Woman to Woman: WecwingCultures, ShcpingHistory \ Ndidi Dike Akaraka, 1999 pyrog raved wood Women to Women is an exhibition of visual art produced in a wide variety of media by four artists who are currently working in Nigeria or in exile abroad. Curated by noted African art historian Dr. dele jegede, this exhibition is designed to promote cultural dialogue within American communities and to involve them in an appreciation of perspectives that may be both unfamiliar and challenging to them. In particular, it will foster understanding of the role of women in contemporary Nigerian society and bring about insights regarding ongoing social, political and economic changes in Africa. The sculptures, drawings, paintings and textiles in this vivid exhibition are a testimony to the ability of Nigerian women to design a triumphant course in the face of adversity wrought by an oppressive military regime. A scholarly catalog and video documentary will be produced in conjunction with this exhibition to further accentuate the artists' voices and acknowledge the industriousness and creativity of Nigerian women. Slide set available on request. Traveling Exhibition University Art Gallery Indiana State University CURATOR dele jegede, Ph. D.,Associate Professor of Art History at Indiana State University ARTISTS FEATURED Sokari Douglas Camp Ndidi Dike Marcia Kure Atelier lyabo Abiola OBJECTS More than 40 total, including paintings, drawings, sculpture, and textiles. Also several photo murals of African women producing and wearing traditional textiles. SUPPORT MATERIALS Scholarly catalog and video documentary SPACE REQUIRED 2,000-2,500 square feet SECURITY High level PARTICIPATION FEE $4,000 (incoming shipping charges incurred) TOUR DATES •November 2-30, 2000: Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN. •January 19- February 25, 2001: Tarble Arts Center, Charleston, IL •September 9- October 15, 2001: Hearst Art Gallery, Moraga, CA Available March-August 2001 for 4 to 6 week display periods CONTACT Stephanie Doty, Acting Director, University Art Gallery at 812.237.3787 ardoty@ruby.indstate.edu