he recollects, were quick to adopt the unsettling epithet 'Molla' him, meaning 'Mallam'. Which was a comment of cultural and social alienation. With the ever-enlarging community of Nigerians in Great Britain and even the ZIMBABWE Th exceptionall Boo e Zimbabw k Fair ha y e wel Internationa s becom l publicize e an d l collectio Africa housed n wit publishing n o h Han f document s Zell' , whic s invaluabl s relate h wil e d l b an t d o e concept dominatio and 'laypeople' s fo n o r th f importe e consumptio . In th d e textbook ligh n o t o f pupil f s th in e s Africa, this was useful for local and and popular annual event in Harare and the 1994 Fair was no exception. It has been described as a 'crossroads for world literary cultures' and is rapidly expanding in terms of breadth of participation and trade opportunity. The facts are as follows: two hundred and twenty-six exhibitors, four hundred publishers represented, thirty-eight countries represented, one thousand and one hundred trade visitors on trade days, and estimated business transacted - over Z$2 million. Two traders-only days were introduced last year, after suggestions were put forward in 1993, to facilitate the setting up of contacts and the transaction of business which is surely one of the central aims of a book fair. The fact that thirty-three thousand members of the public visited the ZIBF may be impressive, but the real success of the fair should be judged by what came out of it in concrete publishing terms, by the results of the activities and events that were organized. These were extensive: ZIBF served as the venue for an African Publishers Network (APNET) Board meeting. Such meetings are vital, given the diverse geographical locations of its members. The APNET Publishing Resource Centre was officially launched. APNET has been compiling its own transformation of parts of cosmopolitan London to an extension of Nigeria, a writer like Biyi has useful reminders of life at home almost on a daily basis, coupled with the vast library he has managed to keep for himself. He is equally undaunted by the uneasy feeling unique collection. This was shipped to Harare last year. Forty-two South African publishers were represented - an appropriate influx following the political events in that country. They included multinationals, independent presses and small innovative publishers. The opening up of South Africa and the spreading of its publishing wings beyond its borders must impact on African publishing soon. Contact with South African publishers should make this a positive and effective 3] Friday 28 July — Saturday 5 August impact. The First African Rights Indaba was held on the twodays preceding the fair. This was a crucial meeting . which should practically affect African publishing in terms of rights protection and trading in rights and licences. Publishers were strongly encouraged to look into selling rights overseas as well as buying the rights to publish overseas books here. ZIBF '95 will host a buyers/ sellers meeting and there are also plans for a Phase Two Indaba. A Writers' Workshop was held to support the theme of Science and Technology. Its title was Accessible Science and tackled the problems of the writer in verbalizing complex scientific. of producing almost exclusively for a foreign world and culture, seeing that the whole universe itself is merging, metamorphosing into one unitary and homogeneous fold, more anxious than ever to learn about life in lands beyond their immediate surroundings. [GR! regional writers whose books need to be relevant but also professional. The Fair was visited by a twenty-sevenperson British publishers' outward mission which was en route to South Africa. This will result in more international publicity. IGRI 1 ZIBf 95 1i ia B||Bl|Bl[Bl[BI|Bl|Bl|Bl|BI|Bl|Bl|Bl|BliB Applications are invited for participation in the 1995 ZIBF sponsored exhibitors programme. Applicants should be prepared to participate in a full 3-year development programme during which their participation at the ZIBF will be on a sliding scale ranging from total sponsorship to waiving of stand fees only. Interested parties can obtain application forms from: ZIBF 78 Kaguvi Street Harare Zimbabwe. Early application is advised to avoid disappointment. II 111I5115I15115115115115115I15I15115