Journal of Social Development in Africa (1999), 14,2,123-128 Journal of Social Development in Africa School of Social Work P Bag 66022, Kopje Harare Zimbabwe Index: Volume 13 (1998) and Volume 14 (1999) 124 Index Index Articles "A MORE EXCELLENT WAY:" DEVELOPING COALITIONS AND CONSENSUS THROUGH INFORMAL NETWORKING, Alison Gilchrist, 13,1 (1998), 75-83. BASARWA/SAN/BUSHMAN QUESTION IN BOTSWANA. COMMUNITY ECONOMICEMPOWERMENT(CED):CREATINGOPPORTUNrnESFOR EMPLOYMENT (THE), Keitseope Nthomang, 14,1 (1999), 53-67. BUILDING CULTURAL SYNERGY AND PEACE IN SOUTH AFRICA, Anna- Marie du Toit, 13,1 (1998), 9-21. CENTRALITY OF A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE TO THE ANALYSIS OF MODERN SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA, THE, Margaret M Munyae & Munyae M Mulinge, 14,2 (1999), 51-70. CHILD ABUSE AND CHILD LABOUR ACROSS CULTURE: IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH, PREVENTION AND POLICY IMPLEMENTATION, Chris A Ike & Kwaku Twumasi-Ankrah, 14,2 (1999), 109-118. COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT OF NATIONAL CONFLICTS IN URBAN BENIN, Marcellin Chabi Benon, 13,1 (1998), 23-28. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND PEACE BUILDING THROUGH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, Thulani Ndelu, 13,1 (1998), 67-74. DYNAMICS OFSOCIALPOLICYPRACnCEANDRESEARCHINUGANDA (THE), Henry Manyire, Narathius Asingwire, 13,2 (1998), 75-83. DYNAMICS OF SOCIAL POLICY PRACTICE IN EASTERN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA (THE), Kwaku Osei-Hwedie, 13,2 (1998), 5-20. ELIM CARE GROUP: CONFLICT IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STYLES (THE), Mokgadi Tlakula, 13,1 (1998), 59-66. EPIDEMIC VIOLENCE AND THE COMMUNITY: A ZIMBABWEAN CASE STUDY, A P Reeler, 13,1 (1998), 41-51. INFORMAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT: A STRATEGY FOR ALLEVIATING URBANPOVERTY IN ZIMBABWE,JothamDhemba,14,2 (1999), 5-19. INFORMAL SECURITY SYSTEMS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA AND APPROACHES TO STRENGTHEN THEM THROUGH POLICY MEASURES, Franz von Benda-Beckmann & Renate Kirsch, 14,2 (1999), 21-38. ONENGOsCONTRIBUnONTOWOMEN'SECONOMICEMPOWERMENT AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN ZIMBABWE, Maria Julia,14,l (1999), 19-30. PARTICIPATORY PLANNING: COUNTERBALANCING CENTRALISATION, Arnon A Bar-On & Gerard Prinsen, 14,1 (1999), 101-119. Index 125 POSITIVE MANAGEMENT OF CONFLICTS IN WEST AFRICA (THE),Enda Graf Sahel & RENAPOP, 13,1 (1998), 29-35. PRACTICE OF SOCIAL POLICY IN BOTSWANA (THE), Lengwe-Katembula Mwansa, Taolo Lucas, Kwaku Osei-Hwedie, 13,2 (1998), 55-74. PRIVATISATION POLICY AND THE DELIVERY OF SOCIAL WELFARE SERVICES IN AFRICA: A NIGERIAN EXAMPLE, Said Adejumobi, 14,2 (1999), 87-108. PROMOTING PARTICIPATORY DEVELOPMENT AS A STRATEGY OF POVERTY ALLEVIATION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: A REVIEW OF SOME CURRENTPRACTICE, Peter Oakley & Ian Clegg, 14,1 (1999), 31-52. ROLE OF NGOs IN DEMOCRATIS ATION AND EDUCATION IN PEACETIME (RWANDA) (THE), C Nungwa Kuzwe, 13,1 (1998), 37-40. RURAL FOLKS - THE NEGLECTED LOT OF ZIMBABWE, Annie Barbara Chikwanha-Dzenga, 14,2 (1999), 39-49. SOCIAL COSTS OFPOVERTY: THE CASE OFCRIME IN NIGERIA, Olakunle F Odumosu, 14,2 (1999), 71-85. SOCIAL POLICY AND RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT IN ZAMBIA, Gilbert P C Masiye, Robert Tembo, Benson Chisanga, Allast Mwanza, 13,2 (1998), 35- 43. SOCIAL POLICY AND RESEARCH PRACTICE IN TANZANIA, Andrew S T Mchomvu, TheresiaF K Ngalula, George S Nchahaga, Felician S K Tungaraza, Sam Maghimbi, 13,2 (1998), 45-53. SOCIAL POLICY TRAINING AND SOCIAL WORK: THE SOUTH AFRICAN CONTEXT, Visanthie Sewpaul; Antoinette Lombard; Lionel Louw & Ndangwa Noyoo, 14,1 (1999), 5-18. STATE AND DYNAMICS OFSOCIALPOLICYPRACTICEANDRESEARCH IN ZIMBABWE (THE), Edwin Kaseke, Perpetua Gumbo, Jotham Dhemba, STUDENT ASSESSMENT OF SUPERVISION IN SOCIAL WORK HELD Claudius Kasere, 13,2 (1998), 21-34. PRACTICE IN THE CARIBBEAN AND SOUTHERN AFRICA: A COM- 100. PARATIVE STUDY AND COMMENT, John A Maxwell, 14,1 (1999), 85- TEENAGE PREGNANCY AND MOTHERHOOD IN A GHANAIAN COMMUNITY, Ella T Keller, Doreen B Hilton & Kwaku Twumasi-Ankrah, 14,1 (1999), 69-84. TLHABOLOGANG EXPERIENCE: STARTING WITH VOLLEYBALL (THE), Buks Greyling, 13,1 (1998), 7-8. WILDERNESS THERAPY WITH MILITARISED YOUTHS IN TRAUMATISED COMMUNITIES, Gavin Robertson & Steven de Kiewit, 13,1 (1998), 53-58. 126 Index Contributors Adejumobi, Said "Privatisation Policy and the Delivery of Social Welfare Services in Africa: A Nigerian Example," 14,2 (1999), 87-108. Bar-On, Arnon A & Gerard Prinsen "Participatory Planning: Counterbalancing Centralisation," 14,1 (1999), 101-119. Benon, Marcellin Chabi "Community Management of National Conflicts in Urban Benin," 13,1 (1998), 23-28. Chikwanha-Dzenga, Annie Barbara "Rural Folks - The Neglected Lot of Zimbabwe," 14,2 (1999), 39-49. Chirambo, Reuben Makayiko (rev) "Untamed Pests, Night Storms, Smouldering Charcoal and Prospects for Democracy in Africa," 14,1 (1999), 121-128. Deve, Thomas (rev) "Islamic Society and State Power in Senegal," Leonardo A Villalon, 13,1 (1998), 91-92. Deve, Thomas (rev) The Tanzanian Peasantry: Further Studies, Peter G Forster & Sam Maghimbi (eds), 13,1 (1998), 89-90. Dhemba, Jotham "Informal Sector Development A Strategy for Alleviating Urban Poverty in Zimbabwe," 14,2 (1999), 5-19. du Toit, Anna-Marie "Building Cultural Synergy and Peace in South Africa," 13,1 (1998), 9-21. Enda Graf Sahel and RENAPOP "The Positive Management of Conflicts in West Africa," 13,1 (1998), 29-35. Gilchrist, Alison ""A More Excellent Way:" Developing Coalitions and Consensus through Informal Networking," 13,1 (1998), 75-83. Greyling, Buks "The Tlhabologang Experience: Starting with Volleyball," 13,1 (1998), 7-8. Hall, Nigel (rev) "Cutting the Gordian Knot. The Benefits of Girls' Education in Sub-Saharan Africa," Ann Cotton & Richard Synge (eds), 14,2 (1999), 120- 121. Hall, Norma (rev) "Tales from Family Therapy - Life Changing Clinical Experiences," Thomas, Frank N & Thorana S Nelson,14,2 (1999), 121-122. Ike, Chris A & Kwaku Twumasi-Ankrah "Child Abuse and Child Labour Across Culture: Implications for Research, Prevention and Policy Implementation," 14,2(1999), 109-118. Julia, Maria "One NGOs Contribution to Women's Economic Empowerment and Social Development in Zimbabwe," 14,1 (1999), 19-30. Kaseke, Edwin; Perpetua Gumbo; Jotham Dhemba; C Kasere 'The State and Dynamics of Social Policy Practice and Research in Zimbabwe," 13,2 (1998) 21-34. Keller, Ella T; Doreen B Hilton & Kwaku Twumasi-Ankrah 'Teenage Pregnancy and Motherhood in a Ghanaian Community," 14,1 (1999), 69-84. Index 127 Kuzwe, C Nungwa "The Role of NGOs in Democraiisation and Education in Peace-time (Rwanda)," 13,1 (1998), 37-40. Kwaku Osei-Hwedie, "The Dynamics of Social Policy Practice in Eastern and Southern Africa," 13,2 (1998), 5-20. Manyire, Henry & Narathius Asingwire "The Dynamics of Social Policy Practice Masiye, Gilbert P C ; Robert Tembo; Benson Chisanga; Allast Mwanza "Social Matimba-Masuku, Violet (rev) "Social Work in Mental Health: Trends and Maxwell, John A "Student Assessment of Supervision in Social Work Field and Research in Uganda," 13,2 (1998), 75-83. Policy and Research Environment in Zambia," 13,2 (1998), 35-43. Issues," Uri Aviram (ed), 14,2 (1998), 121-122. Practice in the Caribbean and Southern Africa: A Comparative Study and Comment," 14,1 (1999), 85-100. Mchomvu, Andrew S T; Theresia F K Ngalula; George 5 Nchahaga; Felician S K Tungaraza; Sam Maghimbi "Social Policy and Research Practice in Tanzania," 13,2 (1998), 45-53. Moyo, Theresa (rev) "Globalisation and Social Policy in Africa: Issues and Research Directions," Tade Akin Aina, 13,1 (1998), 85-90. Munyae, Margaret M & Munyae M Mulinge "The Centrality of a Historical Perspective to the Analysis of Modern Social Problems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Tale From Two Case Studies," 14,2 (1999), 51-70. Mwansa, Lengwe-Katembula; Taolo Lucas; Kwaku Osei-Hwedie "The Practice of Social Policy in Botswana," 13,2 (1998), 55-74. Ndelu, Thulani "Conflict Management and Peace Building through Community Development," 13,1 (1998), 67-74. Ng'etich, Kibet A (rev) "Traditional Medicine in Africa," Isaac Sindiga, Chacha Nyaigoli-Chacha & Mary Kunanah (eds), 13,1 (1998), 93-94. Ng'etich, Kibet A (rev) "Nurtured by Knowledge: Learning to do Participatory Action Research," Susan E Smith, Dennis K Willms & Nancy A Johnson (eds), 14.1 (1999), 128-130. Nthomang, Keitseope "The Basarwa/San/Bushman Question in Botswana. Community Economic Development (CED): Creating Opportunities for Empowerment," 14,1 (1999), 53-67. Oakley, Peter & Ian Clegg "Promoting Participatory Development as a Strategy of Poverty Alleviation in Sub-Saharan Africa A Review of Some Current Practice," 14,1 (1999), 31-52. Odumosu, Olakunle F "Social Costs of Poverty: The Case of Crime in Nigeria," 14.2 (1999), 71-85. Reeler, A P"Epidemic Violence and the Community: A Zimbabwean Case Study," 13,1 (1998), 41-51. 128 Index Robertson, Gavin and Steven De Kiewit "Wilderness Therapy with Militarised Youths in Traumatised Communities," 13,1 (1998), 53-58. Sewpaul, Visanthie; Antoinette Lombard; Lionel Louw & Ndangwa Noyoo "Social Policy Training and Social Work: The Sou* African Context," 14,1 (1999), 5-18. Tasker, Sally (rev) "Woman Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Healing through Grief Work - Beyond Survival, Judy Chew, 13,1 (1998), 90-91. Tawodzera, Charity (rev) "Gay and Lesbian Professionals in the Closet. Who's In. Who's Out, and Why?," Teresa De Crescenzo (ed), 14,1 (1999), 130-132. Tlakula, Mokgadi "The Elim Care Group: Conflict in Community Development Styles," 13,1 (1998), 59-66. von Benda-Beckmann, Franz & Renate Kirsch "Informal Security Systems in Southern Africaand Approaches to Strengthen them through Policy Measures," 14,2 (1999), 21-38. Books Reviewed Aina, Tade Akin, "GLOBALISATION AND SOCIAL POLICY IN AFRICA: ISSUES AND RESEARCH DIRECTIONS," 13,1 (1998). Aviram, Uri, "SOCIAL WORK IN MENTAL HEALTH: TRENDS AND Chew, Judy, "WOMAN SURVIVORS OF CHILDHOOD SEXUAL ABUSE. Cotton, Ann & Richard Synge (eds) "CUTTING THE GORDIAN KNOT. THE ISSUES," 14,2 (1999). HEALINGTHROUGHGRIEFWORK-BEYOND SURVIVAL, 13,1 (1998). BENEFITS OF GIRLS' EDUCATION IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA," 14,2 De Crescenzo, Teresa (ed), "GAY AND LESBIAN PROFESSIONALS IN THE Forster, Peter G & Maghimbi, Sam (eds), THE TANZANIAN PEASANTRY: Sindiga, Isaac, Chacha Nyaigoli-Chacha & Mary Kunanah (eds), Smith, Susan E, Dennis K Willms & Nancy A Johnson (eds), "NURTURED BY (1999). CLOSET. WHO'S IN. WHO'S OUT, AND WHY?," 14,1 (1999). FURTHER STUDIES, 13,1 (1998). TRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN AFRICA,13,1 (1998). KNOWLEDGE: LEARNING TO DO PARTICIPATORY ACTION RESEARCH, 14,1 (1999). Thomas, Frank N & Thorana S Nelson "TALES FROM FAMILY THERAPY - LIFE-CHANGING CLINICAL EXPERIENCES," 14,2 (1999). Villalon, Leonardo A, ISLAMIC SOCIETY AND STATE POWER IN SENEGAL,13,1 (1998). Zeleza, Tiyamba, UNTAMED PESTS, NIGHT STORMS, SMOULDERING CHARCOAL AND PROSPECTS FOR DEMOCRACY IN AFRICA,1992, 14,1 (1999).