AFRICA POLITICAL SCIENCE REVUE AFRICAINE DE SCIENCE POLITIQUE Volume «S ISSN 1027 0353 June -1 Number 1 African Journal of Political Science (formerly African Journal of Political Economy) Revue Africaine de Science Politique Vol. 8 No. 1 June 2003 A Journal of the African Association of Political Science, it is published two times a year (June and December). Articles in the AJPS represent neither the views of the African Association of Political Science (AAPS) nor its officers. Responsibility for opinions or views expressed, and the accuracy of facts presented and published rests solely with the individual authors concerned. © African Association of Political Science, June 2003 Printed by: Dyason Design & Print, PO Box 3205, Pretoria, 0001 Design & Layout by Al Graphics, PO Box 73016, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040 Acting Editor: Musa Abutudu Editorial Board Oyeleye Oyediran — University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria Ruth Iyob — University of Missouri-St. Louis, Missouri, USA Patricia McFadden — SAPES Trust, Harare, Zimbabwe Onalenna Selolwane — Dept. of Sociology, U. of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana Luc Sindjoun — University of Yaounde II, Yaounde, Cameroon Eboe Hutchful — Wayne State University, Detroit, USA Michael Chege — Centre for African Studies, U. of Florida, USA Editorial Advisory Board Okwudiba Nnoli Ibbo Mandaza Dani W. Nabudere Georges Nzongola-Ntalaja Helmy Sharawi L. Adele Jinadu Abdoulaye Bathily Rwekaza Mukandala Subscription: African Institutions US$20 per issue (airmail) Non-African Institutions US$25 per issue (airmail) Individual (Non-AAPS Members) US$20 per issue (airmail) AAPS acknowledges the support of the Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries (SIDA/SAREC) and Ford Foundation All enquiries about subscription and related matters should be addressed to: The Editor, African Journal of Political Science, Nipilar House, Cnr Hamilton and Vermeulen Streets, Arcadia, Pretoria P.O. Box 13995, The Tramshed 0126 Pretoria South Africa Tel: 27-12-326-1724 Fax: 27-12-326-1725 e-mail: program® African Journal of Political Science (formerly African Journal of Political Economy) Revue Africaine de Science Politique Vol. 8 No. 1 June 2003 CONTENTS/SOMMAIRE Towards the Establishment of a Pan-African University: A strategic Concept Paper Dani W. Nabudere Does Pan-Africanism Have a Future in Africa? In Search of the Ideational Basis of Afro-Pessimism Abubakar Momoh Deconstructing Ujamaa: The legacy of Julius Nyerere in the Quest for Social and Economic Development in Africa Bonny Ibhawoh and J. I. Dibua Political Culture and Democratic Governance in Southern Africa Khabele Matlosa Public Service Accountability and Governance in Kenya since Independence C. Odhiambo-Mbai Book Review: Douglas H. Johnson, The Root Causes of Sudan's Civil Wars Notes for Contributors