150 Notes for Contributors NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS The African Journal of Political Science is an externally refereed journal published twice a year - June and December. Contributions, which may be submitted in English or French, should be not more than 8,000 words. The author's name, rank, institutional affiliation and address should be on the title page, separate from the manuscipt, to ensure anonymity in the review process. Diagrams, graphs, etc., accompanying a manuscript should come camera-ready to avoid delays in production. All contributions should be submitted on a diskette [5i" or 3.5"], preferably in Microsoft Word or WP 5.0, 5.1, 6.0 or 6.1, accompanied by a copy of the manuscript. Presentation Manuscripts should be typed double-spaced on A4 paper, single-sided and page numbered. Paragraphs should be indented by one cm unless after a heading when they should be full out to the left margin. All headings should be left unnumbered and unlettered. Main heading - bold, lower case (with initial caps) full out. Sub-heading - bold, italic, lower case (with initial caps), set flush left, as shown in the following examples: Models of Policy Dialogue Sample Corporatism - Sample of Size Technocracy: Sample of Style With gender, generally avoid "he" and "she" unless referring to a specific person or the sex of a person is relevant. Avoid "he/she". Numbers - spell out numbers up to ten but use figures above except for: A sequence of stated quantities, numbers, ages Percentages Measurements Money Decimals Dates - February 1981 or 12 February 2001 - NOT the 1st of February, 1981, February 1st 1981, or February 25, 1999. Use 1990s NOT 1990's. Latin words and phrases, as well as those in languages other than English, to be in italics. Ships - names in italics. All references to books and articles should be identified in the text by the surname of the author, year of publication placed in parentheses, for example: (Mendy 1994: 95). If the author is mentioned in the sentence or section only the date of publication of the book or article and page reference should be given. Where there is more than one reference to the same author with materials published in the same year the Notes for Contributors 151 references should be distinguished sequentially as, for example: (Mendy, 1994a: 95, 1994b: 100-120). Short quotations should be distinguished by double quotation marks (" "), but quotations of more than three lines should be indented and separated from the main paragraph. These do not need quotation marks. End Notes (no footnotes) should be kept to a minimum, numbered consecutively, and placed at the end of the text. This should be followed by a list of References arranged alphabetically, with the surname of the author first, followed by initials, date of publication, full title of book (in italics), place of publication and name of publisher. For journal articles, the author's surname and initials should precede the date of publication, full title of article, name of journal (in italics), volume number and page reference(s). Examples References Eyoh, D. (1996). "From Economic Crisis to Political Liberalization: Pitfalls of the New Political Sociology for Africa", African Studies Review, Vol. 39, No. 3, December. Makandawire, T. (1996). "Stylizing Accumulation in African Countries and the Role of the State in Policy Making", in M. Lundhal and B. J. Ndulu (eds), New Directions in Development Economics, London and New York: Routledge. Shivji, I. (1976). Class Struggles in Tanzania, Dar es Salaam: Tanzania Publishing House. Research Notes - should be brief and focused primarily on expatiating on a point (or points) arising from current research. Review Essay - should cover substantial literature regarding a particular issue or issues. Include a 200-250-word abstract and a signed Declaration that the manuscript has been neither published elsewhere nor sent for consideration by any other journal. All correspondence should be addressed to: The Editor, AJPS African Association of Political Science PO BOX 13995, The Tramshed 0126 Pretoria SOUTH AFRICA Tel: 27-12-326-1724 Fax: 27-12-326-1725 e-mail: program@aaps.org.za website: http://www.aaps.org.za 152 Author African Journal of Political Science (formerly African Journal of Political Economy) Revue Africaine de Science Politique Vol. 8 No. 1 June 2003 A Journal of the African Association of Political Science, it is published two times a year (June and December). Articles in the AJPS represent neither the views of the African Association of Political Science (AAPS) nor its officers. Responsibility for opinions or views expressed, and the accuracy of facts presented and published rests solely with the individual authors concerned. © African Association of Political Science, June 2003 Printed by: Dyason Design & Print, PO Box 3205, Pretoria, 0001 Design & Layout by Al Graphics, PO Box 73016, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040 Acting Editor: Musa Abutudu Editorial Board Oyeleye Oyediran — University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria Ruth Iyob — University of Missouri-St. Louis, Missouri, USA Patricia McFadden — SAPES Trust, Harare, Zimbabwe Onalenna Selolwane — Dept. of Sociology, U. of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana Luc Sindjoun — University of Yaounde II, Yaounde, Cameroon Eboe Hutchful — Wayne State University, Detroit, USA Michael Chege — Centre for African Studies, U. of Florida, USA Editorial Advisory Board Okwudiba Nnoli Ibbo Mandaza Dani W. Nabudere Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja Helmy Sharawi L. Adele Jinadu Abdoulaye Bathily Rwekaza Mukandala Subscription: African Institutions US$20 per issue (airmail) Non-African Institutions US$25 per issue (airmail) Individual (Non-AAPS Members) US$20 per issue (airmail) AAPS acknowledges the support of the Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries (SIDA/SAREC) and Ford Foundation All enquiries about subscription and related matters should be addressed to: The Editor, African Journal of Political Science, Nipilar House, Cnr Hamilton and Vermeulen Streets, Arcadia, Pretoria P.O. Box 13995, The Tramshed 0126 Pretoria South Africa Tel: 27-12-326-1724 Fax: 27-12-326-1725 e-mail: program@aaps.org.za