What if it turns out we're biologically tied to Earth and each other?" And it went on from there.

This one's a stretch for me because for the first time I'm having the main character grow up during the course of the book. Of necessity, this also means the story's got to span years, instead of a few weeks as my books usually do.

After that, I'm making a complete departure. I'm writing a fantasy, the first of two that will be brought out by Tor Books. The working title is ISAVALTA. It begins with a lady lighthouse keeper named Bridget, who rescues a stranger from the grips of Lake Superior. The stranger is a sorcerer from another world, and he's come looking for Bridget as the answer to a prophecy. Bridget agrees to travel with him and is pulled into a world of magic, intrigue and danger.

I'm drawing heavily on Russian, Chinese and Indian folklore for this project and I'm enjoying myself thoroughly. TOP OF PAGE

About the Dancing
I love dancing. It's fun and social, and as a bonus, it's great exercise that does not involve wearing spandex and being told, "Get your knees up!" I really got into it in college when a friend took me to a contra dance. "Contra," by the way, is a corruption of the word "country" and has nothing to do with South American guerrillas in the 1980's.

More recently, I've gotten into Middle Eastern dance, and have both performed and taught at assorted conventions. Now, Middle Eastern dance is incredibly fun, and, trust me, easier than it looks. It has the added benefit of making one feel absolutely gorgeous. If you're interested in maybe getting into this yourself, here's a good site for information and classes in your

Of course, I've also gotten in on the Swing revival which is just plain fun. Although, I've got to say, the new bands haven't got one thing on the old greats in terms of musicianship. TOP OF PAGE

About the Tea
Now that the first flush of youth has passed and I've grown more contemplative and sophisticated, I've become a tea drinker. It also doesn't hurt that I've become caffine-sensitive, and I've found that if I drink coffee someone will have to come peel me down off the ceiling.

For black tea, I like Ceylons and Oolongs and, of course the Earl Grey, famed in song, story and TV series. I practically went into mourning when the one really good tea shop where I live closed down. Fortunately, I've recently found the web site for Tealuxe, a shop I was introduced to in Boston. They have a lot of lovely types of tea there, and they do mail order. Check it

About the Cat



About the Writer's Group

We started the Untitled Writer's group five years ago, which is approximately a hundred in writer's group years. The support and honesty I've found here have consistently made the books better.

This is the master list. Everything I've had published to date.

Watch this space! It does tricks.

You can join my newsgroup on the, found under sff.people.sarah-zettel, or I can be e-mailed

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