Zell Publishers Some forthcoming titles for 1986 Dennis Duerden A Concise Handbook of African Art; Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary ca.36Opp. ea.150 black and white Illustrations, ca.30 colour plates, numerous maps ca. May 1986 Pre-publicatlon price &40.00/$66.00 easebound ISBN 0-906450-16-7 Price after publication ea. ie48.00/*80.00 Michael Mann, et al, editors A Thesaurus of African Languages A olassined and axmotai^to^Bntoryoftiie spoken languages ofAMc^irttia^a^pendto on tiiete orthographic! representation ca.400pp. ca. August 1986 ca. £48.00/$?8.00 easebound ISBN 0-906460-24-8 (To be published for the International African Institute) International African Institute, editors International Guide to African Studies Beeeareh/Btudee Afrioainea Guide International de Becherchee 2nd revised and substantially expanded edition ca280pp. late 1986 eaa40.00/$64.00 easebound ISBN 0-905450-25-6 (To be published for the International African Institute) Colin Darch 5f Alice Nkhoma-Wamunza, editors Africa Index to Continental Periodical Literature number 7 (oovering 1988) eaSSOpp. eaOctober 1986 ea.iea4.00/t40.00 easebound 0-905450-26-1 James GibbB A Handbook for African Writers caieOpp. caMarch 1986 £18.00/*28.00 easebound ISBN 0-905450-23-X A small number or a special paperback edition will be available from th« Commonwealth Institute, London, for free op nominal dlstrlbutlon/sate only to Afloat! llbmrfce ai\d institutions and specific Individuals. The paperback will not be available for Bale on a mmmenml basis nututje 01' these (Stafiortea We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Stirling University Press, In partnership with KG. Saur Ltd, and Its affiliated imprint Hans Zell Publishers of Oxford. The press will publish works both from within the University and from the wider academic community. The programme will cover scholarly monographs, academic texts and research reports, as well as multi-volume reference works. The initial list will be announced In the spring of 1986, and the first titles are expected to be published in late 1986 or early 1987. To order, OP to mare tafbrniattaa on any of the above titles, write to: Xtm UH NbUOMn, n faqitart of U kn I*t 14 H. OUw, »O lox M, Oxtord ma I D , l ^ l a d Mto»k0M COM*} II*9C4 In the US and Canada order from: umtia, in lUk