Bayly, Mrs. Mary. (n.d.)

No biographical information was available for this author but the publication record would indicate that she is English or published in London. Some other works by the same author are listed below.

  1. Workmen and their Difficulties, London, 1861.
  2. Ragged Homes and how to mend them, 1862.
  3. Lancashire Homes, and what ails them, London, 1863.
  4. (ed) Ministering Women and the London Poor, London, 1870.
  5. Long Evenings, and Work to do in them, London, 1874.
  6. The Story of our English Bible and what it Cost, London, 1883.
  7. Life of Mrs. Sewell, (Author of Mother's Last Word,) London, 1888.

Kirk, John Foster. Allibone's Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1891. 112.