Economic Policy, Equity and Health Network The Africa Network on Economic Policy, Equity and Health was started in February 1991 at a workshop, with Africa-wide participation, held in Harare, Zimbabwe. The network was formed to address the need for a link between the needs and activities of grassroots organisations, and the research and professional debate on economic policy and health on the continent, particularly given the shared view that improvements in health as an outcome of economic conditions depend on grassroots organisation and action. The Network consists of individuals and organisations, particularly grassroots organisations (eg women organisations, unions), involved in research, information dissemination and action on Economic Policy, Equity and Health. Activities of the Network * collection and dissemination of information on economic policy and health in Africa, particularly that of relevance to social action * production of a bimonthly newsletter on economic policy and health * enhancing communication between researchers and grassroots organisations involved with economic policy and health issues * facilitating research in economic policy, equity and health through allocation of research grants and communication of the findings of research on economic policy and health in Africa * enhancing links with organisations and individuals involved in similar activities in other regions, eg Latin America. Research Grants The network will allocateresearch grants of up to CAD$10000. Smaller grants can also be given forworkshops held atnationallevelbetweenresearchers and mass organisations to discuss the issues and define the research agenda. The research should: * be in the area of economic policy, equity and health * give evidence that it came from a research agenda defined by mass/grassroots organisations in Africa * empower people/mass organisations to take social action * enhance the capacity of grassrooots/mass organisations to identify research and/or organise action on issues affecting their membership in relation to economic policy, equity and health * be carried out in Africa. The Network Secretariat The Network secretariat is based at the Health Department of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, at the following address: Economic Policy and Health Network (Attention: Dr R Loewenson) Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions PO Box 3549 Harare Zimbabwe Telephone: 263-4-793092 Please send in your research proposals, information, research findings and activities in mis area. We welcome your active participation in the Network! SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES a journal of The University of Iowa and Southwest Missouri State University published in cooperation with the Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development (IUCISD) Providing a forum for: Research on policies, practices, and service delivery systems in economically developing nations Analysis of social development, social services, health, poverty, income maintenance, global feminism, human rights, and non-violence Achieving linkages among multiple disciplines, nations, and cultures Investigating issues that impact on social justice, community, and individual development Social Development Issues, which is published three times a year, is an international rcferecd journal that welcomes contributions from scholars and practitioners in all disciplines interested in social development. Individual subscription rate is US $20. Address all correspondence to: Co-Editor Social Development Issues School of Social Work The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 USA