Digital and Multimedia Center


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Your search did not retrieve any records.
Click here to return to the search page to enter a new search.

Basic Search Hints and Examples:
- Type the most important words, like white grub control instead of natural language phrases such as How do I control white grubs in turf?
- Type a phrase like golf carts without quotation marks around the phrase
- Typing only part of the search word without using asterisks to retrieve all forms of the word may produce better results. For example, typing fertili will automatically be truncated, finding fertilizer fertilization fertilisation fertility etc.
- If you wish to use Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT), press the Guided Search button. If you are an experienced searcher, press the Power Search button
- When searching for two or more topics, put semicolons between them. For example, if you type winterkill; cold tolerance, TGIF will retrieve everything about winterkill OR cold tolerance
Since the presence of all words entered in the search line will be searched (golf carts will search for records with golf AND carts), avoid using plus and minus signs in your search.
- Avoid searching for "stop words" (words which are so common in the dataset that they are removed from the search), such as turfgrass, turf, and grass

Guided Search Hint: If you used one or more of the limiting check- or drop-boxes, consider removing the least important one(s) to increase your hits.
