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Characteristic (Partial Differential Equation)

Paths in a 2-D plane used to transform Partial Differential Equations into systems of Ordinary Differential Equations. They were invented by Riemann. For an example of the use of characteristics, consider the equation


Now let $u(s)=u(x(s),t(s))$. Since

{du\over ds}={dx\over ds}u_x+{dt\over ds}u_t,

it follows that ${dt/ds}=1$, $ {dx/ds}=-6u$, and $ {du/ds}=0$. Integrating gives $t(s)=s$, $x(s)=-6su_0(x)$, and $u(s)=u_0(x)$, where the constants of integration are 0 and $u_0(x)=u(x,0)$.

© 1996-9 Eric W. Weisstein