Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives Calls for papers and subscriptions is a journal with an interdisciplinary focus in the social sciences. It is both theoretical and practical e, and seeks to confront and deal with every aspect of human development, covering all the socio- Jmic systems of the world. It has interest in such issues as basic social needs, fulfillment of human !, avoidance of both class and other structural violence, the search for disarmament and peace, the tenance of ecological balance, the removal of poverty and unemployment, improvement in North-South ons, and the finding of an international framework to deal equitably with trade, industrialization ition, technology transfer, and general socio-economic disparities of a regional or a global kind. Editor: Franklin Vivekananda :les from past and recent issues include: Edwards and Clem Tisdell: Private Versus Government Schools: Race and the Development of abwe's Dual Educational System endu Guha: Economic Alternative for the 21st Century: Market Economy or Welfare Economy? rt A. Flammang: Bilateral Begins: Blessing, Burden, or Both? Ninalowo: On the Structures and Praxis of Domination, Democratic Culture and Social Change: with aice from Africa. Mas Karunaratne: A Critical Review of Contemporary Australian Foreign Aid Policy Adjibolsoo: The Human Factor in Development. Id C. Williams: Assessing Future Democratic Accountability in Nigeria: Investigative Tribunals and ian Political Culture y and Perdikis: The Interdependence Between the Economics of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the rial Countries. Kristiansen: The Role of Technology Transfer in Development Assistance Abeysinghe: SAARC: From Dhaka to Colombo: 1985-1991 idra Sinha: A Critique of the USA's Leading Textbooks' Approach to Growth and Development. A. Ryan: Worse than Bhopal Tragedy: Open Letter to the Secretary General of the UNCED rence (Earth Summit) Brazil, and to Humanity at Large o Vellinga: Social Democracy, Development Theory and Political Strategy in Latin America. izo S.A. Obuagu: Import Substitution Industrialization: What Lessons Have We Learned in Nigeria? J. Okowa: The Mathew Effect, Ake's Defensive Radicalism and in Nigerian Development Planning ^evi: Relating the Cooperative and the Community: A New Classificatory Approach namurthy Sriram: Markets and States in Development: The Search Continues for an Optimal Mix -Edokat: The Pure Human Capital Investment Model: A Test and Applications Using LDC Data Write to SJDA, Box. 7444.103 91 Stockholm. Sweden.