
Papers of the American Sunday School Union at the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia (available on microfilm).

The New York Public Library's Division of Archives and Manuscripts collection of Methodist Sunday school records from 19th Century and minute-books of the Methodist Branch of the New-York Sunday-School Union Society.

The Presbyterian Historical Society also has a good collection of Sunday School Records.

American Baptist Historical Society at Colgate Rochester Divinity School in Rochester, New York - Baptist records.

Andover-Newton Theological Seminary in Newton Massachusetts - Baptist records.

The Rhode Island Historical Society in Providence: records of the Rhode Island Sunday School Union, records of the Providence Association of Sabbath School Teachers.

Lovely Land Methodist Museum in Baltimore - minutes of the McKendrean Female Sabbath School Society and of the Asbury Sunday School Society.

Printed Histories:

History of the Brick Presbyterian Church in the City of New York by Shepherd Knapp, New York, 1909.

History of the First Baptist Church of Boston by Nathan E. Wood, Philadelphia, 1889.

History of St. George's Church in the City of New York by Henry Anstice, New York, 1911.

Semi-Centennial of the Sunday School of the First Presbyterian Church of Utica, Utica, N.Y. 1866

Ruth Linton's Master's thesis: "To the Promotion and Improvement of Youth: The Brandywine Manufacturers' Sunday School, 1816 - 1840," University of Delaware, 1981.

Also by Ruth Linton: "The Brandywine Manufactures' Sunday School: An Adventure in Education in the Early Nineteenth Century" in Delaware History 20, 1983 pp. 168 - 184.

Report on the Biographical Research for the Brandywine Manufactures' Sunday School ed. by Sarah H. Heald. Unpublished, at the Hagley Museum.

Reports of Sunday school societies:

American Sunday School Union
Philadelphia Sunday and Adult School Union
Methodist Episcopal Sunday School Union
New York Sunday School Union Society
New York Female Union Society for the Promotion of Sabbath Schools
Massachusetts Sabbath School Union
Illinois State Sunday School Convention


American Sunday School Magazine
Sunday School Journal and Advocate of Christian Education
Sunday School Times
Sunday School World
National Sunday School Teacher
Youth's Friend
Youth's Penny Gazette
Sunday School Advocate
Sunday School Visitor
Kidn Words

Teaching Guides:

C.R. Blackall, Our Sunday School Work

W.F. Crafts, The Ideal Sunday School. Boston, 1876

W.F. Lloyd, The Teacher's Manual. Philadelphia, 1825

New York Sunday School Union Society, Hints on the Establishment and Regulation of Sunday Schools. New York, 1817

Frederick A. Packard, The Teacher Taught. Philadelphia, 1839.

John Todd, The Sabbath School Teacher. Northampton, Mass, 1837.

H. Clay Trumbull, Teaching and Teachers. Philadelphia, 1884.

Diaries, Autobiographies:

The Diary of Michael FLoy, Jr. Bowery Village ed. by Richard Albert Edward Brooks. New Haven, 1941.

Caroline Cowles Richards, Village Life in America, 1852 - 1872. New York, 1912.

Miron Winslow, Memoir of Mrs. Harriet L. Winslow. New York, 1840.

Bradford K. Peirce, One Talent Improved or the Life and Labors of Miss Susan B. Bowler, Successful Sunday School Teacher. New York, 1845.

Lewis Ashhurst's Journal. 4 vols. 1834 - 1874. Richard Ashhurst Papers, Historical Society of Pennsylvania.

Forty Years' Familiar Letters of James W. Alexander, D.D. ed. by John Hall, New York, 1860.

The Autobiography of Bishop Vincent in Northwestern Christian Advocate 58, April 6 - November 2, 1910.

Secondary Works:

Anne M. Boylan, Sunday School: The Formation of An American Institution 1790 - 1880 Yale: New Haven, 1988.

Edwin W. Rice, Sunday School Movement, 1780 - 1917, and the American Sunday School Union, 1817 - 1917. Philadelphia, 1917.

Marianna C. Brow, Sunday School Movement in America. New York, 1901.

The Encyclopedia of Sunday Schools and Religious Education. ed. by John T. McFarland, Benjamin S. Winchester, R. Douglas Fraser, and J. Williams Butcher. 3 vols, New York, 1915.

Robert W. Lynn and Elliot Wright, The Big Little School: Sunday Child of American Protestantism. New York, 1971.

Ralph R. Smith's Ph.D. dissertation, In Every Destitute Place: The Mission Program of the American Sunday School Union, 1817 - 1834. University of Southern Califrnia, 1973.

John Wells Kuykendalls' Southern Enterprize: The Work of National Evangelical Societies in the Antebellum South. Westport, Conn, 1982.

E. Morris Fergusson's Historic Chapters in Christian Education in America. New York, 1935.

Frank Glenn Lankard's History of the American Sunday School Curriculum. New York, 1927.

Addie Grace Wardle, History of the Sunday School Movement in the Methodist Episcopal Church. New York, 1918.

Jessie Dell Crawford, Status of the Child in American Baptist Churches. Ph. D. Dissertation, Yale, 1940.

Clifton Hartwell Brewer, A History of Religious Education in the Episcopal Church to 1835. New Haven, 1924. Early Episcopal Sunday Schools (1814 - 1865). New York, 1939. Milwaukee, 1933. and Later Episcopal Sunday Schools. New York, 1939.

A History of Religious Education in Connecticut to the Middle of the Nineteenth Century by Goerge Stewart, Jr. New Haven, 1924.

Thomas Laqueur, Religion and Respectability: Sunday Schools and Working Class Culture, 1780 - 1850. New Haven, 1976.

Robert T. Handy, Christian America: Protestant Hopes and Historical Realities. New York, 1971.

Carroll Smith Rosenberg, Religion and the Rise of the American City: The New York City Mission Movement, 1812 - 1870. Ithaca, N.Y., 1971.

Lois W. Banner, Protestant Crusade: Religious Missions, Benevolence, and Reform in the United States, 1790 - 1840. Dissertation, Columbia University, 1970.

Martha Tomhave Blauvelt, Society, Religion and Revivalism: The Second Great Awakening in New Jersey, 1780 - 1830. Dissertation, Princeton University, 1975.

Stanley K. Schultz, Culture Factory: Boston Public Schools, 1789 - 1860. New York, 1973.

Carl F. Kaestle, Pillars of the Republic: Common Schools and American Society, 1780 - 1860. New York, 1983. and The Evolution of an Urban School System: New York City, 1750 - 1860. Cambridge, Mass., 1973.

Peter G. Slater, Children in the New England Mind in Death and in Life. Hamden, Conn., 1977.

Paul Boyer, Urban Masses and Moral Order in America, 1820 - 1920. Cambridge, Mass, 1978.

Anthony F.C. Wallace, Rockdale: The Growth of an American Villange in the Early Industrial Revolution. New York, 1978.

Bruce Laurie, Working People of Philadelphia, 1800 - 1850. Philadelphia, 1980.

Daniel Walker Howe, Political Culture of the American Whigs. Chicago, 1979.

Daniel T. Rodgers, Work Ethic in Industrial America, 1850 - 1920. Chicago, 1978.

Donald M. Scott, From Office to Profession: The New England Ministry, 1750 - 1850. Philadelphia, 1978.

Joan Jacobs Brumber, Mission for Life: The Story of the Family of Adoniram Judson. New York, 1980.

Bertram Wyatt-Brown, Lewis Tappan and the Evangelical War against Slavery. Cleveland, 1969.

Joseph Kett, Rites of Passage: Adolescence in America, 1790 to the Present. New York, 1977.

Mary P. Ryan, Cradle of the Middle Class: The Family in Oneida County, New York, 1790 - 1865. New York, 1981.

Nancy F. Cott, Bonds of Womanhood: "Woman's Sphere" in New England, 1785 - 1835. New Haven, 1977.

Kathryn Kish Sklar, Catharine Beecher: A Study in American Domestiticity. New Haven, 1973.