> 2 ISSN 1012-1080 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA Editorial Court Sentencing in Bostwana: A role for Probation? Christine Love Major Challenges for Social work in Africa Rodreck Mupedziswa Media/Cultural Imperialism and Women in Nigeria Nosa Owens Ibie Aids in Uganda: Initial Social Work Responses E Maxine Ankrah Review Article James Midgley Book Reviews Volume 7 No 2 1992 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA School of Social Work P/Bag 66022 Kopje Harare, Zimbabwe The journal publishes critical analyses of social development issues as they affect the poor and marginalised in society. It deals with concerns especially but not exclusively relevant to Southern Africa, and is addressed to development practitioners, social workers, planners and policy makers, academics in a variety of fields such as economics, geography, politics, sociology, psychology, social administration, and to other concerned individuals. Published twice annually, the journal seeks to enhance understanding of the social development processes that contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriate intervention strategies at different levels. Its goal is to discover how best to target relevant and successful projects to those most in need, and how to maximise popular participation, thereby creating egalitarian and productive communities. Editor Viola Zimunya Editorial Board 1992 Mr E Kaseke (Chairperson), Principal, School of Social Work, Harare, Zimbabwe. Fr Joe Hampson SJ, Provincial, Zimbabwe Province of the Society of Jesus, Harare, Zimbabwe Dr S Agere, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of the Public Service, Zimbabwe Mr C Kasere, Deputy Director, Dept of Social Welfare, Zimbabwe Mr A Nyanguru, School of Social Work, Harare, Zimbabwe Ms Helen Jackson, Director of Research, School of Social Work, Harare, Zimbabwe Editorial Advisors (1991-93) Dr J F Jones, Dean, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver, USA Dr L Louw, School of Social Work, University of Cape Town, South Africa Dr J Midgley, Dean, School of Social Work, Louisiana State, USA Dr R Mutiso, Associate Professor, Dept of Sociology, University of Nairobi, Kenya Dr K Osei-Hwedie, Dept of Social Work, University of Botswana, Botswana H K Oyeh, Principal, School of Social Work, Osu, Accra, Ghana Subscriptions per annum* Third World Individuals: US$10 Institutions: US$20 Elsewhere Individuals: US$15 Institutions: US$30 Zimbabwe (from 1992) Individuals: Z$20 Institutions: Z$40 * Please indicate starting issue or year for subscriptions. Subscriptions taken out for periods of two/three years available at a reduced rate. Back issues available on request. Agents discount 20%. Airmail surchage US$8 per subscription. Advertising rates US25 per 1/2 pg and US$50 per A5 pg, exchange advertising by arrangement. Journal of Social Development in Africa VoT7No21992 Editorial 3 Articles Court Sentencing in Botswana: a Role for Probation? 5 Christine Love Africa at the Crossroads: Major Challenges for Social 19 Work Education and Practice Towards the Year 2000 Rodreck Mupedziswa Media/Cultural Imperialism and Nigerian Women: 39 Whose Culture, Which Imperialism? Nosa Owens Ibie Aids in Uganda: Initial Social Work Responses S3 E Maxine Ankrah Review Article 63 James Midgley Book Reviews 71 Journal of'Progressive HumanServicesVol 1.11990,MAbramovits,M.Bombyk (eds) ; In Defence of Socialism. Four Speeches on the 30th Annivesary of the Cuban Revolution, 1989, Fidel Castrol (edited by Mary-Alice Waters); AIDS and Alcohol/Drug Abuse - Psychosocial Research, D G Fisher (ed); The Politics of Race and Gender in Therapy, Lenora Fulani (ed); Women, Development and Survival in the Third World, Haleh Afshar (ed); Women in the World Economy, UnitedNations International Research andTraining Institute for the Advancement of Women Prepared by Susan Joekes; Urban Low Income Housing in Zimbabwe, Christopher J C Mafico; Rural Transformation in Tropical Africa, D Rimmer (