Multi!Wav Support Solutions - Removing and Re-installing the WAV Driver

If you are experiencing general problems with installing, reinstalling, or incorrect operation of your Multi!Wav PRO, PRO18, PRO18/24, or PRO24 Series card, it may be advised to remove existing and reinstall the latest drivers available for the card. Note: Under Win95 and 98, the Multi!Wav driver will show up under "Multimedia" but not under "System". This in no way effects performance.

redball70d4.gif (916 bytes) Removing the WAV Driver and ALL related Multi!Wav files and references

redball70d4.gif (916 bytes) Installing DriverLink and the WAV Driver


Removing the WAV Driver and ALL related Multi!Wav files and references

warning41b3.gif (151 bytes) Before you do anything...
You want to make sure that you are using the latest drivers.  Complete replacement Setup Diskettes are posted for all Multi!Wav PRO Series cards.  Before you download, you need to be sure of which file you need: 

All of the PRO Series (PRO, PRO18, PRO18/24, and PRO24 Series) now use the same installation setup diskette.  It is recommended to use the latest version 3.x drivers.  Version 2.x drivers are still posted for PRO and PRO18 products ONLY but are no longer supported.

After downloading you will then need to double click the EXE file you downloaded in order to expand it.  A dialog box will ask you to enter the drive path to which the files will be expanded. This path defaults to "C:\AdBTemp" which is fine in most cases. There is also a check box to indicate whether you wish to run "setup.exe" immediately after expanding to start the installation process.  This check box defaults to checked.  If you are not ready to begin the installation process or wish to install on a different machine, be sure to un-check this box.

Before you install, you may want to completely remove all Multi!Wav related files prior to reinstalling.  This can clear up some problems related to incorrect or misplaced files from previous installations.  You do NOT need to physically remove the card to do this, but you might want to check the card address before totally removing the driver to make it easier when you re-install (the default Card Address is 03E0).

To completely remove all Multi!Wav related files prior to reinstalling:

  • In Windows NT/98/95, uninstall the driver by opening the Windows Control Panel.  Double click on the "Multimedia" icon.   Click on the "Advanced (or Devices)" Tab.  Double click on "Audio Devices".  Double click on "Audio for Multi!Wav ..." and click "Remove".  Restart Windows.

    Under Windows 3.1x, uninstall the driver by opening the Windows Control Panel.   Double click on the "Drivers" icon.  Select and remove the Multi!Wav Driver.  Restart Windows.
  • In the Windows/System folder delete all files that start with "Mwdpro" and ends with ".lbn". The middle characters will vary according to the specific model of card you have (e.g. "mwdpro1.lbn", "mwdprob1.lbn", ...)
  • In the Windows/System folder also delete the file that begins with "Vmwdrv" and ends with ".386" (vmwdrv1d.386).
  • In the Windows folder delete the files "Mwdpro1.ini" "Mwebid.dat", if they exist.
  • warning41b3.gif (151 bytes) In the Windows folder find the "system.ini" file.  Make a copy of this file in case you make a mistake editing it.  If this file gets corrupted then you may have to reinstall Windows.   Make a copy by selecting the file and typing "Ctrl-C".  Then copy the file by typing "Ctrl-V".
  • Now you are ready to edit the SYSTEM.INI file (It can be edited with Notepad or another text editor).  Find the "[mwdpro1.drv]" section and delete entries under the section.  Do NOT delete entries in other sections.  New sections begin with brackets (e.g. []


    If you have a second card installed, you will see another Multi!Wav section.  Delete this entries, too.

    If you have version 3.x drivers installed, you will see this section.  Delete it and its entries.

    Find the "[386Enh]" section and look for the line "device=vmwdrv
    1d.386" (referring to the previously deleted file) and delete THIS LINE ONLY.


  • Delete your Multi!Wav ("C:\MULTIWAV") Folder and its contents.  In Windows NT/98/95, remember to empty the recycle bin.
  • Restart Windows.  Delete the "Mwdpro1.drv" file from the C:\Windows\System subdirectory.
  • Do a search, using Explorer or File Manager, for any file containing "mwd" to insure that all relevant files were deleted. Do not delete any files containing "mwd" that were not previously mentioned or which you are not sure relate to the Multi!Wav card.
  • All Multi!Wav files should now be removed.
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Installing DriverLink and the WAV Driver

To install the new driver and DriverLink you downloaded remember these things:

  • Remember that "Setup" will run automatically unless you select otherwise when you double click the downloaded file to expand it.  Setup will only install DriverLink which is the program that controls your Multi!Wav hardware.  After you setup you hardware you will then be ready to install the WAV driver.  Until the WAV driver is installed, the card will NOT operate. 
  • During Setup, you will be asked to select the card type you are installing (i.e. PRO24, PRO18 ...).  It is imperative that you select the correct card or the installation will not work.

    Note:  If you have a PRO card (not a PRO18 or PRO24), you will also need to select the correct version.  This version is indicated on a number on the large, square, chip located on your PRO card.  Numbers on the chip will read XC400xx, with the xx being one of the three card versions. Remember, this is ONLY applicable to the PRO cards, not PRO18 or PRO24, analog or digital.
  • Read and follow the instructions.  None of the settings are extremely important at this time (they can all be changed later) except "Card Address" (that you wrote down earlier). This will default to 3e0.  If that was the old setting, fine.  Otherwise, set it accordingly.  If you have grounding setting it is usual to accept the default.  DriverLink will record these settings and shut down windows for you to insert your Multi!Wav card (if it is not already inserted). 
  • Restart Windows.  It is now time to install the WAV driver.  On the appropriate "Add new hardware" step: Answer "No, I want to select from a hardware list" to the question "Do you want Windows to search for your new hardware?".  Select "Sound, video and game controllers"  Click "have disk" when asked for the manufacturer of the hardware.  This will default to "A:\" but you should type in "C:\AdBTemp" if you expanded the files into the default folder.  Windows should find the Multi!Wav Pro Series drivers in this location.  Complete the installation and restart Windows.  Your card will not be operational.
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