Mpeg encoding notes: File used for comparisons = "MintyQ2.wav" from the MSU Library's writers series, 4/23/99. This 12.5 second wav file is of high quality, originally mastered onto DAT at 44K/16bit/stereo. MP3: Used BladeEncoder for first 64k/s pass: Quality is very good. No noticable or meaningful differecnces from original. File size = 98K All remaining passes used NexEncode: 48k/s: Still quite good response with some artifacts. Quality very acceptable for voice recordings. File size = 74K 40k/s: Good response. Slightly noticabe difference in some speech sounds, consonant attack. Some "whiring" artifacts in background. File size = 62K 32k/s: Noticable speech distortions and undesirable background artifacts. File size = 49K Mpeg layer 1 and 2: Using Cool Edit 96, the following files produced results as noted: minty48L2M1.mp2 MP2 Model-1 Musicam @ 48k/s: Result is muffled with highs noticably effected. No notiable artifacts. File size = 74K minty48L2M2.mp2 MP2 Model-2 AT&T @ 48k/s: Result is clear and natural, but highs are noticably effected. No notiable artifacts. File size = 74K minty64L1M1.mp1 MP1 Model-1 MUSICAM @ 64k/s: This result using layer 1 is clearer than the MUSICAM layer 2 at lower bitrates. File size = 98k minty32L1M1.mp1 MP1 Model-1 Musicam @ 32k/s: Result is very distorted and unusable. File size = 49K minty32L1M2.mp1 MP1 Model 2 AT&T @ 32k/s: Result is too distorted and undesirable. File size = 49K minty32L2M1.mp2 MP2 Model-1 Musicam @ 32k/s: This layer 2 32k/s version is an improvement over the same model-1 and bitrate of layer 1 above. However, there are still noticable and unacceptable muffled distortions. File size = 49K minty32L2M2.mp2 MP2 Model-2 At&t @ 32k/s: This 32k/s file provides the best response at this bitrate. It is even better than the 48k Musicam version providing a clear result with no distortions. Even with the highs muted, this scheme is preferred over the 32k/s mp3 that has noticable artifacts. With file size = 49K, this would be a good choice for very large files. minty64L1M2.mp1 MP1 Model-2 At&t @ 64kb/s: Similar in sound to the mp3 32kb result with a little more distortion and larger size. File size = 98K minty64L2M1.mp2 MP2 Model-1 Musicam @ 64kb/s: Not as bright sounding as the Mp2 32kb result using model-2. File size = 98K minty64L2M2.mp2 MP2 Model-2 At&t @ 64kb/s: Very Similar in quality to the mp3 48kb version, but uses more space. File size = 98K minty56L2M2.mp2 MP2 Model-2 At&t @ 56kb/s: Very Similar in quality to the mp3 40kb version, but uses more space. File size = 86K minty56L2M1.mp2 MP2 Model-1 Musicam @ 56kb/s: Not as bright sounding as the Mp2 32kb result using model-2. No significant difference from the 64L2M1.mp2 File size = 86K. Conclusions: Not surprising, the brightest, most accurate or best overall sound is obtained by using mp3 in most cases. The layer 2, model-2 32kb/s bitrate is preferred over the mp3 of the same size and bitrate. In fact, the only acceptable option for mpeg at 32kb/s is the layer 2, model-2 algorithm. Model-2 is the best choice for all non mp3 schemes under layer 1 or 2. Best results can be optained by combining layer 2 with model-2 (AT&T) at all bitrates. For smaller files or most accurate reproduction for voices, use mp3 at 48kb/s. For larger files or sound with a little less "edge" or brightness, mp2(model-2) @ 32kb/s works well.