MSU Vincent Voice Library

"Voices of Courage"

Eleanor Roosevelt


Tractors for Cuba, May 31, 1961


Soviet Union and Khrushchev, October 27, 1957


Introduces Adlai Stevenson from Los Angeles, September 28, 1956
  Reminiscences 1962, part 1
  Reminiscences 1962, part 2
Amelia Earhart
  Women's place in aviation, February 11, 1936
  Spoken before her last flight in 1937
Rosa Parks
  Montgomery, Alabama bus test case
  Speaks after winning the Martin Luther King award, January 14, 1980
Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain
  Greets the people of Canada at the 11th Commonweath games, 1978
  Supports the Coalition effort in the Persian Gulf, February 1991
Betty Friedan
  Revolution in the consciousness of women, March 5 1971
Coretta Scott King
  At the Democratic National Convention, July 13, 1976
  Speaks at Michigan State University, March 31, 1971
Sandra Day O'Connor
  After her Senate confirmation to the US Supreme Court in 1981
Geraldine Ferraro
  Accepting the vice presidential nomination, July 19, 1984
  Concession speech following the 1984 presidential election
Gloria Steinem
  Women of the 80's-the second wave, OSU March 14, 1984
Shirley Chisholm
  Tells why she ran for President, June 7, 1974
Marlene Dietrich
  Speaks to American troops, Italian radio 1944
Bombing of Hiroshima
  Pilot Paul Tibbets of the Enola Gay, first descriptions1945
  Miss Teichiko gives an eyewitness account, August 1945

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For other technical assistance, please contact Rick Peiffer @ 517 353-3151

Updated 03/27/2001 by the MSU Vincent Voice Library