JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA Editorial The Public Good and the Welfare State in Africa Howard J Karger Animal Production Level - A Measure of Social Development in Southern Africa CTKadzere Social Work Education for Social Development MGray; FMazibuko &FO'Brien Disparities in Educational Provision: Zimbabwe & South Africa Fred Zindi Role of "Theatre for Development" in Mobilising Rural Communities in Malawi E Kalipeni &. C Kamlongera Cultural Practices Associated with Death in North Nyanga District of Zimbabwe R S Drew; G Foster; J Chitima The International Year of the Family: Reflections from an African Perspective Edwin Kaseke Book Reviews Volume 11 No 1 1996 ISSN 1012—1080 1 JOURNAL OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN AFRICA School of Social Work, P/Bag 66022 Kopje, Harare, Zimbabwe The Journal publishes critical analyses of social development issues as they affect the pen and marginalised in society. It deals with concerns, especially, but not exclusively, relevai to southern Africa, and is addressed to development practitioners, social workers, planner policy makers and academics in a variety of fields such as economics, geography, politic sociology, psychology, social administration, and to other concerned individuals. Published twice annually, the Journal seeks to enhance understanding of the soci< development processes that contribute to the planning and implementation of appropriai intervention strategies at different levels. Its goal is to discover how best to target relevant an successful projects to those most in need, and how to maximise popular participation, thereb creating egalitarian and productive communities. Editor Nigel Hall Editorial Board Dr Edwin Kaseke (Chairperson), Principal, School of Social Work, Harare, Zimbabwe. Mr Jotham Dhemba, Lecturer, School of Social Work, Harare, Zimbabwe. Mrs Perpetua Gumbo, Lecturer, School of Social Work, Harare, Zimbabwe. Mr Josphat M Mathe, Redd Barna, Harare, Zimbabwe. Editorial Advisors Dr Lionel Louw, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work, University of Cape Town, Sout Africa. Prof John F Jones, Dean, Graduate School of Social Work, University of Denver, USA. Prof James Midgley, Professor of Social Work & Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Louisiana State University, USA. Prof Kwaku Osei-Hwedie, Dean, Dept. of Social Work, University of Botswana, Botswana Dr Paul Kishindo, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Sociology, Chancellor College, University of Malawi, Malawi. Dr Nana Araba Apt, Coordinator, Social Work Programme, Dept. of Sociology, University of Ghana, Ghana. Prof Gary Craig, University of Humberside, UK, & Editor, Community Development Journal. Subscriptions per annum* Third World US$30 Rest of World US$40 Zimbabwe Individuals: Z$30; Institutions: Z$40 • Please indicate starting issue or year for subscriptions. Back issues available on request Agents discount 20%. Airmail surchage US$8 per annum. Advertising rates on request, exchange advertising by arrangement. Journal of Social Development in Africa Vol 11 No 11996 Editorial Articles The Public Good and the Welfare State in Africa Howard Jacob Karger 5 Animal Production Level - A Measure of Social Development in Southern Africa CTKadzere 17 Social Work Education for Social Development M Gray; F Mazibuko & F O'Brien 33 Towards the Elimination of Disparities in Educational Provision: A Look at Zimbabwe and South Africa FredZindi 43 The Role of "Theatre for Development" in Mobilising Rural Communities for Primary Health Care: The Case of Liwonde PHC Unit in Southern Malawi Ezekiel Kalipeni & Christopher Kamlongera 53 Cultural Practices Associated with Death in the North Nyanga District of Zimbabwe and their Impact on Widows and Orphans R S Drew; G Foster & J Chitima 79 The International Year of the Family: Reflections from an Africa Perspective Edwin Kaseke 87 Book Reviews 97 State of the Environment in Southern Africa, Munyaradzi Chenje & Phyllis Johnson (ed). Social Policy and Administration in Zimbabwe, School of Social Work, Harare. Alleviating Hunger in Zimbabwe: Towards a National Food Security Strategy, M Rukuni & T S Jayne. From Another Place: Migration and the Politics of Culture, Gillian Bottomley. The Black Elderly: Satisfaction and Quality of Later Life, Marguerite Coke & James A Twaite. Markets, Civil Society and Democracy in Kenya, Peter Gibbon (ed). List of Books Received 111 Abstracting Services and Index 113 K Han Som s e Zel newl Publisher titles froms -1995 Bernth Lindfors Black African Literature in English, 1987-1991 708pp April 1995 O5.00/$12S.OO cased ISBN 1-873836-16-3 (Bibliographical Research in African literatures, 3) Benjamin Nunez Dictionary of Portuguese-African Civilization Volume 1: From Discovery to Independence SSSpp April 1995 i65.OOISU0.OO cased ISBN 1-873836-10-4 Hans Zell & Cecile Lomer Publishing and Book Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1960-1994: An Annotated Bibliography ca320vp July 1995 a>.E48.OO/S85.OO cased ISBN 1-873836-46-5 (Studies in Publishing, 3) Published in association with the African Publishers' Network (APNEJ), Harare, Zimbabwe Kole Omotoso Achebe or Soyinka? A Re-Interpretation and a Study in Contrasts ca.240pp July 1995 ca.£45.00/$85.00 cased ISBN 0-905450-38-8 (New Perspectives on African Literature, 3) Louis Taussig Resource Guide to Travel in Sub-Saharan Africa Volume 1 Central and Southern Africa (and Indian Ocean Islands) ca.400pp October 1995 caS75.00IS125.O0 cased (Resource Guides to Travel, 2) ISBN 1-873836-45-7 HansZell The African Studies Companion: A Resource Guide and Directory 2nd recited edition ca.l92pp November 1995 ca.£3930/$65.00 cased ISBN 1-873836-41-4 HANS ZELL PUBLISHERS An imprint of Bowker-Saur Ltd. Orders to: Customer Services Department, Bowker-Saur Ltd., Maypole House, Maypole Road, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH191HH, UK Tel: +44 (0)1342 330100 Fax:+44 (0) 1342 330198 / 330190 E=mail: Recently published: Louis Taussig Resource Guide to Travel in Sub-Saharan Africa Volume 1: East and West Africa 408pp 1994 C.75.0OIS125.00 cased ISBN 1-873836-45-7 (Resource Guides to Travel, 1) "...this is undoubtedly a work of distinction. It is a firs in its field and it sets a high standard. It will be invaluable to the independent traveller and a vital addition t< Library reference shelves." - West Africa Nancy ]. Schmidt Sub-Saharan African Films and Filmmakers: An Annotated Bibliography, 1987-1992 418pp 1994 C48.00IS80.00 cased ISBN 1-873836-21-X "Film is an especially important medium in Africa, am this is an impressive attempt to make available ib accompanyingpublished literature."- Reference Review. Yvette Scheven Bibliographies for African Studies, 1987-1993 198pp 1994 142.OOIS70.00 cased ISBN 1-873836-51-1 Philip Baker (comp.) International Directory of African Studies Research/Repertoire International des Etudes Africaines 3rd revised and expanded edition Edited by the International African Institute 344pp 1994 E95.00IS150M cased ISBN 1-873836-36-8 Michael Mann & Valerie Sanders A Bibliography of African Language Texts. In the Collections of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, to 1963 448pp 1994 £68.00/5105.00 ISBN 1-873836-31-7 (Documentary Research in African Literatures, 3) In the USA and Canada order from: K.G. Saur/Reed Reference Publishing, 121 Chanlon Road, New Providence, NJ 07974 Tet 908 464 6800 Fax: 908 464 3553 Editorial, and manuscript proposals: Hans ZeU Publishers, PO Box 56, Oxford OX12SJ, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1865 511428 Fax: +44 (0) 1865 311534