CUMULATIVE INDEX OF ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 2002-2003 Agricultural extension in Ethiopia: the case of participatory demonstration and training extension system, Kassa Belay, Vol 181,49-34 Assessing the reliability of the 1986 and 1996 Lesotho census data, Chuks J. Mba, Vol 181,111-128 Changing land tenure regimes in a matrilineal village of South Eastern Tanzania, Stephane Dondeyne, Els Vanthournout, John A.R. Wembah-Rashid and Jozef A. Deckers, Vol 181,7-32 Civil society and democratization: the Cameroonian experience, Oben T. Mbuagbo and Celestina Neh Fru, Vol 182,133-148 Cross-cultural issues in counselling skills training: lessons from Lesotho, Jane Gilbert, Vol 171,123-136 Developing countries and incipient industrialization: a case study of enterprise clustering and inter-firm relations in small and mediumscale manufacturing industries in Lobatse, Botswana, J. Nakizito and M. B. K. Darkoh, Vol 171,19-38 Exploring the indigenous minefield: social policy and the marginalization of the Bushman in southern Africa, Keitseope Nthomang, Vol 171, 99-122 Globalization, migration and social development, Gary Craig, Vol 182, 49-76 Kayayei: the women head porters of southern Ghana, James A. Opare, Vol 18 2,3-3-^8 Making African NGOS more responsive to social needs, Kalada Godson McFubara, Vol 171,39-58 Moral theories as tools in programme evaluation, David Kaulemu, Vol 171,7-18 Orphans household circumstances and access to education in maturing HIV epuidemic in eastern Zimbabwe, Constance A. Nyamukapa, Geoff Foster and S. Gregson, Vol 18 2,7-32 Redefining kin and family social relations: burial societies and emergency relief in Botswana, Barbara Ntombi Ngwenya, Vol 181,85-110 VOL 17 NO 2 JULY 2002 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA 149 Schools and health: a distict-level evaluation of school health education in Ghana, Samuel Adu-Mireku, V0II8 2,105-120 Social exclusion and social security: the case of Zimbabwe, Edwin Kaseke.Vol 181,33-84 Social security systems in Tanzania, A.S.T. Mchomvu, Felician Tungaraza and Sam Maghimbi, Vol 17 2,11-64 Social security systems in Uganda, Deborah Kasente, Narathius Asingwire. Firimooni Banugire and S wizen Kyomuhenda, Vol 17 2, 158-184 Social security systems in Zambia, Lawrence Mukuka, Webby Kalikiti and Dann Musenge. Vol 17 2,65-100 Social security systems in Zimbabwe, Jotham Dhemba, P. Gumbo and J. Nyamusara.Voll72,111-158 The impact of the structural adjustment programmes on Kenyan society, Joseph Kipkemboi Rono, Vol 171,81-98 The participatory development approach under a microscope: the case of the poverty alleviation programme in Malawi Blessings Chinsinga, Vo) 181,129-144 The re-emergence of tuberculosis among the economically ptoductive age group in Kenya: the case of Mombasa district, Joel K. Kiboss and Nicholas K. Kibitok. Vol 18 2,121-132 The role of popular participation and community worth ethic oin rural development: the case of Nandi District, Kenya, Philip K. Rono and Addillahi A. Aboud. Vol 18 2,77-103 Trends in participatory development, Kenneth B. Dipholo, Vol 17 1, 59-80 Vulnerability across a life course: an empirical study: women and criminality in Botswana prisons, Tirelo Modie-Moroka, Vol 181,145 150 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA VOL 17 NO 2 JULY 2002 NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS COMMUNICATING WITH THE EDITOR Send postal correspondence to the Journal of Social Development in Africa, School of Social Work, P. Bag 66022, Kopje Harare Zimbabwe. Send e-mail correspondence to Authors should make every effort td'remain in e-mail contact with the editor at all times. At certain stages of the editorial process authors and editor need to be in daily contact: email is the most effective way of doing so. THE SCOPE OF THE JOURNAL The journal publishes analyses, findings and recommendations relating to social development in Africa, including theoretical, empirical and descriptive works and relevant scholarly discussions of ethics. SUBMITTING THE MANUSCRIPT Contributions that further the aims of the journal are welcome. Manuscripts should ideally be submitted by e-mail or on a PC disk (in Word or similar). Please ensure that electronic files do not contain a computer virus. If you have any doubts please communicate through .txt files. Large files should be zipped. Covering page A covering page with the author's name, affiliation and address (including e-mail address and fax number) is required. The covering letter should state that the work has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere and will not be so submitted unless it is formally withdrawn for consideration or rejected by the journal editor. Please note that submission of the MS gives the journal exclusive rights to publish, to copyright and to deny or allow reproduction of it in whole and in part. Abstract An abstract of around 200 words, which will be used by abstracting services, should be prepared. This states (in past tense) the principle objectives and scope of the research, briefly describes the methods employed, summarizes the results and states the main conclusions. Authors should note that the abstract is usually the first contact readers have with the article, especially if they have come across it on the Internet. The abstract requires, therefore, careful thought to encourage the reader to venture further into the article. The same is true of the introduction and reference sections, which are usually the next items examined by readers before they turn to the article itself. Keywords Please provide around six keywords in alaphabetical order after the abstract. These will be used by abstracting and indexing services to help potential readers to find your article. They should therefore reflect as accurately as possible the article's content. Structure of the article • The following parts should appear in the article: an introduction; material and methods used; results and a discussion and conclusion. A brief literature survey and a theoretical discussion is useful for certain types of work. • Authors should not, however, hesitate to submit articles with a strongly descriptive, empirical component or discursive theoretical one, whether they follow the format outlined above or not. Well designed empirical studies on social life in Africa have a place in this ; journal. ! • Articles are expected to be between 5000 and 7000 words long. j References within the text ! Within the body of the text use the Harvard or author: date style as j follows: We find that Makola (1982a:67) argues the view taken by Nkomo (1981). Another study (Makola 1982b:21-26), however... ; Bibliographical references A list of references (of only those works cited in the body of the text) should be listed at the end of the document alphabetically and chronologically by author and date as follows: For books: surname, initial, date, title, place, publisher. For journals, author, initial, date, title, journal name, (or collection or book in which this is a chapter), page numbers. More detailed examples can be sent on request. Footnotes List any footnotes necessary consecutively at the end of the article. Tables and figures Tables and figures will be placed at the top or bottom of the page closest to the relevant text. As graphic materials, especially figures, often have to be redrawn, the raw data in a spreadsheet or table should be appropriately labelled and submitted separately. Other illustrations, e.g. 152 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA VOL 17 NO 2 JULY 2002 maps, should be submitted electronically as .jpg files, or similar, at 360 dpi. and drawn to A5 or A6 size, as appropriate. An alternative is to submit a good quality, laser-printed version scaled to either A5 or A6. The position of these graphic elements should be indicated by inserting a placeholder in the text, saying "Place Fig. 3 around here", or similar. Authors are responsible for the factual accuracy of all such material and for the validity of all statistical inferences drawn from it. Proof-reading Many submissions to this journal are not written in the author's mother tongue and the editor is very willing to work with authors to achieve academically-acceptable standards of English usage. Authors should, however, note that reviewers (whose mother-tongue is also often not English) sometimes comment on the author's lack of elementary proofreading before submitting work, resulting in sub-standard typing, spelling and grammatical mistakes. Such lack of care may prejudice an otherwise favourable review. Content The reviewers and editor welcome articles that display the following characteristics: • The content is technically competent and professional in format; • It displays originality and is presented logically; • Mathematical and statistical material, where used, is complete, wellorganized and interpreted for the non-specialist; • The writing style is clear and unpretentious; • The illustrative material is adequate; • The literature review is adequate and the bibliography reflects up-todate research; • The theoretical underpinnings are well integrated with the discussion and argument; • The methodological approach is appropriate and clear; • The article contributes significantly to current thinking or the development of the subject. The editor is more than prepared to work with scholars to achieve their goals and our reviewers are most generous in providing detailed and constructive advice on the first draft. Complementary copies Authors receive two copies of the relevant issue. VOL 17 NO 2 JULY 2002 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA 153 SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS OF JSDA General Directory of NGOs Involved with Mozambican Refugees in Zimbabwe and Malawi 1993. Research Unit/SATARI US$6Z$300 (A5124pp) Social Development and Urban Poverty1993. N. Hall (ed.) US$16Z$800 (A4 153pp) Fieldwork Training: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Lake View Inn, Kariba 1993,1994. N. Hall (ed.) US$6Z$300 (A555pp) Fieldwork Training: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Bulawayo Sun Hotel June 1994 N. Hall (ed.) US$4Z$200 (A5 30pp) Rural Social Security Needs: TheCaseofZimbabwe1995. E. Kaseke. US$16 Social Policy andAdministration in Zimbabwe 1995. N. Hall & R. Mupedziswa Z$1200(A598pp) (eds.) US$24Z$1200 (A5 2l2pp) The Case ofSocialSafety Nets in Zimbabwe~\998. E. Kaseke; P. Gumbo, J. Dhemba, US$16 Z$800 (A587pp) The State and Dynamics of Social Policy Practice and Research in Zimbabwe 1998. E. Kaseke; J. Dhemba& P. Gumbo. US$16Z$80 (A5105 pp)' AIDS in Africa. The Social Work Response 1998. R. Mupedziswa. US$24 Z$1200(A5 220pp) Research Unit Series Family Coping and AIDS in Zimbabwe: a Study 1994 Researched & comp. H. Jackson & D. Civic US$10 Z$500 (A4 72 pp) Services Available to Street Children in Zimbabwe 1995. Comp. R. Kiire & C. Marlow US$10 Z$500 (A4 5lpp) The Prevention of Unwanted Adolescent Pregnancies: Attitudes ofBlackZimbabweans in Harare 1995. Comp. R. Kiire. US$10 Z$500 (A428pp) Occasional Paper Series: The InformalSectorandEmployment in Zimbabwe 1994. R. Mupedziswa US$10 Z$500(A453pp) A Situation Analysis of the Social Development Fund^94. E. Kaseke. US$10 Z$500(A439pp) A Survey of Fieldwork Practice in the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka, with Implications for Social Work Training in Zimbabwe 1995. N. Hall US$10 Z$500(A448pp) t54 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA VOL 17 NO 2 JULY 2002 EDITORIAL Orphans' household circumstances and access to education in a maturing HIV epidemic in Zimbabwe Constance A. Nyamukapa, Geoff Foster and Simon Gregson Kayayei: the women head porters of southern Ghana James Adu Opare Globalization, migration and social development Gary Craig The role of popular participation and community work ethic in rural development: Nandi District, Keny? Philip K. Rono and Abdillahi A. Aboud Schools and health: a district-level evaluation of school health education in Ghana Samuel Adu-Mireku The re-emergence of tuberculosis among the economically productive age group in Mombasa district Joel K. Kiboss and Nicholas K, Kibitok Civil society and democratization: the Cameroonian experience Oben Timothy Mbuagbo and Celestina Neh Fru CUMULATIVE INDEX OF ARTICLES 2002-2003