Journal of Social Development in Africa School of Social Work, Harare, Zimbabwe originating in Africa, distributed from Africa publishing critical analyses of issues affecting development and poverty popular participation equity and social justice cross-disciplinarian, with wide appeal for practitioners, policy makers and academics. Published in February and July each year. Subscription rates available on request (lower rates for Third World countries). The Journal welcomes contributions, which will be refereed, from those who are interested in issues of social development in Africa and the Third World. Other publications of the Journal: Social Development and Rural Fieldwork (1986) Joe H amp son SJ and Brigid Willmore (eds) Zimbabwe Action Plan on the Elderly (1986) School of Social Work Workshop Report: Health Manpower Issues in Relation to Equity in and Access to Health Services in Zimbabwe (1989) Brigid Willmore and Nigel Hall (eds) Social Work Training in Africa: A Fieldwork Manual (1990) Nigel Hall Please address all correspondence to: The Editor, Journal of Social Development in Africa School of Social Work, P Bag 66022, Kopje Harare, Zimbabwe