ft ISSN 1012-1080 V JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA Editorial Poverty and Ageing in Zimbabwe Nyasha Madzingira Building the Capacity of Social Workers' Associations in Africa: the Case of Zimbabwe Nigel Hall, Leontina Kanyowa & Josphal Mathe Social Security in Eastern and Southern Africa: Organisation, Issues and Concepts Edwin Kaseke Traditional Festivals in the Political Economy: The Case of Contemporary Ghana Sheilah Clarke-Ekong AIDS-risk Patterns and Knowledge of the Disease Among Street Children in Harare Linda Dube Prostitutes: Vendors of Another Type Victor F Muzvidziwa Open and Distance Learning Systems for People with Disabilities Fred Zindi Book Reviews Index Volume 12 No 2 1997 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA School of Social Work, P/Bag 66022 Kopje, Harare, Zimbabwe The Journal publishes critical analyses of social development issues as they affect the poor and marginalised in society. It deals with concerns, especially, but not exclusively, t relevant to southern Africa, and is addressed to development practitioners, social workers, planners, policy makers and academics in a variety of fields such as economics, geography, politics, sociology, psychology, social administration, and to other concerned individuals. Published twice annually, the Journal seeks to enhance understanding of the social development processes that contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriate intervention strategies at different levels. Its goal is to discover how best to target relevant and successful projects to those most in need, and how to maximise popular participation, thereby creating egalitarian and productive communities. Editor Nigel Hall Editorial Board Dr Edwin Kaseke (Chairperson), Principal, School of Social Work, Harare. Mr Rodreck Mupedziswa, Deputy Principal, School of Social Work, Harare. Mrs Perpetua Gumbo, Lecturer, School of Social Work, Harare. Mr Josphat M Mathe, Redd Barna, Harare. Editorial Advisors Dr Lionel Louw, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, University of Cape Town, South Africa. Prof John F Jones, Dean, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver, USA. Prof James Midgley, Professor of Social Work & Associate Vice Chancellor for Prof Kwaku Osei-Hwedie, Dean, Dept. of Social Work, University of Botswana, Dr Paul Kishindo, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology, Chancellor College, Research, Louisiana State University, USA. Botswana. University of Malawi, Malawi. Dr Nana Araba Apt, Coordinator, Social Work Programme, Dept. of Sociology, University of Ghana, Ghana. Prof Gary Craig, University of Humberside, UK, & Editor, Community Development Journal. Subscriptions per annum* Third World US$30 Rest of World US$40 Zimbabwe ZS40 * n l e ^ i n d i c a t e starting issue or year for subscriptions. Back issues available on request. Agents discount 20%. Airmail surchage US$8 per annum. Advertising rates on request, exchange advertising by arrangement. Journal of Social Development in Africa Vol 12 No 2 1997 Editorial Articles Poverty and Ageing in Zimbabwe Nyasha Madzingira S Building the Capacity of Social Workers' Associations in Africa: the Case of Zimbabwe Nigel Hall, Leontina Kanyowa & Josphat Mathe 21 Social Security in Eastern and Southern Africa: Organisation, Issues and Concepts in Modern and Traditional Arrangements Edwin Kaseke 39 Traditional Festivals in the Political Economy: The Case of Contemporary Ghana Sheilah F Clarke-Ekong 49 AIDS-risk Patterns and Knowledge of the Disease Among Street Children in Harare, Zimbabwe Linda Dube 61 Prostitutes: Vendors of Another Type Victor Muzvidziwa 75 Open and Distance Learning Systems for People with Disabilities FredZindi 91 Book Reviews The Eritrean Struggle for Independence: Domination, Resistance, Nationalism 1941-1993, Ruthlyob, The Culture of Politics in Modern Kenya, Angelique Haugerud, Children, Medicines and Culture, Patricia Bush, el al. 99 Index of Volume 11 (1996) and Volume 12 (1997) 105 List of Books Received 113 Abstracting Services 115 Journal of Social Development in Africa This Journal - published by the School of Social Work in Harare twice a year - will keep you in touch with social development initiatives across the African continent. Subscription rates are US$40 for foreign subscribers (US$30 for developing countries) or Z$40 local. We also produce a variety of other publications, including books and workshop repons on issues concerning the elderly, street kids, refugees, AIDS, social work training in Africa, social security, social policy and administration, among others. If you would like a complimentary copy of the Journal and a list of publications, please write to: The Editor Journal of Social Development in Africa School of Social Work P Bag 66022, Kopje Harare Zimbabwe Tel: 263-4-751815; 752965/6/7 Fax:263-4-751903 email: ssw@esanet.zw