SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Edited by BAB Leaper Service in Rural Areas Social Policy and Recent articles include: Administration is an The USA: First New Nation indispensable source of or Last Welfare State? information for policy makers, Christopher Pierson field workers, teachers and Policing Mental Disorder: field students on all aspects of Controversies, Myths and social policy and provision - Realities in health care, social security, Anne Rogers housing, employment and Citizens' Advice Bureaux: personal social services. Problems of an Emerging Name Address Mark Blacksell ORDER FORM SOCIAL POLICY AND ADMINISTRATION Subscription Rates, Volume 24,1991 Individuals £29.50 (UK), £32.00 (Europe), $63.00 (N America), £35.00 (Rest of World) Institutions £66.00 (UK), £66.00 (Europe), $148.00 (N America), £82.00 (Rest of World) Published quarterly from 1991 • Please enter my subscription/send me a sample copy D I enclose a cheque/money order made payable to Basil Blackwell D Please charge my Access/American Express/Diners Club/ Mastercard/Visa account number Expiry Date For payments via the National Girobank, the Basil Blackwell account number is 236 6053 Postcode Signature Date Payment must accompany orders Please return this form to: Journals Marketing Manager, Basil Blackwell, 108 Cowtey Road, Oxford OX41JF, England. Registered No. 180277. Of to: Journals Marketing Manager, Basil Blackwell, Three Cambridge Center, Cambridge, MA 02142, USA Basil Blackwell Oxford and Cambridge MA