Some new titles from Hans Zell Publishers - 1993 REFERENCE: Bemice M. KeUy (comp.) & Janet L. Stanley (ed.) Nigerian Artiste A Who'» Who and Bibliography 610pp. 8pp. full colour plates March 1993 C9SJ0OIS17S.OO cased ISBN 0-905450-82-S Shelagh Gastrow (comp.) Who1. Who in South African Politics 4th ed. 372pp. February 199J £55.00/5110.00 cased ISBN 1-873S36464 Peter Umb The ANC and Black Worker* in South Africa. 1N2-1M2: An Annotated Bibliography ca272pp. )uly 1993 caJOt.XH9S.00 cased ISBN 1-873836-95-3 Hans M. Zell (ed.) African Books in Print/Uvrn Africains Disponibles 4th ed. 2voU. Vol. 1-Author and Title Index, Vol. 2 • Subject Index 1520pp. set 2 vols. March 1993 OS0.00lai400.00 set 2 voli. cased ISBN1S73I36-U-2 Gerald Moser A New Bibliography of the Lusophone Literatures of Africa ted ed. caMlpp. April 1993 ca.C48.00/S90.00 cased ISBN 1S73836-8S-6 (Bibliographical Research in African Literatures, 2) David Westley Mental Health and Psychiatry in Africa: An Annotated Bibliography ca.l92pp. April 1993 UO.OOIS75.00 cased ISBN 1-873836-90-2 Aaron Segal An Atlas of International Migration ca.24Opp. lune 1993 ca. C58.0O/S120.0O cased ISBN 1-873836-30-9 John Mcllwaine Africa: A Guide to Reference Material 544pp. Match 1993 ca.C75.00/SU5.O0 cased ISBN 0-9OS4S0-43-4 (Regional Reference Guides, 1) HANS ZELL PUBLISHERS An imprint of Bowker-Saur Lid. Orders to: Hans Zell Publishers, c/o Butterworth A Co Publishers Ltd., Borough Green, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 8PH.UK Tel: +44 (0)732 884567 Fax: +44 (0)732 885996 Andrew Dalby South-East Africa: A Guide to Reference Material ca320pp May 1993 ca£SS.OO/S95.OO cased ISBN 1S73S3640-7 (Regional Reference Guides, 2) Tom French (ed.) The SCOLMA Directory of Libraries and Special Collections on Africa in the United Kingdom and in Europe 5th ed. caJSipp. April 1993 caXSS.00IS9S.00 cased 1SBN0-90S450S9-2 Helen C Price & Colin Hewson (eds.) Theses on Africa, 1976-19M: Accepted by the Universities in the United Kingdom and Ireland caUOpp. May 1993 ca£40.00/S75.00 cased ISBN 1S73S36-35-X MONOGRAPHS/COLLECTIONS: Gordon Graham As I Was Saying. Essays on the International Book Business a 320pp. caAupal 1993 ca.C38.00/S72.00 aati ISBN 1-873336-01-5 (Studies on Publishing, 2) Recently published: Norman Etherington (ed.) Peace, Politics and Violence in the New South Africa 370pp. 1992 C45D0/S7S.O0 cased ISBN 1S73836-7S-9 (African Discourse series, 5) Ron Veil-Wild Dambudxo Marechera: A Source Book on his Life and Work 432pp. 40 half-tone ill.. 1992 C55.00/S100.00 cased ISBN O-9OS45O-97-3 (Documentary Research in African Literatures, 2) Abiolalrdeted.) African Education and Identity. Proceedings of the 5th Session of the International Congress of African Studies 448pp. 1992 CSS.00/S100M cased ISBN 0-905450-81-71 In the USA and Canada order from: Order Dept K.G. Saur/R. R. Bowker, Post Office Box 31, New Providence, NJ 07974 Tel: ToU-Free 1-800-521-8110 Fax: 906-665-6688 Editorial, and manuscript proposals: Hans Zell Publishers, PO Box 56, Oxford OX1 2SJ, UK Tel: +44 (0)865 511428 Fax: +44 (0)865 311534 Books Received and Abstracting Services 99 List of Books Received Baker, Pauline H; Boraine, Alex; Krafchik, Warren (eds) (1993) South Africa and the World Economy in the 1990s, David Philip, Cape Town, ISBN: 0-86486- 258-X, The Brookings Institution, Washington D C, ISBN: 0-8157-0775-4, p/b, R54.95. Bottomley, Gillian (1992) From Another Place: Migration and the politics of culture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 183 pp, inc index, ISBN: 0-521-41014-2 (h/b), 30 pounds or $44.95. Fox, Raymond (1993) Elements of the Helping Process: A Guide for Clinicians, The Haworth Press, New York, 216 pp inc index, ISBN: 1-56024-156-X h/b, 1-56024-157-8 (p/b), $32,95 (h/b), $25.95 (p/b). Levy, Charles S Social Work Ethics on the Line (1993) The Haworth Press, New York, 124 pp inc index, ISBN: 1-56024-282-5 (h/b), 1-56024-283-5 (p/b), $25.95 (h/b), $19.95 (p/b.). Mda, Zakes (1993) When People Play People: Development Communication through Theatre, Zed Books, London, ISBN: 1-85649-199-4 (h/b), 1-85649-200-1 (p/b). No price given. Moller, Valerie (1993) Quality of Life in Unemployment: A survey evaluation of black township dwellers, HSRC Publishers, Centre for Social and Development Studies, University of Natal, Pretoria, ISBN: 0-7969-1352-8 (p/b). No price given. Munson, Carlton E (1993) Clinical Social Work Supervision, 2nd Edition, The Haworth Press, New York, 492 pp inc index, ISBN: 1-56024-284-1 (h/b), 1-56024-285-X (p/b), $54.95 (h/b), $39.95 (s/b). Pearce, Tola Olu and Falola, Toyin (1994) Child Health in Nigeria: The impact of a depressed economy, Avebury Publishers Ltd, Aldershot, 163 PP. ISBN: 1-85628-607-X (h/b), 30 pounds. Sandbrook,RichardandHalfaniMohamed(1993)Empowering People: building community, civil association and legality in Africa, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, Major Report No 29,209 pp, ISBN: 0-7727-1364-2, $14.95+ S1.05GST (p/b). Wellard, Kate & Copestake, James G (1993) Non-Governmental Organizations and the State in Africa, Routledge, London, 331 pp, inc index, ISBN: 0-415-08849-6 (h/b), 0-415-08850 X (p/b), 45 pounds (h/b), 14.99 pounds (P/b) 100 Books Received and Abstracting Services Abstracting Services to which this Journal is Submitted Abstracts on Rural Development in the Tropics (Amsterdam) Abstracts on Tropical Agriculture (Amsterdam) Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts (ASSIA) (London) CODESERIA (Dakar) Humanities Index (New York) International African Bibliography (London) International Development Abstracts (Norwich) Periodica Islamica Rural Development Abstracts (Wallingford) Social Sciences Index (New York) Sociological Abstracts (San Diego) Social Work Research and Abstracts (New York) Index An Index (by article and review book author, article title, review book title, and reviewer) is produced for this Journal every two years as part of the appropriate issue, ie 7/2 & 8/2, etc. V Journal of Social Development 1 in Africa • ' i. .. ... , ._ .. • ^ * originating! in Africa, dJitribudBd from Africa publishing critical analyses of: * issues affecting development and poverty * popular participation * equity and social justice > cross-disciplinarian, with wide appeal lor practitioners, policy makers and academics. Published in February aad July each year. Subscription rates available on request (lower rates for Third World countries). The Journal welcomes contributions, which will be refereed, from those who are interested in issues of social development in Africa and the Third World. Other publications of OK Journal: Please write to the Editor for details of prices and how to order • Social Development and Rural Fieldwork (1986) JoeHampson. SJ A Brigid Willmore (eds) • Zimbabwe Action Plan on the Elderly (1986) School of Social Work • Workshop Report: Health Manpower Issues in Relation to Equity in and Access to Health Services in Zimbabwe (1989) Brigid Willmore and Nigel Hall (eds) • Social Work Training in Africa: A Fieldwork Manual (1990) Nigel Hall • The Social Implications of Structural Adjustment Programmes in Africa (199U Nigel Hall (ed) • Care of the Elderly in Zimbabwe (1992) Viola Zimunya and Edwin Kaseke (eds) • Fieldwork Supervision (1992) Nigel Hall, Alfred Madaka, Claudia Madzokere (eds) • Uprooted: Refugees and Social Work in Africa (1993) Rodreck Mupedziswa • Social Development and Urban Poverty (1993) Nigel Hall (ed) Research Unit Series: 1. Skilled Manpower Needs for NCOs in Zimbabwe (1992) 2. Student Health and Services at the School of Social Work: A Survey (1992) 3. Aids Home Care: A Baseline Survey in Zimbabwe (1992) 4. Directory ofNGOs Involved with Moiambican Refugees in Zimbabwe and Malawi (1993) Please address all correspondence IK The Editor, Journal of Social Dmltfmeml in Africt School of Social Work, P Bag 66022, Kopje, Harare. Zimbabwe Notes for Contributors All correspondence should be addressed to: Tlie Editor Journal of Social Development in Africa School of Social Work P Bag 66022 Kopje, Harare Zimbabwe. Manuscripts Contributions that further the aims of the journal are welcomed, and will be refereed. Manuscripts should be typed single-sided on A4 paper, single or double-spaced. Two copies of the article should be submitted and the author's name, affiliation and address should be attached to the cover, to facilitate anonymity in the referceing of the article. One copy should be of good quality print, preferably laser-printed. The article should begin with an abstract of approximately 100 words. In general the use of footnotes is discouraged. Essential footnotes should be kept to a minimum and typed consecutively at the end of the article. Within the body of the text references to authors is made by author, date and page number in the following way: "We find that Makola (1982a:67) argues the view taken by Nkosana (1981). Another study (Makola, 1982b), however..." Bibliographical references follow the body of the text and should be listed alphabetically and chronologically by author and date: in the case of books, by title, publisher and place of publication; in the case of articles by full journal name, volume, and first plus last page numbers; in the case of chapters, by title, collection title, editor, publisher and place of publication. Examples follow: References Makola A (1982a) Social Development, Prentice Hall, New York. Makola A(1982b) "The Relevance of Social Work", in Journal of Zimbabwe Social Work, II,2,pplO-12. Nkosana Z (1981) 'The Meaning of Social Development", in Training for Social Work, A Makola (ed), Mambo Press, Gweru. Authors receive ten free off-prints, and the appropriate issue of the Journal. Book reviewers will also receive a complimentary copy of the Journal in which the review appears. Submission of an article implies that it has not been published already nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere. Copyright of all the contents of the Journal is assigned to the School of Social Work, Harare. Permission to reprint original articles should be sought from the Editor of the Journal at the above address. This Journal is being assisted financially by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Germany.