Journal of Social Development in Africa This Journal is published by the School of Social Work in Zimbabwe twice a year. It will keep you in touch with social development initiatives across the African continent. Subscription rates are US $40 for foreign subscribers (US $30 for developing countries) and Z$40 for Zimbabwean addresses. We produce a variety of other publications, including books and workshop reports on a wide range of topics such as the elderly, street kids, refugees, AIDS, social work training in Africa, social security, social policy and administration. If you would like a complimentary copy of the Journal and a list of publications, please write to: The Editor Journal of Social Development in Africa School of Social Work P Bag 66022, Kopje Harare Zimbabwe Tel: + 263 4 751815, + 263 4 752965/617 Fax:+ 263 4 751903 Direct access to the Editor (telephone and fax): + 263 4 333585, answer machine: + 263 4 333585 Direct E-mail access to the Editor: E-mail (School of Social Work): JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA VOL 15 NO. 2 JULY 2000 113 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ISSUES published since 1977 This journal is published at the University of Iowa School of Social Work under the auspices of the Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development in cooperation with the Southern Illinois University— Carbondale School of Social Work. IUCISD president IUCISD secretary general SDI editor Marketing director Managing editor Production manager JAMES BILLUPS, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY PETER C. Y. LEE, SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY MARTIN TRACY, SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY CARBONDALE THOMAS H. WALZ, THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA TERRY L. BROWN, BROWN SQUARE PRODUCTIONS MARGARET NELSON, THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA RATES SDI - IUCISD Subscription & Membership Rates The yearly subscription fee for the journal Social Development Issues includes an annual membership in the Inter-University Consortium for International Social Development and the IUCISD newsletter. The joint subscription and membership fee schedule appears below: My details are as follows: To: Dr. Mary Ellen Kondrat, Associate Secretary General-Membership, Name IUCISD, The Ohio State University College Address of Social Work, 1947 College Rd. Columbus OH 43210 USA TEL: (614) 292-4378 FAX: (614) 292-6940 City State Country Zip Telephone E-mail Start with the issue dated Please add my name to your subscription list. I enclose a cheque payable to Inter- University Consortium for International Social Development—IUCISD for the sum of SINGLE COPIES US$ 30 - individuals US$ 10 - individuals from nonindustrialized countries US$15- students US$ 45 - libraries US$ 300 - institutions in industriallydeveloped countries To order single copies (US $9 to individuals and US $6 to bookstores), send request with cheque (made payable to the University of Iowa) to: Publications Order Department, the University of Iowa, 2222 Old Highway 218 S, towa City IA 52242-1602 USA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA VOL 15 No. 2 JULY 2000 114