Books Received and Abstracting Services List of Books Received The Shape of Culture, (1992) Judith Blau, Cambridge University Press, UK (203 pp price £ 30 H/b £13,95 Pb, ISBN 0521 370981; 0 521 43793 8) Computers for Social Change and Community Organising, John downing, (1991) The Haworth Press, New York (145pp, price $24,95 Hb, ISBN 0-86656 865 4 WorldDevelopment Report 1992, Development and the environment, (Executive summary) (1992) The World Bank (25pp, price not stated, ISBN 0 8213 2003 3) Reducing Poverty, Poverty and Social Policy Series Paper Nol: Program Design and Implementation, (1992) Lawrence F Salmen, World Bank, Washington DC (26pp, price US $6,92, ISSN 0 8213 2129 3). The Effects of economic Policies on African Agriculture, (1992) William K Jarger, World B ank Discussion Papers No 147 World Bank, Washington D C (69pp, price not stated ISSN 0 259 210x). Abstracting Services to which this Journal is Submitted Abstracts on Rural Development in the Tropics (Amsterdam) Abstracts on Tropical Agriculture (Amsterdam) African Book Publishing Record (Oxford) Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts (ASSIA) (London) Berita Publishing (Index) (Malaysia) CODESERIA (Dakar) Human Resources Abstracts (London) Human Index (New York) International African Bibliography International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (London) International Developement Abstracts (Norwich) Rural Development Abstracts (Wallingford) Social Sciences Index (Nwe York) Sociological Abstracts (San Diego) Social Work Research and Abstracts (New York) Index An Index (by article and review book author, article title, review book title, and reviewer) is produced for this Journal every two years as part of the appropriate issue, ie 2/2,4/2, etc. Notes for Contributors All correspondence should be addressed to: The Editor Journal of Social Development in Africa School of Social Work P Bag 66022 Kopje, Harare Zimbabwe. Manuscripts Contributions that further the aims of the journal are welcomed, and will be refereed. Manuscripts should be typed single-sided on A4 paper, double-spaced, with large margins all round. Two copies of the article should be submitted and the author's name, affiliation and address should be attached to the cover, to facilitate anonymity in the refereeing of the article. The article should begin with a summary of less than 100 words of the contents and conclusion of the article. In general the use of footnotes is discouraged. Essential footnotes should be kept to a minimum and typed consecutively at the end of the article. Within the body of the text references to authors is made by author, date and page number in the following way: We find that Makola (1982a:67) argues the view taken by Nkosana (1981). Another study (Makola, 1982b), however... Bibliographical references follow the body of the text and should be double spaced, listed alphabetically and chronologically by author and date: in the case of books, by title, publisher and place of publication; in the case of articles by full journal name, volume, and firstplus last page numbers; in the case of chapters, by title, collection title, editor, publisher and place of publication. Examples follow: References Makola A (1982a) Social Development, Prentice Hall, New York Makola A (1982b) "The Relevance of Social Work", in Journal of Zimbabwe Social Work, II, 2,10-12. NkosanaZ (1981) "The Meaning of Social Development" in Training for Social Work, ed by A Makola, Mambo Press, Gweru. Authors receive ten free off-prints, and the appropriate issue of the Journal. Submission of an article implies that it has not been published already nor is it being considered for publication elsewhere. Copyright of all the contents of the Journal is assigned to the School of Social Work, Harare. Permission to reprint original articles should be sought from the Editor of the Journal at the above address. This Journal is being assisted financially by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, West Germany.