Journal of Social Development in Africa This journal is published by the School of Social Work in Zimbabwe twice a year. Subscription rates are US $45 for foreign subscribers (US $35 for developing countries) and Z$300 for Zimbabwean addresses. Zimbabwean students pay Z$150 per annum. The journal has been listed on the Internet at since the beginning of 2000 and article abstracts are cumulatively available from that date. It will shortly be listed on the University of Zimbabwe website. For a complete cumulative table of contents starting from 1986, write to the Editor. We produce a variety of other publications, including books and workshop reports on topics such as the elderly, street-kids, refugees, AIDS, social work training in Africa, social security and social policy and administration. If you would like to receive a complimentary copy of the journal please write to the Editor, Journal of Social Development in Africa School of Social Work P Bag 66022, Kopje Harare Zimbabwe Tel: + 263 4 751815 + 263 4 752965/6/7 Fax:+ 263 4 751903 The Editor (telephone and fax) + 263 4 333585 Editor: E-mail address: E-mail (School of Social Work): 124 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA VOL 16 NO 1 JANUARY 2001