JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA Editorial Jolham Dhemba Rural Folks - The Neglected Lot of Zimbabwe Annie Barbara Chikwanha-Dzenga Social Costs of Poverty: The Case of Crime in Nigeria Olakunle F Odumosu Privatisation Policy and the Delivery of Social Welfare Services in Africa: A Nigerian Example Said Adejumobi 1I S S N 1012—10801 Informal Sector Development: A Strategy for Alleviating Urban Poverty in Zimbabwe Informal Security Systems in Southern Africa and Approaches to Strengthen them through Policy Measures Franz von Benda-Beckmann & Renale Kirsch The Centrality of a Historical Perspective to the Analysis of Modem Social Problems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Margaret M Munyae & Munyae M Mulinge Child Abuse and Child Labour Across Culture: Implications for Research, Prevention and Policy Implementation Chris A Ike & Kwaku Twumasi-Ankrah Book Reviews Index Volume 14 No 2 1999 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA School of Social Work, P/Bag 66022 Kopje, Harare, Zimbabwe The Journal publishes critical analyses of social development issues as they affect the poor and marginalised in society. It deals with concerns, especially, but not exclusively, relevant to southern Africa, and is addressed to development practitioners, social workers, planners, policy makers and academics in a variety of fields suc\ as economics, geography, politics, sociology, psychology, social administration, and to other concerned individuals. Published twice annually, the Journal seeks to enhance understanding of the social development processes that contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriate intervention strategies at different levels. Its goal is to discover how best to target relevant and successful projects to those most in need, and how to maximise popular participation, thereby creating egalitarian and productive communities. Editor Mr Nigel Hall Editorial Board Dr Edwin Kaseke (Chairperson), Principal, School of Social Work, Harare. Mr Rodreck Mupedziswa, Deputy Principal, School of Social Work, Harare. Mrs Perpetua Gumbo, Lecturer, School of Social Work, Harare. Mr Josphat M Mathe, Redd Barna, Harare. Editorial Advisors Dr Lionel Louw, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Prof John F Jones, Dean, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver, USA. Prof James Midgley, Specht Professor and Dean, School of Social Welfare, University of California at Berkeley, USA. Prof Kwaku Osei-Hwedie, Head, Dept. of Social Work, University of Botswana, Botswana. Dr Paul Kishindo, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, Malawi. Dr Nana Araba Apt, Coordinator, Social Work Programme, Dept. of Sociology, University of Ghana, Ghana. Prof Gary Craig, University of Humberside, UK, & Editor, Community Development Journal. Subscriptions per annum* Developing World US$30 Zimbabwe ZS40 (2 issues per year) Rest of World US$40 * Please indicate starting issue or year for subscriptions. Back issues available on request. Agents discount 20%. Airmail surchage US$8 per annum. Advertising rates on request, exchange advertising by arrangement. Journal of Social Development in Africa Vol 14 No 2 1999 Editorial 3 Articles Informal Sector Development: A Strategy for Alleviating Urban Poverty in Zimbabwe Jotham Dhemba 5 Informal Security Systems in Southern Africa and Approaches to Strengthen them through Policy Measures Franz von Benda-Beckmann & Renate Kirsch 21 Rural Folks - The Neglected Lot of Zimbabwe 39 Annie Barbara Chikwanha-Dzenga The Centrality of a Historical Perspective to the Analysis of Modern Social Problems in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Talc From Two Case Studies Margaret M Munyae & Munyae M Mulinge 51 Social Costs of Poverty: The Case of Crime in Nigeria Olakunle F Odumosu 71 Privatisation Policy and the Delivery of Social Welfare Services in Africa: A Nigerian Example Said Adejumobi 87 Child Abuse and Child Labour Across Culture: Implications for Research, Prevention and Policy Implementation Chris A Ike & Kwaku Twumasi-Ankrah 109 Book Reviews 119 Index 123 List of Books Received 129 SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS OF THE JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA General: • Ageing and the Elderly: Report of an In-Service Training Programme (1982) Joe Hampson SJ (ed). Price: US$4 ZIM$10 (A5, 51pp). • Social Development and Rural Fieldwork (1986) Joe Hampson SJ and Brigid Willmore (eds). Price: US$4 • Zimbabwe Action Plan on the Elderly (1986) School of Social Work. Price: US$4 ZIM$10 (A4, 28pp). • Workshop Report: Health Manpower Issues in Relation to Equity in and Access to Health Services in Zimbabwe • Social Work Training in Africa: A Fieldwork Manual (1990) Nigel Hall. Price: US$16 ZIM$40 (A5, 156pp). ZIM$10 (AS, 96pp). (1989) Brigid Willmore and Nigel Hall (eds). Price: US$4 ZIM$10 (A4, 22pp). ZIMS25 (A4, lOOpp). • The Social Implications of Structural Adjustment Programmes in Africa (1992) Nigel Hall (ed). Price:US$10 • Care of the Elderly in Zimbabwe (1992) Viola Zimunya and Edwin Kaseke (eds). Price: US$8 ZIMS20 (A5, 96pp). • Fieldwork Supervision: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Nyanga, Zimbabwe, Sept 1992 (1992) Nigel Hall, • Uprooted: Refugees and Social Work in Africa (1993) Rodreck Mupedziswa. Price:US$20 ZIM$50 A5, 220pp). .. • Directory of NGOs Involved with Mozambican Refugees in Zimbabwe and Malawi (1993) Research Unit/S ATARI. Alfred Madaka, Claudia Madzokere (eds). Price: US$6 ZIMS15 (A5, 57pp). Price: US$6 ZIMS15 (A5, 124pp). (ed). Price: US$6 ZIM$15 (A5, 55pp). • Social Development and Urban Poverty (1993) Nigel Hall (ed). Price: US$16 ZIMS40 (A4, 153pp) • Fieldwork Training: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Lake View Inn, Kariba, November 1993 (1994) Nigel Hall - Fieldwork Training: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Bulawayo Sun Hotel, June 1994 (1994) Nigel Hall (ed). Price: US$4 ZIM$10 (A5, 30pp). • Rural Social Security Needs: The Case of Zimbabwe (1995) Edwin Kaseke. Price: US$16 ZIM$40 (A5, 98pp). • Social Policy and Administration in Zimbabwe (1995) N Hall & R Mupedziswa (eds) Price: US$24 ZIM$60 (A5, 212pp). • The Case of Social Safety Nets in Zimbabwe (1998) Edwin Kaseke; Perpetua Gumbo & Jotham Dhemba Price: US$16 ZIM$40 (A5, 87pp). • The State and Dynamics of Social Policy Practice and Research in Zimbabwe (1998) Edwin Kaseke; Jotham Dhemba & Perpetua Gumbo Price: US$16 ZIM$40 (A5, 108pp). • AIDS in Africa: The Social Work Response (1998) Rodreck Mupedziswa. Price:US$24 ZIMS60 A5, 220pp). Research Unit Series: 1. Skilled Manpower Needs of NGOs in Zimbabwe (1992) Researched & Compiled by Perpetua Gumbo & Jotham 2. Student Health Services at the School of Social Work: A Survey (1992) Researched & Compiled by Stella Makanya 3. AIDS Home Care: A Baseline Survey in Zimbabwe (1992) Researched & Compiled by Helen Jackson & Kale 4. Family Coping and AIDS in Zimbabwe: A Study (1994) Researched & Compiled by Helen Jackson & Diana Civic. 5. Services Available to Street Children in Zimbabwe (1995) Compiled by Ruth Kiire & Prof. Christine Marlow. 6. The Prevention of Unwanted Adolescent Pregnancies: Altitudes of Black Zimbabweans in Harare (1995) Compiled by Dhemba. Price: US$6 ZIM$1S (A4, 27pp). & Jotham Dhemba. Price: US$6 ZIM$15 (This publication is free to students) (A4, 29pp). Mhambi. Price: US$8 ZIM$20 (A4, 48pp). Price: US$10 ZIM$25 (A4, 72pp). Price: US$10 ZIM$25 (A4, 51pp). Ruth Kiire. Prke: US$10 ZIMS2S (A4, 28pp). Occasional Paper Series: 1. The Informal Sector and Employment in Zimbabwe. (1994) R Mupedziswa Prke: US$10 ZIM$25 (A4, 53pp). 2. A Situation Analysis of the Social Development Fund, (1994) E Kaseke. Price: US$10 ZIMS25 (A4, 39pp). 3. A Study of Fieldwork Practice in the United Kingdom and Sri Lanka, with Implications for Social Work Training in Zimbabwe. (1995) N Hall. Price: US$10 ZIM$25 (A4, 48pp). Subscription Agencies receive a 20% discount. Orders to: The Editor, Journal of Social Development in Africa, School of Social Work, P. Bag 66022, Kopje, Harare, Zimbabwe. Tel: 263-4-751815; 752965/6/7 Fax: 263-4-751903; email: ssw@csancuw